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What To Eat After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is among the most popular bariatric surgery, with the number of those who are choosing to undergo the procedure doubling since 2001 to 2003. The American Society of Bariatric Surgery, estimates the number to be 140,000 annually. This procedure is primarily done to resolve issues of morbid obesity and the diseases associated with it.

In gastric bypass surgery, a small pouch is created in the stomach. This small pouch is stapled and the small intestines upper portion is also attached to this small pouch. The middle section of the small intestine is attached to the rest of the stomach. Food will bypass the rest of the stomach and the rest of the small intestine. Te stomach will be in smaller size which would make it full faster. Less calories will be absorbed.

This procedure would require diet change. Since the digestive system is altered or shortened, every food intake would be valuable. Some common side effects brought by the surgery is nutritional deficiency like anemia and osteoporosis. This is why it is important for patients to follow a different diet and take mineral and vitamin supplements.

The special gastric bypass diet would make sure that weight loss will be maintained over time. It would normally involve high protein food. Foods high in protein would ensure that new tissues are being built and the wounds are healing properly. Ideal high protein foods will be low in fat like red meat, chicken or turkey without skin, fish, eggs and cottage cheese.

Sugar and fat is among the foods that are avoided. Gastric bypass diet would involve food low in sugar and fat. Sugary foods are high in calories and fat. Fat is difficult to digest. Consuming too much sugar could also result to the Dumping syndrome that has nausea, dizziness, vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea as symptoms. The body could also react the same way to too much fat. Foods with too much fat and sugar, anyway, do not have sufficient nutrients that would be essential to the body.

Foods high in fiber are also limited in gastric bypass diet. Fibers could block the stomach, small intestine and would require more gastric acid to digest it. A doctors approval is needed before ingesting any laxative or fiber pills.

This change is not done immediately. There are stages in a gastric bypass diet. Clear liquids would be the first stage. For the first two days, clear liquids like water, sugar-free juice, clear broth and no fizz soda are consumed in small amounts. Within the first two weeks, low-fat, high protein liquids are ingested. It is important to also take chewable multivitamins during this stage.

Doctors would determine when would be the suitable time for the patient to progress to soft or puree diet. Some would be able to eat after two weeks, while others would have to wait longer than that. Some people who are in this stage would sometimes resort to eating strained baby foods. While others would prefer eating soft foods like scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese, blenderized lean meats, etc.

Two months after the surgery, the patient could now start eating regular diet, starting with high-protein food. Food consumed should be in small amounts. Remember that the stomach is reduced in size. After the gastric bypass, the stomach could accommodate about an ounce of food. Eventually, it could stretch and hold about 4 to 8 ounces or a cup to half a cup of food.

One thing that people should be conscious of would be overeating. Gastric bypass surgery can make the stomach smaller, however this does not affect the overall attitude to eating. People could result to overeating because of genetics or emotions. Lifestyle change is important. Overeating could cause regaining the lost weight, expansion of the pouch, and in worst cases rupture of the stomach.

There are many support groups, education, and counselling available to help deal patients with these difficulties.

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The Benefits Of Gastric Bypass

Gastric surgery is one of the most common weight-loss surgeries, in the United States alone about 140,000 procedures are conducted yearly. There are people who have undergone surgery would report about 60% of improvement in their body weight. There are others, who would report as much as 80% of weight loss.

The effects of the surgery would be most felt after a year, where most patients would report to be at their lowest weight. However, there could still be tendencies that the lost weight may be regained especially if the dietary and exercise recommendations are not followed. After all, reducing your food intake is not the only way to lose weight and maintain it.

Gastric bypass is a procedure done to address issues of severe obesity. There are associated conditions with obesity like diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea and the gastroesophageal reflux disease. There are about 80% of patients with hypertension will be off medication significant time after the surgery. The same goes for 90% of diabetic patients who will not be dependent on insulin.

It could even reduce the patients risk of having heart disease and cancer. Because of the weight loss, gastric bypass surgery could help a person improve mobility and flexibility. Gastric bypass surgery could lessen asthma attacks and reducing dependence to medication or inhaler. Arthritis, fatigue, joint pain and shortness of breath due to physical movements are also reduced by weight loss brought by surgery.

Being extremely overweight could have significant effect on the bladder and other organs of the body. They get too much pressure increasing stress incontinence. It could also cause hormonal problems which could lead to infertility. There are studies showing that after undergoing the bypass, 90% of infertility is restored.

Because of the weight-loss, there are patients who claimed that they increased their confidence and well-being is improved. There are studies showing that those who have undergone surgery would usually experience depression and anxiety. Counselling and support would help the individual to recover and the psychological effects could be lessened or could disappear.

The National Institute of Health, said that patients who have undergone bypass showed dramatic and sustained improvements in how they live their lives. They were able to go beyond the results of weight loss and improve their over-all life. They have higher self- esteem and higher energy levels after the surgery.

For example, gastric bypass surgeries that have been performed to obese teens were able to improve the quality of life within six months, some studies say. Aside from weight loss, their health improves and starts to become appropriate for their age. They were also able to socialize better and deal with peer pressure.

However, it is important to understand that aside from the numerous benefits you can get from gastric bypass surgeries, there are also risks just like any other medical intervention or surgery. Morbidly obese patients have higher risks in surgeries compared with those who are not morbidly obese. It is important to weigh our options before we proceed to any procedure.

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Instant and Long-Term Weight Loss with Gastric Bypass Surgery

Want to lose weight but afraid to go under the knife? Listen up. Your long-time battle with the bulge will end for good with one solutiongastric bypass surgery. It involves changing the digestive system to change your appetite; that way, you eat and digest less amount of food. Aside from the significant weight loss, the surgery also helps minimize the risk of developing obesity-related diseases.

Also called the Roux-en-Y surgery, the procedure primarily entails making a walnut-sized pouch at the upper stomach and putting a bypass around a portion of the small intestine and the stomach. Consequently, the food you eat bypasses most of the stomach and restricts the ability of your digestive system to take in calories. Hence, the term bypass surgery. Surgeons perform this operation using a small tube called a laparoscope that creates small incisions in the abdomen.

A small video camera is attached on the instrument, and this device enables the surgeon to see the inside of the abdomen. The laparoscopic technique is generally preferred over the traditional open bypass surgery that makes large incisions in the abdomen. Compared to the open bypass surgery, the laparoscopic technique is less risky and less painful because of the small incisions. Also, it results in shorter recovery period.

The procedure starts with the stapling of the patients stomach at the top to seal this area off from the rest of the stomach. As a result, the sealed portion or the pouch will be able to contain only an ounce of food. Separated from the entire stomach, the pouch is then connected to a small part of the small intestine. To be able to achieve that, the surgeon cuts a small part of the small intestine and sews it onto the pouch.

The surgery is not for everyone, though. There are certain risks involved; and a prospective patient must understand them before undergoing the surgery. If you plan to undergo the weight loss surgery, consult a surgeon and ask all your concerns regarding the procedure. Usually, the surgeon explains the things you should expect during and after the surgery.

Before the surgery, you will be given anesthetics to keep you asleep during the operation. The anesthesia is usually in the form of an intravenous (IV) line or analgesics. During the procedure, the surgeon inserts a tube into your nose down to the top of the stomach. To heal the staple line on the stomach, the tube is joined to a suction machine that empties the stomach pouch after the surgery. The surgery lasts for about two to four hours, but you will need to stay in the hospital for around three to five days for recovery.

Expect some diet and lifestyle changes after the weight loss surgery. One to three days after the procedure, you will not eat anything to allow your stomach to heal. Then, for about three months, you will follow a diet that starts with liquids, progresses to soft and pureed foods, and lastly to regular foods. You will have to be cautious with your food intake because eating huge meals can cause extreme pain under the breastbone and vomiting.

Also, you will notice some changes in your body and behavior three to six months after the gastric bypass surgery. These include dry skin, hair thinning, fatigue, body pains, and mood swings. These will be your bodys reactions to the quick weight loss resulting from the surgery.

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How to Avoid Weight Gain after Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a procedure that leads to a significant body weight loss. About 75 to 90 percent of excess weight (or about 100 lbs.) is eliminated, thanks to this safe and effective surgery. Usually, weight loss occurs within a year and a half after the surgery. The procedure basically involves reducing the size of the stomach so that the patient will not be able to eat as much food as he did before the operation. That way, overeating and taking in calorie-rich foods are prevented.

But unfortunately, regaining weight is possible several years after the weight loss surgery. Most patients keep on losing weight until achieving their ideal weight within one to three years after the procedure. Have you undergone weight loss surgery? It is likely that you lose much weight in one year, only to have the excess weight back. That usually happens to patients who do not follow the recommended food intake and the necessary lifestyle changes following the surgery. Good thing, there are several steps you can do to avoid gaining weight ever again. Read on the following tips to get the most out of your weight loss surgery.

* Stop eating when you are full. Eating more food than your stomach can hold will result in not only weight gain, but also pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness. Also, avoid eating when you are not really hungry.

* Avoid going back to your old, unhealthy habits. Binging or comfort eating are just some of the causes of weight gain and obesity. Sure, old habits die hard. But if you cannot resist the urge to overeat, then your weight loss surgery is as good as useless.

* Find some ways to deal with stress, anxiety, loneliness, and other emotions that lead to binge eating. Seek help from a professional such as a psychotherapist to be able to curb negative emotions that trigger incessant food cravings.

* Make sure to follow the diet plan designed for you. The diet recommended for people who have undergone weight loss surgery includes foods that are low in fat and sugar. Now, if you eat sugar- or fat-rich foods, then expect your weight to increase again.

* Follow an exercise program. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, walking, jogging, and other physical activities to keep your body and mood in great shape.

* See your doctor. If you notice that you are gaining weight at any point after your surgery, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the reasons for your weight gain. Your weight gain may be due to medical causes such as a disease, and the doctor can help you find solutions to stop the problem. On the other hand, some instances of weight gain after surgery are caused by a patients diet or fitness routine. Your doctor can also help you determine those problems and suggest changes or adjustments to your eating habits and regular workouts to stop your weight gain.

Remember, nothing beats a healthy diet and consistent exercise regime to make sure that you maintain an ideal healthy weight years after your gastric bypass surgery. Do not forget to always consult your doctor whenever you encounter health problems. Doing so gives you the peace of mind that you will not have to deal with obesity problems ever again.

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