Healthy Weight Loss
Healthy Weight Loss
David McCormick
I am Mr. Weightless, and though I may be a superhero, and I may be immune to heart disease and cancer, still Mr. Weightless can catch a cold. Being fit means that it is very rare that I get sick, but a virus is a virus, and I caught a cold. Although I felt miserable, there came some good of it, because I came to a realization that will simplify how you can think about good health and weight loss: Take the advice for the sick, even while you’re well.
Why Is This Advice for the Ill?
All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. How we came to ignore these positive factors in our daily lives, I don’t know.
In our society, we have a tendency to put off what is most healthy because we think it is inconvenient. When we get sick and can’t perform our “more important” jobs, then we make the decision to do what is best for the body. If we took these simple pieces of advice in our regular routines, we would be sick fewer days. So for those who think their work is more important than their health… if you take care of your health first, you’ll be able to work longer and take fewer sick days, so you’ll accomplish more work!
Prevent Disease and Lose Weight with the Best Diet for Men
Fluid Intake
“Drink plenty of fluids” is the thing everybody says whenever someone says they have a cold. Drinking water and natural fruit juices is so easy, yet most people don’t do it. There are a myriad of benefits to drinking water all day, which you can find in my article on Water. Drink a lot of water all day. The improvements to your digestion, energy balance, joint health, skin health and the function of virtually every organ will astonish you. You will start losing weight right away when you drink at least your quota of 8 glasses of water per day. And there is no danger of drinking too much water, so you don’t need to keep track or count glasses, just keep drinking it.
Natural fruit juices are also great for you. They contain sugars to give you energy, but won’t dehydrate you like caffeine will. They also contain all of the other vitamins and nutrients from the fruits themselves. In the case of citrus fruits, like oranges, vitamin C comes in high concentrations. We’ll get to the vitamins in the next section. Other juices are good for different reasons, but remember that there is no such thing as a “bad” natural fruit juice. Many natural juices are also fortified with calcium, which is another excellent nutrient that will not only strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis when you grow older, but it is also related to fat loss.
No matter how good the label looks, do not drink artificial fruit-flavoured juice, because those only contain sugar, water and flavouring.
Vitamins and Herbs
Many people suggest high doses of vitamin C to cure the common cold. It is such a good nutrient, it should be taken daily, whether you’re sick or not. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is known to boost the immune system, which is why it is recommended for treatment of the common cold. But a good immune system is always beneficial; it is better to prevent getting a cold by having a strong immune system than to treat it once you’re sick. Vitamin C is also a most powerful antioxident, which means that it prevents all sorts of cellular decay and counteracts cancer-causing carcinogens. Finally, vitamin C boosts the production of adrenaline, which will boost your feeling of wakefulness, energy and speed your metabolism, supporting weight loss.
Vitamin C is not the only supplement that sick people are told to take. My mother is particularly fond of echinacea. This is an herb that also boosts the immune system. It has proven effective in treating the common cold, but unlike vitamin C, it does not show a significant effect on healthy people.
Taking a multivitamin everyday that contains high doses of vitamin C, as well as a full complement of other vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients is a positive step for anyone. It is virtually impossible to get every nutrient that you should every day unless you take a multivitamin. For those attempting to lose body fat by reducing their food intake, it becomes essential. Not only will you replace the nutrients you’re not getting from your restricted diet, you’re also packing in those nutrients that can speed up your weight loss.
The best multivitamins and nutritional supplements can be found on the Diet Products page.
Chicken Noodle Soup and Other Good Food
When you’re sick, you may have a friend who offers to take care of you and make you some chicken noodle soup. There are a lot of theories about why chicken soup may be good for you when you have a cold. Some say that it’s just the steam and hot liquid that opens up the airways; others claim that it inhibits neutrophils, white blood cells responsible for inflammation. My theory is simpler: chicken noodle and chicken vegetable soups are just good food, and should be consumed regularly. In a tasty meal, you’ve got protein from the chicken, carbs from the noodles and/or vegetables, spices and seasoning that have herbal benefits, and the chicken fat as well. A good rule of thumb is to eat simple, good food that has these properties.
An easier, faster way to get such a balanced meal (more complete than even chicken soup) is to have a meal replacement for two meals a day. These can be found on the Products page, click here.
The final and most important ingredient to beating a cold is rest. Of everything discussed in this article, it is also the element that most modern men disregard. Even when sick, we tend to get up and do some work, rather than concentrating on getting well. Sleep is the time your body and mind recuperate from the day’s activities. Without sufficient sleep, your body cannot heal properly, and your mind cannot function properly. There have been some studies that show that sleep deprivation can lead to overeating and obesity, due to the elevation of certain hormones.
Sleep recommendations have varied tremendously in all the studies done. Most people today believe that 8 hours is the optimum duration of sleep. However, some adults can’t bring themselves to sleep longer than 6 hours, and many will sleep for 10 if not awoken by an alarm. The need for sleep steadily declines throughout your life. A baby can sleep as much as 18 hours a day, but it will come at odd times until their rhythms match their parents. So, it seems like they never sleep because they’re always crying in the middle of the night, but they’re sleeping a lot of the rest of the time. In contrast, the elderly awake early and frequently cannot fall asleep until very late. Some may nap frequently, but in all, they are awake far longer than most adults.
The amount of sleep any person needs seems to be quite individualistic. To find your perfect sleep duration, try waking up at the same time every day for work, but go to bed one half-hour earlier each night. You may not feel comfortable right away, but you’ll probably fall asleep within 10 minutes. Eventually, you will find a time that is ideal in that you will fall asleep easily and wake up feeling really energetic. On a weekend, you can test your theory by going to bed when you feel tired, and not set an alarm to wake you. When you wake up, write a note of the time you first woke up (in case you want to sleep in further). Then it is a simple matter to figure out how long your body wants to sleep.
Sleep is not the only component of rest. People will actually tell you to “take it easy” to help you recover. This is also a good idea for everyday life, not only when you’re ill. Learn to take time every day to relax. There have been many books and studies on the benefits of meditation. None that I know of relate meditation to weight loss, but it is related to a reduction of stress. Lower stress levels will reduce your risk of heart disease, and if you’re an “emotional eater”, then reducing your stress through meditation can be a big step towards weight loss.
Feeling Under the Weather?
Until you become weightless, like me, you’ll be “under the weather” because the clouds are above you. So, every day behave as if you’re under the weather: drink plenty of fluids, especially water and natural fruit juices; take a multivitamin and the proven herbal health boosters; eat natural food in good proportions; and get adequate sleep, including meditation or some form of relaxation.
Article Originally Posted: Healthy Weight Loss
About the Author
David “Mr. Weightless” McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products, the best weight loss program for men. All articles are available in full for FREE, with no banners, no pop-ups and no registration. Wait Less for Weight Loss, visit the Fast Weight Loss Diet for Men
Tags: Author, cancer;, Cold Drinking Water, common cold, David Mccormick, disease, Energy And Vitality, Energy Balance, energy;, food intake;, food;, founder, Glasses Of Water Per Day, Good Health, greater energy, Health Skin, Healthy Weight Loss, heart disease;, inflammation, Joint Health, Losing Weight, Lot Of Water, McCormick, Meditation, Myriad, Natural Food, Natural Fruit Juices, obesity;, osteoporosis;, Quota, Realization, Relaxation, Sick Days, Skin Health, sleep deprivation, Superhero, Weightless, Weightless Products —

A Healthy Diet For Life
A Healthy Diet For Life
Namita Nayyar
Having established that your body needs a well balanced diet, with a good supply of carbohydrates, especially high – fiber foods, water vitamins and minerals, and a certain amount of protein, fat and bacteria, you need to know how to put it into practice.
Much media attention is focused on foods that one should not have, yet there has been very little to tell women how they can use food to enhance their life rather than make it more difficult. Forget the labels; every figure is relative and food manufacturers are frequently very selective about what they tell you, making your task of deciding what is right for you an impossible one. Instead build your choices on the following guidelines.
Before you put anything in your mouth, ask yourself three questions: Do I want it/ Do I like it/ Do I need it?
If you want it and like it then go ahead and enjoy it, if you dont why bother wasting the eating experience? Throw all the boring, unnecessary eating out of your life.
The worst thing you can do with food is to feel guilty about eating it. If you have eaten something that you know is not the healthier but you really fancied it or were in a situation where you didnt have any choice, enjoy it an forget about it. Dont beat yourself up with guilt. Guilt is a negative emotion, which is likely to lead you to bingeing on comfort foods. This can then get you into a negative sugar or salt cycle in which you eat more of these foods, which in turn makes you feel even more guilty. You might then decide its not worth continuing with you healthy eating lifestyle. It is always worth persevering. Remember that life is for living and food is there to help us, not hinder us.
This provides your body with a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, to maintain your body in peak condition to fight diseases. Fiber helps your food to move effectively through the body, keeps you feeling pleasantly full and satisfied and in control of your eating habits, and your energy levels steady.
This is usually made up of one main meal, a smaller snack or lunch-type meal and breakfast. You may, however, feel that you need two smaller snacks, such as a piece of fruit, a small sandwich or a piece of cake, in between two smaller meals. It all depends on your body rhythms. Meals should be based on carbohydrates, such as pasta, whole-meal bread, wholegrain cereals, rice or potatoes, along with fruits and/or vegetables. The main meal should include a source of lean protein, along with carbohydrate and plenty of vegetables and fruits.
Fish, shellfish, lean red meat, game, poultry, eggs or pulses meet your bodys protein requirements without overloading on fats.
You can use butter, olive oil, sesame oil or walnut oil to enhance the flavor of your food or for cooking, but do try to keep the quantity low.
Too much sugar disrupts your natural energy balance, and can cause headaches; mood swings and if eaten in large quantities sugar sensitivity problems such as hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus. It is much better to get into the habit of using the natural sugars in fruits to provide sweetness.
This has far reaching benefits for all women of all age group .
Water helps the fiber in your food to swell and perform its duties. It also helps to metabolize other nutrients from your food, keep your skin and hair healthy and prevent your body from becoming dehydrated.
All such drinks contain caffeine, which inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals from the gut, causes your body to excrete vital nutrients and interferes with the fluid and energy balance mechanisms in your body. Caffeine also causes your body to be stimulated in an artificial way, which in the long run has the opposite effect of supressing your performance and general feeling of well
A small pot of bio yogurt a day should help to keep a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut. If you dont like or are unable to eat live yogurt, seek the advice of your dietician
This helps to keep your gut functioning effectively. Regular eating helps your gut maintain a steady supply of digestive enzymes, protects it from excess acid secretion and enables it to metabolize food in the most efficient way, to keep your energy level and moods on an even keel
Some drinks, especially young red wines such as Beaujolais, contain anti-oxidant vitamins and minerals, which can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Beers and Champagnes can also provide beneficial nutrients. Drinking can be a very pleasurable part of a healthy lifestyle, but drinking to excess can cause liver damage, mood and energy-balance problems. Try not to drink on an empty stomach as this can cause your blood sugar levels to crash.
The issue of whether you should eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same meal is one that regularly crops up in the media. Some diet consultants feel strongly that proteins and carbohydrates should be separated, and advocate that proteins should be eaten only with vegetables and fruit, not mixed with carbohydrates. Many people feel that their body functions better if they out this into practice; it is commonly known as food combining.
From the physiological and nutritional viewpoint, proteins (meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, pulses) provide the body with amino acids, used as building blocks within muscles and other tissues. Carbohydrates provide energy and fiber. If you eat proteins on their own, without carbohydrate present, the protein can be broken down into energy, rather than used for building body tissue. Proteins also have other important functions to perform in maintaining body health and carbohydrates protect proteins, enabling them to fulfill these functions.
The choice is yours, but there is no physiological reasoning behind food combining. I believe that food is there to be enjoyed. Women should not have to agonize over whether they are allowed to eat certain things at certain times.
To know more on how to make healthy choices of food while eating ,log on to www.womenfitness.net,a complete resource for healthy living .
About the Author
Ms Namita Nayyar is a gold medalist in M Sc (Child development)and a fitness trainer with a sound knowledge of normal & therapeutic nutrition . She is the founder of Women Fitness (www.womenfitness.net)
Tags: Author, Bacteria, Balanced Diet, cancers;, Choices, diabetes mellitus, Diet Healthy, Dietician, Diseases, energy balance mechanisms, energy level;, energy-balance problems, energy;, food combining, Food Manufacturers, food;, founder, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Guilt, Habit, headaches;, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, heart disease;, High Fiber Foods, hypoglycemia;, Labels, Media Attention, Namita, Namita Nayyar, natural energy balance, Negative Emotion, olive oil;, Peak Condition, Protein, sesame oil, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals, walnut oil, Women Fitness, www.womenfitness.net —

A Healthy Diet Check Up…From The Neck Up
A Healthy Diet Check Up…From The Neck Up
Jill Miller
If you have tried every so-called healthy diet plan on the planet and every exercise program from the latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you probably need a “healthy diet check up…from the neck up.”
There’s no such thing as a healthy, fast, weight loss diet plan. Successful weight loss doesn’t just happen. It took more than a few days to reach the point where you are at right now. Give yourself a break and expect it to take awhile before you see measurable results. Take a leap of faith and follow some basic principles in your diet plan.
Begin with your “self talk.” This is the conversation that runs through your brain continuously. What kind of conversation do you have with your self talk? What type of negative self talk has kept you from reaching your weight loss goals in the past?
If you had a chance to do it over again, would you change the dialogue? That’s a no-brainer isn’t it? Well, the good news is that you can turn the tide of negative self talk beginning right now. It’s never too late to begin and you start by reprogramming your self talk and beginning a whole new weight loss diet plan.
A good starting point is to begin with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations, spoken aloud with authority and belief, positively affect your attitude, focuses your thinking and lead to a course of action that will help you become the person you want to be and have the things that you want to have.
Begin by writing your weight loss affirmations on paper. You can begin with something like, “I want to lose 25 pounds before Christmas.” That’s a worthy goal and attainable, but we need to put some work into structuring the affirmation.
First of all, “I want” gives the impression that what you desire is always in the future. In order to re-program your self talk, you need to trick your mind into believing that you have already achieved weight loss success. This is how your subconscious mind functions.
Your subconscious mind has no capacity for understanding the concept of time. Everything is in the moment. . .here and now. When you tell your subconscious mind that you “want”, that is exactly what you will get. . .want. . .without ever achieving fulfillment. Unless you change your mental tape recorder, you will achieve exactly what you are telling your subconscious, that you “want to lose 25 pounds.” You will “want to lose 25 pounds” for the rest of your days unless you change your self talk.
If your weight is 150 pounds and you desire is to weight 125 pounds, then you need to “be” 125 pounds from the moment you make the decision to change your self talk. What if you write your affirmation to read something like this: “I am healthy and fit, weighing 125 pounds.”
It is extremely important that your affirmation is crystal clear because what you affirm is exactly what your subconscious mind will bring you.
You needn’t limit yourself to one affirmation either. Write another one that reflects your new exercise program. “I enjoy my healthy new diet plan,” or, “I love the healthy foods I eat.”
Write and rewrite until you are absolutely certain that you have written your weight loss goals “in the here and now” AND represent precisely what you desire. Only then do you begin to speak it aloud and do so several times a day.
Remember to use the present tense. “I acknowledge achievement in all my weight loss goals.” “I have the skill and talent to exercise every day.” “I am a winner.” “I am grateful for all of my accomplishments no matter how small.”
At first you will feel awkward and uncomfortable and you may not feel or believe what you are saying. It doesn’t matter, continue to speak them aloud with as much conviction as you can muster. It’s taken a long time to train your subconscious to use negative self talk. If you will persevere with speaking your affirmations aloud, firmly and confidently, you will be amazed at how quickly you can turn your thoughts around.
You didn’t hop on a bicycle the first time and just take off down the street. It took practice to train your body to balance on those two wheels. This will take some practice as well. Continue to repeat your affirmations aloud, several times a day for the next 30 days and you will be amazed at how much you change your thinking and attitude.
Above all, take action. Do nothing and nothing gets done. Do something and many things are placed in motion.
Regardless of what you are doing in life, you need to take action. Do something every day to put your plan into motion.
About the Author
Jill Miller is the Founder of the Fit4Life Club.
Discover the perfect diet for picky eaters. Get your free copy of the ExpeDiet ebook now.
Tags: Affirmation, Author, Brainer, Christmas, Exercise Fitness, Exercise Program, Fast Diet, Fast Weight Loss Diet, Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan, Few Days, Fit4Life Club, Fitness Guru, founder, Good Starting Point, Healthy Diet Plan, Jill Miller, Leap Of Faith, Losing Weight, Measurable Results, Positive Affirmations, Weight Loss Diet, Weight Loss Diet Plan, Weight Loss Goals, Weight Loss Success, Worthy Goal —

Why Child Bearing Is Healthy
Why Child Bearing Is Healthy
Dr. Randy Wysong
From a purely biological perspective, bearing children can be considered the most important reason for a womans existence. For that matter, the same could be said about men, since both sexes are, in effect, disposable packages of genetic material. We die, but our genes continue on immortally.
With increasing population pressure and modern independent lifestyles (unlike the family farm where children were almost a necessity), procreation has become an option that is increasingly declined or at least significantly restricted. But with these choices women take themselves out of a natural biological role. Additionally, treating the breast as an ornament rather than a feeding organ by opting for synthetic formulas also removes women from a natural biological function.
When these choices are coupled with the use of contraceptive hormones, hormone replacement therapy, an increasing load of estrogenic pollutants in the environment and food, and a diet that has veered significantly from its natural design, the formula for hormonal pandemonium, metabolic dysfunction, and disease is in place. The result is early menses in children, infertility, abnormal and erratic menstrual cycles, cervical dysplasia, fibroids, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, premenstrual syndrome, dramatic mood swings and depression, osteoporosis, and other symptoms of abnormal menopause: hot flashes, psychological problems, decreased libido, and thinning of the vaginal wall.
This is a difficult problem with no easy solution. If women would have as many children as they are capable of, nurse them for years as they are designed to, eat natural foods, and live in a more pristine environment, most of these modern health problems would disappear.
If money flowed out of our tap we would not have economic problems either, right?
The desire to limit families may soon not even be an option. We either curtail population growth or we will saw through the branch we all sit on. Population is the engine that ultimately drives all environmental woes. We live on a finite planet with finite resources, but we have an infinite ability to breed. We either live within the limits of Earths sustainable resources or we will destroy ourselves. Having children may be a natural and healthy process, but can be a deadly game for sustainable life on Earth.
So we have a conundrum. Women need to fulfill their biological reproductive role to achieve metabolic balance and health, but if they do so unlimited, the health of life on Earth is jeopardized.
In an attempt to solve this dilemma, women have turned to the quick fix of pharmaceutical synthetic hormones. Hormones that control conception, hormones that control abnormal menstrual cycles, and hormones that fix menopause. It is an overly simplistic solution to a complex problem.
The saying, Dont mess with Mother Nature is particularly applicable when dosing the body with hormones. Since the 1940s when estrogen therapy became popular, hundreds of thousands of women have succumbed to cancer. For example, a woman is nearly 13 times more likely to get endometrial cancer, and at nearly a 30% increased risk of breast cancer when she takes estrogen. Recently, researchers have identified the two top preventable breast cancer risks: oral birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy.
For those who justify the use of estrogen for the benefits of decreased risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, consider that proper exercise, diet and lifestyle choices can have the same beneficial effect without the potential consequence of cancer.
How have women specifically put themselves outside of their natural context to make themselves more susceptible to cancers?
The average mom gives birth to about two infants. Although this is an intelligent number from the standpoint of population control, it is unnatural in that by not continuing to have pregnancies and to nurse (which stops ovulations) she will ovulate an incredible 438 times during her lifetime.
On the other hand, a woman in the primitive natural setting who may not even know what causes pregnancy or how to prevent it even if they wanted to, would have started menstruating and ovulating at age twelve and would have delivered nine babies and breast-fed them over the course of her reproductive career. Breast-feeding can continue for children in a totally natural setting for up to five or more years of age. The combination of pregnancy along with breast-feeding in the premodern setting would have decreased the number of ovulations that a primitive mother would have had to about nine.
This means that today women cycle through their menstrual periods an abnormal number of times, subjecting their bodies to surges of estrogen 50 times greater than our primitive ancestors living in a natural setting.
Many cancers of women are sensitive to high levels of female hormones.
For example, breast cancer is sensitive to estrogen. In dogs, simply removing the ovaries can often prevent or halt the progress of mammary cancer. Tamoxifen in humans is used to block estrogen activity within the mammary glands and thus is believed to exert its protective effect in this way. (This pharmaceutical agent can, however, increase the risk of uterine cancer to about the same degree that the risk of breast cancer is reduced!)
The resting periods of lower estrogen levels that women experienced in the premodern setting served a protective effect to spare organs and tissues from cancer. Women who nurse for a total period of time of even as little as two years are known to have a decreased incidence of mammary cancer.
This excess ovulation hypothesis is the likely explanation for the tragic phenomenon of modern female cancers. When humans decide to flout and repudiate nature by interfering with natural biological design, disease will always be the consequence.
If the problem is a departure from nature, then the solution is a return to it. Here are some options:
1.Refer to the Wysong Optimal Health Program for guidelines on life choices that can enhance overall health and thus hormonal health (http://www.wysong.net/PDFs/ohp.pdf).
2.Emphasize fresh raw foods in the diet and avoid processed foods as much as possible.
3.Eliminate hydrogenated oils and refined sugars. Hydrogenated oils displace healthful dietary fats and have been shown to be carcinogenic, and sugars can stimulate a rise in estrogens.
4.Try to use organic foods as much as possible and avoid synthetic materials in cosmetics, at home and in the workplace to help reduce exposure to environmental estrogens.
5.Do not attempt low fat or low cholesterol fad diets that often create dependence upon processed carbohydrates and seriously reduce important natural dietary fats and essential fatty acids.
6.Increase the consumption of natural vegetable foods containing phytoestrogens which tend to counteract estrogens.
7.Avoid hormone medications if at all possible.
8.Explore natural birth control measures.
9.Nurse your babies for as long as you can.
Modern life presents many choices, freedoms and rights. Tinkering with child bearing, however, is a choice that is not without consequences. Women need to be aware and take the steps necessary to make sure the choices they make do not also bring with them the increased risk of serious modern diseases.
Zeneca Pharaceuticals. Tamoxifen Patient Insert. Zeneca, Inc. Wilmington, DE. 1998.
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living entitled Thinking Matters: 1-Living Life… As If Thinking Matters; 2-The Big Questions…As If Thinking Matters, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at http://www.wysong.net.
Tags: Author, Biological Function, Biological Perspective, Biological Role, birth control, breast cancer;, Cancer Breast, cancer;, cancers;, Cardiovascular Disease, Cervical Dysplasia, Contraceptive Hormones, Delaware, depression;, director for the present company, disease, Easy Solution, endometrial cancer, estrogen replacement therapy, estrogen therapy, fibroids, Fitness Products, food;, founder, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Independent Lifestyles, Infertility, mammary cancer, Menopause Hot Flashes, Menstrual Cycles, Metabolic Dysfunction, modern female cancers, Mood Swings, Nurse, osteoporosis;, pharmaceutical agent, pharmaceutical synthetic hormones, Population Growth, Population Pressure, premenstrual syndrome, printing, Pristine Environment, Psychological Problems, research director, serious modern diseases, simplistic solution, surgeon, top preventable breast cancer, US Federal Reserve, uterine cancer, Vaginal Wall, Wilmington, Wysong, Wysong Institute, Zeneca Inc. —