Weight Loss And Sexuality
Most of us know that sex can be a lot of work, that doesn’t deter anyone of course, but it can be work! Any type of physical activity is harder when you are out of shape, that’s just a fact. Sex is one of those physical activities. Weight loss and sexuality do play off each other, the more in shape you are, the more physically able you will be to have sex.
Another aspect of being overweight and sexuality is that you may not be as desirable to your partner if you are overweight. Not only does being overweight affect how your partner views you, it also affects how you fee about yourself.
If you don’t like the way your body looks, you will be less likely to want to engage in sexual activity. That can put a huge strain on a relationship. The good news is that when you lose some weight, even a little bit, you can feel better about yourself. You will have more physical stamina as well as a better psychological attitude. All of that will make it easier and more likely for you to want to have sex.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but sex often starts outside of the bedroom. What I mean by that is that your partner will look at you and find you attractive throughout the day. When you are able to wear sexier more stylish clothes all day everyday, your partner will find you attractive and that will lead to a more active sex life too.
It’s not just all about your partner either. When you can wear sexier more stylish clothes you feel better about yourself and you feel sexier and more desirable. That will make you want to have sex with your partner more often.
Sex isn’t just a physical activity, it’s very emotional too. Anything that effects your self esteem in a good way, or in a bad way, will help determine whether or not you feel like engaging in intimate relations.
If you want to lose weight, for whatever reason, than there are some easy and simple steps you can take starting right now. Simple things like trying to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
Walk a little more everyday. Even if it’s just parking further away from your office building or taking your dog for a walk, or a longer walk. Just stat somewhere and give it time.
If you do, you will start to lose weight and once you get started it will be easier to continue. The biggest challenge is often just sticking with it for the first few weeks, until you start to see some small changes,once that happens it’s usually easier to stay with it.
Weight loss and sexuality are very closely related. Having a healthy body can make sexual activity easier and more comfortable but being in good shape can also make you more interested from a psychological point of view. The more attractive and sexier you feel, the more you will want to be intimate with your partner.
Tags: Attitude, Being Overweight, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables, Fruit And Vegetables, Fruit Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Intimate Relations, Little Bit, Losing Weight, Physical Activity, Physical Stamina, Self Esteem, Sex Don, Sex Life, Sexual Activity, Sexuality, Shape, Simple Steps, Stylish Clothes, Weight Loss, Wrong Way —

Lose Weight Recipes – Healthy But Taste Great
Are there recipes out there to help you lose weight? A secret recipe, perhaps? There are combination’s of food that will assist you in losing weight. Make your own recipe book, “My Weight Loss Recipes”.
There are many ways to lose weight. But is there a right or wrong way? I believe it depends on each individual’s body chemistry. What works for you may not necessarily work for the person next to you.
If you are counting calories, you want to focus on foods that are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. Fresh fruit and vegetables don’t have all the unneeded bi-products.
Protein is an essential part of your diet. Try to choose low fat protein. Such as chicken breast without the skin, low fat yogurt, egg whites. Protein is the building blocks of cells. Let’s face it you want to build your muscle not break it down to be replaced by fat.
Here is a yummy recipe that is one of my favorites. This recipe can be used as a balanced meal or snack consisting of protein, milk product, fruit and grain. Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer the following: 1 cup Greek fat free yogurt, one cup of strawberries (or berry of your choosing), 2/3 cup low fat granola. Absolutely delicious and filling!
How about a chicken club sandwich for lunch? Lightly toast 2 slices of whole grain bread (think, fiber). Slice a piece of grilled chicken or turkey breast (no skin, too much fat). You can use light or fat free mayo, a dab of mustard. Top with lettuce, ripe tomato, pickles on the side. There you have it: low cal, fat; high protein, fiber.
Now, what’s for dinner? I thought you would never ask. Marinade a pack of chicken breast (no skin) overnight (I prefer lemon-pepper). Make a mixture of cooked chopped broccoli, cream of celery. Tenderize the chicken breast till it is as big as your hand. Place a spoonful of broccoli mixture in the center, fold all sides, secure with toothpick. Sprinkle Pepperidge Farm Stuffing on top, lightly sprinkle fat free cheese as well. Place in oven 350 degrees for approximately 30-45 minutes.
There are so many different recipes out there to try to help you lose weight. Or you can simply take your favorite recipes and put a healthy twist to it. Making right food choices and turning that into a life style change is key to long term success.
Tags: Body Chemistry, Broccoli Mixture, Chicken Breast, Chopped Broccoli, Club Sandwich, Counting Calories, Egg Whites Protein, food choices;, food;, Free Cheese, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Greek Yogurt, Lemon Pepper, Low Fat Granola, milk product, Protein Milk, Ripe Tomato, Tomato Pickles, Turkey Breast, Turkey;, unneeded bi-products, Weight Loss Recipes, Whole Grain Bread, Yogurt Parfait, Yummy Recipe —

Proven Obesity Weight Loss Tips
If you have been told by your doctor that you are obese, you really need to choose to lose some weight to avoid some unsmiling health issues. In the American population today, 1 out of 3 people are considered obese. A group of the obesity is caused by the American sort in obscure. In just recent years we have developed a fast paced world. full of fast food and quick meals.
These meal are not good fat burners, so our bodies food the fat till later. This is what causes the obesity. There are ways that you can lose the weight; if you are keen to give it a dab. Here are blameless a few tips that you can use to lose your weight.
* Eating small meals 6 times a day is a great way for anyone to begin their weight loss program. This will help you increase your metabolism and keep your hunger cravings away. It will and provide you with plenty of energy.
* Eating a lot of greens and vegetables are another great way for you to lose weight. You should put these in place of that junk food. When you feel like snacking train yourself to grab extensive identical a carrot or celery instead of those potato chips; you have up in your cupboards. The processed foods are always full of calories so when you are replacing them with fresh fruit and vegetables. These are also titanic for your skin. Also eating fresh fruits and vegetables will help reduce your blood stress, reduce your risk of heart disease, and cancer among others.
* Lemon juice is another thing that may help even though its a little drastic. Lemon juice has been proven to reduce your cravings. If you drink 2 glasses you will not feel hungry at all throughout the day
* You need to also be sure to drink plenty of water. The water will help regulate your body temperature. Your body also demands the water for overall health.
* Also eating a healthy and balanced diet is extremely important. This is especially true when it comes to breakfast. By no means should you skip your breakfast.
* Next you will want to up thrust your metabolism rate. You achieve this by doing undoubted exercise. When you are bag out you are burning necessary fat and calories that will aide you in your weight loss goals.
These are all important tips for you to follow when you are obese. A good thing to note though, that even if you are not obese, these tips will be helpful for you to lose weight as well. When you are obese your risk of developing major and life threatning illness, is extremely high. Losing weight is a immense way to reduce your risks.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: aide, American Population, bodies food, Body Temperature, cancer;, Celery, Cupboards, Dab, energy;, Fast Paced World, food;, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruit And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Fat Burners, Health Issues, Healthy And Balanced Diet, heart disease;, illness, Junk food;, Lemon Juice, obesity;, Potato Chips, Processed Foods, Quick Meals, Risk Of Heart Disease —

End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP
It’s that time of year we all start thinking about putting on a healthy layer of fat, just like the hibernating bears. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a palpable difference in the air. We’ve generally accepted that it is nature’s way of helping us provide a little extra winter fat, storing up for the winter, just in case. But how long since you last had a food shortage or had to wait out the winter for your next meal?
This year can be different.
Today consider making one small change. When you make a small change, it is easier to handle, you are more likely to incorporate it into your daily life and you are more likely to succeed, than if you try to make a global change to your whole way of being.
Instead of taking something away, start by adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet. Just for today, throw out your rules, if you typically follow a diet that forbids fruit or fresh vegetables because fresh foods are too important to miss. Fresh foods are sweet, satisfying and full of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other things that your body requires for optimum health.
Choose a few you particularly enjoy. This time of year apples are great, citrus fruits, bananas are available year-round. Get some fresh fruits you like and start carrying a food sack everywhere you go. Try little packages of baby carrots, or cut up cauliflower and broccoli. A fellow I know always has a bagful of chopped cauliflower, carrots, and others vegis he munches on. That’s smart.
The idea with healthy snacking is that when hunger strikes (or what you think is hunger), no matter where you are you’ll now have healthy snacks handy. No more having to buy a candy bar because you’re famished. My choices for healthy snacks won’t suit everyone, but that’s fine. Choose other things that would work better for you. I enjoy things such as jerky, whole grain rolls or bagels, yogurts, and fresh fruits as I mentioned earlier. I almost always have an apple nearby.
The idea is that it’s not that you couldn’t wait, but what has forestalling your hunger done for you so far? It tends to set you up for later binging and out-of-control snacking. Eating a few healthy snacks during the day can end that pattern once and for all.
Here’s a plan: Think of one or two fresh foods you could carry in a big or small cooler and then do it. As I’m writing this I’m a little hungry and I’m starting to think about having a snack. I might eat an apple, a banana or some jerky because they are all within my immediate reach. That’s far better than not eating anything now, but instead deciding to “wait it out,” while I start thinking about cookies and cake and pizza and other fast foods I can grab on the way home.
Going all day in a hungry or denied state sets you up for late night binging and out-of-control snacking. You’ll never be able to make up for the earlier deprivation. Why bother. I’ve never met anyone yet who got fat from eating too much fruit, so be brave and give this idea a chance.
About the Author
Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, author of the free
e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight
Loss, and owner of http://www.OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com
Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and
NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss and Tackling any
Obstacles http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/getnews.html
Tags: Author, Baby Carrots, Bioflavonoids, Candy Bar, Chopped Cauliflower, Citrus Fruits, E Book, food sack, Food Shortage, Fresh Foods, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Fruit And Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, Hibernating, Kathryn Martyn, Losing Weight, Massive Snow, Nip In The Air, Optimum Health, Practitioner, Vitamins Minerals, Whole Grain, Winter Fat, Winter Weight Gain —