Change Your Lifestyle A Fast Weight Loss Must
Waking up in the morning and looking at the bathroom mirror shocked the living hell out of Melinda Crawford. After three babies, Melinda has developed bulges of fat in all different places of her body. It saddens her to see herself looking like this.. FAT!
There are ways to help the Melindas of the world lose weight fast! A fast weight loss program is an ageless issue that every woman would love to read about. Thousands of articles have been written and published to help women like Melinda.
The key to a fast weight loss is to be conscious of what food you take in and how your lifestyle affects your body. In a usual busy day to day schedule, women tend to neglect their diets. After preparing a healthy meal for the family, women like Melinda still got loads of other things to do so they tend to skip meals to get things done.
Skipping meal is a no-no in a fast weight loss program. People who skip meals are not helping their metabolism. The tendency is for them to eat more when they get down to eating because they skipped the previous meal.
Part of an effective fast weight loss diet is drinking plenty of water and fruit juices. So, after putting the baby down for a nap, prepare your self a fruit juice and drink up. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid during the day and stay away from the sweet stuff like chocolates, ice cream, cookies and butter.
Next time you do your groceries, put more vegetables and fruits in the cart instead of those sugary and starchy food kids love. Preparing your family a healthy meal and sharing it with them would be a great way to stay on track of the fast weight loss program.
A lot of women think that they do not need exercise anymore since they are exhausted after a day of running the house and taking care of kids. However, a regular exercise that is focused on certain parts of the body is beneficial. Ten crunches a day, for example, will flatten the bulging tummy if done regularly and eventually increasing the number of crunches as days go.
At the end of the day, what really counts to an effective fast weight loss program is the will to change your lifestyle. If you want an immediate and noticeable weight loss, remember the following:
EXERCISE is important Identify the part of your body that you would like to develop and focus your exercises to that part. A regular work out will keep you strong and toned.
EAT HEALTHIER Never skip meals! Stop eating sweets. Stick to vegetables and fruits
DRINK, DRINK, DRINK Take a lot of liquid. Drink at least 8 glasses of water and drink fruit juices in between. Fruit juices and water are known to help body metabolism and fast tracks weight loss
GET ENOUGH SLEEP As you sleep, you body builds a hormone called Leptin. This is the hormone that tells your brain that you do not need to eat more. The lesser sleep you get, the lesser Leptin you will have in your body. So, you will tend to feel hungry more and obviously would eat more.
A fast weight loss can be possible after 20-30 days of changing your lifestyle and sticking to a healthy diet. Stay healthy, be a beauty!
Tags: Busy Day, Crunches, Diets, Different Places, Fast Weight Loss Diet, Food Kids, food;, Fruit Juice, Fruit Juices, Groceries, Healthy Diet, Living Hell, Losing Weight, Melinda, Melinda Crawford, Melindas, Metabolism, Nap, Starchy Food, sugary and starchy food, Sweet Stuff, Three Babies, Vegetables And Fruits, Waking Up In The Morning, Weight Loss Diet —
Discover A Great Way To Loose Weight Fast
If you want to loose weight fast, the first thing you need to realize is that you probably arent going to lose weight quite as fast as you want to. For some people, 2 pounds a week is fast. Anymore than 2 pounds a week generally isnt considered healthy, unless youre very overweight. If you have 15 pounds to lose and want to lose it all in two weeks, youre going to have to adjust your thinking or youre either going to be very disappointed, or youll resort to a really unhealthy method of weight loss and risk making yourself sick.
Yet, if you need to loose weight fast over a period of a few days or a week just to fit into a dress for the weekend, for instance, and you realize that if you drop pounds quickly youll likely put them back on after the weekend is over, there are some things you can do to drop a few pounds right away.
When you loose weight fast, youre losing water weight, not actual fat. So as long as you understand that your quick weight drop is really a very temporary thing thats easily undone and you dont risk your health to do it, you could be very pleased with the results.
First, stop drinking anything with calories in it. Just that alone can help you loose weight fast. No alcoholic beverages, no sugar in your coffee, no soda other than diet soda, and no fruit juice or flavored waters that have calories in them. Just this step alone can cut hundred of calories from your day. Replace those sugared beverages with water. Dont drink 64 oz of water in one sittingthat can even be dangerousbut try to get that much in slowly throughout the day.
If you really want to loose weight fast, you can drastically cut back on your calories. While 1200 calories is really just above a starvation diet, if you limit yourself to that or fewer for only a very short time like a few days, it wont harm you. Weve all had those days where were sick with the flu or we dont feel well and we eat very little. It happens from time to time naturally, so doing it on purpose for a short burst wont hurt you either, just dont decide to starve yourself as a method for long-term weight loss.
Stick to easily digested foods like vegetable soup with little fat in it. Soup can help you feel more full while youre eating so little food and take away the growling stomach that will no doubt happen at least a few times if you cut your calories back drastically. Drink seasoned broth, or clear or tomato-based vegetable soups for best results.
Avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. Go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery, and other greens. Oranges and strawberries can help your sweet tooth. And take a multivitamin, so youll still get important nutrients while you loose weight fast.
Each of these tips will help you loose weight fast. However, you should check with your personal physician to make sure you are physically fit enough to loose weight fast.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calories, Coffee, Diet Soda, Discover, Eating Habits, Few Days, Flu, Fruit Juice, Health, Healthy Diet, little food, Loose Weight, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Oz, People, Personal Physician, Risk, Short Time, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Temporary Thing, Water Weight, Weight Loss —
The Simplest Diet Plan Ever – 3 Easy Steps
The Simplest Diet Plan Ever – 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Living
Emily Clark
You’ve heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut the
fat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! But
how can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a diet
that’s balanced and healthy?
Here’s the advice from nutritional science:
Cut the JUNK fats: Most people do not need an ultra low fat
diet. But most of us could improve our diet by cutting out the
junk fats. Basically, these are the processed fats:
hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated oils that have been heated,
and fats that are combined with junk carbs. Processed fats are
the fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries.
Cut the JUNK carbs. Most people do not need an ultra low carb
diet. But unfortunately, so many people who go on a low fat diet
continue to eat highly processed foods – they switch from
processed high-fat to processed low-fat. And when food
manufacturers create low fat foods, they tend to replace the fat
with junk carbs, that tend to pile on the pounds. Basically,
junk carbs are low-fiber carbs. Like sugar, fructose (and all
the other *oses), flour, cornstarch, fruit juice. Yes, fruit
juice is a junk carb too! – After all, how much fiber is there in
fruit juice? – Virtually none – its yet another junk carb. You
should eat the whole fruit instead, with its fiber intact.
Cut the JUNK calories. Most people do not need an ultra low
calorie diet. But just think what your diet would be like if you
dropped the processed fats and the low-fiber carbs. You’d be
eating mainly natural proteins, with lots of vegetables plus
whole fruits – and the odds are that you would be eating far
fewer calories as well. That’s the kind of calorie cutting most
of us should be doing.
Eat a balanced NATURAL-FOODS diet. By natural foods, we mean the
foods that would have been eaten by your hunter-gatherer
ancestors: – lots of whole vegetable foods for vitamins and
fiber; moderate to small portions of meats, fish, seafood, and
other animal and protein foods, grilled, stewed or baked; and
small portions of fresh whole fruit in season. This is the diet
on which the human race evolved, and the diet which, for the vast
majority of people, makes for optimum health
So the next time you’re about to order a meal with fries and
sugary soda, think about how it could be improved. Replace the
fries with a salad, and the soda with mineral water, and you’ve
already made significant progress towards a more healthy,
balanced meal.
And at home, look for recipes that use whole, fresh foods, with a
minimum of processing. Make sure your meals include natural
unprocessed foods, with lots of healthy vegetables, both cooked,
and raw in salads. Avoid processed fats and processed low-fiber
A sample menu:
– grilled fish with steamed green beans, and peppers
– large mixed salad, dressed with small amounts of olive oil and
vinegar or lemon juice
– fresh fruit platter
Yes – A healthy, balanced diet can be that simple!
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.
About the Author
Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on topical health matters.
Tags: Author, Balanced Diet, Cornstarch, Diet Plan, disease, editor, Emily Clark, Flab, Food Manufacturers, food;, Foods Diet, Fructose, Fruit Juice, Hunter Gatherer, Lifestyle Health News, Low Calorie Diet, Low Carb Diet, Low Carbs, Low Fat Diet, Low Fat Foods, Natural Proteins, Nutritional Science, olive oil;, Oses, Polyunsaturated Oils, Vegetable Foods, Weight Loss Diets —
Keep Your Heart Healthy
Keep Your Heart Healthy
Charles Kassotis
Heart disease is the number one killer today. Men and women are
both likely to become victims. Men typically suffer more heart
attacks, but women’s can be deadlier, so it is important for
both genders to monitor their heart health by making a number of
simple lifestyle adjustments.
1.Eat smart. The American Heart Association and other health
organizations, as well, publish guidelines for sensible diets
that promote heart health. Get a copy at their website or ask
your doctor to recommend a diet for you. Typically, you should
try to limit your consumption of red meat to perhaps a few
ounces once or twice a week. Cook chicken and fish in casserole
dishes instead, and experiment with vegetable recipes to try new
and exciting variations. Don’t forget the raw veggies with
low-fat dip and fresh fruits for desserts or snacks.
2.Watch your fluid intake. Most of us don’t drink enough water
each day. Unless you have special medical restrictions, aim to
have eight glasses (eight ounces each) of water daily. In
addition, you can drink other beverages, but avoid sugary,
nutrition-less products like pop or sweetened fruit juice. One
or two cups of tea or coffee are probably all right, but keep in
mind that caffeine can dehydrate you and make you jittery, so
limit your intake.
3.Get daily exercise. Your doctor can recommend a hobby,
routine, or workout that will benefit your physique and health.
Walking at a moderate pace for 30 to 60 minutes daily is a great
way to incorporate aerobic activity in your lifestyle, tone
muscles, and enhance your metabolism. Your circulation will
thank you, too, as it becomes more efficient at pumping blood
through your body and breaking up plaque buildup in your
arteries, thus allowing your heart to pump more easily. Just be
sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing, and don’t overdo
it. Let your doctor know if you experience shortness of breath
or painful limbs.
4.Learn to manage stress. Everyone experiences stressful
events throughout their day. From getting up late to missing the
train or having an argument with a family member, stress is all
around us. We just have to learn to keep conflict and
disappointments in check by reminding ourselves of the blessings
and joys that surround us, often unnoticed. You may want to keep
a journal to write about negative feelings instead of keeping
them bottled up inside, where they may eventually explode.
In addition, cultivate a good support group of friends, family
members, and social contacts. Get out and have fun. Meet new
people and discover new ideas. Life will become more enjoyable,
and your heart will benefit from your upbeat attitude. Consider
volunteering in your community to make a difference in the lives
of others. As you make new connections and continue to nurture
old ones, you will feel healthier and benefit from a positive
About the author:
Get valuable information for your heart at The Heart Directory
Tags: 60 Minutes, Aerobic Activity, American Heart Association, Author, Casserole Dishes, Cook Chicken, Experience Shortness, Fresh Fruits, Fruit Juice, Fruits And Vegetables, Health Organizations, Healthy Diet, Heart Attacks, heart disease;, Heart Health, Lifestyle Adjustments, Medical Restrictions, Moderate Pace, Plaque Buildup, Raw Veggies, Red Meat, Sensible Diets, Shortness Of Breath, Tone Muscles, Vegetable Recipes —