Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

3 Day Tuna Diet

You would have to be living in a cave to not be aware that there are a lot of diets out there. All of them make claims about how much weight you can lose, and each one is a bit different. One of the more popular diets to come out recently is the 3 Day Tuna Diet. There are many good reasons for choosing this eating plan over others.

If you have looked into other diets, then chances are that you have noticed that many of them list tuna as a food you can eat. To be fair, tuna can be high in sodium and fat, but if you get it packed in spring water, then you can keep the calories under control. Other than that, tuna is inexpensive, convenient and an excellent source of complete protein.

Even though tuna stands as a good food on its own, the 3 Day Tuna Diet is about losing weight quickly. As the name says, it only lasts for three days, so it’s not meant to be followed as a long-term weight loss solution. It’s best used as a way to drop some weight before an event of some kind, or as a way to jump start a longer term weight loss plan.

While everybody is different, and results will vary, some people have reported a weight loss as high as six pounds while on the diet. A word of caution is in order. It is generally recommended that you lose no more than one or two pounds per week, so six pounds in three days would typically be thought of as risky. For this reason, you should talk to your personal doctor before going on the 3 Day Tuna Diet.

There are actually two variations of the diet: strict and less strict. The strict version fully lives up to its name. When doing the strictest version of the diet, you eat nothing but tuna and drink nothing but water for three days. Again, this should never be done for more than three days, and then only after getting the okay from your doctor. The silver lining is that you can eat as much of it as you wish, so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting hungry. It won’t be easy, so don’t kid yourself, but it will be effective if you can stick with it.

The less strict version of the 3 Day Tuna Diet adds a few more foods to the menu, and is therefore better balanced nutritionally; though tuna still figures heavily in what you’ll be eating. Breakfast includes 1/2 cup tuna and 1/2 large grapefruit. Lunch is 1/2 cup tuna and salad made of greens only, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Supper is 1 cup tuna and 1 cup each of two different vegetables.
That’s the 3 Day Tuna Diet in a nutshell. It isn’t a long-term diet solution, but it can be used on occasion when you need to lose weight quickly.

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Tips For Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body in great health. With healthy eating, you’ll have energy all day, get the vitamins and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight.

Below, you’ll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating.

1. Don’t skip any meals
Eating 3 meals with snacks in between is the ideal way to maintain both energy and a healthy weight. When you skip meals and get hungry, you’re more than likely to choose foods that aren’t very good for you.

If you are eating away from home, take food with you or know where you can buy healthy food from.

2. Learn about how to prepare foods
Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling. You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your food. Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of

3. Avoid a lot of sugar
Drinks that contain sugar are a major source of empty energy. What this means, is that the drinks contain a lot of energy that your body may not need, and it doesn’t contain any vitamins or minerals. If you plan to drink sugary drinks, don’t go overboard – limit yourself to 1 a day.

4. Avoid thinking about diets
There are no good food nor any bad foods. All food can be a part of a healthy diet, when eaten in moderation. You don’t need to buy any low carb, fat free, or even diet foods, as these foods normally have lots of other added ingredients to replaces the carbohydrates or fat.

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Kids Eating Healthy

Fast food is a big part of modern life these days, making it very hard to teach a child how he or she should eat healthy. The cheapest and easiest foods are those that are normally the least healthy. If you give your child the choice between healthy food
and junk food, you normally won’t like the results.

Even though it isn’t possible to get a child to like all healthy foods, there are some ways to get your child to try and hopefully like at least a few of them. You can be as creative as you like, as getting kids to eat healthy foods can be a little harder than
you may think.

– Sneak the healthy food in. Even though it would be great if your kid understood the importance of fruits and vegetables, this isn’t always possible. If you can’t get them to eat good food willingly, there are ways to sneak them in, such as making
muffins out of bananas or apples, or pizza with spinach on it.

– Call fruits and vegetables by funny names. You can refer to broccoli as “trees”, making them more fun to eat. There are many different names you can call fruits and vegetables, even making up your own if you prefer. Most kids prefer to eat foods that sound fun.

– Make the foods taste better. Ranch dressing is great for broccoli, while peanut butter is a great topping for celery. There are several combinations for vegetables that can make them taste much better. You can let your child pick a topping for a vegetable, even if it’s something you wouldn’t normally like yourself.

– Dress the vegetables up. Just as much as calling them names help kids eat healthy foods, making them look funny also helps. You can do this by making funny designs on the plate, or setting them up to look like people. Although some parents don’t like
their kids playing with their food, sometimes it helps to get them to eat healthier.

There are several ways to make your kids eat healthier, but to make them enjoy it also has to be fun as well. This isn’t always an easy task, because kids normally don’t like foods that are good for them. It can however, be done with a bit of creativity. Hopefully, doing this will help your child develop a love of healthy foods for the
rest of their lives.

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Fight Stress With Healthy Eating

Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend to make poor food choices that will actually increase stress and cause other problems. To get the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress, follow these simple tips.

Always eat breakfast
Even though you may think you aren’t hungry, you need to eat something. Skipping breakfast makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and sugar levels during the day, so you should always eat something.

Carry a snack
Keeping some protein rich snacks in your car, office, or pocket book will help you avoid blood sugar level dips, the accompanying mood swings, and the fatigue. Trail mix, granola bars, and energy bars all have the nutrients you need.

Healthy munchies
If you like to munch when you’re stressed out, you can replace chips or other non healthy foods with carrot sticks, celery sticks, or even sunflower seeds.

Bring your lunch
Although a lot of people prefer to eat fast food for lunch, you can save a lot of money and actually eat healthier if you take a few minutes and pack a lunch at home. Even if you only do this a few times a week, you’ll see a much better improvement over eating out.

Stock your home
As important as it is to get the bad food out of your house, it’s even more important to get the good food in! The best way to do this is to plan a menu of healthy meals at snacks at the beginning of the week, list the ingedients you need, then go shop for it. This way, you’ll know what you want when you need it and you won’t have to stress over what to eat.

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