Printable Weight Loss Journal Is Key To Success
When you are trying to lose weight, you should keep a written log of your achievements. A printable weight loss journal is an excellent medium to stock you motivated. Too many people set themselves up for failure when they embark on a diet.
Aboriginal, cleverly by saying you are on a diet you can begin to feel hungry. I know the days I crave chocolate the most are the corresponding ones that I start my diet on. Secondly, most of us would like to lose some weight. It would make a lot more sense if we in fact wrote down exactly how much we would like to weigh on a specific future date. By setting a definite goal, we can measure our progress via our printable weight loss journal.
So what information should this journal contain? You should write in your goal weight and your goal date at the best. Then have an entry for each day and note down everything related to your weight loss journey. Whence you will want to keep track of what you ate and how much and style of exercise you took. I believe it is useful to also make a comment on your spirit. This will help you to pinpoint any danger times i. e. if you always fall off the diet wagon after work on a Thursday as you head out for drinks, then perhaps you could arrange to meet a friend at the cinema instead.
I dont believe it is helpful to keep a daily record of how most weight you are losing or gaining. Why? Your weight will fluctuate. At certain times of the month, you are genetically predisposed to retaining water so why depress yourself by recording weight gain. Also weighing yourself every day can lead to an obsession, we want to avoid that.
Gradual weight loss is the key to maintaining your new figure. Slowly buildup the amount of exercise you do is also a good idea. We have all been on diets where we promised to do twenty sit ups a day or ride a bike for an one’s move etc. We set impossible goals and then lose motivation when we dont achieve them.
Start with five sit – ups five times a week and gradually increase it to twenty a day. Instead of picking an exercise designed to lose weight, pick big you enjoy doing. Unimpaired exercise is good and if you enjoy it, you are more likely to carry it out. Try and vary your routine as boredom is the reason why highly people quit.
You may find that you occasionally slip off the diet wagon. Dont despair and dont give up. A branch of chocolate cake is not the end of the world. Dont be tempted to cut breakfast or another main meal to make up for the extra calories. This will only result in you feeling hungry and leave you more likely to at-home eat again. Keep using your printable weight loss journal and you will soon reach your goal.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Calories, Chocolate, Cinema, Daily Record, Definite Goal, Diet, Drinks, Exercise, Failure, Goal Weight, Gradual Weight Loss, Healthy Diet, Impossible Goals, Losing Weight, Motivation, Obsession, Retaining Water, Sit Ups, Ups, Weight Gain, Weight Loss Journal, Weight Loss Journey —