Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Lose Weight Fast

Perhaps you saw it coming for quite a while, and knew it would get to this point. Or, maybe you looked in the mirror one day and all of a sudden realized just how much weight you have put on over the years. Chances are good that the second scenario is more likely. Most of us don’t want to be overweight. And while we may have a few clues as to how we got here, it still comes as somewhat of a shock. Either way, you have finally made the decision to shed those extra pounds once and for all, and you want to lose weight fast.

Hold on! That is an admirable goal, but you need to step back for a moment and put things into perspective. To put it another way, you need to be realistic and specific. How much weight you want to lose and how quickly will play a bog role in which diet and exercise program you choose.

You still have to be realistic though. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, then you’re not going to have much luck. Not only that, but any diet that makes such promises is most likely lying at best, or bad for your health at worst. It simply isn’t safe to lose that much weight, except for a few rare exceptions, and only if you are doing so under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.

Most experts agree that losing 1 or 2 pounds per week is safe and effective. However, you may be able to bump that up to 5 pounds in the first week in some cases. For most people, 1 to 2 pounds is ideal. It’s not only relatively easy, but you will be more likely to stay on such a diet. If you have a choice between losing 20 pounds over two months, only to regain it; or losing 1 pound per week over the course of 6 months, but keeping it off forever, which one would you choose.

The good news is that you don’t really have to choose. You can still lose the 20 pounds, but if you take the right approach, you will be able to keep it off. It’s all about a simple formula: 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound of body weight. That means if you take in 500 calories less per day for a week, you will lose 1 pound. Or, if you burn off an extra 500 calories per day, you will lose a pound.

So, here’s the real “secret” to lose weight fast: do both! Take in 500 calories less and burn off an extra 500 calories. That’s 1,000 calories per day in your favor. That’s a loss of 2 pounds per week, or just over 100 pounds in a year’s time. And the best part it is that it won’t be nearly as hard as if you were depriving yourself, and that means you will be able to keep the weight off for good.

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Tips for Preparing for LapBand Surgery

If you are obese and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40 or higher, you may be an ideal candidate for the LapBand surgery. If it is a procedure you are interested in undergoing, please continue reading on for a few helpful tips.

First, schedule a consultation appointment. You may have already decided that the LapBand system is right for you, but your doctor may have other thoughts. Do not get your hopes up, schedule a consultation appointment first.

Speaking of eligibility, what are your chances of being an ideal candidate for surgery? On average, LapBand surgeons recommend that patients be between the ages of 18 and 60 and about 100 pounds overweight. Not only that, a clear understanding of the surgery and what is expected from each patient is required.

Before your LapBand surgery, you will have multiple meetings with your doctor. You can consider these prolonged consultations. LapBand surgery is more than just a weight loss procedure; it is a lifestyle change. For that reason, there is a lot of preparing before the surgery. This will be done with the guidance of a LapBand surgeon.

In the weeks leading up to your surgery, your doctor will have you restrict your diet. On average, this is two to three weeks beforehand. In addition to restricting your diet to healthier foods, protein supplements will be added. Myocel is the brand most doctors recommend. These dietary chances are important, as it helps to prepare the body for surgery.

The above mentioned preparation involves a small amount of weight and fat loss. Many suffering from obesity have large livers. This is not safe for surgery. When fat is reduced around the liver, spleen, and stomach, surgery is easier and safer.

As previously stated, patients need to adjust their diet to prepare for the procedure. Foods that are high in sugar, fat, and claries need to be eliminated from the diet. Once again, this prepares the body for surgery by reducing fat content and giving you a healthier body that can heal easier.

Your doctor should provide you with a list of approved foods. Despite the possibility of a variance, there is a common list of approved foods. These foods include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, yogurt, and oatmeal.

For many obese individuals, diet restrictions are hard. Not only will doctors use this pre-surgery diet as surgery preparation, but as a test. If you are unable to avoid junk food, you are not the best candidate for LapBand surgery. To prevent complications during and after surgery, diet restrictions are necessary.

Many LapBand surgeons recommend meeting with a dietician. Even if a healthcare professional does not make the request, an appointment is beneficial to patients.

As for the procedures themselves, they vary depending on the hospital in question. You may be asked to spend the previous night in the hospital or you could arrive the morning of your surgery. Regardless, you will be asked to refrain from eating and drinking before midnight.

When preparing for any type of surgery, time off from work is a must. If your LapBand surgery is successful and complication free, hospitalization should be less than 24 hours. Even still, you may need to wait 7 days before returning to work. If your job duties include heavy lifting, consult with your surgeon first.

In addition to time off from work, you need to arrange transportation to and from surgery. Use the assistance of a friend or family member. You will be able to move before and after the surgery, but pain and discomfort is common. Reduce your stress and movement by arranging a ride to and from surgery.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many ways you can and should prepare for the LapBand surgery. Most importantly, schedule a consultation appointment. If you are deemed an ideal candidate for the LapBand system, your doctor will advise you on the next steps.


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Reduce Belly Fat In Women

What are some healthy, effective ways to reduce belly fat in women? Well, you can learn to cook healthy meals or you can buy one of those meal plans that are all endorsed by famous people and ex sports stars, or go online and order your meals from those online diet plans that are available if you have that type of budget.

Some parameters you should follow when looking for good, healthy ways to reduce belly fat in women start with how many pounds per week these weight loss plans promise you will lose if you choose to go that route.

Do not choose any diet plan that promises that you will lose any more than two pounds per week. Losing more than two pounds per week is not healthy and you will more than likely not keep the weight off.

The meals should be balanced and have some flavor otherwise you will get bored with it very quickly. You should be given enough food to have five small meals throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism stoked to help you burn fat continuously, even when you are sleeping.

Remember that losing weight is a learning process and if you are going to be successful you will eventually need to learn how to cook healthy meals for yourself. A good meal plan should help you learn new ways of eating and offer guidance and instruction so you learn the right way to cook and eat so you keep the weight off for the long haul.

Then when you get to your weight loss goal, the weight loss plan should teach you how to keep the weight off. Throughout your weight loss journey you will be shown the correct way to eat and you will be able to practice portion control. Continuing to follow these guidelines and sticking to them will mean you should be able to keep the weight off. Portion control is the biggest problem a lot of people have when putting the weight on.

There is no way you can continue to eat the same way you did when you were younger because the only thing that will happen is you will gain weight because as you age your metabolism slows down. If you continue to eat the same amounts of food at age 40 as you did when you were 20 or even 30 you will gain a lot of weight in very short order.

When the time comes for you to start cooking for yourself, remember to always read the labels and make sure that the fat content of what you buy is no more than 30% of the total calories and that your carbohydrate intake is less than 30% of the total calories.

The weight loss plan you choose may include supplements in their plan for you to take along with eating their food. This may be a really good idea because some nutrients are difficult to get enough of in the foods we eat and taking a good supplement can give you what you need to keep everything on track so your body is in tip-top shape.

Finding healthy ways to reduce belly fat in women will help you lose the weight and can even help reduce cravings for certain foods you can’t seem to stay away from.

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