The One Nutrient You Must Have To Stay Healthy
The One Nutrient You Must Have To Stay Healthy
Brad Bahr
Even if you eat right and take a vitamin and mineral
supplement you most likely are still deficient in omega 3
fatty acids. Most people just don’t get enough of this vital
nutrient in their diet.
Here are just some of the many benefits you can get from
taking an omega 3 supplement such as fish oil.
Fish oil prevents second heart attacks better than any drug
it was tested against!
Fish oil is probably the best “medicine ” available to
prevent sudden cardiac death!
Fish oil works better then aspirin as a blood thinner.
Fish oil has been used effectively in the treatment of
Alzheimer’s Disease.
Fish oil improves memory, I.Q. and helps obliterate age
related memory lapses.
Fish oil helps people with multiple sclerosis.
Fish oil plays a key role in brain development.
Fish oil lowers blood pressure.
Fish oil reduces the incidence of stroke caused by clotting
of brain blood vessels!
Fish oil lowers triglycerides and raises good HDL
cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease.
Fish oil is a very potent anti-oxidant and one of the few
that cross the blood-brain barrier.
Fish oil improves personality, mood, and mental disorders!
Fish oil is a potent natural anti-depressant!
Fish oil improves the health of cartilage and joints!
Fish oil improves the ratio of testosterone to its
metabolite, DHT, and in studies was shown to be useful in
treating prostate, breast and colon cancers.
Fish oil improves hormone levels and improves the health
of your joints. It’s great for athletes, helping to speed
recovery time from hard workouts!
Fish oil balances hormonal levels in the body.
Fish oil reduces inflammation in the lungs and can be used
to treat allergies, asthma and excema.
If you do decide to try a fish oil supplement, make sure it
is Pharmaceutical Grade. Don’t just take the cheap stuff at
the local drug store. Pharmaceutical Grade fish oil has all
the bad things like mercury and PCBs taken out.
To find good quality fish oil, go to your favorite search
engine and search for “pharmaceutical grade fish oil”.
About the Author
About the author: Brad Bahr is the author of many health
related articles and websites. He has been testing and
reviewing health supplements for many years. Try his new
health article search engine at http://www.findustuff.com
where you can browse and search by keyword over 6,000
interesting health related articles.
Tags: 3 Fatty Acids, Allergies, Allergies Asthma, Alzheimers disease, Anti Oxidant, asthma;, Author, author of many health related articles and websites, Best Medicine, Blood Brain Barrier, Brad Bahr, Brain Blood Vessels, Brain Development, breast cancers, Cheap Stuff, Colon Cancers, favorite search engine, Fish Oil, Fish oil helps people, fish oil supplement;, Hdl Cholesterol, health article search engine, heart disease;, Hormonal Levels, Hormone Levels, inflammation, Local Drug Store, Memory Lapses, mental disorders, multiple sclerosis, Natural Anti Depressant, Oil Fish, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, pharmaceutical grade fish oil, quality fish oil, search engine, Stroke, Sudden Cardiac Death, Testosterone, treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, Vitamin And Mineral Supplement —

What to Eat Your Wat to a Lower Cholesterol
High cholesterol levels are slowly killing off the population. The increasing prevalence and risk of hypertension and heart disease in Americans are ringing the alarm bells in the country’s health sector. Health officials are desperately trying to find ways to combat the rise and make people aware of the eating lifestyle and exercise lifestyle that they are imbibing.
The truth about cholesterol
Although cholesterol is mainly the culprit in the increase in high blood pressure in the body, not all cholesterol that we take in is essentially bad. In fact, small amounts of cholesterol is being used by the body in the production of bile salts and in the transformation of Vitamin D. Cholesterol also plays a role in the balancing of hormones especially in women.
There are two kinds of cholesterol, the good and the bad as the lay people will like to clal them. The bad cholesterol or the LDL is the kind that is often found in saturated fats and trans fatty acids. These are taken into the body through foods that are pre-packed and prepared such as potato chips, canned goods, etc.
LDL cholesterol adheres to the walls of the arteries. High levels of LDL can form plaques in the arterial walls that may eventually cause clogging in the passageway of the blood. This slows down the blood flow, which in turn makes it hard for the heart to pump. This scenario describes the initial stages of hypertension and coronary heart problems.
What to eat
The good cholesterol HDL on the other hand lower the levels of LDL in the body by helping transport the LDL to the liver where it is excreted. HDL cholesterol can be found in fishes as well as in nuts.
Other foods that can lower the cholesterol levels are fruits and vegetables. These foods do not contain that much cholesterol so whatever you have, you will not be adding to its levels.
Another great thing about veggies and fruits is the fact that they are great sources of fibers that the body also need to combat the increase in LDL cholesterol. Berries, fruits that are citrus and carrots are just some of the fruits that you can count on.
Another food that can dramatically reduce the levels of cholesterol in the body is the soya. Fiber-rich food, soya as well as almonds and plant sterols figure in a landmark study conducted by University of Toronto that reduced the cholesterol levels of the participants by as much as 20 percent. Eating oats, olive oil and barley are also great ways to lower LDL.
Another great source of cholesterol are foods that are really oily. To lower one’s LDL, one must consciously avoid foods that are deep-fried. If you have to eat fried foods, make sure that the oil that you use is made out of vegetable.
Never use butter as this is rich in saturated fats. Instead, use margarine as a substitute. Try to also steam, braise, boil or bake your food. You will find that they are tastier and healthier.
Not just the food
There are many factors that contribute to the rise of cholesterol levels in the body. In addition to one’s eating lifestyle, there is the age, the gender, the family history and of course the amount of physical activity that the person does.
Exercise is fairly important in keeping LDL cholesterol at bay. What is more, it strengthens the body’s resistance as well as improves blood circulation.
Tags: Alarm Bells, Arterial Walls, Bad Cholesterol, Bile Salts, Cholesterol Hdl, Cholesterol Ldl, Coronary Heart, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Cholesterol, Hdl Cholesterol, Heart Problems, high blood pressure;, High Cholesterol Levels, Ldl Cholesterol, Lower Cholesterol, Potato Chips, Saturated Fats, Sector Health, Stages Of Hypertension, Trans Fatty Acids —

Food to Consume To Lower Cholesterol
There is a saying that goes. “We are what we eat.” This is so true as the food being consumed may affect the cholesterol levels inside the persons system. This makes this makes the person prone to high blood pressure or heart disease through age, which could leave the patient, paralyzed or dead.
The only thing to do before it is too late is to make some changes in the individual’s diet. While many of the good stuff that people love to eat have high concentrations of LDL better known as bad cholesterol, this can all change by consuming those that have HDL or good cholesterol. Here are a few examples.
A good way to start a healthy diet is to have a breakfast. Instead of eating bread, the individual can consume oatmeal instead. Studies have shown this can lower the cholesterol in the body by more than 20% after just two weeks of use. This figure can go down some more if this becomes a habit before going to work.
It is tough to just have oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes, the individual can have a fruit. An example could be an apple.
Studies have shown that people who eat at least 2 full apples a day or drink 12 ounces of apple juice are able to reduce the chances of heart diseases by 50%. This can be purchased at the supermarket and eaten during anytime of the day such as dessert after a light meal or as a snack.
During lunch or dinner, the person must have some vegetables in the meal. Those who order can have fish or poultry instead of eating red meat. Such dishes are not high in saturated fats, which are healthier.
Those who love to cook at home can try mixing some healthy things ingredients in the meal. One example is garlic that has natural properties that can declog the arteries and again lower the odds of succumbing to heart disease.
Having a can of pork and beans is also good for the diet. This is because it contains soluble fibers that can combat the bad cholesterol in the person’s body. There are not that many people who will do this but those who are able to eat even a half an onion daily will be able to increase the HDL and lower the LDL.
People are often told that fats are not good for the diet. This isnt entirely true because this comes in many forms. There are fats that are healthy such as unsaturated ones and omega 3 fatty acids.
Monosaturated and Polysaturated ones are also effective since these are usually found in cooking oils. This means food preparation also plays a big factor in reducing lowering ones cholesterol levels.
The individual should read the label at the supermarket and read the ingredients to find out if this is healthy for cooking.
Being a bit overweight or noticing a lot of bulges in the body is one way of knowing that the person is potentially at risk for succumbing to disease to high levels of cholesterol in the system.
If the individual is unable to make a proper dietary plan, a specialist can help make one so all the person has to do is follow it.
Tags: Apple Juice, Apples, Arteries, Bad Cholesterol, Cholesterol, Cholesterol Levels, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Cholesterol, Good Stuff, Hdl Cholesterol, Healthy Diet, heart disease;, Heart Diseases, high blood pressure;, Lower Cholesterol, Oatmeal, Pork And Beans, Poultry, Red Meat, Saturated Fats, Soluble Fibers —