
3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss
3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss In Just 3 Days
The 3 day heart diet is a diet that is said to have been developed specifically for heart patients. There are various versions of where the diet is supposed to have come from, with the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association all having been credited at one point or another as being the point of origin.
All three of the organizations mentioned have publicly denied being the place where the 3 day heart diet originated, but that has done immature to curb its popularity. Despite the name, the diets pseudonym appeal isnt to cardiac patients, but to people trying to lose weight as hastily as possible.
The 3 day heart diet is supposed to have been used to prepare heart patients for surgery, allowing them to lose the bloat and water retention that would put extra stress on the heart. This automatically caused weight loss, so the diet, according to the stories, became very popular.
Regardless of the origin of the 3 day heart diet, it will indeed cause you to lose weight fast. The average person can expect to lose six pounds over the course of the diet, and individuals that are larger can lose even more, with up to ten pounds being a possibility.
This kind of weight loss is possible because the low calories nature of the diet means that it is also low carb and low mighty. These two things mean that you will lose a substantial amount of water weight for well as clearing out any excess material from your guts. Combined with a likely pound of two of actual fat loss, this accounts for most of the weight lost on the 3 day heart diet.
Generally speaking, there is a set type and equivalent of food for each meal of the diet, and this changes from day to day. The variety makes it easier to follow, but this is a very low calorie plan, so staying on it for more than the three days allotted is not recommended.
For breakfast, the 3 day heart diet looks like this
Day One
of a whole grapefruit or 4 ounces of grapefruit juice, unsweetened
1 slice of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
Day Two
1 hard – boiled egg
1 slice of toast
1 / 2 Banana
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
Day Three
1 hard – boiled egg
1 slice of toast
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
For lunch youll be eating:
Day One
1 / 2 cup of water packed tuna
1 slice of toast
Day Two
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 saltine type crackers
Day Three
1 slice of cheddar cheese
5 saltine tone crackers
1 small apple
For dinner, the 3 day heart diet menu looks like this:
Day One
A quarter pound of any meat
1 cup of string beans
1 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Day Two
2 hot dogs
1 cup of broccoli
1 / 2 cup of carrots, cooked or raw.
1 / 2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Day Three
1 cup of water packed tuna
1 cup of beets
1 cup green beans
1 cup cantaloupe
1 cup of vanilla cool cream
On the 3 day heart diet, you are not to use any kind of spice or additive except for salt and pepper. It is not recommended because of the low calories that you stay on it for more than three consecutive days. For best results, alternate the 3 day heart diet with four days of higher calories eating to avoid slowing your metabolism.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: American Heart Association, Average Person, Bloat, Calorie Plan, Calories, Cardiac Patients, Cleveland Clinic, Diet Health, Diet Weightloss, Diets, food;, Guts, Health Diet, Healthy Diet, Heart Diet, Heart Patients, Losing Weight, Low Carb, Mayo Clinic, Point Of Origin, Pseudonym, surgery, Water Retention, Water Weight, Weightloss Diet —

3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss
3 Day Heart Diet Can You Find Health And Weightloss In Just 3 Days
The 3 day heart diet is a diet that is said to have been developed specifically for heart patients. There are various versions of where the diet is supposed to have come from, with the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and the American Heart Association all having been credited at one point or another as being the point of origin.
All three of the organizations mentioned have publicly denied being the place where the 3 day heart diet originated, but that has done little to curb its popularity. Despite the name, the diets name appeal isnt to cardiac patients, but to people trying to lose weight as quickly as possible.
The 3 day heart diet is supposed to have been used to prepare heart patients for surgery, allowing them to lose the bloat and water retention that would put extra stress on the heart. This automatically caused weight loss, so the diet, according to the stories, became very popular.
Regardless of the origin of the 3 day heart diet, it will indeed cause you to lose weight quickly. The average person can expect to lose six pounds over the course of the diet, and people that are larger can lose even more, with up to ten pounds being a possibility.
This kind of weight loss is possible because the low calories nature of the diet means that it is also low carb and low bulk. These two things mean that you will lose a substantial amount of water weight as well as clearing out any excess material from your guts. Combined with a likely pound of two of actual fat loss, this accounts for most of the weight lost on the 3 day heart diet.
Generally speaking, there is a set type and amount of food for each meal of the diet, and this changes from day to day. The variety makes it easier to follow, but this is a very low calorie plan, so staying on it for more than the three days allotted is not recommended.
For breakfast, the 3 day heart diet looks like this
Day One
of a whole grapefruit or 4 ounces of grapefruit juice, unsweetened
1 slice of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
Day Two
1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toast
1/2 Banana
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
Day Three
1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toast
Tea or coffee, if you want it, no dairy
For lunch youll be eating:
Day One
1/2 cup of water packed tuna
1 slice of toast
Day Two
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 saltine type crackers
Day Three
1 slice of cheddar cheese
5 saltine type crackers
1 small apple
For dinner, the 3 day heart diet menu looks like this:
Day One
A quarter pound of any meat
1 cup of string beans
1 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Day Two
2 hot dogs
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 cup of carrots, cooked or raw.
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Day Three
1 cup of water packed tuna
1 cup of beets
1 cup green beans
1 cup cantaloupe
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
On the 3 day heart diet, you are not to use any kind of spice or additive except for salt and pepper. It is not recommended because of the low calories that you stay on it for more than three consecutive days. For best results, alternate the 3 day heart diet with four days of higher calories eating to avoid slowing your metabolism.
Tags: American Heart Association, Average Person, Bloat, Calorie Plan, Calories, Cardiac Patients, Cleveland Clinic, Diet Health, Diet Weightloss, Eating Habits, food;, Guts, Health Diet, Healthy Diet, Heart Diet, Heart Health, Heart Patients, Losing Weight, Low Carb, Mayo Clinic, Point Of Origin, surgery, Water Retention, Water Weight, Weightloss Diet —

Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Ram Kishore
The world today is facing an alarming health problem with
obesity. Overweight among people is result of bad dietary
habits, lack of exercise and a sedentary life-style. The main
cause though is poor diet. Keeping a low fat, high fibre diet is
one way of countering weight problems. Oats is an excellent
organic food that helps maintain a healthy weight and is
essential in a long-term health diet. More and more people are
becoming health conscious and turning to meatless, low
cholesterol foods, which has led to the recognition of oats a
natural food in the fight against obesity.
By consuming Oats and its ingredient Beta-glucan a person can
maintain a healthy weight.
*B-glucan present in Oats delays the stomach from emptying
contributing to a longer feeling of being full. *The high fibre
in Oats help you feel fuller longer but without providing any
calories. *The presence of B-glucan in the small intestine
slows down the nutrient absorption process leading to a longer
feeling of satiety. *Oats assists weight maintenance and
reduction by increasing the amount of fat discharged in the
faeces. *When consumed with other organic foods the effects of
Oats B-glucan are even stronger.
For more info please visit: Nutritious diet. The website
is in Russian language so people who know Russian can understand
the goodness of oats and its impact on health.
About the author:
My name is Ram Kishore & I have total exp. of 2 yrs. in article
writing realted to the halth & fitness field.
I prefer giving my thoughts to other people so that they can
enjoy the healthy & fit life.
Tags: Author, Beta Glucan, Dietary Habits, Faeces, Fitness Field, Health Diet, High Fibre Diet, Long Term Health, Losing Weight, Low Cholesterol Foods, Natural Food, Nutrient Absorption, Nutritious Diet, Oats, obesity;, Organic Food, Organic Foods, Poor Diet, Ram Kishore, Realted, Russian Language, Satiety, Sedentary Life Style, Small Intestine, Weight Maintenance —

Eat Right For A Healthy Life
Eat Right For A Healthy Life
Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan
Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in an Ayurvedic classic ‘Charak Samhita’ that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of ‘Disease’.
According to ‘Charak Samhita -“An appropriate and suitable diet in a disease is equivalent to hundred drugs and any quantity of drug hardly compares to good results in disease without following proper dietetic regimen”
Ayurvedic has mentioned following principles for living full span of life with perfect health.
Diet should be regulated taking into account the ‘Desha'(territory), ‘Kala’ (Season as well as time of the day) etc. On should be in a habit of taking all six ‘Rasa’ (tastes) in order to prevent nutritional deficiency disorders.
Time of consuming food : A person should take meal only when he feels hungry. Lunch should be taken early between 12 and 1P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. The supper should be lesser and lighter than lunch
Quantity of food : Generally half of the capacity of stomach should be filled with solids, th with liquids and rest kept empty for the free movements of body humors.
Sequence of consuming food :Madhur (sweet) rasa food like fruits are advisable to take in the bigining of meal, food with Amla and Lavana (sour and salty) rasa in the middle and Katu,Tikta,Kashay (bitter ,astringent and pungent) foods should be taken at the end of meal
Method of consuming food :
* Wash the face hands and feet before meal. Dine in an isolated neat and clean place in pleasant environment with the affectionate persons in sitting position.
* Food should be taken after complete digestion of previous one.
* Hard items should be consumed in the beginning followed by soft and liquids subsequently.
* Few sips of water is advised now and then while taking meal.
* Heavy substances are contraindicated after meals and should be avoided
* Consumption of excessive hot food leads to weakness. Cold and dry food leads to delayed digestion. Intake of food prepared by giving extra
heat leads to ‘Glani’. Hence consumption of such food should be avoided
Incompatible Food (Viruddha ahara):
Milk followed by fruits and vice versa.
Soar substance along with milk.
Milk with salt, horse gram, green gram & cow gram
Wheat preparations in gingelly oil(Tila taila)
Hot drinks after alcohol, curd or honey.
Cold and hot substances together
Banana with curd and butter milk
Chicken with curd
Ghee kept in bronze vessel
Radish with jaggery
Fish with jaggery or sugar
Jingelly seeds with kanjika.
Use of incompatible food leads to skin disorders, Gastro intestinal .Disorders , anaemia, leucoderma hyperacidity impotence etc. hence should be avoided.
General Rules about food consumption :
Walk a while after meal to help digestion
No travelling, exercise or sexual intercourse within one hour after meal.
Avoid meals when thirsty and water while hungry.
Avoid meals after exertion
Avoid meals when you are having no appetite.
Don’t suppress the appetite as it leads to body pain, anorexia, lassitude, vertigo and general debility
Don’t suppress the thirst as it leads to general debility, giddiness and heart diseases.
Consumption of the fresh, acceptable, easily available and compatible food with various nutrients is a key to lead a healthy life.
Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan is practicing as ‘Ayurvedic Consultant’ for last 25 years at the city -Sangli , Maharashtra -India.
He has done his graduation in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [B.A.M&S] and post graduate Fellowship of Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine [F.F.A.M.] From Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune University , India, during the years 1970-1976.
He is a chief editor and Ayurvedic Consultant of a ‘Comprehensive website on Ayurveda – http://www.ayurveda-foryou.com
He is an author of many books on Ayurveda and is first to publish them in ebook format. He has written ebooks like – Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes , Home Remedies in Ayurveda , Treat Common Diseases with Ayurveda & Yoga , Ayurvedic Principles Revealed.
He regularly writes articles on various topics in Ayurveda in Ayurvedic health magazines and alternative medicine sites.
Tags: alternative medicine, Amla, Author, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Medicine, Bigining, Charak Samhita, chief editor and Ayurvedic Consultant, Cold and dry food leads, Common Diseases, consultant, diabetes;, disease, disorders, excessive hot food leads, Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine, food consumption;, food;, Habit, Hands And Feet, Health Diet, Heart Diseases, hyperacidity impotence, Improper Diet, incompatible food, India, Katu, Liquids, Maharashtra, Meal Food, nutritional deficiency disorders, oil;, pain;, pence, Perfect Health, Pune University, Pungent Foods, Rasa, rasa food, Regimen, Shashikant Patwardhan, Sips, Solids, Span, Stomach, Tastes, vertigo —