Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Discover Weight Wachers

There may be thousands of diets on the market today but not all of them work. As a matter of fact, studies suggest most dont which means if you are looking for a way to lose weight you should discover weight wachers. The best diet in the world is not the best diet for you if you do not lose the weight. Even more importantly, the diet that helps you get to a certain size but doesnt remove body fat is not the diet for you either. The bottom line of dieting is to lose body fat.

If youve ever been on a diet before, you know that deciding on the wrong diet can mean weeks or months of deprivation that end up resulting in minimal weight loss and possibly binging from deprivation of so many of the foods you normally enjoy. The beauty of dieting the right way, such as when you discover weight wachers, is that you dont have to suffer while you diet. When you discover weight wachers, you discover a way to eat the foods you love sensibly so that you can enjoy eating and lose weight at the same time.

Realistically speaking, many people dont have time to prepare a meal every time they want to eat. Many lifestyles, families, and job commitments place significant demands on our daily living. We simply dont have time or access to the good home cooked meals we would like to eat. Sometimes the best we can do is to grab a quick bite on the way to a meeting or soccer practice or other obligations. For this reason, to discover weight wachers means providing yourself with a reasonable way to begin losing weight and to maintain that type of eating regimen until your ideal weight is reached.

When you discover weight wachers, you are giving yourself the weight loss advantage that you need. Your daily routines can be stressful enough without adding a diet plan that stresses you further. Eating is a fact of life. We have to eat to live. You shouldnt have to practice a eating routine that is a big ordeal and difficult to maintain because if you do, chances are you arent going to stick with the routine or see any significant weight loss because its too much trouble to maintain and too much of a hassle to be involved with.

Knowing that theres a weight loss plan that will let you continue with your life just as it is right now is important and can be the key to getting started with your weight loss right away. More importantly, when you discover weight wachers you are making an investment in yourself which shows others that you care about your body and want to be around for those that you are about also. So it doesnt really matter at all whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 100 pounds, you can discover weight wachers and start losing the weight today.

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Eat Right For A Healthy Life

Eat Right For A Healthy Life
Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan

Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in an Ayurvedic classic ‘Charak Samhita’ that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of ‘Disease’.

According to ‘Charak Samhita -“An appropriate and suitable diet in a disease is equivalent to hundred drugs and any quantity of drug hardly compares to good results in disease without following proper dietetic regimen”

Ayurvedic has mentioned following principles for living full span of life with perfect health.

Diet should be regulated taking into account the ‘Desha'(territory), ‘Kala’ (Season as well as time of the day) etc. On should be in a habit of taking all six ‘Rasa’ (tastes) in order to prevent nutritional deficiency disorders.

Time of consuming food : A person should take meal only when he feels hungry. Lunch should be taken early between 12 and 1P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. The supper should be lesser and lighter than lunch

Quantity of food : Generally half of the capacity of stomach should be filled with solids, th with liquids and rest kept empty for the free movements of body humors.

Sequence of consuming food :Madhur (sweet) rasa food like fruits are advisable to take in the bigining of meal, food with Amla and Lavana (sour and salty) rasa in the middle and Katu,Tikta,Kashay (bitter ,astringent and pungent) foods should be taken at the end of meal

Method of consuming food :

* Wash the face hands and feet before meal. Dine in an isolated neat and clean place in pleasant environment with the affectionate persons in sitting position.

* Food should be taken after complete digestion of previous one.

* Hard items should be consumed in the beginning followed by soft and liquids subsequently.

* Few sips of water is advised now and then while taking meal.

* Heavy substances are contraindicated after meals and should be avoided

* Consumption of excessive hot food leads to weakness. Cold and dry food leads to delayed digestion. Intake of food prepared by giving extra

heat leads to ‘Glani’. Hence consumption of such food should be avoided

Incompatible Food (Viruddha ahara):

Milk followed by fruits and vice versa.

Soar substance along with milk.

Milk with salt, horse gram, green gram & cow gram

Wheat preparations in gingelly oil(Tila taila)

Hot drinks after alcohol, curd or honey.

Cold and hot substances together

Banana with curd and butter milk

Chicken with curd

Ghee kept in bronze vessel

Radish with jaggery

Fish with jaggery or sugar

Jingelly seeds with kanjika.

Use of incompatible food leads to skin disorders, Gastro intestinal .Disorders , anaemia, leucoderma hyperacidity impotence etc. hence should be avoided.

General Rules about food consumption :

Walk a while after meal to help digestion

No travelling, exercise or sexual intercourse within one hour after meal.

Avoid meals when thirsty and water while hungry.

Avoid meals after exertion

Avoid meals when you are having no appetite.

Don’t suppress the appetite as it leads to body pain, anorexia, lassitude, vertigo and general debility

Don’t suppress the thirst as it leads to general debility, giddiness and heart diseases.

Consumption of the fresh, acceptable, easily available and compatible food with various nutrients is a key to lead a healthy life.

Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan is practicing as ‘Ayurvedic Consultant’ for last 25 years at the city -Sangli , Maharashtra -India.

He has done his graduation in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [B.A.M&S] and post graduate Fellowship of Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine [F.F.A.M.] From Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune University , India, during the years 1970-1976.

He is a chief editor and Ayurvedic Consultant of a ‘Comprehensive website on Ayurveda –

He is an author of many books on Ayurveda and is first to publish them in ebook format. He has written ebooks like – Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes , Home Remedies in Ayurveda , Treat Common Diseases with Ayurveda & Yoga , Ayurvedic Principles Revealed.

He regularly writes articles on various topics in Ayurveda in Ayurvedic health magazines and alternative medicine sites.

[email protected]

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Reality of Fast Weight Loss

Do think there is fast weight loss? Yes. The fastest weight loss a teen can do is to stop eating or to starve until it can be tolerated. It is the worst thing a teen can achieve as an empty goal. Starving can lead to serious health conditions for some self-explanatory reason that eating is a basic need.

Not eating for quite longer will definitely not last long, especially for healthy teens with hectic activities. Without explaining further, simply starving is frustrating, tough to do when energy is needed at most during the times of hurdling at school.

Talking about real regimen for fast weight loss for teens will lead you to myriads of methods promoted by aggressive sales marketing people in the consumer world. There is simply a drug created for every common ordeal in the face of the earth. Diet pills flood the papers with the promise of ramp model silhouette as endorsed by top showbiz commercial personalities.

When an obese teen gazes at a slim lady doing ads of diet pills or delivering some other scripted testimonials, there is a tendency to get lured by the beauty on how they say the ad message. The reality will only be proven by walking and looking around a crowded downtown where you can see people from all walks of life, in all shapes and sizes. The ramp models comprise not more than .8% at large.

It means the average people are not endowed with such appearance as seen on TV. Wake up! The TV will only show the best part of the stage. There is only a wall separating the re-enacted portrayals seen on shows, but behind is always the gaping reality: not everyone is slim!

But teens are becoming influenced by social stigma to look great. It is indirectly associated with being trim all the time. Sometimes it is not the issue of being overweight or not, but you will realize, it has something to do with wrong fat distribution in the body. People of same weight would definitely look different: one may have wide hips, while the other might be endowed with bulky upper body torso.

Breasts have weight too. Fats usually hide in favorite spots like the inner thighs, lower and upper abdomen, belly, and arms. When too much fat are noticeable in the said areas of the body, it surely becomes an annoying burden to carry around all the time. Exercise can re-shape the ugly fat concentration, but it takes courage to accept the simple truth that genetic make will always take its course in one’s physiological attribute.

For teens aspiring fast weight loss, forget it. Yes, there are fast ways to weight loss but they will only lead to fast rebound of loss body fats if the motivation to permanently keep trim is not seriously thought of. There are accounts of success stories on slow weight loss regiment worked out of strong determination on a daily basis.

It is a combination of good diet, exercise, and stress-free indulgence of activities. Weight loss has to be one’s goal in a very realistic sense. Fats are stored in a slow fashion after the food and nutrients have been processed. Therefore, the capability to think at hand is faster before one can pop a high calorie serving of dessert in every meal. Open your mind! The best dieting tool around is centered in one’s brain — the decision you make in every meal.

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Lose Belly Fat- Lose It All Over

If you really want to lose belly fat you need to get something through your head, you cannot possibly lose weight in only one area of your body. You can exercise til you are blue in the face and eat healthy and you will lose weight all over, not just in one area.

You can concentrate different exercises to the area of your belly and these exercises will help tone the area more than other areas so it may look like you can just lose belly fat but that is not the case. Weight comes off from every where because it is everywhere. You did not just put the weight on around your belly and no where else, you put it on all over.

Start with easy walks around the block then build up to more intense walking. When you get good at that, walk with weights around your ankles and wrists. If your joints bother you, do your walking in a pool. The water will take the load off of your joints and give you some resistance, too.

I read in a magazine about these four women who walked off a lot of weight, one of them walked off 250 pounds in two and a half years. It is possible to walk off any amount of extra weight that you are carrying.

There are those who will tell you walking is the best exercise you can do, I tend to agree. There are others who will tell you that intense workouts are the best, and maybe they have a point but I would rather walk than try to do something I wasn’t sure of and end up hurting myself.

I do have bad knees so I am doing my walking in a pool. I just started but last week and with diet as part of this whole regimen, I lost four pounds. Now, I’m not going to lose four pounds every week but to start off, that is pretty normal.

In a couple of weeks when I am stronger I will probably get on the stationary bike for twenty to thirty minutes before I walk in the pool for twenty to thirty minutes. That would be a nice hour long workout and then I can treat myself to ten minutes in the hot tub to keep things loose.

Losing weight may take a while if you have a lot to lose but I keep saying it doesn’t have to be difficult. Human beings are inherently lazy and that is the main reason that pretty much everywhere you look you see someone who is overweight. I am not saying that people do not work hard for what they have it is just that the things that used to help us stay fit and trim have today become motorized or roboticized or can be run by remote control.

Have you seen the new automatic vacuum? There is a round one that has been around for a long time but there is a new one one the market that has it’s own navigation system and can tell where it has been. I am thinking about getting one, how pathetic is that?

I think we all deserve to be fat if we cannot even get off our butts to vacuum every couple of days. We make things easier for ourselves but that doesn’t mean we make things better for ourselves and when you want to lose belly fat better is easier.

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