Achieving Youthful Healthy Skin with Vitamins A, C and
Achieving Youthful Healthy Skin with Vitamins A, C and E
Charlene J. Nuble
We all want healthy skin. While the main reasons for pursuing healthy skin tend to be purely shallow and cosmetic in nature, healthy skin is beautiful and keeps us looking younger than our years and there are actually some practical health benefits to maintaining the good health for our skin. The purpose of the skin is to act as a barrier. It serves to prevent bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from entering the body and causing infection, illness and disease. There are many vitamins and minerals that help to keep skin healthy and thus be able to serve its vital role in the protection of the body.
Antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are very important to healthy skin because it is these vitamins that share in the responsibility of controlling the damage that free radicals byproducts of energy production within the body and of environmental contaminants such as air pollution produce. Among the several types of damage done by free radicals is the destruction of collagen and elastin which are fibers that support the skin and keeps it looking supple. As these are damaged wrinkles and a lack of that youthful firmness can occur. Vitamin C also plays a part in the production of collagen making it essential to the function and look of the skin. Recent studies have found that Vitamin C and E used together may help to repair sun-damaged skin.
Vitamin A has its own important role in skin health and beauty in addition to its anti-oxidant properties. In terms of diet even small deficiencies can negatively affect the skin causing flakiness and dryness. Dryness can make lines and wrinkles that are much more apparent. Its primary use however, is as a topical solution for the treatment of severe acne and the reduction of lines and wrinkles themselves. Recent research has showed that a topical solution that contains both Vitamin A and Vitamin C can in some cases reverse the damage done by the aging process and by sun-damage.
Deficiencies in the Vitamin B complex can leave the skin prone to cracking, bleeding and dangerous skin lesions that allow all kinds of bacteria, viruses and other contaminants to easily enter the body. But in terms of strictly cosmetic concerns even a little shortage of the Vitamin B complex can result in scaly and poorly textured skin. Topical preparations have been found to play an important role in the hydrating of skin cells leading to noticeably firmer and healthier looking skin.
Vitamin K has been found to relieve those awful dark circles under the eyes. Some research has found that creams made up of both Vitamin K and Vitamin A are more effective than those that just contain Vitamin K but researchers are still following up on these results.
Minerals important to the look and to the health of the skin include selenium, copper and zinc. Selenium whether used as a topical solution or taken in the form of a dietary supplement is thought to play a big role in the prevention of skin cancer. Copper, zinc and Vitamin C work together to form elastin which helps to support skin keeping it firm and healthy.
Topical solutions and dietary supplements can help to keep the skin healthy and youthful in appearance. However, it is important to recognize that these are powerful substances and using them within the standard guidelines of dosage is essential to good health. There is such a thing as too much of abusing such natural healing powers which could then result to a not so pretty sight. But when used correctly however, your skin can look better than ever.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
Tags: Air Pollution, Author, Bacteria Viruses, Byproducts, Charlene J. Nuble, Collagen And Elastin, Dietary Supplement, Dietary Supplements, disease, Energy Production, Environmental Contaminants, Flakiness, Free Radicals, Good Health, Health And Beauty, Health Benefits, Healthy Skin, illness, infection, prevention of skin cancer, Severe Acne, Skin Cancer, Skin Health, Sun Damaged Skin, Topical Solution, Topical solutions, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin C C, Vitamin K, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals, Youthful Firmness —

A short-cut to a smooth and healthy skin!
A short-cut to a smooth and healthy skin!
Lisa Hyde-Barrett
It is a daily fight to keep your skin healthy and smooth. But help could come from an unexpected quarter. Welcome to the world of glyconutrients!
You are 25 but look 35. Blame it on your skin! The skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most exposed. Pollution, ultraviolet rays in the Sun’s light, stress, lack of essential vitamins, all contribute to wear and tear your skin.
Most people don’t take proper care of their skin – either due to hectic work or due to pure ignorance. Lack of proper skin care can result in more skin-related diseases and allergies. Proper skin care is important for avoiding cold sores, spots, and skin cancer. Beauty therapies and skin care lotions are only effective up to a point when it comes to keeping your skin soft and smooth.
Exposure to sunlight causes loss of water in our body which leads to dryness of the skin. This results in the skin losing its elasticity and ‘sagging.’ This loss of elasticity normally happens with ageing. However, changing climatic conditions and atmospheric conditions such as ozone depletion cause the harmful ultraviolet B rays to cause more damage to our skin. This is where nutrition comes in.
In order to get the right skin, it is important to look at the part played by nutrition in skin care. That translates as getting more nutritional food into your diet. Lack of proper nutrition may result in the loss of natural oils present in your skin. Fresh vegetables, fruits, fresh juice, cereals, etc. contain vitamins essential for a healthy skin.
Vitamin E is said to be a skin-care vitamin. Apart from vitamin E, vitamins such as A and C are also essential for a healthy skin. These vitamins contain antioxidants which help the skin to maintain its natural oils. These antioxidants help to reduce the tendency of the skin to age. Ultimately they help fight the punishing effect that the climatic changes have on our skins.
But where do you get the vitamins and nutrients necessary for your skin’s health? Not from your daily diet. For various reasons, people cannot get the right quantity of vitamins and other nutrients into the body through their normal diet. And synthetic vitamins are out.
Enter glyconutrients. Eight essential sugars have been discovered to be the essential building blocks for our body cells recently. There is a lot of research going on about these essential sugars and the larger group of saccharides of which they are a part, called glyconutrients. These eight simple sugars are responsible for cell-to-cell communication necessary for keeping the body’s glands and organs, including the skin, healthy.
Skin care ointments and lotions containing glyconutrients are the best alternative to any beauty therapy. The intake glyconutrients is equally important for health care as well as skin care.
Consult your doctor or dietician, exercise, and drink a lot of water. And give your skin its daily dose of glyconutrients!
Resource box
Find out more about the best skin care products containing glyconutrients. Know more about the best skin care products with glyconutrients at http://www.deadly-health-myths.com/skin_care.html
About the Author
Lisa Hyde-Barrett, a registered nurse and wellness advocate, knows the value of good nutrition and its relationship with good health. She’s become passionate about the new research behind sugars, specifically glyconutritional products.
Tags: Allergies, Atmospheric Conditions, Author, Beauty Therapies, Climatic Changes, cold sores, Dietician, Fresh Juice, Glyconutrients, glyconutritional products, Healthy Skin, Hectic Work, Light Stress, Lisa Hyde, Lisa Hyde-Barrett, Natural Oils, Nutritional Food, Ozone Depletion Cause, Proper Nutrition, Proper Skin Care, registered nurse and wellness advocate, Skin Cancer, Skin Care Lotions, Skin Care Products, skin-related diseases, Sunlight Causes, Ultraviolet Rays, Unexpected Quarter, Water In Our Body —

A Cheap and Natural Way to Healthy Skin
A Cheap and Natural Way to Healthy Skin
Wendy Owen
Healthy skin happens when we eats good foods, have enough exercise, minimize stress and protect our skin from the harsh environment.
Certain foods are especially beneficial to the skin. Garlic is one such food. It contains sulphur compounds (which give it its rather strong odor) which are beneficial to your skin. It also acts as a natural antibiotic and cleanses the whole system. If you like garlic, eat it as much as you can. If the smell worries you, chew a piece of parsley afterwards and this will neutralize it. Odorless garlic tablets are available if this is all too hard.
Vitamin C is probably the most important skin vitamin in my opinion. Not least because the human body can neither make it or store it. This vitamin helps collagen formation which keeps the skin looking young and plump. This could be why smokers skin can look older than a non smokers. Smoking also uses up the oxygen in the blood. Give it up if humanly possible or at least cut it down.
Vitamin C is best consumed together with bioflavonoids, the way it is normally found in nature. The two have a synergistic effect. They can be found in Citrus fruit, berries such as strawberries and blueberries and vegetables such as broccoli.
Broccoli also contain vitamin A, an important vitamin for skin as it helps it fight infection from the inside out. Great for those with acne! Have some every other day if you can.
Carrots are a great source of carotenoids such as “beta-carotene” which your body converts to vitamin A . Beta-carotene is absorbed into the skin and can also protect it from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Carrots also contain “alpha carotene” which protects against free radical damage. Carrots are a great way to get your vitamin A as excess carotenoids are expelled by the body. Too much vitamin A is toxic to the body.
Dark leafy green vegetables, particularly kale and spinach are a good source of zinc and iron. Iron will make sure your skin gets enough oxygen and zinc is a great pimple fighter. Eat some every day if you possible can or include some in a fresh juice.
Parsley deserves a separate mention as it is rich in just about all the skin boosting nutrients. It contains beta carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, folic acid (great for firm skin), vitamin C and iron. Parsley can be added to juices, casseroles, sprinkled over any savory dish or simply chewed by itself. Its great for fresh breath too. Parsley is easy to grow, pop some in a pot and keep it near the kitchen door.
Olive oil is fabulous for dry skin and wrinkles. Use it for cooking – it contains monounsaturated fats and anti oxidants- or slather it on your skin after a bath.
Flaxseeds and flax oil (also known as linseed) contain the essential omega 3 oils not found in many foods. (Fish also contains omega 3). Flaxseeds contain fiber and phytoestrogens which balance the body’s hormones and are vital for younger looking skin. Sprinkle some on your cereal or use in soups and stews.
Avocados give skin (especially dry skin) a boost. Although fairly high in fat, its the healthy monounsaturated kind which makes dry skin supple. Avocados contain glutathione which is one of the most powerful antioxidants around and will prevent cell damage in all skin types. They are also high in potassium.
Drink as much water as you can, this flushes out toxins and helps to hydrate the skin. If you cant drink eight glasses a day – I cant unless its 40 degrees – then just drink as much as you can without being uncomfortable.
Skin needs sufficient protein to replace and repair itself. Most of us have plenty of protein in our diets but a lot of it comes with a lot of fat attached. If you can substitute low fat items e.g. milk, peanut butter, cheese etc, then do so. Youll still be eating the same amount. Lean meat is fine, fish is even better as it contains natural omega 3 oils which are great for your skin and your health.
Try and add as many fruits and vegetables as possible to your diet. If you re a committed junk food junkie this may seem impossible, but if you tackle it in small bites (pun intended!) It will be easy. Commit yourself to healthy foods on certain days of the week or drink water instead of soda in the afternoons. When this becomes comfortable, expand it to every day. Its just breaking old habits and replacing them with new ones. After a while youll be comfortable with it. And youll feel better and loose weight too.
The purists tell us that all vitamins and minerals can be obtained from foods and there is no need for us to take supplements. In theory this is true, however the stress of life today probably robs our system of vitamin B. Smoking uses up about 35 mg of vitamin C per day.
Added to this, the practice of storing fresh produce for extended amounts of time, cant help but deplete the natural vitamins in these foods. The pollution in our cities and some of our bad habits like eating junk and smoking (who me?) leads to the production of free radicals in the body. For this we need an antioxidant which contains among others beta carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, lycopene (found in tomatoes) and zinc.
Healthy skin loves exercise! It doesnt matter what kind. Walking, jogging, all types of sport, aerobics, thumping around in the gym, whatever you enjoy try and fit it in three times a week. If you dont enjoy any exercise, find one! Join a group of people or find a walking buddy, you will get to enjoy it I promise!
Stress is bad for you and bad for your skin. Stress will slow the circulation of blood to the skin causing a shortage of oxygen to the cells. It will also deplete certain nutrients from the body – for example vitamin B. It can ruin your sleep thus preventing the repair and regeneration of skin cells. It will put worry lines on your face and will make you look old before your time! Who needs it? No-one! check out this page on stress to see how you can deal with this incapacitating disorder now!
As you may have gathered from all this, having a healthy skin is the same as having a healthy body, its worth maintaining a good diet and lifestyle so you not only look great but you feel great too!
About the Author
Like to have better looking skin? http://www.holistic-facial-skin-care.com will give you detailed information on all facets of skin care. The author, Wendy Owen has had a lifetime interest in general and alternative health and skin care.
Tags: acne;, alpha, Alpha Carotene, Author, Beta Carotene, Bioflavonoids, Blueberries, Carrots, Citrus Fruit, Collagen Formation, committed junk food junkie, cut, disorder, flax oil;, folic acid, food;, Free Radical Damage, Garlic Tablets, Great Source, Harmful Uv Rays, Harsh Environment, Healthy Skin, infection, Leafy Green Vegetables, Natural Antibiotic, olive oil;, Piece Of Parsley, Source Of Zinc, Sulphur Compounds, Synergistic Effect, Vitamin A, Wendy Owen —

5 Healthy Ways to Prevent and Heal Stretch Marks
5 Healthy Ways to Prevent and Heal Stretch Marks
Charles Kassotis
Stretch marks are a common dermatological problem in both sexes of all ages. Stretch Mark scars are formed when our skin needs to be stretched quickly. A sudden weight gain, pregnancy, puberty, height gaining, and sudden weight loss may cause cases like that. The inner layer of the skin tears as the normal production of the major protein that makes up the connective tissue in our skin, collagen, is disrupted. Trying to heal the wounds, the skin is increasing the amount of collagen in the overstretched tissue, resulting in those familiar pinkish lines.
If you are in one of these situations, watch out, you don’t want to see these lines on your skin later. Stretch Mark Treatments are often ineffective and in some cases very expensive. It is better prevent than to treat, so here are some prevention tips for you.
Follow a balanced diet. Keep your weight gain within the recommended range, as sudden weight gain or weight loss is the most common cause of stretch marks as well as other health problems. If you have weight problems or sudden weight changes consult your doctor or dietician.
Drink plenty of water. Hydration is important for your overall health and it is critical to healthy skin. Skin needs water for elasticity. Dehydration makes skin looking dry, lined and feeling delicate, being vulnerable enough for stretch marks and scars.
Vitamins are a certain way to ensure proper nutritional status and shiny strong skin in and out. All vitamins are essential for healthy skin but you can make sure that you take enough of the skin beneficial vitamins; Vitamin A is critical for normal life cycle of skin cells, vitamin C, iron and copper which are important for the synthesis of collagen, folate is important for rapidly dividing skin cells, Vitamins B1 and B2 are critical for energy production in the cells and vitamin B12 is essential for a variety of synthetic processes in the cells.
You can also use a body brush to massage the areas where you have or want to prevent stretch marks from appearing, such us the thighs, buttocks, breasts and arms. This massage will increase circulation to the area, adding points to your efforts.
Moisturize your skin externally. You can apply several moisturizing creams and oils. Daily massage the area with a substance of your choice. Olive oil, vaseline, vitamin E cream, different types of butter such us cocoa butter, coconut butter and shea butter will do fine. There are also special creams marketed especially for stretch mark prevention, formulas that are designed to help enhance collagen production and support the dermis. These moisturizers will help keep your skin supple and elastic plus serve as nutrition for your skin.
Finally, keep in mind that the appearance of stretch marks is not entirely in your hands. Heredity and skin complexion is also important. Stretch marks are the result of a healthy body trying to heal itself.
So, if despite your efforts you continue to see stretch marks on your skin, do not despair. You are a healthy individual and your marks tell a story. There are always new treatments waiting for you to try, and cosmetic science is always progressing rapidly in this direction.
About the Author
For free daily articles, ideas and tips to fight scars and stretch marks visit The Stretchmarktips.com at www.stretchmarktips.com
Tags: Author, B1 And B2, Balanced Diet, Cause Of Stretch Marks, Connective Tissue, dehydration;, Dietician, Elasticity, Energy Production, Folate, Health Problems, Healthy Skin, Mark Treatments, massage, Nutritional Status, olive oil;, Prevention Tips, Skin Cells, Skin Collagen, Skin Tears, Stretch Mark Treatments, Sudden Weight Gain, Sudden Weight Loss, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Water Hydration, Weight Changes, www.stretchmarktips.com —