Body Contouring For Weight Loss
Well, you did it. You lost the weight but now you find you have all this excess skin hanging all over the place. So what do you do? You talk to a reputable plastic surgeon about body contouring. Your doctor will tell you that if you are at your target weight and still have sagging skin that you probably can go no further without help from them. And they are right, no matter what you do from here on out will do nothing to help reduce the sagging skin.
Body contouring surgery is major surgery so do not enter into the decision lightly. Do your due diligence and research what you need to have done so you have the knowledge and can, with the help of your doctor, make an informed decision regarding how you wish your body to look.
There are several different techniques used to accomplish the specific looks you want. One of these techniques is ‘fat transfer’. What this technique consists of is removing fat from certain areas like your hips, thighs, and belly and injecting it into your buttocks. So basically you get the best of both worlds, nice slim hips, thighs or belly and lots of junk in your trunk to boot.
You could research using implants to improve how you look. Places can be implanted that you may not even think of. Did you know that you can get chin and cheek implants? Yup. Implants are not just for breasts anymore. Chin, cheeks, butt, calves, breasts for women or pecs for men. Yes I said men. Plastic surgery is not just for women either, guys, we know you want to look good, too.
So go ahead and call to make that appointment with a qualified, reputable plastic surgeon and with their help, figure out what you want to make yourself look and feel like you have never looked and felt before.
If cellulite is your biggest problem and you just can’t seem to find a solution to the problem, then maybe talking to a plastic surgeon is the next step you should take. When talking to your surgeon, they may recommend a procedure called Thermage. Done on an outpatient basis and completed in about an hour, Thermage heats the collagen in the skin and when the collagen contracts the skin tightens and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
You could opt for the old standby, liposuction. Liposuction quickly and easily removes unwanted fat from beneath the skin and the skin is then stretched over the area to make things look tight and toned. This is a more involved technique and does require a significant recovery period but when all is said and done you will look younger and more fit than you did before.
The younger and more fit you look then the younger and more fit you feel. The biggest part of being healthy is to look and feel healthy. Body contouring is one great way to look and feel your best.
Tags: Appointment, Best Of Both Worlds, Body Contouring Surgery, Breasts, Buttocks, Calves, Cheek Implants, Cheeks, Due Diligence, Excess Skin, Hips Thighs, Losing Weight, Major Surgery, Men Plastic Surgery, Outpatient Basis, Pecs, Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery, Sagging Skin, Slim Hips, Target Weight —
Muscle Building For Fat Loss
Many women are under the impression that any type of weight bearing exercise will bulk them up – adding too much muscle to be attractive. In fact, the opposite is true. Muscle building for fat loss is possible, and adding muscle will, in fact, help your body to burn fat more quickly. Adding muscle to your frame helps you to secure a lean, toned appearance. You’ll be stronger, and more flexible.
When practicing muscle building for fat loss, it is key to remember that you may not lose weight as quickly as with cardio alone. However, you are burning fat more quickly. Muscle has weight, too, and you are replacing fatty pounds with muscular ones. However, if you are overweight, your weight will still drop. In either case, your percentage of body fat will drastically decrease, and you will lose inches from your hips, thighs, and waist.
When you decide to add muscle building exercises to your daily routine, start with a low amount of weight and a high number of repetitions. When you see those big bulky guys in the gym lifting weights – they’re doing the opposite. For bulk, you’d want a high amount of weight, lifted a few times. Low weight, high reps will lead to long, lean muscle and an overall toned appearance.
As you practice muscle building for fat loss techniques, it is still important to eat healthfully. Working out in the gym and then going home to load up on cookies and chips is unhealthy, and unproductive. Remember, it is much easier to avoid calories in the first place than it is to burn them once you’ve eaten.
Muscle building will help you to achieve other healthful benefits, as well. Your posture will improve, as your core muscles become stronger. You’ll have more energy, and be able to do more cardiovascular exercise as your body strength grows. Working out will become easier and easier, as you become stronger and stronger.
When you begin add muscle building for fat loss into your workout, you may be sore. If this occurs, be sure to stretch before and after your workout. Remember, your hard work will pay off! You’re decreasing your body fat percentage, which improves your overall health. You’re improving your posture, and building a stronger, healthier body. It’s a proven fact – muscle building for fat loss works!
Tags: Appearance, Bearing, Body Fat, Body Strength, Calories, Cardiovascular Exercise, Chips, energy;, Fat Loss, Fat Women, Going Home, Healthful Benefits, Hips Thighs, Lean Muscle, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Muscle building, Muscle Building Exercises, Muscle Exercises, Muscles, Posture, Repetitions, Workout —
Weight Loss Chart
If you are considering losing some weight, the best way to document your progress is to create your own personalized weight loss chart. Charting your progress will show you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis the positive changes you are making and continue to make.
It is always easier to see what you are doing and compare it to where you started and even give you a good idea as to where you are headed. This is called visualization. People who learn to visualize what they want and then map out and keep track of how they are doing are exponentially more successful than those who do not.
If you want to start this for yourself, go out and get a dry erase board with a couple of different colored dry erase markers. Some may even come with the blank calendar on them. You could have a whole month planned out in advance if you get one like this. First, in one color, write the name of the month and fill in the dates. Next, document your beginning weight on the first day of the month. You will be able to compare the difference when you weigh yourself at the end of the month.
Have someone help you measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and right upper arm. Write these measurements down on a blank space on the calendar. If you are really self conscious then keep this weight loss chart where only you have access to it. Measure every month or so to track inches lost as well as your weight loss.
Another good way to track progress is to take before, during, and after pictures of yourself. Tack them up alongside your dry erase board and that way all your information is in one place. You will be able to tell at a glance how much progress you are making. This will help the motivation factor stay at a high level and encourage you to keep on going.
You could even use this board to plan your menus for the week or even month. This may take a while but just like they do for your kids at school Map out what your diet will consist of. I don’t care if it is just what you will make for dinner each day. To make it even more involved then plan out each meal and your snacks, too, for that matter. Track your water consumption as well. If you just make a little check mark at the bottom of the calendar for every glass of water you drink then that should be just fine.
Take this load off of yourself and this way all you have to do is look at what you have planned for dinner and just make it. Be sure to have all the ingredients on hand though. Make your grocery list for the week by what your recipes call for. Your weight loss chart can have all of this information and more on it. All to help you stay on track and lose all the weight you want. Use a different color marker for each entry or category so you can keep them straight and make it easier to tell what’s what.
Tags: Blank Calendar, Blank Space, Charting, Diet, Dry Erase Board, Dry Erase Markers, Glance, Healthy Diet, Hips Thighs, Losing Weight, Measurements, Menus, Motivation Factor, Positive Changes, School Map, Track Progress, Upper Arm, Visualization, Waist Hips, Weight Chart, Weight Loss Chart —