Gastric Bypass Rny
Gastric bypass rny (Roux-En-Y) is the most frequently performed type of gastric bypass surgery performed today. The operation involves creating a small food pouch in the upper part of your stomach. This pouch can hold a very limited amount of food. The pouch bypasses, hence the name, the rest of your stomach and a little of your small intestine.
The basic principle of this procedure is to sharply curtail the amount of food and drink that you are able to ingest at any given time. Since this procedure has bypassed some of your intestine the amount of nutrients you can absorb from your food intake is also limited, therefore anyone undergoing the procedure will have to make significant, and permanent, lifestyle changes when it comes to the way they eat.
Since the part of the intestine that is being bypassed is one of the main areas that your body can absorb iron and calcium, it will be necessary for anyone undergoing the procedure to supplement certain vitamins and minerals in the form vitamin tablets or shots. You will also need to use protein powders to supplement the lack of protein you can absorb, this will only need to occur for about the first few months after surgery. You will also need to either have a B-12 shot monthly for the rest of your life, or take a B-12 tablet daily since you won’t be able to get enough B-12 with the modifications that have been made to your stomach and intestinal tract.
You will only be able to eat about 2 oz. of food at one time, if you try to eat more than that you will likely make yourself sick and will start vomiting. The same thing can also happen if you eat too quickly. “Dumping” is another possible problem if you eat too much sugar. Dumping can consist of nausea, dizziness, cramping, and sweating. It’s vitally important that you carefully chew all of your food or you could literally get a clog.
The amount of food you can eat at one time isn’t the only thing that will change, you will also only be able to drink a small amount at a time too. For this reason, and to avoid getting dehydrated, you will need to get into the habit of having water with you all day long, and taking small sips all day long.
The most important thing you have to remember is that gastric bypass Rny isn’t a magic bullet or a quick fix. This, like any other type of weight loss, will require commitment and time if it’s going to be effective. If you aren’t willing to follow the rules and make the needed lifestyle changes than you may want to reconsider having the surgery, if, on the other hand, you’re willing to commit to the needed changes so that you can achieve, and maintain, a healthy weight and lifestyle than this may just be the thing you need to get you jump started in the right direction.
Tags: B-12, Basic Principle, Bypass Surgery, Calcium, Dizziness, Food And Drink, food intake;, Food Pouch, food;, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Intestinal Tract, Lack Of Protein, Lifestyle Changes, Nausea, Nutrients, Protein Powders, Rest Of Your Life, Roux En Y, Small Food, Small Intestine, Stomach, surgery, Vitamin Tablets, Vitamins And Minerals, vomiting —
Gastric Bypass: Is It Really Necessary?
Sometimes when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t like what we see. Our modern lifestyle does not exactly engender healthy living for normal people. The convenience of fast food combined with a sedentary lifestyle is not exactly conducive to a healthy life. Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic in in terms of how it has spread. A lot of people are trying to be more fit, of course, with diet and exercise. However, sometimes, that’s not enough. This is where a gastric bypass comes in.
Having weight-loss surgery is quickly becoming an increasing trend among people who find that they just can’t seem to lose weight. This might have come about because of a combination of lifestyle choices, genetic predispositions and physical problems, but the results are still the same: stubborn flab that doesn’t seem to go away or even in some cases, incredibly overweight individuals. For people like these, a gastric bypasss is often their only hope.
What exactly is a gastric bypass? This is a simple process in which stomach capacity is lessened and a large part of the intestinal tract is skipped in the digestive process. It may sound complicated but it is actually the simplest weight-loss surgery that is possible. There are actually several variations of gastric bypasses but the most common type is the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In this type of gastric bypass, a pouch is create at the top of the stomach using surgical staples sometimes this pouch is as small as a walnut. Then the stomach pouch is connected to the middle part of the small intestine, the jejunum.
All of this can be done by either an open procedure, where in the whole abdomen is sliced open, or by making a small incision in the side of the abdomen and using small tools and a camera to do the procedure, a process that is sometimes called the laparoscopic approach. An open procedure can be actually very dangerous and is also subject to longer recovery times; this is why the laparoscopic approach is often advised.
Of course, this is all a major surgical procedure and you can’t just have your digestive tract messed with. You can only be qualified for this procedure if you have been obese for five years, in which you have tried everything to lose weight, are not alcoholic, and not suffering from any psychiatric disorder. An age limit is also set for procedure only individuals from 18 to 65 may have a gastric bypass.
It may all seem like a done deal: just hop onto the operating table and you’ll be well on your way to svelteness. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. A gastric bypass is a four hour operation followed by a five day recovery period, in which the patient is observed. Liquids will be the only source of nourishment for him during the observation period. Afterwards, there will be a twelve week regimented diet that will take him from liquids to solids so that the patient’s new stomach may handle it. There will also be side-effects: a smaller stomach means less food which means less energy overall you’ll be lethargic until your body learns to cope. Also, you may experience pain and vomiting after eating too much or too fast.
A gastric bypass looks like a great shortcut to slimness but it’s a lot more difficult than it may seem.
Tags: Abdomen, Bypasses, Digestive Process, Epidemic, Fast Food, Flab, food;, Gastric Bypass, Genetic Predispositions, Incision, Intestinal Tract, Jejunum, Laparoscopic Approach, less energy, less food, Lifestyle Choices, obesity;, Overweight Individuals, pain;, Part Of The Small Intestine, Psychiatric Disorder, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass, Sedentary Lifestyle, Small Tools, Staples, Stomach Pouch, vomiting, Weight Loss Surgery —
Getting A Gastric Bypass: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Getting A Gastric Bypass: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Why get a gastric bypass? It sometimes goes like this: you’ve been looking at yourself in the mirror and are looking at all the flab on you? Have you been laying awake all night as you remember your physical difficulties during the day? Life isn’t exactly when you’re overweight and a lot of people try to rid themselves of the fat on their body. The problem is sometimes alll those exercise programs and diets don’t exactly work out for those doing them. What do you do when your weight yo-yos up and down or, worse, it just won’t go down?
Well, that’s the time when you think about getting a surgical option. Liposuctions are a good stopgap option and they can often do the trick all it takes is a good push and maintaining weight is a lot easier. However, sometimes even that is not enough. The fat keeps on coming back, whether it’s just a genetic predesposition to it or something similar. Some people really need help to get them out of obesity’s tight embrace. That’s where a gastric bypass comes in.
A gastric bypass, or as medical professionals call it a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a surgical weight-loss procedure that enables the patient to lose weight on a constant and regular basis. It is one of the more safe options and is because of this the preferred option when any weight-loss surgery is being considered. What it does is essentially make a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach, and connect it directly to the middle of your small intestine. This severely cuts down on your caloric intake by skipping most of the intestinal tract and also reduces your appetite by making your stomach handle less food.
The procedure may sound like an easy thing but a gastric bypass is still a major surgical operation and has its own risks. You’ll be under general anesthesia for this operation and tubes will be inserted via your nose and your abdomen to make sure you recover completely after the operation. The operation itself will only take a few hours.
It may even be shorter if you under go a laparoscopic bypass, a procedure which uses a laparoscope instead of opening your abdomen completely for the operation. This results in less infection and accelerates healing time. After the operation, your doctor will probably keep you in the hospital for three to five days for observation.
Of course, immediately after the operation you will be experiencing a few changes. First of all, in the first three days after the bypass, you’ll be on an IV drip no eating until your stomach heals. Then it’s twelve weeks of reginemnted diet as you progress to solid foods again. You’ll also be feeling the effects of the gastric bypass. When you eat a lot of food or eat quickly, it may cause you to vomit or pain. You will feel yourself losing weight in the next few months but will also have to suffer the side-effects like weakness, hair loss and body aches.
This is why you should never undertake a gastric bypass unless it’s truly necessary.
Tags: Abdomen, body aches, bypass, Caloric Intake, Desperate Measures, Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures, Exercise Programs, Flab, food;, Gastric Bypass, General Anesthesia, Intestinal Tract, less food, less infection, Liposuctions, Maintaining Weight, Medical Professionals, obesity;, pain;, Physical Difficulties, Preferred Option, Roux En Y, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass, Small Intestine, Stopgap, Surgical Option, Weight Loss Surgery —