Diets And Weight Loss – 4 Top Tips
Being overweight is a growing epidemic. That’s why there are so many people looking for various ways of losing weight. It also explains why fad diets are so popular. After all, they promise to help people shed those extra pounds, and to do it in a way that’s supposed to be easy and effective. Unfortunately, the reality rarely holds up to the bold claims made by the sellers of such diets.
Of course it only makes sense that you would want to lose weight quickly, but you have to be careful. That’s because those who lose weight fast tend to be the ones who go off their diets and regain all of the pounds that they lost–sometimes more. However, those who are more methodical in their approach, and lose weight in a more reasonable manner not only reach their target weight, but are more likely to stay there. It can be done. Here are a few tips about diets and weight loss that will help you lose weight and keep it off.
Weight Loss Tip #1 – Set a goal for how much weight you want to lose and when you want to lose it by. The more weight you wish to get rid of, the longer it should take. The most important thing is to be specific, otherwise you won’t lose nearly as much weight. For example, it’s much better to have a goal to lose 20 pounds in the next 3 months than to simply say you want to lose some weight. Your goal could be a number of pounds to lose, a target weight to hit, or even a clothing size you would like to fit into.
Weight Loss Tip #2 – Get rid of the idea of instant results. It’s not just that it’s unhealthy to diet this way, it’s also that you are likely to stop trying if your expectations aren’t met. Losing 1 to 3 pounds a week is attainable for most people. Anything more than that will be harder to achieve. You can still have a big goal, you just need to be realistic about how long it will take.
Weight Loss Tip #3 – Be prepared. Whenever possible, you should geared up to on a diet. The more ready you are, emotionally and mentally, the better you’ll be able to handle any problems when you encounter them. Also, you should get rid of the junk food in your house and stock up on the foods that your diet calls for. This will get you started on the right foot and help you build momentum toward your diets and weight loss goals.
Weight Loss Tip #4 – Get support. Trying to lose weight is hard enough; trying to do it alone is next to impossible. You can get help from a counselor, your doctor, or family and friends. Each will be able to help in their own way. However, they can’t lose your weight for you, so any failures and successes along the way are your responsibility. But having help will greatly increase your chances of losing weight.
Tags: Being Overweight, Bold Claims, Clothing Size, Diet, Epidemic, Extra, Fad Diets, Fit, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Target Weight, Weight Loss Tip —

Army Weight Control: Keeping Soldiers Always Physically Fit and Combat
Army Weight Control: Keeping Soldiers Always Physically Fit and Combat – Ready
Pudginess has become an epidemic across the United States and other countries. To remedy this, there has been an influx of different weight loss programs in the industry aiming to help individuals suffering from obesity or being overweight. In the military service, being overweight is a big no – no!
Even aggrandized little immense is not tolerated, that is why soldiers have to be very politic with their physical care. In that what they say, a fit army is a combat – ready army. In consequence, for the reason of keeping every military man healthy and fit, a program called, army weight control, is formulated to help maintain weight those who have excess body fat, or are overweight.
What is the objective of army weight control program?
The primary objective why this program was formulated is to ensure all military personnel and soldiers control their weight. This is very important so they would be able to meet physical demands, which are required of them especially when under duties of combat conditions. The secondary objective is all for appearance. The program aims to present each soldier in their best military appearance or look at all times.
The program is also promoted to avoid military personnel from for sanctioned with limitations, which include non – promotable, not given authorization to clock in civilian or any professional military schooling, and not being assigned to any command positions, when they are overweight or have excess body fats.
How does an army qualify for the program?
In that soon as the soldier is found guilty of corresponding frame condition, he is automatically made a candidate to undergo with the program. Basically, there are two ways how to determine if a conscript is a candidate. All soldiers are measured in terms of their weight and height using a standard screening table weight. If the weight of a certain battler exceeds body fat standard, he is activity to be given notification or recommendation letter stating the need to feel certain army weight program to correct the problem.
Unlike civilian citizens, an army is considered plump already when his percent body fat reaches more than what is stated in the standard screening table weight. However, in such condition when a unit commander decides a soldier looks his body fat is excessive, the former may automatically recommend him to undergo the same program.
There are reasons why the service has to be strict in implementing this program. Needless to say, soldiers or any others who are in the military service are supposedly the image of strong and at all times combat – ready individuals. Therefore, the concern with which arising from excess body fat is strongly advocated is to primarily avoid the representation of lack of personal discipline, scarcity of proper military appearance, and poor physical fitness, stamina, and state of health.
An army candidate for weight control program starts undergoing the training the day he has been informed by his unit commander or the day when he has been enrolled. During the program, an army is expected to be measured monthly to track his body fat changes. The circumference sites to be measured constitute neck and abdomen for male soldiers, and neck, wrist, largest part of the buttock, and forearm for female soldiers. A vinyl test is conducted buttoned up the use of non – stretchable material, mostly made of fiberglass and administered by two persons.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Battler, Being Overweight, Body Fat, Body Fats, Combat, Combat Conditions, Command Positions, Conscript, Epidemic, Excess Body, fiberglass, Frame Condition, Influx, Losing Weight, Military Man, Military Personnel, Military Schooling, Military Service, obesity;, Physical Demands, Promotable, Secondary Objective, Two Ways, unit commander, United States; —

Gastric Bypass: Is It Really Necessary?
Sometimes when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t like what we see. Our modern lifestyle does not exactly engender healthy living for normal people. The convenience of fast food combined with a sedentary lifestyle is not exactly conducive to a healthy life. Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic in in terms of how it has spread. A lot of people are trying to be more fit, of course, with diet and exercise. However, sometimes, that’s not enough. This is where a gastric bypass comes in.
Having weight-loss surgery is quickly becoming an increasing trend among people who find that they just can’t seem to lose weight. This might have come about because of a combination of lifestyle choices, genetic predispositions and physical problems, but the results are still the same: stubborn flab that doesn’t seem to go away or even in some cases, incredibly overweight individuals. For people like these, a gastric bypasss is often their only hope.
What exactly is a gastric bypass? This is a simple process in which stomach capacity is lessened and a large part of the intestinal tract is skipped in the digestive process. It may sound complicated but it is actually the simplest weight-loss surgery that is possible. There are actually several variations of gastric bypasses but the most common type is the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In this type of gastric bypass, a pouch is create at the top of the stomach using surgical staples sometimes this pouch is as small as a walnut. Then the stomach pouch is connected to the middle part of the small intestine, the jejunum.
All of this can be done by either an open procedure, where in the whole abdomen is sliced open, or by making a small incision in the side of the abdomen and using small tools and a camera to do the procedure, a process that is sometimes called the laparoscopic approach. An open procedure can be actually very dangerous and is also subject to longer recovery times; this is why the laparoscopic approach is often advised.
Of course, this is all a major surgical procedure and you can’t just have your digestive tract messed with. You can only be qualified for this procedure if you have been obese for five years, in which you have tried everything to lose weight, are not alcoholic, and not suffering from any psychiatric disorder. An age limit is also set for procedure only individuals from 18 to 65 may have a gastric bypass.
It may all seem like a done deal: just hop onto the operating table and you’ll be well on your way to svelteness. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. A gastric bypass is a four hour operation followed by a five day recovery period, in which the patient is observed. Liquids will be the only source of nourishment for him during the observation period. Afterwards, there will be a twelve week regimented diet that will take him from liquids to solids so that the patient’s new stomach may handle it. There will also be side-effects: a smaller stomach means less food which means less energy overall you’ll be lethargic until your body learns to cope. Also, you may experience pain and vomiting after eating too much or too fast.
A gastric bypass looks like a great shortcut to slimness but it’s a lot more difficult than it may seem.
Tags: Abdomen, Bypasses, Digestive Process, Epidemic, Fast Food, Flab, food;, Gastric Bypass, Genetic Predispositions, Incision, Intestinal Tract, Jejunum, Laparoscopic Approach, less energy, less food, Lifestyle Choices, obesity;, Overweight Individuals, pain;, Part Of The Small Intestine, Psychiatric Disorder, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass, Sedentary Lifestyle, Small Tools, Staples, Stomach Pouch, vomiting, Weight Loss Surgery —

pH miracle diet and weight loss
One of the biggest benefits of the pH miracle diet is weight loss. Many people have turned to this diet to lose weight as well as to improve their overall level of health The pH miracle diet is very efficient at removing extra weight.
Obesity is a nationwide epidemic. According to recent studies, over 59 million adults over the age of 20 are obese (30 or more pounds overweight). One in three Americans have a some degree of being overweight that puts them at medical risk for many different conditions, including heart disease, heart attack, diabetes and hypertension. Even more startling is the number of children that qualify as overweight and obese. In the early 1990s the National Center for Health Statistics found that 15 percent of children between 6 and 19 were overweight, which was twice as much as the results found in the early 1980s. The numbers have grown even more significant. Today, 9 million children are at least 15 pounds overweight with many millions qualifying as obese.
What is to blame for these alarming obesity rates? The environment of highly acidic foods and high levels of stress have made for a disastrous combination. The more acidic a body becomes, the more fat the body will store. Overweight conditions result from too much acid in the body. Eliminating acid from the diet with the pH miracle diet will help you lose weight.
The accumulation of fat is actually the bodys attempt to deal with the high levels of acid waste. Many people think that fat is bad and that fat is the enemy that needs to be attacked. Fat is just a symptom of a larger problem acidity. You may be surprised to find out that your fat is saving your life. Fat is actually protecting your body from rising levels of acidity. When you eat massive amounts of sugar, starches, red meat, dairy products and other acidic foods, your body uses fat to bind to the acid to protect your cells.
The acidic cycle in your body functions in the following way. When you eat foods that produce acid when they are digested, this acid builds up in your body. When the acid is not eliminated in a timely fashion, it can disturb other cells and get in the way of their functioning. Pretty soon, many cells in the body are being negatively affected by the presence of acid. However, the body has a line of defense in the form of fat. Dietary and body fat are both used to neutralize the acid. The acid bound fat is either eliminated or stored, depending on how much there is. The body can only rid itself of so much acid bound fat, so when you eat a lot of acidic foods you will store a lot of fat.
So people who are overweight and obese are actually showing signs of being too acid. Their diets are too much for their body to handle, so body fat is being used as a line of defense. Fat is a symptom, not the main problem. Many people begin to think that eliminating fat from their diets is the key. However if they are still eating acidic foods they are actually robbing their bodies of the ability to protect themselves. Low-carbohydrate and high protein diets have high levels of fat, but the people on these diets need that fat because their diet is highly acidic (animal protein has acidifying effects).
The dietary solution for weight loss is to follow a program that is high in alkaline foods. The pH miracle diet balances out the acidity that you have been developing in your body and will restore you to your ideal weight.
Tags: 1980s, Accumulation, Acid Waste, Acidic Foods, Acidity, Body Functions, dairy products;, diabetes;, Diet To Lose Weight, dietary solution;, Early 1990s, Epidemic, heart attack;, heart disease;, hypertension;, Levels Of Stress, Losing Weight, Massive Amounts, Medical Risk, National Center for Health Statistics;, nationwide epidemic, Obesity Rates, obesity;, Ph Miracle Diet, Red Meat —