Healthy Weight
Think about it, have you ever seen a fat vegetarian? Probably not. In fact, for most of us, vegetarian is almost synonymous with lean and healthy, isn’t it? And when you start any diet, what’s the first thing the experts tell you? Generally it’s to increase the amounts of vegetables you’re eating and to eat limited amounts of meat, especially high-fat red meat and pork.
And what happens when you resume your old eating habits? Generally the weight will come right back on. Even the greatest will-power can’t overcome the unhealthy effects of eating high-fat meat.
When you eat a diet that’s higher in dietary fiber, that’s primarily if not totally vegetarian, you’re naturally healthier. You’re feeding your body and getting it the nutrition it needs to run efficiently. You have more energy and stamina; you wake up more easily and more refreshed. It’s easier to exercise, because you’re not so weighed down by digesting the high fat and excessive protein that comes from eating a carnivorous diet.
Many diets fail because we think of them as depriving ourselves of food we love. The trick is to change that thinking. There are so many compelling reasons to eliminate meat from our diet, so why not forget about losing weight? Focus instead on eating healthier, or eating in a way that’s in balance with the earth, and that doesn’t need to subsist on the suffering of animals. You’ll probably find you’ll start to lose weight without even thinking about it!
And when you do lose weight, so many other health risks can fall by the wayside as well. You’ll find your blood pressure falls into a healthier range and your risk for Type II diabetes can decrease. You’ll look better and feel better and probably never go back to your old ways of eating!
Tags: Atkins, Blood Pressure, Carnivorous Diet, diabetes;, Dietary Fiber, Diets, Earth, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Health Risks, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Many Compelling Reasons, Nutrition, Protein, Red Meat, Risk, Stamina, Suffering, Type Ii Diabetes, Vegetables, Wayside —

Lose Weight Fast
Perhaps you saw it coming for quite a while, and knew it would get to this point. Or, maybe you looked in the mirror one day and all of a sudden realized just how much weight you have put on over the years. Chances are good that the second scenario is more likely. Most of us don’t want to be overweight. And while we may have a few clues as to how we got here, it still comes as somewhat of a shock. Either way, you have finally made the decision to shed those extra pounds once and for all, and you want to lose weight fast.
Hold on! That is an admirable goal, but you need to step back for a moment and put things into perspective. To put it another way, you need to be realistic and specific. How much weight you want to lose and how quickly will play a bog role in which diet and exercise program you choose.
You still have to be realistic though. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, then you’re not going to have much luck. Not only that, but any diet that makes such promises is most likely lying at best, or bad for your health at worst. It simply isn’t safe to lose that much weight, except for a few rare exceptions, and only if you are doing so under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.
Most experts agree that losing 1 or 2 pounds per week is safe and effective. However, you may be able to bump that up to 5 pounds in the first week in some cases. For most people, 1 to 2 pounds is ideal. It’s not only relatively easy, but you will be more likely to stay on such a diet. If you have a choice between losing 20 pounds over two months, only to regain it; or losing 1 pound per week over the course of 6 months, but keeping it off forever, which one would you choose.
The good news is that you don’t really have to choose. You can still lose the 20 pounds, but if you take the right approach, you will be able to keep it off. It’s all about a simple formula: 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound of body weight. That means if you take in 500 calories less per day for a week, you will lose 1 pound. Or, if you burn off an extra 500 calories per day, you will lose a pound.
So, here’s the real “secret” to lose weight fast: do both! Take in 500 calories less and burn off an extra 500 calories. That’s 1,000 calories per day in your favor. That’s a loss of 2 pounds per week, or just over 100 pounds in a year’s time. And the best part it is that it won’t be nearly as hard as if you were depriving yourself, and that means you will be able to keep the weight off for good.
Tags: Admirable Goal, Calories, Diet, Exercise Program, Formula 3, Guidance, Health, Healthy Diet, Lose 20 Pounds, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Mirror, Perspective, Promises, Rare Exceptions, Shock —

How Much Weight Will Be Lost On The Atkins Diet
How Much Weight Will Be Lost On The Atkins Diet
While it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it once did, the Atkins Diet is still a popular choice for a lot of people hoping to lose weight. But one of the main questions people want answered before they start it is: how much weight will be lost on the Atkins Diet? That’s a good question, and it shows that the person asking has a good idea of how much weight they want to lose. So, let’s take a look at some things you should know.
One study included 120 adults that were obese. Over the course of a full year, the average amount of weight lost was about 26 pounds. They also compared the results to a diet that had previously been proven effective. On that diet, people lost an average of about 13 pounds, or about half the amount that people lost when following the Atkins plan. That’s a pretty good sign that the diet works.
That sounds great, but there is a catch. This particular study did not look at what that weight loss was comprised of. Generally speaking, losing weight happens as the result of a combination of three things: reducing fat, muscle or water. So, if the Atkins dieters lost mostly water weight, then they would gain it back very quickly. If they lost muscle, then that’s not very healthy, and their muscle to fat ratio could have been impacted negatively. On the other hand, if they lost fat, then that would be the ideal result. Unfortunately, they did not test this part of the weight loss.
So maybe it’s not so much a question how much weight will be lost on the Atkins Diet, but rather what kind of weight will be lost. Shedding pounds is not worth it if it means losing water weight or muscle mass. You need to be concerned with healthy weight loss.
Healthy weight loss means you have to get a wide range of nutrients from a wide range of foods. The Atkins Diet is a low-carb diet, but you can basically eat all the fat and protein you want. You need to ask yourself if this is a good idea? The jury is still out, but at least you can eat more and more carbs as you get further into the diet.
As with any other weight loss plan, be sure to talk to your personal doctor or another qualified professional before starting the Atkins Diet. They will be more up to date on the current research, and will have the right insights into whether or not it’s a good diet for you personally.
Assuming you want to try it, and your doctor gives his approval, how much weight will be lost on the Atkins Diet is mostly up to you. Because there is one thing for sure, you will not lose any weight at all if you do nothing. But, you just read this article, so that’s not going to happen. You’re motivated to lose weight, now it’s up to you to take action.
Tags: Adults, Atkins, Atkins Diet, Atkins Dieters, Diet Works, Good Question, Healthy Diet, Healthy Weight Loss, Ideal, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Low Carb Diet, Muscle Mass, Nutrients, Obese, People, Protein, Sounds, Water Weight, Weight Lost —

Your Personal Healthy Eating Weight Loss Plan
Ugh! If you have spent any amount of time looking into losing weight, then you are probably sick and tried of seeing so many fad diets. Sure, they all sound great! They promise to shed pounds quickly, and all you have to do is follow their “secret” plan. The real secret is that all of the plans that work only work because you take in fewer calories than you burn. That’s the only way to do it. But what fad diets like to do is add some sort of gimmick. This gimmick is meant to distract you from what’s really causing you to lose weight. Unfortunately, it’s the gimmick that makes a so-called healthy eating weight loss plan so hard to stick to.
Maybe you have tried more than your fair share of these kinds of diets and you feel as though you couldn’t try another one if your life depended on it. Listen up! Your life may actually depend on it. But the good news is that you don’t have to rely on some sort of wacky fad diet to start eating healthy.
A lot of people that sell their special diets are going to be mad, but here goes…you don’t need them! You really don’t. However, there are a few good diets out there, you just need to have a good idea of what you’re looking for. And what that is, is a healthy eating plan.
So, while you may be thrilled with the idea of being able to eat all of the greasy double cheeseburgers or cabbage soup that you like, the reality of such diets is different. First, healthy eating means balance. Fad diets that focus on one type of food, or eliminate whole groups of foods (low-carb diets, for example) do not provide the balance your body needs. Second, while these diets sound good and may feel great at first, the harsh reality is that the novelty will wear off much more quickly than you expect.
What all of this means is that you will never look at new diets the same way again. Instead of judging them on their crazy claims, you will be able to judge them on how healthy they are. After all, you are unique, and what works for one author may not work for you. That doesn’t make that particular diet bad, it just means you may need to alter it slightly to fit in with your health goals. When you stop and think about it, this is a much more realistic approach. It also means that you will be much more likely to stick to the diet because you have made it your own.
Don’t misunderstand, though, you can still try new diets. But as you are trying them, remember that you are trying to turn it into your own personal healthy eating weight loss plan. It’s pretty easy to do once you get the hang of it. Plus, once you start seeing how much better and long-lasting the results are, you’ll be glad you took the time to do it.
Tags: Amount Of Time, Cabbage Soup, Calories, Diet Healthy, Double Cheeseburgers, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Fad Diet, Fad Diets, Fair Share, Fewer Calories, Gimmick, Harsh Reality, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Lot, Low Carb Diets, Personal, Special Diets, Type Of Food, Weight Loss Plan —