Exercises To Get Flat Abs In 30 Days
The “old spare tire”, “beer belly”, “flabby tummy” or “expanding midsection” are all nice ways of saying you’re getting fat. If you have a gut that is bigger than you like, then there is no reason why you should have to put up with it. With a bit of determination, and a commitment to working up a sweat, you can have flat abs in 30 days or less.
The main thing to keep in mind about an abdominal exercise regimen is that you need to work out all of the ab muscles. You need to aim for doing the exercises that follow at least four times each week, and do that for four weeks. One of the good things about each of the exercises is that they don’t require any kind of special equipment, so you will be able to do them virtually anywhere.
Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #1: Belly Rolls – Sit straight up on the floor with your knees bent, and feet flat. Then put your arms straight out in front of you. As you exhale, slowly roll back until the lower back reaches the floor. Inhale as you roll up. Try to do 30 of these, switching your breathing pattern after the first 15. This exercise works the vertical abdominal muscles.
Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #2: Tummy Curls – Lie down on your back with knees bent. Elevate your feet so they are a bit higher than the knees. Raise your buttocks and roll back until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Then roll back to your tailbone, but don’t let your rear end touch the ground. Do this 20 times. This exercise is effective on toning the horizontal ab muscles.
Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #3: Cross Crunches – This is a great exercise for shaping your waist. You will need a filled one-liter bottle for this one. Lying on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle to the floor. Put your right hand behind your head, and hold the bottle in your left hand. Lift your head until your shoulders come up off the floor and reach the bottle across to the outside of your right knee. Do this 20 times, then reverse hand positions and do 20 more.
Flat Abs in 30 Days Exercise #4: Inverted Crunches – Lie on the floor on your stomach with your arms outstretched in front of (imagine Superman flying). Lift your left arm and right leg as high as you can while exhaling. Inhale as you lower your limbs. Do 20 of these, then switch sides and do 20 more. This is an excellent ab exercise that targets the lower back.
Don’t kid yourself, this is going to be a tough workout. But you still need to do it at least four times per week for 30 days. It may be hard, especially at first, but you’ll be glad you stuck with it once you see your flat abs when looking in the mirror.
Tags: Abdominal Exercise, Abdominal Muscles, Beer Belly, Breathing Pattern, Curls, Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise Regimen, Flat Abs, Hand Positions, Least Four Times, Lying On The Floor, Midsection, Rear End, Right Angle, Shoulder Blades, Spare Tire, Tailbone, Working Up A Sweat —

Non Surgical Tummy Tuck – 5 Tummy Tuck Alternatives
Many woman, especially those of us who have had kids, don’t want to undergo surgery but would love to have a non surgical tummy tuck. Wouldn’t it be nice to able to go back to the days when we could bounce a quarter off of our abs, but without the pain, expense, and risk of complications of surgery? For those of us who want that there are tummy tuck alternatives that might be just what the doctor ordered.
Having a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is expensive. It costs thousands of dollars for the surgery. When you add to the expense the fact that you’ll be out of commission for up to six weeks and that you’ll have quite a bit of pain, as well as the risk of complications, many women just don’t want to put themselves through that for a tighter tummy.
The good news is that you don’t have to. Today there are several non surgical tummy tuck alternatives that can help you get the flat looking midsection you’re craving without having to go under the knife.
Here are some of the most promising:
1. For fat loss liposuction works just fine (if your problem is loose skin this won’t help). Liposuction is still a pretty involved procedure but it’s not major abdominal surgery. Often the doctor will perform liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck. If you want to just have some fat removed this procedure can work very well.
To put it simply: the doctor uses a vacuum like device and literally sucks fat out of your body. You will still have a recovery period but it’s not as long as with a tummy tuck. Ask your doctor if this is a good idea for you.
2. Titan. This is a process where a laser can tighten the skin from the surface. There are no incisions involved with this procedure. If you have just a little extra skin, this procedure would probably work really well for you, ask your doctor.
3. Thermage is a non surgical procedure where radio frequency energy is directed to the skin. This can help tighten and lift excess skin. It’s completely non invasive.
4. Injection Lipolysis is a procedure where a compound is injected directly into the skin. This compound has been shown to melt off fat deposits. Most people will need 2 or 3 injections to remove the total amount of fat that they want removed. It’s non surgical and works well on the face, jowls, neck, sides, thighs and abdomen. It hasn’t been FDA approved yet though so make sure to talk to your doctor about it, and any potential side effects, and get his opinion.
We’re lucky, today more than ever we don’t have to age gracefully, we can fight it every step of the way. We now know a lot about diet and exercise and the benefits both have on our overall health as well as our appearance. The problem is that sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough. To get rid of that flabby tummy without going under the knife you should look into
non surgical tummy tuck alternatives.
Tags: Abdominal Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Ask Doctor, Conjunction, Excess Skin, Extra Skin, FDA;, Healthy Diet, Incisions, Laser, Liposuction, Loose Skin, Midsection, radio frequency, Radio Frequency Energy, Recovery Period, Risk, Six Weeks, surgery, Thermage, Thousands Of Dollars, Titan, Tummy Tuck, Vacuum, Woman —

How To Lose Lower Belly Fat – Good Solid Pointers
How To Lose Lower Belly Fat – Good Solid Pointers
How to lose lower belly fat is a more common question than one would think. The reason being is that it’s a very common problem across the world. Think about that for just a second, not just here in the United States, but world wide.
Sometimes the biggest issue isn’t learning how to lose the fat; it’s learning how to keep it off altogether. That can be a bigger battle than just getting the weight off to begin with.
When it comes to losing lower belly fat and really fat in general, you need to get yourself into the right frame of mind. Commit yourself to your tummy fat loss and weight loss goals. If you don’t you are setting yourself up for failure.
After that, line up a good support system to help you get to where you want to be weight wise. Having people around which have the same goals you do; makes that goal more reachable. The reason being is that everyone can draw on the strength of each other, and have someone to be accountable to.
Choosing the right exercise program is one of the most important parts of losing your lower stomach fat. Now with losing lower belly fat you would want to find a program where you could involve crunches into your exercise routine.
The good thing about crunches is that you can do them at different angles to target all the muscles in your abdominal area. Some of these angles will let you focus on the lower part of your midsection; which will speed up the elimination of your body fat.
Walking is an excellent way of getting rid of the bulge that we all fight with. Not to mention walking is easier on our joints and that can end up helping us all in the long haul. Remember, the walks dont have to be miles long, just long enough to get your heart pumping and your metabolism up.
Now the diet part is sometimes looked at as the hardest part of the whole routine. Breaking old habits is tough and getting rid of things like sweets and high carbs are some of the toughest things to give up.
If a person can stick to low protein meats, like turkey breast, chicken breast, egg whites then they will be on the right track. Also sticking to plain grilled chicken and salads can make not only a great meal; but it will definitely help you lose weight.
Put just a few of these ideas in place and you will be surprised how quickly the lower tummy fat will go away.
Tags: Angles, Atkins, Bulge, Carbs, Eating Habits, Exercise Program, Exercise Routine, Failure, Frame Of Mind, Healthy Diet, How To Lose Lower Belly Fat, Joints, Long Haul, Losing Lower Belly Fat, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Midsection, Muscles, Old Habits, Pointers, Stomach Fat, Sweets, United States;, Walks, Weight Loss Goals —

3 Day Tuna Diet Theres Nothing Fishy About This Diet
3 Day Tuna Diet Theres Nothing Fishy About This Diet Plan
Your 3 day tuna diet is one of the most popular and most effective quick weight loss plans available, but is it right for you? Well, first of all, you need to be play hardball to stand the taste and smell of tuna. Otherwise it may well end up being the 3 day no food diet instead of the 3 day tuna diet.
Tuna has long been a staple of many diets, and with good reason. Tuna is inexpensive, its easy to carry with you and eat, its good for you and eating a lot of it will make you admitted with cats. The keep on part may not sell for strictly vital for weight loss. Because of this, its no surprise that people like the 3 day tuna diet.
Although there are many good reasons to make tuna a regular part of your health and fitness regime, the 3 day tuna diet is a little different. The point of this diet is to lose weight as quickly as possible for three days, and as of this, its usually most useful for people who want to lose a couple of pounds before a colossal event, or to get bikini fast for the beach.
If you pursue the 3 day tuna diet as described, youll probably lose around six pounds and notice your midsection becoming notably tighter. This is because the diet helps you lose water weight, fat weight and cleans your intestines, which means its perfect for looking good.
That said, the 3 day tuna diet is not for everyone. If you are significantly overweight, the diet will still help you get a hop start on weight loss, but it is not intended to be any kind of long term weight loss program. You will need to find something works for the longer term.
There are two basic versions of the 3 day tuna diet, the decent version and the super strict version. The super strict version is as Spartan as it sounds and must not, underneath any circumstances, be continued for more than three ethical days.
On the super strict version, you eat only water packed tuna and drink only water. This is very difficult to do, even for three days, but it will absolutely maximize weight loss. You may drink as much water as you like, and more is better, and you can eat as much tuna as you like, but you may have nothing else.
Your less strict version of the 3 day tuna diet is much easier and ultimately much healthier. For breakfast, you have half a cup of tuna and half of a large grapefruit. For lunch you have another half of cup of tune and a medium salad, greens and veggies only, with smallest olive oil as your dressing. For fete, you posses a whole cup of tuna, and one cup each of two different kinds of vegetables, steamed, and garnished with real butter. Its important to make sure youre getting the right kinds of fats.
Thats the basics of the 3 day tuna diet, and if youre going to try and use it long term, make sure you try and follow a 3 on, 4 off method so you dont experience any metabolic slowdown, and never do the super strict version more than once a era.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: 3 Day Tuna Diet, Bikini, Decent Version, Diet Plan, Diets, Eating Habits, Fitness Diet, Fitness Regime, Food Diet, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Reason, Hardball, Health And Fitness, Healthy Diet, Intestines, Long Term Weight Loss, Losing Weight, Many Good Reasons, Midsection, Quick Weight Loss, smallest olive oil, Staple, Strict Version, Water Weight, Weight Loss Program —