People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People have different motivations for eating a vegetarian diet. For many people, it’s a health issue. They need to reduce their weight, bring down their blood pressure and cholesterol, manage their blood sugars. A vegetarian diet helps them do this.
For others, it’s also moral and ethical decision not to eat animal products. Through the centuries, we’ve become accustomed to thinking of man as superior to all other animals on the planet. We use animals for food, clothing, shoes, belts or other accessories. We use them for scientific experiments. We discount their place on the earth and consider that animals are here to serve us and our needs.
PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and is an organization devoted to changing that mindset among humans. They are against using animals for food or for clothing, especially for what they consider the needless or particularly inhumane use of animals, such as killing or trapping them for their fur.
They are passionate about their cause. In their own words, PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use-for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or any other reason.
We are supposedly an evolved society. But how evolved can a society be that thrives on the suffering of animals? In his excellent book, When Elephants Weep, author Jeffrey Masson explores the emotional lives of animals and presents compelling evidence for it. As a species, we must begin to re-evaluate our place on this earth and where we fit in relation to every other creature that inhabits it. PETA believes this as well and is a passionate advocate for the rights of animals.
Tags: Animal Products, Belts, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugars, Clothing Shoes, Compelling Evidence, Eating Habits, Elephants, Emotional Lives, Ethical Treatment Of Animals, Food Clothing, Fur, Health Issue, Healthy Diet, Jeffrey Masson, Losing Weight, Mindset, Motivations, Passionate Advocate, People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals, Scientific Experiments, Treatment Of Animals, Vegetarian Diet —

Health And Fitness Through Weight Loss
Health and fitness is most of the time associated with physical appearanceespecially weight. And why not? It is the weight of the person can tell whether he or she is living a healthy lifestyle due to the foods and habits that he or she has.
For those who think that their weight greatly affects their self-esteem because of physical appearance, health, emotional stability, physical abilities and the overall quality of their life in general, then it is about time that they contemplate on losing weight.
When does losing should start
People who have finally decided to lose weight should know where to begin. First, he or she must determine the real reason or reasons why they would want to lose weight. By determining and establishing the reason/s why one would want to lose weight, this can help him or her because they can these as motivations during the weight loss phases they are about to face.
Next, they must know it within themselves if they can truly and whole-heartedly commit in doing the things necessary for them to lose weight. By asking ones self if he or she is ready to permanently change what they eat, how they eat, their behavior and their activity levels, the possibility is greater that they would lose weight faster and safes.
Third, they must look for a back up support system in case they can no longer manage weight control on their own. And last but not the least, they must make sure that they are strong enough to deal with possibility of failing if they do not achieve their desired weight or result.
One of the most important things to remember before losing weight is that the person should seek professional help. This is a must that one chooses a responsible and safe weight loss program or plan carefully. One must also make sure that he or she is willing to undergo for a trial period before investing time, money, and effort in enrolling to a specific weight loss class.
Tips in losing weight
Experts say that two of the most crucial factors that affect weight loss are foodor calorieintake and the frequency of physical activities such as exercise. Although it may seem easy to monitor calorie intake and exercise regularly, it is not always effective especially if the person doing it is not determined and disciplined enough. For a person to achieve their weight loss goals here are some tips that they can use:
1. Dont ever skip regular meals. You must not forget that food nourishes the body. Although dieting or cutting down on food intake can help one lose weight, this cannot assure permanent weight loss because they will tend to eat more the next meal and the meals after that.
2. Regulate the food intake. Eating in smaller amounts or food portions will help one cut down on calorie and fat intake.
3. Monitor gradual weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds weekly without irritability, fatigue, or weakness. This will allow your body to regain the loss water and fats.
4. Selecting healthy food choices. Choosing the foods that a person can eat from the food pyramid would help him or her develop a well-balanced diet as well as good eating habits.
5. Cut down on calories properly. If one is losing weight to achieve health and fitness, he or she must make sure that they know their bodys required calorie-intake because cutting too many calories can slow down metabolism. This will also make it difficult for the body to consume the necessary nutrients it needs to perform well.
Tags: Emotional Stability, fatigue;, Fitness Health, food intake;, food portions, food pyramid;, food;, Health And Fitness, Health Fitness, Health Weight, Healthy Food Choices, Important Things, Investing Money, Living A Healthy Lifestyle, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Motivations, on food intake, Physical Abilities, Physical Appearance, Physical Health, Real Reason, Self Esteem, Specific Weight, Time Money, Trial Period, Weight Loss Program —