Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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The Foods That Speed Up Metabolism – Lose Weight Naturally

The Foods That Speed Up Metabolism – Lose Weight Naturally

The diet industry is a multi-million dollar industry and of course those companies that profit from this industry would like to continue making those profits. So if there was a list of foods that could actually speed up your metabolism and as a result help you to lose weight easily, the diet industry will not want you to find out about it. What if that list of foods contained the sort of foods that you love to eat – not possible, that would be going against diet rules wouldn’t it? After all, don’t all diets tell you to avoid those foods that you love the most? You should only eat low fat foods and avoid things like nuts and grains. You should stay away from healthy fruits and vegetables because they contain too much natural sugar – right?


If all these super fad diets were right – eat low-fat foods, eat low-carb foods, eat protein only, eat cabbage until it comes out your ears – if they were all right, then why are obesity numbers rising?

The diet experts out there don’t know all the answers or if they do know, they certainly aren’t telling you or if they do they will make you pay a hefty price for the information. People pay hundreds of dollars to find the right way to lose weight and will still usually fail, so instead of spending anymore money on the latest weight loss fad, use common sense. No matter what type of diet you are on, the bottom line is that you need to burn more calories than you eat. So common sense will tell you that if you keep your calorie intake within a healthy range and do some exercise you should lose weight. There are some other things that you can do though to make losing weight easier and maintain a healthy and nutritious diet and this includes eating foods that give your metabolism a boost which helps you burn calories faster.

Some foods high on the list of foods that speed up metabolism are tuna, salmon and sardines. These foods are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and heart healthy fat and they also help to lower your levels of leptin. When your leptin hormones stay in a low range it is much easier to lose weight. So eating more fish will help to lose weight faster. If you don’t like fish then you can always take some fish oil supplements instead. Olive oil is also another good source of Omega-3 and monounsaturated fats to boost metabolism.

Some other fat burning foods are the hot and spicy types, like cayenne, habanero and jalapeno peppers. These peppers contain capsaicin which is the substance that makes them hot, it is also the substance that gives your metabolism a big boost for up to three hours after you eat. To get the most benefit from these fat burning foods you can choose lower-fat, good carb spicy dishes.

Whole grains are also great for speeding up the metabolism because they have a slow digestion rate and they keep your blood sugar levels even. Cinnamon is another food that has blood sugar regulating properties and can keep your metabolism running at a high speed. Then there are the protein rich foods like eggs, nuts, lean meats and beans that give your body the much needed protein that it needs to keep it running smoothly.

Water, although a beverage and not a food, will also assist on keeping your metabolism on high speed. When you are trying to lose weight it is important to keep up the recommended daily intake of water to keep your body operating at peek performance.

Forget about all the new fad diets around, just change your diet slightly to include some of these super metabolism foods, add some exercise to your routine and drink lots of water and I bet you will start to notice a difference in your weight very quickly.

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How Food Affects Health And Weight

There are many things in a person’s life that have a direct impact on their overall health or even specific aspects of their health. One thing that has a serious impact on a person’s health is how they eat.

Good nutrition is a very important part of staying healthy. Healthy food choices mean a healthier body. There are a couple different reasons for this. For one thing if a person consumes large amounts of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean meats their bodies get an abundance of many important vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Another reason that eating healthy keeps a person in good health is not because of what these foods contain but rather what they don’t. For example many prepackaged and processed foods contain large amounts of fats and hydrogenated oils. These are things that not only will cause a person to gain weight but they can lead to issues such as clogged arteries and various other heart problems as well.

Salt is another thing that should be used in moderation. Yes, salt makes our food taste good and give it flavor but it also has its negative points too. One such negative issue that often occurs from the excessive use of salt is high blood pressure. This is especially true if you are already prone to develop this condition due to family history or other risk factors. It is for this reason that there are so many salt free options for seasoning and flavoring food. Many of these taste even better than if salt was used and contain little or no salt.

Sugar is another food that can wreak havoc with a person’s body. While it may be true that a certain amount of sugar is needed to fuel the body, too much can be a very bad thing. Sugar can be particularly dangerous to someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes. For people such as this the amount of sugar which is consumed must be monitored very carefully. Natural sugar such as that found in fruits and other healthy foods is always a much better choice than adding sugar to other types of foods.

Although it may seem that there are a lot of foods that a person should steer clear of or at least limit their intake of there are also a lot of foods that are good to eat and taste just as good as well. For instance fruits such as strawberries, grapes, apples and oranges make great snacks that are much healthier than salty potato chips or super sweet candy bars.

As you can see there are many ways a person can control their health simply by watching what they eat. The healthier the food choices that you make the better your health will be as a result. It is important to remember that eating healthy does not have to taste bad; there are many healthy foods that taste really good too.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Choice,Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods | Comments (0)

Diabetic Weight Loss Diet – Healthy Foods Benefit You

If you are diabetic and overweight, you need a good diabetic weight loss diet to not only control your weight but also deal with leveling off your blood sugar. Keeping your weight and blood sugar under control is imperative to reducing the likelihood you will suffer the very serious complications that are known to be associated with diabetes.

Obviously the key to losing weight is to choose healthy foods to eat. Foods that also help control insulin production and release are a plus, too. Learning to eat a balanced diet for some can be a little tricky. An important part of keeping you blood sugar levels under control is learning to balance protein, fats, and carbohydrates of every meal you eat.

Keeping carbohydrates under control is key because some carbohydrates convert almost immediately into simple sugars and cause the pancreas to dump insulin into your system to counteract the meteoric rise in blood sugar. If this is not brought under control, you will find yourself with more problems than just diabetes.

Who knows, maybe if you lose the weight you will not have to prick your finger all the time and inject all of that insulin into your body everyday. Maybe your diabetes will even disappear if you become fit and healthy.

Nutritionists and doctors have changed their thinking that all diabetics are the same and all can follow the same general diet. They can’t. A good diabetic weight loss diet today is tailored to the specific patient and promotes optimum nutrition for optimum health. Simple carbohydrates are kept to a minimum and protein that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids are encouraged. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in fish with the highest concentration found in salmon.

Diets low in fat and cholesterol and high in green leafy vegetables and high fiber foods like whole grain is very important in controlling diabetes. Fruits should only be eaten in moderation due to their high natural sugar content which can make blood sugar levels spike then fall rapidly due to insulin overload.

Blood sugar levels should be checked regularly before and after meals and before bedtime to get an accurate idea of how the food you eat affects your levels especially when trying to lose weight. Diabetes is no laughing matter and when you are trying to lose weight on top of the diabetes you need to be extra careful. Take things slowly, keep careful, accurate records of each blood sugar check and keep a food journal, too.

Get some ideas for planning your meals and snacks by going to the American Diabetes Association’s website and studying the diabetic food pyramid. You should be able to get some good information about diabetes and diet while on the site and learn to put what you learn into practice.

With Type II diabetes now in epidemic proportions in the United States because of the obesity epidemic following a good diabetic weight loss diet is as vital as the insulin you have been prescribed.

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