Healthy Eating, the Natural Way!
Healthy Eating, the Natural Way!
Stephania Munson-Bishop
In the past few weeks, Gram has been weeding through, throwing out, organizing – probably the most hateful task of all, the
chore for which there never seemed to “be enough time.” Well,
the truth is, time is always of the essence. But limited energy
should probably have taken top billing. Admiring the neat
appearance of her closet, Gram wondered, “What gives with me?
Why the sea change?”
Then, with one glance at the gleaming new juicer sitting at the ready on the kitchen counter, it became Obvious. All the claims
about the benefits of juicing must be true!
You might have heard about Juicing, and the trendy juice bars in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other major cities.
But for some, juicing has become a way of life. And now Gram
understands why. Energy, weight control, restful sleep, no
indigestion (not even one bout of acid reflux) – the overt
bonanza of juicing, even in the early stages. And this, during a
stressful period on the Day Job! “My, my,” thought Gram;
“Like a natural tranquilizer in a glass.”
And is it tasty! Never mind all the health benefits – terms like
natural enzymes and phytochemicals purported to fight disease/
dis-ease in the human body. Well, those, too. Who among us wouldn’t like to be healthier and feel better, less lethargic
and out of sorts?
But having a background in human services, Gram has long known that a client’s mood swings and even a teen’s unruly behavior
can be improved with a sound, nutritious diet. More people have
various food allergies than one might suspect. So it stands to
reason that what we eat or don’t eat can affect the way we feel.
If we think of our bodies as efficient machines, then we are
more likely to think of food as fuel.
Since the juicer arrived, Gram has assembled a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at least once a day. Scrubbing produce
with a stiff vegetable brush, lining up the items to go into the
juicer, we’ve aimed for a quart of juice at each session.
Some super vegetable combinations:
cucumber, celery, spinach, green pepper, a small apple (nothing peeled, mind you – just core the apple and seed the pepper);
carrots, apples, yellow squash, celery, lemon (again, nothing peeled except for removing the lemon rind);
tomato, carrot, celery, kale. Fruit juices that are very good:
cantaloupe, apple, carrot; watermelon, lemon, celery;
blueberry, honeydew; pineapple, orange, lemon. Each juicing
experiment has resulted in another “favorite.” In the vegetable
combinations, we’ve added a tablespoon or two of wheat germ or brewer’s yeast, to add protein. Also, an assortment of sprouts – but keep reading for more about sprouting.
In the meantime, we’ll be juicing. Is there really a Fountain of
Youth? Our juicer just may be the closest thing.
All you need for a kitchen powerhouse of fresh foods and unparalleled nutrition during the winter months: a few Mason or mayonnaise jars, several 4″ x 4″ squares from old pantyhose (the top part is best), and some rubber bands. You also need a safe source of seeds and dried beans, most likely your local health or natural foods store — because whatever you use must be organic, e.g., not treated with chemicals.
It’s all about enzymes — and how freshly sprouted foods are loaded with them. It’s about vitamins and fiber, too. Here are some choices: adzuki beans, alfalfa, barley, beans of almost any kind, buckwheat, broccoli, clover, kale, chive, chickpeas (or garbanzos), chia, cress, mung beans, fenugreek, lentil (must be whole to sprout, not halves), radish, soybean, triticale, wheat.
Then you place a 1 to 2″ layer of seed or bean in a Mason jar, cover the jar with the nylon square, and secure the square over the mouth of the jar with a rubber band. Fill with water a few inches above your layer, and let soak for 2 to 8 hours or overnight (the larger beans need a lot longer than small seed such as alfalfa or clover). Drain the jar and invert at a 45 degree angle in your dish drainer (or in a large plastic margarine tub in your kitchen sink). Rinse with water and drain several times a day. When sprouted in the next few days (again, depending on the size of the bean or seed), rinse and drain, put a lid on the jar, and refrigerate. Use within 3 to 5 days.
What can you do with these dietary nuggets? Use mung beans in eggs foo yung, and certainly in stir-fries. You can toss into soup during the last few minutes, put alfalfa sprouts into an omlet, even make bread. Incorporate in meatloaf or burgers. Throw the sprouts into your juicer with either fruit or veggie blends, for a beverage so loaded with nutrients it might even add spring to your step! But the quickest, easiest way is to include them in a big green salad.
With fast food and packaged frozen dinners which comprise so much of the American diet, people simply aren’t getting enough fiber. Our foods are mostly processed. When was the last time, other than salad or an apple, you enjoyed anything raw?
There are many websites on raw food diets. Researchers say that the best course is a combination of foods, both raw and cooked. There are even some who advocate a completely raw diet, including raw fish and meat. http://www.rawpaleodiet.org/
“Say It with Sprouts” is an article devoted to mung bean sprouts:
“Types of Raw Food Diets” discusses the variety of diets, at
http://www.living-foods.com/articles ypesofraw.html
The Raw Food Directory has a wealth of resources to guide you:
http://www.buildfreedom.com/rawmain.htm And don’t miss a colorful, whimsical site with over 400 pages of sprout information: http://www.sproutpeople.com
The other detail we’d like to include: sprouts are probably the all-time best nutritional value you can obtain for the negligible price. True, you can forage for wild foods, but you have to be able to identify what you’re bringing home to eat. I priced alfalfa sprouts at my local grocery: $1.99 for 4 ounces. You can sprout your own at home for a few cents, and know they are fresh and wholesome.
Dr. Ann Wigmore was one of the first raw foods proponents. She recommended Energy Soup, the base of which is sprouts. Even your children can develop a taste for sprouts. Mix a half cup of alfalfa sprouts with peanut butter for sandwiches. “Mmm! What’s this crunchy stuff?” they’ll say, as the natural vitamins are helping their bodies to grow strong. Toss sprouted garbanzo beans (chickpeas) into your next taco filling. Sprinkle clover sprouts into breakfast cereal, omlet, or pancake batter.
Up for a new/nutritious eating adventure? Try sprouts!
About the Author
Stephania is a human services professional with nearly 40 years in the field. She publishes a monthly, content-rich ezine, “Tidbits from the Pantry,” to over 10,000 subscribers.
Tags: Ann Wigmore, Author, beverage, chemicals;, Chicago, Day Job, energy;, food allergies;, food;, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, human services, Juice Bars, Juicer, Kitchen Counter, Los Angeles, Mood Swings, Natural Enzymes, Natural Tranquilizer, Neat Appearance, New York, Nutritious Diet, Phytochemicals, Raw Food Diets, Restful Sleep, rubber band, rubber bands, Sea Change, Stressful Period, Top Billing, Unruly Behavior, USD;, Vegetable Brush, whimsical site, York Chicago —

Overweight teens, marching to summer camps
Weight loss camps, yes, they really do exist. If you’ve heard of training camps, band camps and all sorts of other summers camps then chances are you have an idea already why such summer weight loss camps exists. Various weight loss summer camps have distinct programs. You’ll find camps that offer programs from traditional dieting and exercising to the newest fad in weight loss programs.
A summer weight loss camp in New York, for example, supplements traditional diet and weight loss programs with alternative means of loosing weight. The camp set their priorities to keep their programs enjoyable and entertaining.
The want the teens and kids that enroll in their summer camp to have fun more than anything else. Their programs are spread out to a diversity of extraordinary activities which increases, hastens and maintains the calorie burning process.
And before the summer camp ends, parents and the teens themselves are very happy on the results of their weight loss program. The good thing from these summer camps is that most of their weight loss programs are geared towards continuity. If they decide to stick with their program, they will surely loose weight even after they return to their homes.
It has been observed that traditional diet camps are not producing the desired results. It is therefore important that you choose well which camp you will send your kid to. Look for camps that have great programs and impressive backings from the academe as well as the scientific community.
It is comforting to know that the diet programs your kids or teens will undertake are based on scientific research and meticulous studies. You don’t want to send your kids to a camp which will make them guinea pigs for a new exercise program. You want well established weight loss programs that deliver results.
Aside from diets and exercises, other camps offer skills trainings that will help kids and teens maintain a healthy body all through their life. Some still offers various behavioral therapies that will strengthen their mental and emotional state through whatever kind of issues that might arise from weight gain.
Also, there are summer camps that are specialized for the needs of teens with other issues aside from overweight like such as Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, obesity, different learning disabilities or behavioral problems. There are camps that will handle the needs of these special kids all the while addressing their problems in weight.
For parents, these camps are God send. It might prove to very difficult for the parents to encourage their teens and kids that are hounded by psychological disorders to loose weight. They sometimes need the experts’ assistance on things.
One other thing the parents should look for in a weight loss camp is the ratio of instructors or counselors to students. The ratio of instructors and counselors to students should be high. By having more than enough instructors, camps will be able to focus on the kids and teens’ programs.
They will make sure that the teens will be following the program correctly and will guide them to the right techniques in order to maximize the results. Expert instructors will make sure that kids and teens as well as their parents and sponsors will leave camp satisfied and have greater self esteem.
Weight loss summer camps are scattered all over the country. There are also winter camps for weight loss. You won’t run out of options when it comes to health camps such as these.
Tags: Academe, ADHD, Autism, Band Camps, behavioral therapies, Continuity, Desired Results, Diet Programs, different learning disabilities, Distinct Programs, Exercise Program, Exercises, Fad, Guinea Pigs, Healthy Diet, New York, obesity;, Overweight Teens, Psychological Disorders, Summer Camp, Summer Camps, Traditional Diet, Training Camps, Weight Loss Camp, Weight Loss Camps, Weight Loss Program, Weight Loss Programs —