Can You Lose Weight With Wu Yi Diet
There has been a lot of attention given to Wu Yi tea for the past years. Many testify of the effects of Wu Yi diet to people who are on the path to losing weight and staying fit. On the other hand, some claim its a scam and that tea should not even be considered in any persons diet. If you are longing to lose weight in the most natural and safe way, you might be confused at the things you hear and read about the Wu Yi diet. To shed some light to the confusion, it is better to know the basics about the diet then decide whether it is meant for you or not.
Firstly, the Wu Yi tea is known to be a blend between black tea and the prestigious green tea. The tea originated in China, specifically in the Wu Yi Mountains, hence its name. Some people describe its look and taste to that similar to coffee. Like many other tea from China, the Wu Yi tea is one of the healthiest types of tea that one can buy in the market. Its health benefits have been linked to weight loss and overall health. You have no concerns about calories, fats, and carbohydrates compared to your regular morning brew of hot chocolate, frappucinno, mocha, double cream coffee, etc.
The Wu Yi tea diet is rich in Polyphenol, a compound known to combat obesity. The compound can speed up metabolism which results to calories being burnt and thus weight loss is achieved. This is the main benefit that a weight loss patient can get from Wu Yi diet. The diet does not in any way encourage losing weight by starvation, taking pills, and paying that much for a diet supplement. The diet only involves drinking Wu Yi tea to fortify your body.
Like any other weight loss diet, the Wu Yi diet has its own pros and cons. Lets take a look at both sides and its all up to you to decide whether or not the diet is perfect for you.
PROS of Wu Yi Diet:
Perfect for coffee drinkers who are looking for other options to lower their caffeine intake without totally getting rid of it
Claims to be more beneficial than green tea
Promotes a healthy diet as it encourages its users to do regular exercise and eat nutritious food along with drinking the tea
Does not contain carbohydrates, fats, and calories
Cheaper compared to other diets in the market
CONS of Wu Yi Diet:
Though slightly less than that of coffee, Wu Yi like any other tea has caffeine
It might not be recommended for people who have high blood pressure and heart problems
To ensure that you get the best from a Wu Yi diet, it is always recommended to consult your doctor. You will still be advised to have a healthy eating habit and moderate exercise alongside drinking the tea at least twice a day. Wu Yi diet is a sensible diet as it promotes healthy living through healthy foods and exercise.
Tags: Black Tea, Caffeine Intake, China, Coffee Drinkers, Coffee Tea, Diet Supplement, Green Tea, Health Benefits, high blood pressure;, Hot Chocolate, Losing Weight, Morning Brew, nutritious food;, obesity;, Pros And Cons, Safe Way, Speed Up Metabolism, starvation;, Staying Fit, Taking Pills, To shed, Weight Loss Diet, Wu Yi, Wu Yi Diet, Wu Yi Mountains, Wu Yi Tea —
Nuts To You… Just One Way to a Healthy
Nuts To You… Just One Way to a Healthy Heart
Dr. John Rumberger
Nuts are readily available and provide a highly nutritious food. In addition to protein, carbohydrate, and fat, nuts contain many other important nutrients: fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, and magnesium. Although on some food charts you may see nuts listed in the same food category as diary products, eggs, and red meat because of the fat content, new information calls into question this designation.
While nuts do contain a high proportion of fat, tree nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazel nuts, Brazil nuts, and macadamia are actually low in saturated fat. Most of the fat comes in the form of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered to be acceptable forms of fat that actually “reduce” the incidence of heart and vascular disease.
Several large studies have examined the relationship between the risk of heart disease and intake of omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources. In the Seventh Day Adventist Health Study researchers found that those who reported eating nuts more than four times per week had a 50% lower risk of heart disease than those who rarely ate nuts. The Nurses’ Health Study found that heart disease risk was reduced by 35% in those who ate nuts compared with those who rarely ate nuts. An addition study found that the risk of type 2 diabetes went down by nearly 1/3 in women who consumed 1/4 cup of nuts five times per week compared to those that did not eat nuts at all.
One recent study looked at almonds in particular. They examined the effects on LDL [“bad”] cholesterol values. Each person served as his own control and they were each on three different “diets”: almonds representing about 1/4 their entire daily calorie intake, OR a “handful” of almonds per day, OR a muffin [containing about the same number of calories as a “full dose” of almonds]. The LDL cholesterol went down about 10% when the subjects took a “full dose” of almonds, went down about 5% with intake of a “handful” of almonds, and did not go down at all with eating a muffin. In those with the higher “dose” of almonds, the “ratio” of bad to good cholesterol [LDL/HDL ratio] went down by 12%.
The American Heart Association (AHA) recognizes nuts [including almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, macadamia, and pistachios] may help to lower your blood cholesterol and may be a very healthy “snack”. However, they also warn that they are a source of calories and should not be used to great excess in those with calorie restricted diets and that you should avoid nuts with added oils or added salt. The AHA recommends eating an overall balanced diet that is high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and includes low-fat [or non-fat] diary products, fish and lean meats. If you add nuts to your diet, just be sure that you don’t inadvertently add considerable total calories – despite the benefits of nuts, maintaining an ideal body weight is more important. Weight is often a simple lesson in physics – what comes in either stays [as increased pounds] or is used up for energy and metabolism [which is increased by a regular exercise program].
Disclaimer: If you are under 18, pregnant, nursing or have health problems, consult your physician before starting any weight loss plan. The information here is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.
About the Author
Dr. John Rumberger’s experince in the field is extensive, and includes achieving his doctorate in 1976 (Bio-Engineering/ Fluid Dynamics/ Applied Mathematics) from Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, with a dissertation on, A Non-Linear Model of Coronary Artery Blood Flow. He has just completed his book The WAY Diet available on or direct through the publisher at
Tags: 3 Fatty Acids, American Heart Association, Author, Bad Cholesterol, Brazil, Brazil Nuts, Cholesterol Values, Daily Calorie Intake, diabetes;, Diary Products, energy;, Fluid Dynamics, folic acid, Food Category, Food Charts, food;, Hazel Nuts, Health Study, Healthy Heart, Healthy Nuts, Heart Disease Risk, heart disease;, John Rumberger, Ldl Cholesterol, Monounsaturated Fats, Nurses Health, nutritious food;, Ohio, Ohio State University, Ohio State University Columbus, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, physician, Plant Sources, Rumberger, Tree Nuts, Type 2 Diabetes, vascular disease —
Atkins OWL Phase
The second phase of the Atkins diet is called Ongoing Weight Loss or OWL. After the rapid weight loss of the 2-week Induction phase, youll be slowing your weight loss down just a bit. Youll add in specific carbohydrates that will make your diet a little easier and your weight loss just a bit slower. However, you will continue to lose weight at a steady even pace with ease.
During the OWL phase you will boost your bodys ability to burn fats. Although youll be adding carbohydrates slowly, youll still remain in the state of ketosis. You will continue to use your excess fat as fuel for your body, and the pounds and inches will continue to come off.
The OWL phase will also teach you to make better carbohydrate choices. The recipes and guidelines for OWL will increase your knowledge about nutritious food. Youll replace the poor carbohydrate choices that you relied on in the past with new and better choices.
Youll also learn how many carbohydrates you can consume and still lose weight. The process of the OWL phase is an experiment in what your specific body does with carbs. During the OWL phase, youll gradually increase your daily carb intake from the 20-gram level that you used in induction. Each week youll try adding another 5 grams of carbs and then take note of what happens. When weight loss slows too much, youll know that youve exceeded your personal carb limit.
OWL also prepares you for your permanent weight management program (called maintenance). The habits and practices that you develop during OWL will go a long way toward your long-term success. Treat this period of your diet as training for the real test your post diet life.
During the OWL phase, youll still be getting most of your carbohydrates from vegetables (just as you do during Induction). Its important to continue to eat a wide variety of vegetables, as they are good for your overall health and good for maintaining intestinal health during the Atkins diet. You will be able to add more portions of vegetables, and then gradually be able to add nuts, seeds and even berries. However, the main focus of the diet will still be protein.
In a way, the Induction phase is easier than any of the other phases of Atkins. The strict plan always works and always produces weight loss. As you enter the OWL phases, youll need to be more mindful of your carbohydrate count and keep better track of your weight. Youll have more choice and that may lead to more temptations, which could result in a stalling of your weight loss or even weight gain.
Counting carbohydrate grams is critical in your OWL success. If you dont count, you will end up consuming more carbohydrates than you should. However, there are many tools available that can help you with counting. There are several handy, portable books that will tell you the number of grams of carbohydrates in certain foods. Over time, youll know the carb count for your favorite foods instantly.
Counting carbs is also essential during the OWL phase because you are playing detective. You are investigating to find your personal carb count, the amount of carbohydrate grams that you can eat daily and still lose weight. During the first week of OWL, youll move from 20 carbohydrate grams to 25. It is recommended that you add this in the form of more vegetables, like asparagus or cauliflower. Youll continue at the 25-gram level for a week, and then move up to 30 grams a day.
As you increase your carbohydrate gram level, watch your weight closely. If you experience too much of a slowdown, you know youve gone too high. Youll find your maximum carbohydrate gram level when you stop losing weight at all. When this happens, youll know youve reached your limit. Once you discover your personal carb count, drop down below that number if you want to continue losing weight.
Tags: Atkins, Atkins Diet, detective, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, ketosis;, Losing Weight, nutritious food;, the OWL; —
Hoodia Powder – Miracle – Yes Or No
If you are one of the millions of people who is overweight and have to deal with health issues associated with being overweight, you are no doubt anxious to lose the weight as quickly, and safely, as possible. For this reason you may have found yourself wondering if a weight loss supplement could help and hoodia is probably at the top of your list. Hoodia comes in many forms such as capsules, liquids, chewable bites, teas, and even hoodia powder. This article will give you a general overview of what hoodia can do for you as well as some general knowledge about this ‘miracle’ plant.
Hoodia is a plant found in the deserts of South Africa. This plant was used by the natives for centuries to naturally suppress their appetites and thirst when they had to make long journeys across the desert. They claimed that it not only decreased their appetites and thirst but that it also increased their energy levels.
Scientists have isolated the compound that they believe is responsible for the appetite suppressing abilities of the plant and named it P57. This compound is thought to work by sending signals to the brain and tricking it into believing that the body is full thus eliminating the desire for food or drink and ultimately leading to weight loss.
While there are over 20 species of the hoodia plant, only the hoodia gordonii has been shown to possess the appetite suppressant compound. When you are considering buying a hoodia supplement, make sure that you carefully look at the ingredient labels to find out how much hoodia is in each serving. The amounts can range from as little as 250 mg all the way up to 1,000 mg.
The powder form is favored by many since it can be mixed in with a favorite drink and can be absorbed more quickly into the system, thus making the benefits show up faster than with other forms of the supplement. Two types of powder are used: whole plant powder and core powder. Using the whole plant results in a poor product because the actual compound that is useful in appetite suppressant isn’t found in various parts of the plant such as the roots. Core powder is taken for the heart of the plant where the actual compound is found and therefore makes a much higher concentrate and will offer superior results… but it will also cost more.
When you are deciding between brands make sure that you stick with only those that offer C.I.T.E.S certification which indicates that the hoodia gordonii is 100% pure and undiluted.
There is nothing wrong with trying to use all the tools you can to help you get the weight loss results you want and need, and one of those options is pure hoodia powder. Be sure that you are cautious about the brands you use and the expectations you have. Hoodia gordonii can help you keep your appetite in check so you eat less and lose weight, but you still have to do your part. You will need to provide your body with enough nutritious food and water along with regular exercise to really achieve healthy and permanent weight loss.
Tags: Appetite Suppressant, Appetites, Centuries, Deserts, energy levels;, food;, General Knowledge, Health Issues, Hoodia Gordonii, Hoodia Plant, Journeys, Liquids, Losing Weight, Miracle Plant, Natives, No Doubt, nutritious food;, One Of The Millions, pence, Sending Signals, South Africa, Teas, Thirst, Weight Loss Supplement —