Restaurant Calorie Counter
People are busier than ever before. Several decades ago, the so-called experts predicted we would be living a life of leisure and that there would be almost no need to work at all. The reality that we live in now is much different; we are working more and under more stress. It doesn’t take much of a leap to figure out why people are eating out more often, and how that can lead to obesity. Still, eating outside of the home is convenient, so having a restaurant calorie counter can be a real life saver.
If you have ever tried losing weight, then you know how difficult it can be. Anything you can use to help you lose weight is a good thing. A restaurant calorie counter is the ideal tool for helping you stay on your diet when eating out. It just makes sense to have this information on hand.
A big problem people have is unrealistic expectations. They decide they need to lose weight, and vow to make super-healthy meals at home. They envision themselves in the kitchen making nutritious foods from scratch, and sitting down to a nice home-cooked meal. If you can do this, then that’s great, but be honest about it. If you’re not already in the habit of making meals at home, then being on a diet won’t be enough to change that.
It’s much better to face the fact that you’re the type of person who likes to eat out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it’s best to be realistic before starting a diet. Of course, once you’re in a restaurant you still have to watch what you eat, and that’s where a restaurant calorie counter can be so helpful.
Well, ‘helpful’ is one way to describe it, but ‘vital’ may be more accurate. While you can always check food labels for the items you have at home, very few restaurants put any kind of nutritional information right on the menu. Some fast food places will have a brochure that lists the info, but it’s rare for a regular restaurant to publish this information.
Without a restaurant calorie counter, the only thing you can do is guess how many calories you’re eating. That may sound reasonable, but studies have shown that people consistently underestimate the number of calories in the food they eat; and if you’re on a diet, then you can’t afford to be too far off. If you underestimate, then you may overeat; if you overestimate, then you may feel hungry all the time.
When selecting a calorie guide, it’s best to make sure it includes the restaurants you visit most. Of course not all locally owned restaurants will be covered, but most guides will give you a pretty close approximation for most foods. For example, if it’s an Italian restaurant, then make sure that the restaurant calorie counter you get includes listings for the foods most typically served at Italian restaurants.
Tags: Brochure, Calorie Counter, Calories, Decades, Diet, Eating Habits, Fast Food, Food Labels, Food Places, Habit, Healthy Diet, Healthy Meals, Home Cooked Meal, Leap, Life Of Leisure, Losing Weight, Nutritional Information, Nutritious Foods, obesity;, Scratch, Stress, Unrealistic Expectations, Vow —

What Exactly Is Obesity-Another Way Of Saying Excessive Fat
Basically obesity is when a person has an excessive amount of body fat. Not only does the problem of obesity lie in how a person looks, but it also causes some great health concerns. Obesity can lead to many serious medical conditions including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Levels of body fat in a person are calculated using a formula called BMI or Body Mass Index. If an adult has a BMI of over 30 then they are considered to be obese. If an adult has a BMI of over 40 then they are extremely obese or also known as morbidly obese. The more obese that a person is then the more susceptible they are to serious health conditions.
It is an unfortunate statistic, but one in three Americans is considered to be obese. The number of overweight people is rising all the time due to the huge amount of junk foods available these days and also the lack of exercise. A person can slowly become overweight and then obese before they even realize that they have a problem. When they do realize that they are putting their health at risk with their weight then they may begin to look at weight loss programs to try and lose that excess weight.
As well as heart disease and diabetes, obesity may also cause sleep apnea, snoring, difficulty sleeping, pain in the back and joints, rashes and infections in the creases of the skin, excessive sweating, and get out of breathe easily, fatigue and depression. Any one of these problems can become a real issue for a person and this is when you should seek help to gain control of your weight and ease any of these symptoms. It will not be easy to change your lifestyle and lose weight and you will need to be prepared to make dietary changes and to introduce some physical activity into your life.
Obesity is caused by consuming too many calories in comparison with how many calories burned. The more overweight a person becomes the less physical activity they tend to do and so they are not burning off many of those calories that they are consuming. Lack of exercise and bad diet choices are the leading causes of obesity. Genetic and hormonal influences may also contribute to obesity in some people. When a person is inactive they do not burn off the fat consumed and that fat is then stored in the body.
It is essential to change your eating habits if you are to lose that excess body fat and get back to a healthy weight range. Some tips for changing your eating habits are:
* Stop or limit the amount of fast food you eat.
* Don’t skip breakfast but instead have a nutritional breakfast.
* Don’t eat too much right before bed time.
* Put an end to drinking soft drinks.
* Reduce the portions of the food you eat.
* Drink lots of water.
It is also important to make sure that you get the required amount of sleep every night. When you are not getting enough sleep your hormones can change and increase your appetite leading you to consume more calories during the day.
Introducing exercise into your daily routine can be really difficult to do at first if you are extremely obese. You can start out slowly doing something as simple as going for a 20 minute walk each day and gradually increase that time. As you slowly become fit you can walk faster until you are doing at least 30 minutes of brisk walking each day.
When you feel that you can take on more exercise you may consider joining a gym or taking up a sport that involves cardio exercises to help burn off more fat.
When you have made bad diet and lifestyle choices for a long time it can be difficult to make the change for the better and get your life and your health back on track. Eating unhealthy foods and being inactive is really not worth the health conditions that it can cause so make a decision to change your life and be healthy.
Tags: Blood Pressure Levels, Bmi, Body Mass Index, Calories, Creases, Dietary Changes, Eating Habits, Excess Weight, Excessive Sweating, Great Health, Health Concerns, Health Conditions, Healthy Diet, Heart Disease And Diabetes, heart disease;, high blood pressure;, Junk Foods, Lack Of Exercise, Losing Weight, Morbidly Obese, obesity;, Physical Activity, Rashes, Serious Health —

Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Obesity is at record levels, and people are dying because of it! Hopefully that got your attention. It seems as though we are constantly being told just how bad the problem of people being overweight is, and the trend seems to be going up. At the same time, there are people who are interested in exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Unfortunately, far too many of them don’t lose any weight, and some end up weighing more than when they started. What follows are some ways to keep this from happening to you.
The basic formula for calories is that 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight. In other words, if you take in that many calories, you will gain a pound; if you burn off that many calories you will lose a pound. There are some slight variations based on the foods you eat and what activities you do, but this simple formula is good to know.
Now, looking at the math, we can see that 3,500 divided by the 7 days in a week works out to 500 calories per day. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories each day, you will lose a pound. You can do this through any combination of taking in fewer or burning more calories. For example, if you would take in 300 fewer calories and burn 200 more calories, then that would add up to 500, or a loss of one pound per week.
Eating healthy so you can lose weight means eating the right kinds of foods and choosing foods that are lower in calories. If you are exercising as part of your effort to lose weight, then you will actually be able to eat a bit more so you can fuel your body for its workout. However, don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. You still need to watch what you eat if you want to get rid of those extra pounds. But burning more calories through exercise will allow you to eat more than if you were sedentary.
Exercise and healthy eating to lose weight go hand-in-hand in another way. How? Well, exercise has been shown to increase metabolism. First, it will increase it while you are working out, and for a short while after you’re done. Second, muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn, even when you are at rest. Having your metabolism boosted means you will be burning the calories you eat at a faster pace. If you have any high-calorie items on your diet menu, then eating them close to your workout will help your body burn it off more quickly.
Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to losing weight though. Resistance exercises, such as weight lifting, are better at building metabolism boosting muscle tissue. The reason is that muscle needs to constantly receive fuel, even when you are resting, but fatty tissue does not. So, as you can see, exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is about attacking the problem from two angles, and making the right choices.
Tags: Bad People, Being Overweight, Calories, Calories Exercise, Calories Per Day, Easy Exercise, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Eating To Lose Weight, Excuse, Extra 500, Fewer Calories, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating To Lose Weight, Lose Pound, Losing Weight, Math, obesity;, Trend, Variations, Workout —

Simple Ways To Lose Weight – Watching What You Eat
Simple Ways To Lose Weight – Watching What You Eat
There is no question that obesity is a big problem in the United States and other Western nations, and it’s not showing any signs of going away soon. If you have been looking for simple ways to lose weight, then chances are you have stumbled across a few fad diets, perhaps you have even tried a few. But there is only one way to shed those extra pounds: you have to burn more calories than you take in. One way to decrease how many calories you take in is by controlling your portions. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
The first thing you need to know is what a normal portion is for most of the foods you eat. You may be quite shocked to find out that you have been regularly eating three to four times the normal portion. For example, a serving of meat is considered to be 3 ounces, that works out to be about the same dimensions as a deck of cards. A serving of ice cream is a half cup, so if you eat a pint you will have consumed four servings. And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Most of us will mindlessly fill our entire plate when we sit down to eat. We don’t really think about what we put on the plate, we just know that it should be full. Therefore, you can trick yourself into eating less by using smaller plates, cups and bowls when you eat. That way there will be less plate to fill.
You can also look to tricks used by restaurants to make your plate look fuller. A favorite is to use garnishes like thinly slice fruit, raw kale and fresh parsley. These aren’t normally eaten, but they take up extra room and give the illusion of having more food on your plate.
If you put the healthiest foods on your plate first, then you will automatically limit how much of the less-than-healthy food you’ll have room for. For example, if you start by putting veggies on your plate, then a small salad, you will be forcing yourself to take a smaller portion of meat.
Did you know that the type of glass you put your beverages in makes a difference? This is nothing more than an illusion, but it ranks as one of the simple ways to lose weight. Taller, thinner glasses look like they hold more, so use those. If you’re having a cold drink, then fill the glass with ice first, then pour in your beverage. Yes, restaurants use this trick, too.
Only cook what you’ll eat. A lot of recipes are designed to feed a family of four, but if there are only two of you, or you’re on your own, then reducing those recipes will help to keep your portions under control. After all, you can’t eat more of a certain dish if there isn’t more there for you to eat.
Tags: Bowls, Burn Calories, Calories, Deck Of Cards, Eating Habits, Extra Room, Fad Diets, Healthiest Foods, Healthy Food, How Many Calories, Illusion, Kale, Losing Weight, obesity;, Parsley, Pint, Proverbial Iceberg, Restaurants, Shed, Signs, Sit, Veggies, Ways To Lose Weight —