Simple Tips For Dieting When You Dine Out
More and more people are eating out than ever before. That wouldn’t be a problem, except for a few things. You have no way of knowing exactly what goes into each dish you’re ordering, and restaurants are noted for using lots of salt and fat to make their food taste better. A more recent problem is restaurants have been steadily increasing their portion sizes, and that means even more calories. While home-cooked fare can be more healthy, nobody is saying you should never eat out. Instead, it’s better to know how to keep from packing on the pounds when dining out.
Did you know restaurants will add butter or oil to some entrees just to make them look better? A pat of butter is often applied to meat when it’s done to give it a shiny finish. Grilled entrees may be brushed with oil before cooking to keep them from sticking, and again after cooking for that shiny look. That means you could be eating extra calories without even knowing about it. And if they use saturated fats (such as butter), then it can have a negative impact on your health as well. It’s also a common practice to add butter to steamed vegetables, largely for the same reasons.
Rubs and marinades often contain sugar, salt or oil in some combination. Those on low carbohydrate diets may be surprised to find out that their marinated chicken breast is hiding a tablespoon of sugar. Salt isn’t good for those with high blood pressure. Oils are the most calorie-dense and can add to your daily intake quickly. Vinegar marinades will usually be your best bet.
If you’re on a diet, then try to avoid cream sauces. These are usually made with heavy cream and loaded with extra calories. Even sauces that contain flour will usually have a lot of added fat, with the typical ratio being one tablespoon of fat to one tablespoon of flour for each cup of liquid. A better choice would be a vegetable based sauce, such as marinara.
Mixed drinks before dinner can be another source of extra calories. The trick is to order drinks that are mixed with plain soda water. Fruit juices add extra calories as they are mostly sugar. Of course you could always skip the pre-dinner cocktail and eliminate those calories completely. Water, coffee and tea are all calorie-free alternatives.
As mentioned earlier, portion sizes in restaurants are getting bigger. In fact they can be three to four times as much as the recommended serving sizes. For example, a serving of meat is only three ounces. But if you order a fifteen ounce steak, then you are having five times as much as you should. You can always see if somebody else at the table would like to share it with you. You may still have more than a serving, but you will be keeping it under control to some extent.
The main thing to remember is that eating out doesn’t have to mean gaining weight. As long as you know a few tips for losing weight when dining out, you can have a good time without feeling guilty about it.
Tags: Atkins, Best Bet, Calories, Chicken Breast, Cream Sauces, Eating Habits, Flour, Food Taste, Fruits And Vegetables, Grilled Entrees, Healthy Diet, Heavy Cream, high blood pressure;, Losing Weight, Low Carbohydrate Diets, Marinades, Mixed Drinks, Negative Impact, Portion Sizes, Rubs, Saturated Fats, Steamed Vegetables, Sugar Salt, Tablespoon, Vinegar —

Why Choose Health Food Quick Weight Loss Diets
Why choose health food quick weight loss diets? Because they give you all the nutrients you need to sustain your life and help you lose weight at the same time. The health food aspect may take some getting used to but in the long run you will be better off.
If you find there are things you just do not like and cannot tolerate with the health food then make some changes and substitutions to things you do like and can tolerate. There are all kinds of choices you can choose from.
So, why choose health food quick weight loss diets? If you have been overweight for a long time you have probably tried your share of the many, many diets out there and failed to lose the weight or if you did lose some weight, failed to keep it off.
What some people do not understand is the fact that if you are going to lose weight and keep it off it will take dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to change the way you think about the food you eat and the way you live your life. Fad diets just do not work.
Most people who go on a diet are looking for instant gratification but in reality healthy weight loss diets will show you that if you are going to lose the weight and keep it off the process will be slow and steady not fast and furious.
So what do you think you need to be successful? You need a meal plan that is balanced, tastes good, controls hunger, does away with cravings and increases your energy level.
Health food can help you accomplish this because a diet low in fat and eating at least five small meals a day will help keep your metabolism stoked and help you burn more fat.
Do not try to eliminate all fat from your diet, some fats are ok and your body needs fat in small amounts. Stay away from bad fats like saturated fats and trans fats. Good fats include the polyunsaturated fats found in olive oil and omega 3 you get from eating fish.
Make sure to read the labels on your food and eat only the serving size amount. Portion control is key to losing weight. If you give your body more calories than it needs you will gain weight. If you give your body the exact amount of calories it needs in a day you will maintain the weight your are right now. If you give your body less calories than it needs you will lose weight, it’s just that simple.
If you combine a little exercise with your new meal plan You will be at your ideal weight before you know it. Get a good mix of cardio and strength training to improve heart and lung function and tone muscles to make them work more efficiently and aid in your weight loss effort. Toned muscle helps burn more fat even when you are asleep.
Even if you do all this and start eating healthier you still may not get all the nutrients you need on a daily basis. You may need to find a good supplement to take each day. If you do not know anything about supplements you can talk to you doctor, pharmacist, or local natural food store owner and get their recommendation. When you get all the nutrients you need each day you may find your cravings for certain foods will decrease.
Follow these simple suggestions on why choose health food quick weight loss diets and exercise and you will lose those extra pounds in no time.
Tags: Bad Fats, Calories, Cravings, Eating Habits, energy level;, Fad Diets, Good Fats, Health Diets, Health Food, Healthy Diet, Healthy Diets, Healthy Weight Loss Diets, Instant Gratification, Level Health, Losing Weight, Meal Plan, Omega 3, Polyunsaturated Fats, Portion Control, Quick Weight Loss Diets, Saturated Fats, Serving Size, Trans Fats, Weight Loss Diets —

Some Diet Plans For Overweight Teenage Boys
If you are looking for some diet plans for overweight teenage boys, keep in mind that weight loss is pretty much the same for everyone. Eating nutritiously balanced meals and getting enough exercise to burn off more calories than you take in each day is the key to successful weight loss.
For your teenage boys to be able to lose weight and build muscle they need to be on low fat, high protein diets and work out with weights on a regular basis. Low fat to help lose the excess body fat and high protein to help build the lean muscle mass, and the weights to tone, tighten, and strengthen muscles.
If you are just helping them get started you will need to assess their current diet and make some changes. You can cut out most of the fat in their diet but remember, their bodies have to have some fats to work properly so you can’t cut them out completely. The fats to steer clear of are saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, and trans fats.
Food choices for some diet plans for overweight teenage boys that are good sources of fats that you should have are salmon, avocados, and olive oil. Just remember to eat these types of fats in moderation as well because fat is fat and too much of even a good thing is not healthy.
Proteins you should have them eat to lose weight and build muscle should be lean protein like boneless, skinless chicken breasts or turkey breasts, any kind of fish, and pork and red meat in moderation. Do not let your teenage boys take any supplements, protein or otherwise, without talking to their doctor first. Supplements can be beneficial when using them in conjunction with the diet plan and workout routine but they can be harmful if not taken as directed.
Working with weights is a very important part of the equation. Even if you just had your teenage boys follow the diet tips listed above, they would probably lose the excess body fat but their bodies still needs resistance training to help build up their muscles.
To help your teenage boys get the most out of their weight training remember, it’s all about using the right form while performing the exercises. I think I should have been a personal trainer because every time I go work out I’m still amazed to watch the poor form people use when lifting weights. The key to an effective work out is slow and steady. Working each and every muscle group to fatigue so you cannot even do one single more rep is the way to burn maximum calories and get maximum weight loss results.
If your teenage boys really want to lose the weight and build muscle, here are the main steps: strictly follow some diet plans for overweight teenage boys and start weight training. Just make sure that they take it slow when lifting weights, they want their muscles to do all the work so they give them the most benefit, not gravity or momentum.
Tags: Balanced Meals, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, Diet Plan, Diet Tips, Excess Body, Fats Food, food choices;, Healthy Diet, High Protein Diets, Kind Of Fish, Lean Muscle Mass, Lean Protein, Losing Weight, Low Fat High Protein Diets, olive oil;, Personal Trainer, Resistance Training, Saturated Fats, Skinless Chicken Breasts, Sources Of Fats, Trans Fats, Turkey Breasts, Turkey;, Types Of Fats, Workout Routine —

The Mediterranean Diet
Looking and feeling good is what everyone wants. Exercising and eating right are the only ways to achieve this. People need food in order to have energy to do certain things. One way to lose weight and still maintain a healthy lifestyle is by only eating foods that are low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated ones that is being done by the Mediterranean diet.
This is called the Mediterranean diet because the eating plan comes from those who live along the Mediterranean Sea. This was first discovered after the end of the Second World War by an American doctor but never became popular until the 1990s.
The reason why many people in these countries are healthy and are able to live for more than a hundred years is because of the large amounts of olive oil consumed in each meal. Another contributing factor is also in the red wine, which also has antioxidants properties.
The difference of the Mediterranean Diet compared to others out there is that the person does not have to give up anything but simply make some wise food choices. This means avoiding eating processed foods or those form tinned cans and getting those that are fresh.
The Mediterranean Diet involves eating food in large, moderate and small quantities. The person should eat a lot of food such as beans, bread, cereals, fruits, grains and nuts since these contain minerals, nutrients and vitamins that are good for the body.
On a moderate level, the individual can have cheese, milk and yogurt since this will prevent the consumption of other things that are high in saturated fats.
The type of products that should be consumed lightly is animal meat such as fish, pork, chicken and eggs, which can be done a few times in a month.
The Mediterranean diet teaches the individual to eat right. In order to live healthy like these people who live by the sea, it is best to engage in some form of physical activity to be able to burn those extra calories.
A few simple examples could be brisk walking, jogging and running. Those who want to exercise in a group could try a team sport such as basketball or by joining a class at the local gym.
Who wants to live forever? Perhaps that will be a question to ask those who have reached a hundred. This may not have been the plan but it has happened especially to those who are living along the Mediterranean Sea.
Tags: American Doctor, Animal Meat, Antioxidants, Cereals, Cheese Milk, Chicken And Eggs, energy;, food;, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Hundred Years, Losing Weight, Mediterranean, Mediterranean Diet, Mediterranean Sea, Moderate Level, olive oil;, Physical Activity, Processed Foods, Red Wine, Saturated Fats, Second World War, Small Quantities, Wise Food Choices, Yogurt —