Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Healthy Eating Facts – Trans Fat And Soda Wake Up

Healthy Eating Facts – Trans Fat And Soda Wake Up Tips

Regardless of the type of diet you may be on, or what your current lifestyle is, there are definitely some healthy eating facts that always stay the same. Saturated fat, for example, is not healthy for you, and it doesn’t matter how active or sedentary you are, nor does it matter how much you weight or how many calories you eat per day. Facts are facts. Man-made trans fats are always unhealthy. Another fact is that restricting your calories too severely can take its toll on your body.

One thing that people didn’t need to concern themselves with several years ago was trans fats; to be more specific, man-made trans fats, as there are some naturally occurring trans fats which aren’t a major health issue. The good news is that trans fats are easy to spot on food labels, but only when you know how. The most recent labeling guidelines say that food manufacturers have to show how much trans fats are in each serving of their food. However, if it’s under a certain amount, thy are allowed to show it as 0 grams of trans fat, even if there is some of it in the food. While this is playing dirty with your health, there is a way you can know for sure. Simply read the full list of ingredients. If you see the word ‘hydrogenated’, then it contains man-made trans fats and you should leave it on the shelf.

Researchers first brought hydrogenated fats and oils to the market in 1911. At the time they solved a big problem: spoilage. Refrigeration was still fairly new, and a lot of homes had no way of keeping their food cool. This meant that most foods that contained fats would turn rancid on the shelf. Trans fats changed that. All of a sudden, people could have margarine, shortening, instant cocoa and various mixes at home.

Refrigeration is no longer a problem, but trans fats are. That’s because researchers have found a link between hydrogenated fats and various diseases. This is most likely due to the fact that hydrogenation changes the molecular properties of otherwise natural fats. Even the government is starting to change the way it looks at trans fats.

Healthy eating facts don’t end with trans fats, though. Another thing to avoid is carbonated soft drinks. If they are sweetened with sugar, then they can have up to 3 tablespoons of sugar in a 12 ounce can! And it’s all empty calories. Even those soft drinks that have added nutrients aren’t that great for you, because you are still getting way too many simple carbohydrates.

Most such beverages also contain artificial flavors, caffeine, artificial colors and other things that aren’t any good for you. But what about sodas that use artificial sweeteners? They aren’t good for you either. The jury is still out on various sweeteners, but so far it looks they are not worth the risk. Even if they aren’t that bad for you, there are enough other bad things in carbonated beverages to make steering clear of them another one of the healthy eating facts you can rely on.

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Weight Loss Reduces Physical Stress

We all know that being overweight can produce many negative side effects on your physical and mental health. Heart attack, stroke and diabetes are three of the most common. Some of the other less talked about but equally damaging are stress on your muscles and joints. It’s a fact: weight loss reduces physical stress.

Getting rid of some stress can actually make it easier to loss weight too. Stress and weight loss are intricately wound together. If you are under a lot of stress your body tends to hold on to the weight. Nothing works as well as it should. Your metabolism slows down and it is much harder to lose the weight.

As you can see it is a real catch 22. Being overweight puts stress on your body and being under too much stress encourages weight gain (or at least discourages weight loss).

OK, I know I’ve made it all sound overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Even though weight loss reduces physical stress and stress makes it more difficult to lose weight, it’s not impossible.

The best way to start is with simple day to day changes. Don’t try to change your whole world all at once, instead pick one area to work on and then go for it. Once you’ve conquered that first obstacle, pick another.

Keep doing that and before you know it you will be at your proper weight, which will diminish the abuse your joints and muscles will take and you will have less stress in your life.

For many people a good first obstacle to try and work on is their eating habits. Again, don’t think you have to do it all at once. how about starting small? Maybe take a week and concentrate just on drinking more water every day. Or eating more fruits and vegetables daily. how about cutting down on the soda you drink?

Simple, one step at a time. Don’t expect huge changes quickly. It takes time to see changes and it takes time to let the momentum build. Once you start with one thing, successfully add another and so on, the whole process will begin to pick up steam. From that point on it will seem extremely easy to do.

If you can combine some diet changes along with a little more physical activity you can greatly speed up the process. Again, start small. While it’s commendable to join a gym and resolve to spend 30 minutes every single day on the treadmill, it is also a big change and it may be harder to stick with.

If you find that you can stick to it, great, more power to you. But for many people over reaching on their goals is a great way to fail and get discouraged.

Something as simple as parking a little further from the door so you have to walk more every day is a great place to start. How about taking the stairs in stead of the elevator at least once a day? Maybe take the dog for a walk at least twice a week, etc.

You get the idea. Just start making changes, simple changes that you know you can stick with, and the rest will follow.

True weight loss reduces physical stress but it can also help alleviate a lot of emotional stress as well.

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Man Boobs And Weight Loss Tips

For many men who are overweight, one of the most emotionally sensitive aspects of being overweight is their man boobs, or ‘moobs’ as some people call them. This can really be damaging to any man who has had this problem. There can be a positive connection between man boobs and weight loss though.

Too much fat isn’t the only problem. Very often men lose muscle in their chest and that muscle turns to fat. When that happens their once tight and toned chest can start to look a little more ‘ladylike’ then they would want.

Another cause for man boobs is poor physical fitness and eating habits. When you gain weight, you gain it everywhere. That includes your chest. This can happen to women too but often they don’t mind as much. For men who are sick of having too much flab on their chest one of the best things to do is change your lifestyle.

Eating less and exercising more can really help a lot. Incorporate weight training into your routine and focus on your chest, back and arms for maximum results. Remember,though, there is no such thing as spot reducing. You can’t just lose fat in your chest, you will lose fat all over your body, which is fine since you probably have excess fat in many areas of your body.

Don’t expect changes right away either, it is a process. But the sooner you start, the sooner you can see the results.

Something as simple as eating less fried food, pizza and drinking less soda or alcohol can help a lot and those changes are easy to make. No one (well maybe someone is, but I’m not) is telling you that you can’t ever eat another pizza or that you have to be perfect.

Start small. Just cut back on some of your more common food indulgences. That is a good start. Once you start seeing some results, pick another thing to cut back on. Keep doing that until you have a healthier relationship with food.

If the idea of going to the gym and putting in an hour at a time is too daunting, then don’t worry about it. Just start slowly, similar to the same process you using with your food. Start slow.

If the gym isn’t in the cards than just walk up and down your stairs, take your dog for a walk, go for a bike ride or play tennis. It doesn’t matter what it is, just get your body moving and you will start to see some results after a fairly short time.

Even after you have lost your weight you may still have some extra skin and you may want to get surgery to reduce the excess skin. That is a common issue people who lose weight face, no matter where on the body that weight loss is the most pronounced.

start with some common sense weight loss first, eat better and get more exercise. From that point on, if you still aren’t satisfied with the way you look, you may want to talk to your doctor.

For many men though, they can see a significant positive impact just by getting in better shape and there is a positive correlation between man boobs and weight loss.

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How To Find The Best Healthy Eating Diet For You

How To Find The Best Healthy Eating Diet For You

It seems as if there is a new diet released every day, and sometimes even more often than that. With all of the competing plans out there, it can be difficult to figure out what the best healthy eating diet is for you. However, it is important to find not only a plan that works, but one that you can stick to. You can start by writing down everything you eat and how you feel. You should do this as you are eating your regular diet, with no changes. Don’t worry about how healthy it is at this point. If you gulp down a double cheeseburger, doughnuts and soda, then write it down. This is so you can get a baseline to compare other diets to.

Keep doing this for a week or so and you will have a clear picture of the current state of your diet, and the effects your diet has on you. Once you know what your current eating habits are doing to you, you can start looking for other diets that will improve your health.

The next thing you need to do is consider what your dietary goals are. For example, if you are overweight, or have diabetes, then you should look for a healthy eating diet that fits those goals. However, if you are just looking to improve your general state of health, then any eating plan that appears to be nutritionally sound should be fine.

Now it’s simply a matter of repeating the process of tracking what you eat and how it makes you feel. Feel free to add any other notes, such as times you “cheat” on your new diet, your weight (if that’s a concern), thoughts, or anything else that you think is worthy of making a note of. As a word of caution: if you have been used to an unhealthy diet, and then you suddenly switch to eating food that is better for you, you’re going to feel kind of funny for the first few days. This is because your body is, in effect, relearning how to deal with real food. Keep tracking what you eat, and you should notice that you’re feeling better than ever after a few days of your new healthy eating diet.

Different diets have a different effect on people, so it’s important to know how the food you eat has an impact on you. For example, a lot of people that try high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets often find that they can get irritable and drowsy. If this happens to you, and you still feel that way after a few weeks, then it may be time to consider another healthy eating diet.

However, before you switch to another plan of any kind, review your food log to see if there may be specific foods that are causing the problem. You should be able to find a replacement for a particular food, as opposed to switching over to an entirely new healthy eating diet, Either way, stick with it, and you will eventually find the right plan for you.

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