Weight Loss Reduces Physical Stress
We all know that being overweight can produce many negative side effects on your physical and mental health. Heart attack, stroke and diabetes are three of the most common. Some of the other less talked about but equally damaging are stress on your muscles and joints. It’s a fact: weight loss reduces physical stress.
Getting rid of some stress can actually make it easier to loss weight too. Stress and weight loss are intricately wound together. If you are under a lot of stress your body tends to hold on to the weight. Nothing works as well as it should. Your metabolism slows down and it is much harder to lose the weight.
As you can see it is a real catch 22. Being overweight puts stress on your body and being under too much stress encourages weight gain (or at least discourages weight loss).
OK, I know I’ve made it all sound overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Even though weight loss reduces physical stress and stress makes it more difficult to lose weight, it’s not impossible.
The best way to start is with simple day to day changes. Don’t try to change your whole world all at once, instead pick one area to work on and then go for it. Once you’ve conquered that first obstacle, pick another.
Keep doing that and before you know it you will be at your proper weight, which will diminish the abuse your joints and muscles will take and you will have less stress in your life.
For many people a good first obstacle to try and work on is their eating habits. Again, don’t think you have to do it all at once. how about starting small? Maybe take a week and concentrate just on drinking more water every day. Or eating more fruits and vegetables daily. how about cutting down on the soda you drink?
Simple, one step at a time. Don’t expect huge changes quickly. It takes time to see changes and it takes time to let the momentum build. Once you start with one thing, successfully add another and so on, the whole process will begin to pick up steam. From that point on it will seem extremely easy to do.
If you can combine some diet changes along with a little more physical activity you can greatly speed up the process. Again, start small. While it’s commendable to join a gym and resolve to spend 30 minutes every single day on the treadmill, it is also a big change and it may be harder to stick with.
If you find that you can stick to it, great, more power to you. But for many people over reaching on their goals is a great way to fail and get discouraged.
Something as simple as parking a little further from the door so you have to walk more every day is a great place to start. How about taking the stairs in stead of the elevator at least once a day? Maybe take the dog for a walk at least twice a week, etc.
You get the idea. Just start making changes, simple changes that you know you can stick with, and the rest will follow.
True weight loss reduces physical stress but it can also help alleviate a lot of emotional stress as well.
Tags: Being Overweight, Catch 22, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Health Heart, Healthy Diet, heart attack;, Joints, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Mental Health, Metabolism, Momentum, Muscles, Obstacle, One Step At A Time, Physical Stress, Soda, Step At A Time, Time Don, Weight Gain, Weight Loss —

8 Ways To Lose Weight Fast
Here are some ways to lose weight fast.
1 – Take everything one step at a time. Begin simply by paying more attention to what you are eating, slowly cutting back on the bad foods and implementing more healthy foods into your diet. Once you have this under control, the next step is to add exercise to your plan. If you do not like exercising, take this one step at a time as well by implementing only 15 to 30 minutes at a time, at first.
2 – Choose foods and activities that you enjoy. If you do activities that you get enjoyment out of, you will find them to be much more successful than trying to exercise in ways that you do not enjoy. The same goes for foods that you implement in your diet: Choosing foods that you enjoy will help you enjoy your diet rather than craving bad foods.
3 – Build muscle. You lose calories based on your weight. Muscles, surprisingly enough, burn calories more quickly than fat does, pound for pound. Work out with weights to build muscle and lose weight, and then allow your extra lean muscle mass to burn more calories for you on a long term basis.
4 – Reduce your carbohydrates. Do not cut your carbohydrates out completely, because your body needs carbohydrates for energy. Cut out some of the white breads and pastas from your diet, though, to cut down on the carbohydrates that you consume. What carbs you do need to eat, you can replace with whole wheat and brown carbs for better health.
5 – Set realistic, measurable and attainable goals. Put deadlines on your goals, making them measurable. Make them realistic by choosing goals that you know you can attain. Set long term and short term goals and you will more readily achieve your expectations regarding quick and healthy weight loss.
6 – Give up the bad stuff. It may surprise you how unhealthy it is to eat candy, cookies, cakes and other sweets, and to drink soda and sugar laden drinks. Cut these bad goodies out either completely, or at least 80% of the time and the pounds will shrink away without you having to do much else to make the weight loss happen.
7 – Have a suitable breakfast. Most of your calories should be consumed early on in the day, and breakfast is no exception. Eat a nice breakfast to give your metabolism a good foundation to run from for the remainder of the day.
8 – Control portions by leaving something behind. Make sure your portions are correct based on the actual serving size of your food, and then make sure not to clear your plate completely. Exercising portion control will give you better control over what you put into your body for easy and achievable weight loss.
Implement these tips one by one and in no time at all you will begin to see a significant difference in your weight.
Tags: 8 Ways, Attainable Goals, Bad Stuff, Better Health, Breads, burn, Burn Calories, Cakes, Candy Cookies, Carbohydrates, energy;, food;, Goodies, Healthy Diet, Healthy Foods, Lean Muscle Mass, Losing Weight, Pastas, Step At A Time, Sweets, Term Basis, Term Goals, Ways To Lose Weight, Weights, Whole Wheat —

Best Way To Lose Weight
The best way to lose weight can vary from one person to another to some degree, but there are some common denominators that will work for everyone.
The basic idea is to take in fewer calories than you burn. It sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? And the truth is that it is not that difficult to do but you do need to know how to do it.
Of course, if you have any health issues you should always talk to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. It’s a good idea, and will usually improve your health, to lose weight and get in shape, but that doesn’t mean it is without risk if your health is already compromised.
The best way to lose weight is to identify where you can start making some simple changes in your daily life. Instead of trying to make huge changes all at once, why not target one small change at a time instead?
By doing this it will be easier to make these changes permanent. So, what is the one biggest problem you have with your diet? Do you drink too much soda or put too much cream and sugar in your coffee?
If that’s the problem, why not just cut back on how much you drink everyday? Something so simple can make a difference. Will it make all the difference and help you lose all the weight you want to lose? Maybe not, but weight loss should never be thought of as a short term, or temporary fix.
Instead you should think of all these changes as just one piece of the weight loss puzzle. By making one small change at a time you can get where you want to be but it will take some time.
You can use this same, one small step at a time, approach with your exercise too. Instead of trying to go hardcore at the gym you can just add a little exercise to your daily routine.
Most everyone will have an easier time of sticking with some small, simple changes than doing a major overhaul in their life. If you stick with it, you will get the changes you want and you will be able to maintain the weight loss for the rest of your life.
Also, make sure you drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. By keeping your body hydrated you are allowing your metabolism to work at it’s best. You can also flush a lot of toxins out of your system if you continually drink a lot of water.
For most people, it is recommended you drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day.
Ultimately only you can decide what the best way to lose weight will be for you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own traits that will make one path easier than another. But these tips may give you some place to start with your fitness efforts.
Tags: Best Way To Lose Weight, Calories, Coffee, Common Denominators, Cream And Sugar, Daily Routine, Diet, Exercise Plan, Exercise Routine, Fewer Calories, Health Issues, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Puzzle, Rest Of Your Life, Shape, Simple Changes, Soda, Something So Simple, Step At A Time, Time Approach, Weight Loss, Will Take Some Time —