Drinking Water And Weight Loss Does It Work
Is there a link between drinking water and weight loss? Yes and one that has been scientifically proven. Drinking water with or after food helps to bulk out our larder, sending messages to the brain to say that we are full so we will eat less.
Water besides helps in aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our food. For example, fat needs water in order to be broken solitary and used by the body. Water also helps to flush out the waste material in our bodies and since helps keep us in optimum health.
So how much should you be drinking and when. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, more on hot days. You should spread your consumption throughout the day. Experienced is no need to drink bottled water as in most areas tap water is perfectly safe. If you do prefer the bottled variety, steer clear of the flavoured ones. These products contain sweeteners which do not help with weight loss and may be carcinogenic.
If you do not drink sufficient water, you will touch dilatory, tried and confused. Your body may misinterpret your feelings of thirst as hunger and thus you can over eat. In fact by the time you touch thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate hence why should drink regularly. You may find that initially you have to go to the bathroom more often but your body will soon adapt to the increased volume.
Drinking water on its own wont win your weight loss battle. You need to make changes in other areas as well including your diet and the level of exercise you undertake. You should aim to be doing at smallest twenty minutes of exercise per day. Ambulatory 10, 000 steps per day is only good way to predispose those calories shifted.
Any form of exercise is good for you so try to do something you enjoy. Get a group of friends together to play tennis or golf. Mixing socialising with enterprise is a great way to increase your actual activity. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting down and getting off the bus / subway at the stop before yours also helps.
There is no point in drinking loads of water and taking exercise if you are undisturbed eating fast food every day. You need to retrain your palate and make your diet healthier. Do it gradually. Replace your favourite bad food with something healthy. Swap your chicken nuggets for a salad. Burgeoning your development and vegetable consumption while decreasing the amount of cakes, candy and bad fats you eat. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will love you too.
The link between drinking water and weight loss will also help to give you irradiated skin and you will soon become the envy of your friends when you show off your new slimmer figure at the next social occasion.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: 10 000 Steps, 10 000 Steps Per Day, Absorption Of Vitamins, Body Water, Bottled Water, Drinking Water And Weight Loss, Elevator, favourite bad food, food;, Healthy Diet, Hot Days, Larder, Losing Weight, Optimum Health, Sending Messages, Socialising, Steps Per Day, Sweeteners, Tap Water, Thirst, Twenty Minutes, undisturbed eating fast food, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals, Waste Material —

Fruit for Breakfast The Secret to a Healthy
Fruit for Breakfast The Secret to a Healthy Life
Robb Ksiazek
Do you want more energy? How about more of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes that your body craves? Try eating fruit for breakfast! Fresh fruit apples, grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, oranges, kiwi, melon, and grapes all count. In fact, any fruit works and there are so many to choose from. Eating fruit for breakfast will get you on the road to having a healthier body right away without having to pump a lot of iron at the gym or take sketchy supplements.
Why diet on fruit for breakfast you ask? Well, to make it simple, fruit in its raw form is exactly what your body needs for energy. It is easy to digest and the sugar from fruit (glucose) is in the form that your body can easily turn into energy. Instead of your body putting a lot of energy towards digestion and turning the food into a useable form of fuel, it is already in an easily digestible form. The energy goes straight to you. Eating nothing but fruit until lunchtime however much you want, is a sure fire way to lose weight and become more healthy, almost immediately.
How about a glass of juice is that the same as eating an orange? Not really and here is why. Most juice that you purchase at the grocery store is pasteurized. This means that it is heated to a high temperature to kill any bacteria and make the shelf life longer. During this process of heating, many of the wonderful enzymes in the juice are destroyed. Not to mention that many juices are filled with preservatives and sweeteners and are made from concentrates not the same as eating a fresh orange to your stomach or body! Youre better off with the real thing!
Try making a smoothie here is a recipe that I find very refreshing.
- 5 to 6 fresh strawberries
- 1/3 fresh cantaloupe
- 1/2 cup of fresh pineapple
- 1 fresh kiwi (peeled)
- About 1 cup of orange juice not from concentrate
Blend all ingredients until smooth and then enjoy! Making these delicious treats are a healthy way to start the day, improve your health, and lose weight!
If youre not sure about eating fruit for breakfast try it and see how wonderful you feel. If you arent convinced, eat a normal breakfast eggs, pancakes, or a bowl of cereal and see how you feel after eating fruit for a week. It will probably shock you with how tired and lethargic this food makes you feel in the mornings. So, get your metabolism started the right way in the morning enjoy a bowl of fresh fruit and start to feel better the old-fashioned way! Bon Appetite!
About the Author
Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for the informative Body-Mass-Index-4U.com. He believes in simple solutions in the quest for a fulfilled life through mind, body, and soul.
Tags: Author, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Concentrates, energy;, Enzymes, food;, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Strawberries, Grocery Store, Healthier Body, High Temperature, Kiwi Melon, Losing Weight, Lunchtime, Orange Juice, Oranges, Preservatives, Robb, Robb Ksiazek, Shelf Life, Simple Fruit, Smoothie Recipe, Sweeteners, Vitamins Minerals —