Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

3 Day Tuna Diet

You would have to be living in a cave to not be aware that there are a lot of diets out there. All of them make claims about how much weight you can lose, and each one is a bit different. One of the more popular diets to come out recently is the 3 Day Tuna Diet. There are many good reasons for choosing this eating plan over others.

If you have looked into other diets, then chances are that you have noticed that many of them list tuna as a food you can eat. To be fair, tuna can be high in sodium and fat, but if you get it packed in spring water, then you can keep the calories under control. Other than that, tuna is inexpensive, convenient and an excellent source of complete protein.

Even though tuna stands as a good food on its own, the 3 Day Tuna Diet is about losing weight quickly. As the name says, it only lasts for three days, so it’s not meant to be followed as a long-term weight loss solution. It’s best used as a way to drop some weight before an event of some kind, or as a way to jump start a longer term weight loss plan.

While everybody is different, and results will vary, some people have reported a weight loss as high as six pounds while on the diet. A word of caution is in order. It is generally recommended that you lose no more than one or two pounds per week, so six pounds in three days would typically be thought of as risky. For this reason, you should talk to your personal doctor before going on the 3 Day Tuna Diet.

There are actually two variations of the diet: strict and less strict. The strict version fully lives up to its name. When doing the strictest version of the diet, you eat nothing but tuna and drink nothing but water for three days. Again, this should never be done for more than three days, and then only after getting the okay from your doctor. The silver lining is that you can eat as much of it as you wish, so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting hungry. It won’t be easy, so don’t kid yourself, but it will be effective if you can stick with it.

The less strict version of the 3 Day Tuna Diet adds a few more foods to the menu, and is therefore better balanced nutritionally; though tuna still figures heavily in what you’ll be eating. Breakfast includes 1/2 cup tuna and 1/2 large grapefruit. Lunch is 1/2 cup tuna and salad made of greens only, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Supper is 1 cup tuna and 1 cup each of two different vegetables.
That’s the 3 Day Tuna Diet in a nutshell. It isn’t a long-term diet solution, but it can be used on occasion when you need to lose weight quickly.

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Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way

Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way

Obesity is at record levels, and people are dying because of it! Hopefully that got your attention. It seems as though we are constantly being told just how bad the problem of people being overweight is, and the trend seems to be going up. At the same time, there are people who are interested in exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Unfortunately, far too many of them don’t lose any weight, and some end up weighing more than when they started. What follows are some ways to keep this from happening to you.

The basic formula for calories is that 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight. In other words, if you take in that many calories, you will gain a pound; if you burn off that many calories you will lose a pound. There are some slight variations based on the foods you eat and what activities you do, but this simple formula is good to know.

Now, looking at the math, we can see that 3,500 divided by the 7 days in a week works out to 500 calories per day. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories each day, you will lose a pound. You can do this through any combination of taking in fewer or burning more calories. For example, if you would take in 300 fewer calories and burn 200 more calories, then that would add up to 500, or a loss of one pound per week.

Eating healthy so you can lose weight means eating the right kinds of foods and choosing foods that are lower in calories. If you are exercising as part of your effort to lose weight, then you will actually be able to eat a bit more so you can fuel your body for its workout. However, don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. You still need to watch what you eat if you want to get rid of those extra pounds. But burning more calories through exercise will allow you to eat more than if you were sedentary.

Exercise and healthy eating to lose weight go hand-in-hand in another way. How? Well, exercise has been shown to increase metabolism. First, it will increase it while you are working out, and for a short while after you’re done. Second, muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn, even when you are at rest. Having your metabolism boosted means you will be burning the calories you eat at a faster pace. If you have any high-calorie items on your diet menu, then eating them close to your workout will help your body burn it off more quickly.

Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to losing weight though. Resistance exercises, such as weight lifting, are better at building metabolism boosting muscle tissue. The reason is that muscle needs to constantly receive fuel, even when you are resting, but fatty tissue does not. So, as you can see, exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is about attacking the problem from two angles, and making the right choices.

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Weight Loss Plan for Teens

Studies have shown that there are a lot of people who are either obese or overweight. People can blame it on the food being served in the cafeteria or the type of meals being served in the fast food joint but in the end, the only one to blame is the person.

This is because everyone has a choice whether to live with a good diet plan or not and those who are too heavy just decided to eat more than what is allowable.

Luckily, there is a way to stop this from getting any worse. There are doctors and dietitians that the teen can go up to help create a weight loss plan.

Is there one plan out there suitable for every teen? The answer is no. This will depend on the physical condition of the patient after an examination has been conducted.

One of the advantages of losing weight while the person is still young is that there are not that limitations compared to an adult. This allows the body to burn calories much faster when engaging in a workout or playing a certain sport.

Since physical education class is not enough to get those calories, the doctor can recommend that the patient work out in the gym or in the youth center. These places have the equipment such as treadmills, weights and other sports facilities that can cater to the weight loss plan.

Most people are advised to engage in a physical activity for 20 minutes three times a week. Teens have a lot of energy and it wouldn’t hurt to do this everyday. Since the body may adapt to the changes, the doctor may recommend some variations to help those extra pounds weekly.

The chances of getting the desired weight will not happen if the food being consumed is not being monitored. The dietitian must also come up with a program in order for this work.

The basic dietary plan is called the no nonsense balanced diet. This means simply getting enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats in each meal because there are many who put more emphasis on one or the other.

Having too much carbohydrates could be the cause for someone being overweight. This can be stopped by following a low carb diet plan where the patient will have to cut down on carbohydrates and replace this with food that is rich in proteins and fats. People will see results in less than a month and just have to continue to maintain the ideal weight.

Another option is the low calorie diet in which the teen will eat six small meals a day instead of the three that people normally practice. This is distributed during different hours of the day and is proven to works in just 14 days.

Aside from exercising and dieting, the weight loss plan involves getting enough rest. This will allow the body to recharge from the activities of the day to be prepared for the challenges tomorrow.

Overweight teens will not lose the excess pounds overnight. The teen can only make this happen by following the doctor’s advice with regards to the food being consumed and with proper exercise.

One way to check on the effectiveness of the plan will be to go up the weighing scale. If it is not working as projected, perhaps the teen can ask for another weight loss plan given there are different ways that can make this happen.

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Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Is it true? Are there really easy ways to lose weight fast? Well, I guess that really depends on two main things: how much weight do you need to lose and what do you consider “fast”?

If you only need to lost a few pounds, say 2 up to 10, than you can probably drop that weight pretty quickly and easily. If, on the other hand, you need to lose 15 or more pounds and you want to do it in a week or two, you may not have realistic expectations.

There are some easy ways to lose weight fast, but most of them will only involve losing some water weight and will only result in losing a few pounds. The water weight will usually come right back as soon as you starting eating normally again.

The fast methods don’t usually include actually losing excess body fat. Losing the excess body fat, as opposed to only losing water weight, is the only real way to lose weight and have it stay off (at least as long as you don’t just go back to your old habits of eating).

Many of these fast weight loss plans will revolve around some sort of liquid fasting or cleansing. There are many variations but the general theory is the same:

1. You will greatly reduce, or eliminate completely, eating solid foods for several days.

2. During that time you will ingest only liquid shakes or some sort of cleanse mixture. There are many recipes online that you can try. The idea is to provide your body with the nutrients it needs and/ or help you flush toxins out of your body.

For the most part, these types of weight loss plans are good for getting off to a quick start but if you need to lose more than 10 – 15 pounds, it’s unlikely that you will get the results you want from just this method.

I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news but any significant weight loss is going to take some time and it is going to be the result of a combination of watching what you eat as well as some sort of physical activity.

Pills, potions and gadgets will only get you so far, from that point on you will need to get more exercise and eat less (also eat better).

But, having said that, don’t make the mistake of thinking that to lose weight you need to go hardcore. Some simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference. The most important thing to remember is that unless you want to gain the weight back right away, you have to make permanent lifestyle changes.

Just going on a “diet” will only allow you to lose weight, but if you don’t make permanent changes you will just gain it all back sooner or later.

There may not really be such a thing as easy ways to lose weight fast if you have a lot of weight to lose. But there are some simple things you can do to make changes to your life that will result (maybe not in quick) but permanent weight loss.

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