Is It Safe To Lose Weight Fasting
Is it safe to lose weight fasting? A high number of people would like to know the answer to this question. According to some professionals, surprisingly enough, it is safe to lose weight fasting, however, as long as you dont overdo it.
In other words if you have never fasted before, then more than a day would be or could be harmful to you. For other people that have decided to go this route they should never go a week at a time without eating.
Your body needs vitamins’ and nutrients to stay healthy, and while you are not eating anything, then you are not giving your body what it needs. And your body can react in a very negative way and then the next thing you know, youre in the hospital.
This is when a lot of health problems come into play while you were going days without anything to eat or drink. For the novices first time fasting could be really hazardous to their health. That is why it is very important to get a doctors opinion about fasting.
The one thing people have to watch out about fasting is, when you fast your bodys metabolism slows way down to conserve energy. However when you go back to a normal diet, because your metabolism was lowered it will cause you to store more energy, this will cause you to gain those pounds back you lost, plus add a few as well.
There are different versions of fasting all over the world, mostly because of religious beliefs. Some versions consist of no food, some consist of only one type of food, then there are versions out there where you can only have water and thats it. Then there is the fasting where you cannot have any food or water.
There are some religions and other physical guru’s who believe fasting can cleanse your body. Even though you would think because you are not putting anything that is harmful into your body; it would be easy to believe this is true. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory.
There is a belief by some people who think by fasting it can make a person live longer. Well, this theory is kind of tough to follow in my opinion. Yes, there have been studies on certain groups that didnt eat for a whole months time. During this time there would be no way a person can have any type of clogging of the arteries or damage to any other type of organs.
However the study also showed that there was not enough evidence, because no one has studied a certain group long enough to be able to prove it as fact.
So there are some facts about fasting which support it. However if you do choose to do this, just make sure you follow what your doctor says. And if you have any type of health problems seek professional medical help quickly.
Tags: Belief, Conserve Energy, Diet, Doctors, Eating Habits, energy;, Fasting, food;, Guru, Health Problems, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Lot, Metabolism, Nutrients, People, Religions, Religious Beliefs, Scientific Theory, Type Of Food, Vitamins, Vitamins And Minerals, Weight Lose —

Post Gastric Bypass
The people who undergo gastric bypass surgery normally do so because they are sick and tired of being sick and tired, they want to live a healthier, more active lifestyle and in order to do that they need to lose significant amounts of weight. While some people may view weight loss surgery as an easy way out, the reality is that if this type of surgery is going to work you are going to have to be fully committed to making permanent lifestyle changes post gastric bypass.
This procedure will greatly reduce the size of your stomach which will make it virtually impossible for you to overeat, that in turn will lead to significant weight loss. Another thing that will lead to is a dramatic change in your lifestyle, especially your eating habits. It’s not just about how much you eat but also how often and what you eat. All of this will play a part in the success of your surgery.
Here are some specifics that can help ease you through this transition period:
1. You will be eating a lot of Jell-o and nutrition shakes after your surgery, about 30 days after your surgery to be exact. You won’t be allowed to have any type of solid food for a solid month after your surgery. Your body has changed dramatically and you will need to allow your body enough time to properly heal before you can eat any solid food.
Don’t worry, during this period it’s common to start wondering if you’ve made a huge mistake, this is a dramatic change for most people and it can be very unsettling, just hang in there and soon you’ll begin to see changes and you’ll realize that you made the right choice in having the surgery.
2. Your doctor will want you to take vitamins to supplement any nutrients you may not be receiving from your food intake, it’s very important that you don’t forget to take them. Your body must get enough fuel so that it can run properly and make it possible for you to heal.
3. After the first 30 days of a liquid only diet you will be able to start eating soft foods such as pureed vegetables. The changes you’ve undergone may affect the types of food you can tolerate. For example, some people find that they never want to, or can’t, eat a certain type of food again, like meat. With others they don’t notice any real differences in the types of foods that they can eat, they just have to eat less.
4. Once you’ve gotten past the first several months you will be able to start eating more ‘regularly’ again. That doesn’t mean you can go back to the old eating habits you had before the surgery, it just means that you will be able to eat more than liquid or soft foods. You will still want to stay away from too many carbs, fat, sugar, etc. It will be important for your body to continue to eat only whole, unprocessed food whenever possible.
These are just some of the lifestyle changes that you can expect post gastric bypass. The transition may be a little tough, most changes are at first, but in the long run the process will work if you’re willing to do your part and you follow the advice of your doctor.
Tags: Diet, Dramatic Change, Eating Habits, food intake;, food;, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Jell O, Lifestyle Changes, Mistake, Nutrients, Nutrition, People, Period 1, Right Choice, Solid Food, Specifics, Stomach, surgery, Transition Period, unprocessed food, Vegetables, Vitamins, Weight Loss Surgery, Worry —

Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
You may think that to lose weight you have to learn to hate food. This is so wrong and is the exact opposite of how you should be thinking. You need to learn to love food for the fuel that it gives you to get through your day and to find foods to eat to lose weight instead of gain it.
Too many people rely on food to give them comfort when all it really does is make you fat because you eat too much of the wrong things. When you start making healthier choices and paring down your portion sizes you will begin to see some differences in the clothes you wear and the energy your have.
I am going to talk to you about foods to eat to lose weight. There are many to choose from and to mix and match. There are ways to make sure that you eat enough of everything to get the nutrients and vitamins you need on a daily basis but still not go over your calorie count for the day.
Since you need to eat five or six small meals per day to lose the weight you want, you may need to mix things up a bit so you do not get bored with what you are eating. Fresh fruits and vegetables need to play a major role in you losing the weight you want, even if you do not like them. Pick the one or two that you do like and stick with them.
If you do like them then you are basically home free. You need to eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable with every single meal. Preferably one of each. If you choose to have fruit as one of your snacks, pair it up with some low-fat yogurt or some sunflower seeds. Mix the fruit and sunflower seeds into the low-fat yogurt and make your own special granola type snack.
The low-fat dairy and the seeds will keep you fuller longer and provide you with lots of protein and essential fats your body needs to function properly. You can’t cut out all the fat from your diet because your body needs some fat to help your body absorb certain nutrients.
Lean proteins are important, too. Eggs, fish, shrimp, low-fat dairy, and poultry are all great sources of lean protein. Just make sure to keep the portion sizes to about three ounces, four if you are male.
Like I said, fats are important but only in very small amounts. If you should choose poultry make sure the skin is removed and the fat trimmed off completely. Eat red meat only as a treat every once in a while. I don’t know about you but I love steak and could not possibly go without it for the rest of my life but I could just have it once or twice a month and be happy with all the other foods to eat to lose weight for the rest of the time.
Tags: Atkins, Calorie Count, Choices, Clothes, Daily Basis, Eating Habits, Eggs, Essential Fats, Foods To Eat To Lose Weight, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Lean Protein, Losing Weight, Nutrients, Portion Sizes, Poultry, Proteins, Shrimp, Snack, Snacks, Sunflower Seeds, Vitamins, Vitamins And Minerals, Yogurt —