Loss Stomach Fat- One Of The Most Stubborn Places To
Loss Stomach Fat- One Of The Most Stubborn Places To Lose
When it comes to weight loss stomach fat can be the most stubborn area of the body to lose. The stomach area is probably the area that has the most fat because it is the biggest area to begin with.
When you achieve weight loss stomach fat is lost at the same rate as the rest of the fat on your body. It just takes longer because there is so much of it in one place. As the rest of your body slims down, so will your stomach. You should be able to see some difference in the way your clothes fit in just a few weeks.
The key here is to just keep doing what you are doing. Eventually all the fat will be gone and you will not have to worry about your stomach. If you have had children though, you may not ever be able to fully get rid of your pooch belly. You can come close but it may always be softer and a little rounded due to your pregnancy.
Just remember that if you are eating healthy and exercising at least thirty minutes a day then you should see some significant results on no time. Once you start exercising you should continue to do it everyday. You might think that it would get boring. If it does then just think of ways to shake things up.
Walk for thirty minutes one day then play some basketball the next. Schedule in a game of tennis or two each week. Tennis is a great full body workout and will get and keep your heart rate up as long as you run after the balls and do not just let them bounce right past you. Find out when the local pool schedules their lap swim and go sign up. Swimming is another full body workout that will help get you in shape fast.
See, you do not have to bore yourself silly just walking on a treadmill at the gym everyday. You could even try picking up some free weights when you go to the gym. Weight training is important to be able to burn the fat you have. Muscle burns fat and the more lean muscle you have the better off you will be.
Keeping your metabolism stoked is also very important. To do this you will need to eat five to six small meals a day. Keep the calorie count right around 1200-1500 calories per day. This will allow you to effectively lose 1-2 pounds per week. This is the best way to go about losing weight the healthy way and being able to keep it off long term.
As for your diet, you need to concentrate your efforts on eating lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and eggs. Limit dairy foods to the non-fat or low-fat variety and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the bad carbs that come in the form of breads and overly processed foods. Read your labels and do not let the fat calories total more than 25% of your total caloric intake for the day.
So, if you are taking in 1500 calories per day and eating six times per day then you would get approximately 63 calories from fat at each small meal. At 9 calories per gram of fat you would be able to eat something with a total of 7 grams of fat per meal to achieve the weight loss stomach fat reduction you want.
Tags: Balls, Basketball Schedule, Burns, Calories, Clothes, Eating Habits, Free Weights, Fruits And Vegetables, Full Body Workout, Game, Healthy Diet, Heart Rate, Lean Muscle, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Play Basketball, Pool Schedules, Pregnancy, Shape, Stomach Area, Stomach Fat, tennis;, Treadmill, Weight Loss, Weight Training —
Lose The Stomach Fat-Everyone Has Trouble Spots
Everyone has their trouble spots when it comes to weight loss. We all have areas on our body that we love and areas on our body that we hate. If you have trouble with your belly you may wonder what can be done to lose the stomach fat.
You know that it is just not possible to spot reduce. What that means is that you can’t just lose weight in certain areas of your body, you have to lose weight everywhere. For that reason you will have to focus on overall body weight reduction to get the body you have always dreamed of.
Even though you can’t spot reduce, you will still lose more weight in some areas than in others for the simple reason that you have more fat in some areas than others. Your body will burn fat first, then muscle, so as long as you still have excess fat deposits and you cut your daily calorie intake you will lose weight.
So if you want to lose the stomach fat but you don’t need to lose weight in your hips or butt, all you need to do is eat fewer calories and the excess weight will come off.
Another thing that can help the appearance of your belly is exercise. A lot of women wrongly think that if they do too many exercises it will just make areas of their body half look bigger because they will ‘bulk up’. In reality women just aren’t made that way. In order to get really big you’d have to workout on a full time basis, eat only 100% nutritious foods (no cheating) and probably get some pharmaceutical help. It takes quite a lot for a woman to bulk up.
If you target all your major muscle groups what will happen is that you will look toned. When your muscles are toned you will look smaller since your body will be tighter. Think of your muscles kind of like a girdle. Building your muscles will allow you to naturally hold everything in more easily and that will give you an all over appearance of being smaller which will make it look like you have lost more weight than you really have.
To get the best results you should watch what you eat, make sure you drink plenty of water everyday to stay hydrated and to keep your body clear of toxins, and do some muscle building exercises.
One great and easy to do exercise for your belly is to do crunches. You don’t need any special equipment and it is easy to learn how to do them. All you have to do is lay on your back on the floor, bend the knees to protect your lower back then put your hands lightly behind your head and looking straight at the ceiling slowly move up and down. Breathe out as you come up.
It’s easy to lose the stomach fat, just eat right and exercise. And, oh yeah, you’ll also lose weight everywhere else too!
Tags: Appearance, Body Fat, Calories, Daily Calorie Intake, Excess Weight, Exercises, Fewer Calories, Full Time, Girdle, Hips, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Major Muscle Groups, Muscles, Nutritious Foods, Reason, Stomach Fat, Time Basis, Trouble Spots, Weight Loss, Weight Reduction, Workout —
Atkins Diet Plan-Old But Is It True
If you are interested in losing weight the Atkins Diet plan may be just what you are looking for. The theory behind this plan is to significantly lower your carb intake. When you lower your carb intake the body does not have that immediate energy to burn or store. What happens then is the body will naturally go to it’s next available source to get that energy, which is your stored fat.
The first step in the Atkins diet plan is called the induction phase. For the first two weeks your daily carb intake should be less than 20 grams per day. And no bad carbs at all. In addition, you get to eat all the protein you can handle. Lean meat, fish, shrimp, milk, cheese, and yogurt, just to name a few.
The only carbs you can eat will come from vegetables like sprouts, celery, cabbage, cucumbers and mushrooms. You get the idea, fresh vegetables taste the best. You can cook them, steam them, or eat them raw, it is all the same. This is the phase of the diet that you will see the most significant weight loss.
The second step in the diet plan is called the OWL, or the ongoing weight loss, phase. Your weight loss will slow down somewhat with this step because you will be slowly starting to increase your carb intake. Continue to stick with the good carbs, though, you do not want to mess things up now.
Adding 5 grams of carbs back in per week while you monitor your weight closely. When you reach the point when you are no longer losing 1-2 pounds per week back off the carbs a bit. This step should bring you within 10-15 pounds of your goal weight, so naturally it will take the longest.
The nest step is the pre-maintenance phase. This is the time you begin to increase your carb intake by 10 grams each week. When you hit the plateau, continue eating the exact same number of carbs for one month. Hopefully, you have decided to add some daily exercise in with this diet, too.
When the month is up add 10 more grams of carbs, if you begin to gain weight then decrease the carbs again by 10 grams per week until you begin to lose weight again. You should still be losing 1 pound per week during this phase. Make sure you are staying hydrated throughout this plan, as well. Stay away from pop, drink water or green tea.
When your reach you goal weight and enter into the maintenance phase you should be pretty well schooled on how many grams of carbs you can safely take in in one day. This is the amount you should stick with and not go over if you want to maintain your current weight. By the time you get to this point you should be at your goal weight and you can call yourself a success at using the Atkins diet plan.
Tags: Atkins, Atkins Diet Plan, Bad Carbs, Celery Cabbage, Cucumbers, Eating Habits, Fish, Fruits And Vegetables, Goal Weight, Good Carbs, Healthy Diet, Induction Phase, Lean Meat, Losing Weight, Maintenance Phase, Milk Cheese, Mushrooms, Owl, Plateau, Protein, Shrimp, Steam, Vegetables, Weight Loss —
Weightloss Reality Shows- At Least Six Different Shows
With so many people in our country struggling with weight loss and other related health issues, it is no wonder that
Weightloss reality shows are so popular. There are at least 6 different shows on various networks that explore the ins and outs of trying to lose weight.
Some of them are game show formats where the contestants compete to see who can lose the most weight, others are more intimate and chronicle the everyday experiences of just one person as they try to lose weight.
Whether you love these types of shows or you hate them, one thing appears clear, it is unlikely that they will be going anywhere anytime soon. They are just too popular and they seem to strike a chord with many viewers.
Even though the main focus was, and still is, entertainment, many people are actually finding that these shows are providing them with some much needed motivation.
It can make achieving permanent lifestyle changes easier in your life when you see some other normal day to day person doing exactly what you want to be doing. It can really help you believe that you can get where you want to be too.
I think that is one of the biggest draws for these types of shows. They can give us hope and allow us to see someone actually succeeding at the very thing we want to accomplish.
There are even “real world” offshoots of many of these shows. The t.v. show “The Biggest Loser” has actually inspired gyms that allow anyone to join and benefit from the same diet and exercise plans they see on the show.
Since many people can be intimidated by going to gyms, having a gym that screams “every man” might make it easier for people to find the motivation and go workout on a regular basis.
With a lot of gym franchises the commercials always show only the perfect hard bodies that go to that gym. Of course they do this to illustrate what you can accomplish for yourself if you too join their gym.
But sometimes I think it has the opposite affect. I think people who are overweight will look at that and think that everyone at the gym is a perfect specimen and they will be too intimidated to join.
When you have a gym franchise based on a popular t.v. show about average overweight people getting in shape, I believe that sends a very different message and I think a lot of overweight people would be more likely to join and workout and not let the intimidation factor get to them so much.
If you are struggling to lose weight and get into shape, you may find that watching one or more of these t.v. shows will actually help inspire you and keep you motivated.
Making permanent lifestyle changes can be a little intimidating so it’s a good idea to find anything that will help you stay the course. If watching Weightloss reality shows helps, than by all means, go for it. Make it as easy as possible on yourself to accomplish your weight loss goals!
Tags: Biggest Loser, Commercials, Diet And Exercise Plans, Everyday Experiences, Franchises, Game Show, Gyms, Hard Bodies, Health Issues, Healthy Diet, Ins And Outs, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Motivation, Offshoots, Real World, Reality Shows, Related Health, Weight Loss, Weightloss, Workout —