Foods to Avoid to Lower Cholesterol
One past time that people love to do is eating. This can happen at anytime aside from the three basic meals of the day whenever the person is craving for something.
Whenever the individual buys the snack or meal to suit that craving, little attention is paid on how much cholesterol the food has. In fact, a lot of those of the dishes made in fast food joint are unhealthy which has prompted McDonalds to print the calories, cholesterol and other things on each product given to the customer.
The growing number of those who are overweight and obese has caught the attention of doctors since this means there are a lot of people now who are considered to be high risk of suffering from heart disease or stroke in the United States.
Aside from advising people to visit the doctor annually, many are suggesting to make some lifestyle changes before it is too late. This usually means making some changes in the food being eaten since this is the only way to control the amount of cholesterol going in the system.
So what type of foods must be avoided to have lower levels of cholesterol in the body? The first is reducing the quantity of red meat being consumed. A good example is steak, ham and bacon that is high in fat.
Giving it up will be difficult so eating smaller portions should be done especially for those who are moderate or at a high risk of getting a heart disease or a stroke.
Fried food such as hamburgers and fries should also be avoided. The ingredients and oil used in cooking these things are also high in cholesterol that could be dangerous to ones health. This also includes pre-packaged frozen meals that a lot of people will just throw in the microwave after a long day at the office.
Dairy products such as milk, eggs and chicken should also be reduced. If the person has a hard time giving this up, this can be substituted using non-fat milk or yogurt to provide calcium that the body needs.
It is safe for kids to have junk food, candies and cake. As the individual gets older, these things have to be avoided. This is because the ingredients used in making these products are high in fat.
Now that more or less the food the person should avoid has been revealed, it is time to mention those that can be substituted to maintain a good diet.
Ideally, those who want to reduce the cholesterol intake should have a diet that contains less than 30% of fat. Those who can eat less will do better in living a healthy life.
The best products in the market to get are beans, fish oil, fruits, garlic, grains, soy, vegetables and whole grain bread. These things have vitamins and minerals as well as omega 3 acids that are known to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
Different variations can be done daily so the person will not get tired of eating the same thing just to have a healthy diet. If planning this is difficult, a dietitian will gladly help and make changes every week so the cholesterol levels will improve when the patient pays another visit to the clinic.
Tags: Bacon, Calories, Candies, Cholesterol, Cholesterol Food, dairy products;, Eating Habits, Eggs And Chicken, Fast Food, Fried Food, Frozen Meals, Fruits And Vegetables, Hamburgers, Hard Time, Healthy Diet, heart disease;, High Cholesterol, High Risk, Junk food;, Lifestyle Changes, Mcdonalds, Mcdonalds Calories, Red Meat, Vitamins And Minerals, Yogurt —
Transition Family
If you’re considering moving to a vegetarian diet as an adult, you probably want to pass on this good nutrition and improved way of eating to your family as well. In fact, it’s your responsibility as a parent to nurture your children and help them develop physically, mentally and spiritually.
But that can be hard to do, especially in a culture where our children are bombarded with messages from fast food restaurants in the media. How do you teach kids to resist the siren song of Ronald McDonald? There isn’t a plate of vegetables on the planet that’s going to look as good to them as a Happy Meal!
You have to start slowly to change not only your own eating patterns, but your family’s as well. Like any other dietary endeavor, it starts at the grocery store. Begin stocking the refrigerator with healthy snacks like apples and carrots. Exchange good, chewy brown rice for white rice and processed side dishes, which are so high in fat and sodium. Make meat portions smaller and smaller and start incorporating more vegetables and grains in your family dinners.
Don’t make changes all at once. If you do give in and stop at a fast food restaurant, get fruit or yogurt in addition to or part of that meal. Make the changes so gradual that they’ll never notice their diets are changing. Kids are usually very sympathetic about animals, and it’s not too early to talk to them about eating in a way that isn’t cruel to animals.
You’ll be doing them a favor that will last them a lifetime. With childhood obesity at epidemic levels in the U.S., you will be setting up your children for lifelong eating habits that will help ensure a long and healthy life.
Tags: Brown Rice, Carrots, Childhood Obesity, Eating Habits, Endeavor, Epidemic Levels, Family Dinners, Fast Food Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurants, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Nutrition, Grains, Grocery Store, Happy Meal, Healthy Diet, Healthy Snacks, Ronald Mcdonald, Side Dishes, Siren Song, Vegetarian Diet, White Rice, Yogurt —
Are Diet Shake Recipes Effective For Losing Weight
Trying to lose weight can be difficult and following specific diets can be boring. Diet Shake recipes can help you to lose weight and they are delicious which makes it easier to stay on track with your weight loss journey.
Shakes and smoothies are a particularly good way to lose weight during the summer months when there are lots of fresh fruits available. You can still drink shakes during winter by substituting fresh fruit for frozen fruit and the results taste just as good. Some low fat yogurt added to a shake makes it even more delicious.
There are lots of different diet shake recipes that you can use when trying to lose weight. One of my own favorites is to use mango which is so refreshing on a hot day. I simply mix together some mango, mandarin, oranges and some ice, then add some low fat yogurt and blend together. Sometimes I will also add some protein powder to keep me feeling full longer.
A great shake for breakfast is a cranberry juice shake as this is an amazing tonic for your kidneys. Simply blend some cranberry juice with some apple juice, blueberries, strawberries and a banana and you have a nice, healthy breakfast shake. You can also add some low fat yogurt if you wish.
If you are a chocolate lover then try adding some unsweetened cocoa powder to your shake. When using diet shakes for losing weight you need to remember that a shake does not give you all your nutritional needs so you can’t live on shakes alone. To be really successful at losing weight, shakes can help, but you still need to have an overall healthy, nutritional diet and exercise regularly.
Have a really good look at your current diet and see what you are doing wrong. See what changes you can make that will help you to lose weight, such as reducing the amount of white break, pasta and rice in your diet. These foods contain hidden sources of sugar and so aren’t very good when trying to lose weight. Instead you can change them to brown rice, pasta and wholemeal bread. You may not like the taste of the brown variety if your tastebuds are use to the white variety so try swapping over gradually. Your taste buds will begin to get use to the new taste over time.
If you stick to one particular diet you can get bored eating the same boring foods over and over again. It helps to have a variety of foods in your diet as long as you are eating healthy foods and watching the number of calories you are consuming. Try to include lots of fruit and vegetables into your diet each day and perhaps experiment with different ways of cooking them. Small changes in your diet can go a long way to helping you reach a healthy weight.
It is very beneficial to eat foods that are high in soluble fiber as they have few calories but they make you feel full. Foods like mangoes, peas, brussel sprouts, spring greens, sprouts and dried apricots are a great source of fiber and can help you to feel fuller so you will eat less.
Diet shake recipes are very effective to help you to lose weight but you must remember to combine them with a nutritional diet and regular exercise to get the best weight loss results.
Tags: Apple Juice, Atkins, Blueberries, Brown Rice, Calories, Chocolate Lover, Cranberry Juice, Diet Recipes, Diet Shake, Eating Habits, Fresh Fruits, Frozen Fruit, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Breakfast, Healthy Diet, Hot Day, Kidneys, Losing Weight, Mandarin Oranges, Nutritional Diet, Protein Powder, Shake Recipes, Unsweetened Cocoa Powder, Weight Loss Journey, Yogurt —
Eating Healthy On Vacation
It can be very tempting to abandon your good sense of healthy eating on vacation. Although you may strive for healthy eating, it’s easy to drift off and grab an ice cream cone here and there. There are however, ways to watch what you eat on
It’s easier than ever these days to request a low fat or vegetarian meal on airplane flights. If you choose to instead drive to your destination, the quest to find healthy food can get a bit more complicated.
Rather than simply relying on greasy foods for nutrition, pack some nutritious foods in a cooler full of ice packs. Fruits and vegetables, crackers, yogurt, and sandwiches are all great to have with you on the road.
Once you arrive at your hotel, you should do yourself a favor and turn the minibar key down – as this helps to avoid the temptation. If your hotel offers a continental breakfast, stick to fruits, cereals, and proteins. If your hotel has a stove or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy food with you.
If you simply must eat out, do so only when you are hungry. Restaurants will usually serve large portions, so be careful. If you do go a bit over on a meal, simply cut back on the next.
If you find it hard to fit in three square meals a day, try to fit in six smaller meals or snacks, as your body needs fuel every four hours or so. When you eat out, avoid appetizers. Whatever you do, do not miss any meals.
When it’s possible, you should avoid eating large meals at night. When your body gets ready for sleep and slows down, it also burns calories at a much slower pace. Never eat bread before bed, and make sure to avoid the butter. Choose fish or poultry for your meal instead, and include vegetables as a side dish.
Even though it may sound hard, eating healthy on vacation isn’t really that difficult. All you have to do is use a little will power, and pass up foods that you know aren’t good for you. This way, you’ll enjoy healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle wherever you go.
The next time you go on a vacation, always remember that eating healthy is a way of life. You can afford to get something you crave, although you shouldn’t make a habit of it. One ice cream cone or a pizza isn’t going to matter – as long as you know when to stop.
Tags: Airplane Flights, Calories, Cereals, Continental Breakfast, Crackers, Cream Cone, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Sense, Greasy Foods, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutritious Foods, Poultry, Proteins, Sandwiches, Side Dish, Snacks, Square Meals, Vegetarian Meal, Yogurt —