Lose Weight Quickly
Can you really lose weight quickly? That is the question that many of us ask. We live in a time and in a society where we want and expect almost instant results. It is no different when we think about losing weight and getting in better shape.
The problem is that the manufacturers of weight loss and fitness products know that about us too. They gear their advertising campaigns around the idea of telling us what we want to hear.
They make claims and promises about how we can lose weight quickly if we just use their product. But, have you ever noticed what is on the side of the package?
Whether you’re talking about a exercise gadget or a supplement there is always a disclaimer that says that the product will deliver the results it promised if you use it with a sensible diet and exercise program.
Now, I’m not saying that is a bad thing but it does kind of make you wonder how much of the result comes from the product itself and how much comes from the “sensible diet and exercise”.
I personally think you can lose weight pretty fast and without a ton of hassle if you do it the right way.
So, what is the right way? Well, first of all the right way for you would be to talk to your doctor first. Only he can let you know what is the right way for you.
Your doctor should be able to tell you what types of eating plans and exercise plans that would be best for you based on your health needs and current health.
So, I can’t speak for you or tell you what to do but I can tell you what I did and what worked great for me. Hopefully it will inspire you too and it may even work for you.
So, what did I do to lose weight? Well, it was pretty simple; I ate more of the right kinds of food more often during the day and I exercised.
Not necessarily fun or easy but it worked for me and it works for millions of other people… and it may just work for you too.
The only thing you need to determine is what types and quantities of foods you should eat. Again, this is something you should discuss with your doctor.
Here is the plan I used:
1. I ate 6 small meals a day. Each one of them consisted of a few ounces of lean meat (chicken, fish or shrimp) along with a cup of greens (usually spinach) and a few ounces of carbs (usually rice). The exact foods you choose as well as the exact amount will depend on your body type and your weight loss goals.
2. I drank more water throughout my day.
3. I walked. I either walked around my pool when it was really hot or I would walk around the block if it was a little cooler.
That’s it. That’s all I did. I stopped eating out, I stopped eating too much of the wrong things and I gave my body what it needed.
My results? Pretty good, I lost 6 pounds in one week, almost a pound a day just by doing what my body needed me to do. As far as I’m concerned, that is the only way to lose weight quickly.
Tags: Advertising Campaigns, Advertising Idea, Current Health, Diet And Exercise, Diet Exercise, Diet Program, Eating Habits, Exercise Plans, Exercise Program, Fitness Products, Gadget, Hassle, Healthy Diet, Kinds Of Food, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Promises, Quantities, Sensible Diet, Shape, Weight Loss —

Lose Weight On Hips
Looking for a sure fire way to lose weight on hips? Well, if so you’ve come to the right place. There are many components to weight loss; what you eat, what you do and the specific exercises you use to target certain areas of your body. I will go over all of them in this article to help you sort it all out.
Before I get started though I do want to point out that you should make an appointment and see your doctor. She (or he) can give you the best advice specifically for you and any conditions you may have. Make sure you get your doctors approval before you start working out.
OK, now on to the information on how to lose weight on hips:
1. The first component to weight loss is your diet. I know that many people don’t want to have to think of it, but it is the truth. And when I say “diet” I don’t mean “a” diet where you eat only celery and drink water.
I’m referring to your diet, the types of foods you eat. This is very important and if you aren’t eating right you should plan on a permanent change in your dietary habits.
Now, no one is telling you that you have to be perfect. No one eats right all the time and you don’t have to either. But, if you want your weight loss to last forever you do need to make some lifestyle changes.
Start by eating at least 5 small meals every day. These meals should consist of healthy lean protein, some fresh vegetables and maybe some fruit. The point is you need to provide your body with what it needs to function at it’s best and keep your metabolism burning hot all day long.
2. It’s also important to keep your body moving. If you like going to the gym and lifting weights or spending time on the treadmill than go for it. But if you don’t like that open your mind, there are millions of things you can do to get more cardiovascular and resistance exercises into your daily life.
Cardiovascular exercises are those that get your heart rate up. Anything from jogging to dancing to kickboxing to swimming will work fine.
Resistance training is when you life weights. This activity can help you build lean muscle mass which will boost your metabolism 24/7 and will “cinch” you in which makes you look slimmer no matter what your weight.
3. Targeting specific exercises for the areas you aren’t happy with is the last component. You should exercise every part of your body but giving a little extra attention to those trouble spots is ok and a good idea.
For your hips you should so leg lifts. Just lay on your side and lift the other leg up, hold briefly then bring back down. You should feel this right in your upper thigh and hip area. Repeat for both sides.
If you want to lose weight on hips just include each one of the components I mentioned. Also, make sure your doctor says it is ok for you to workout. They may even have some good suggestions to help you along.
Tags: Appointment, Atkins, Cardiovascular Exercises, Celery, Dietary Habits, Doctors, Drink Water, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Heart Rate, Hips, Lean Protein, Lifestyle Changes, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Open Your Mind, Permanent Change, Resistance Exercises, Resistance Training, Spending Time, Treadmill, Vegetables, Weight Loss —

Lose Weight Fast And Easy
OK, so you were just watching t.v. (or listening to the radio or reading a magazine) and you saw an ad that promised that you could lose weight fast and easy. But, since you are an intelligent person, you have your doubts.
Is it really possible to lose weight fast and easy? Is there really a system, a supplement or an exercise machine that will work like that?
Well, I don’t pretend to be an expert but I can tell you from my experience I’ve never found anything for weight loss that really delivered the way it was supposed to.
I have found that some exercise programs, eating programs or supplements might help a little, but I’ve never found one that will do it all as quickly or as easily as the advertising would have you believe.
I have bought many types of products over the years to get in better shape. Everything from exercise equipment, to workout DVD’s to a supplement and I can tell you one thing that I’ve noticed on all of them: they have disclaimers.
While not necessarily a bad thing, when you buy a weight loss supplement that promises you can lose weight “without dieting or exercise” and then you read the side of the bottle where it clearly states something like: “In conjunction with a healthy eating plan and exercise” you kind of have to wonder if the supplement is really doing anything at all.
I mean if you used the same healthy eating plan and exercise without taking the supplement, would you see the same results? Is it the supplement that is making the excess fat disappear or is it the healthy eating plan and exercise?
Like I said above, I’m no expert so I don’t know but it does kind of make you wonder, doesn’t it?
Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before you start any type of eating plan, exercise plan or taking any supplements. If you have any restrictions your doctor will let you know.
So, you may be wondering, does that mean that I have to work hard to lose weight? Well, based on my own experience, the answer to that question would be “no”. You see, recently I went on a “diet” where I just gave my body the foods it needed to run at it’s best.
I ate several small, healthy meals throughout the day and I actually lost weight! Yes, that’s right, you heard me, I ate more food and I lost weight.
I lost almost a pound a day! And the really cool thing was that I did it in a healthy way; I just gave my body what it needed. I increased my metabolism so I was burning fat throughout my day and I lost weight.
I hope that I’ve shown you that while there may not be any shortcuts to weight loss, you can lose all the weight you need to lose just by giving your body what it needs. Keeping your body functioning at it’s best while losing weight sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
If you want to lose weight fast and easy I would recommend you talk to your doctor first for some ideas and then see about eating your way to a better body. Sounds odd, but it worked for me, it will probably work for you too.
Tags: Buy Supplement, Conjunction, Dieting, Doubts, Eating Habits, Exercise Dvd, exercise equipment;, Exercise Machine, Exercise Plan, Exercise Programs, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Intelligent Person, Listening To The Radio, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Shape, Supplements, Weight Loss Supplement, Workout —

I Need To Lose Weight
How many times have you looked in the mirror and said to yourself, “I need to lose weight?” Is this a trick question? Seriously, how many minutes are there in a day? That’s probably how many times you have said these words to yourself just yesterday as a matter of fact.
Those little words, “I need to lose weight” can bring on a stress level and intimidation that is hard to get around and hard to understand. We all know for a fact that if we want to lose weight that there is no magic pill that we can take when we go to bed and we will be thin and beautiful when we wake up.
Too bad there isn’t but we all know that to lose the weight we need to lose will take some hard work on our parts and we are not sure we can sustain that level of commitment for the long haul. Maintaining motivation is difficult and most human beings are inherently lazy. I’m not dissin’ anybody, I am the same way, and I will be the first to admit it.
What we do not realize is that with just a few little adjustments we can change our lives and our weight with very little effort. If you follow a few simple suggestions and guidelines then you will be on your way to having a new body to show off to all of your friends and family.
The first thing is to eat sensibly. Go to your kitchen right now and throw out all the junk food. This may be the hardest thing you have done in a long time but it needs to be done. Ok, I will let you save one item for your first weeks reward. Pick one and put it away.
Next, when you go shopping make a list beforehand and stick to it. Start by buying fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables. Or go to a local farmer’s market on Saturday morning to get some really fresh stuff from local growers. You might have to spend a little more but the quality is well worth it.
If you really do not know where to start find a cookbook and choose several recipes that you think may be good and good for you. Make your fresh food list from the recipes. Buy only what you need for the recipes, if you want to be successful then make sure you have all the ingredients you need for the dish you want to make. I find that nothing is more frustrating than starting to make something and then finding out that I don’t have all the ingredients.
Most importantly here, drink plenty of water. Try this, put a cup (or more to taste) of fresh or frozen berries into a gallon jug and fill it with water. Let the berries infuse their juices for a couple of hours and then strain the berries off through a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to catch the pulp and seeds. This will help with the mundaneness of water and add some vitamins and minerals, too. If you feel the need to sweeten it then do so with an artificial sweetener to keep the calorie count down. Following these suggestions will change your statement from, “I need to lose weight” to “I need to go buy some new, smaller clothes”.
Tags: Cookbook, Fresh Food, Fresh Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, Hardest Thing, Human Beings, Intimidation, Junk food;, Long Haul, Long Time, Losing Weight, Magic Pill, Maintaining Motivation, Matter Of Fact, Mirror, Recipes, S Market, Saturday Morning, Simple Suggestions, Stress Level, Trick Question, Vitamins And Minerals —