Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Tips On Easy Diets

In this day and age, it really isn’t surprising that half of all Americans are overweight to some degree. Most people in this day and age have busy, hectic schedules, which mean that sticking to a diet is not easy, and neither is trying to work out on a regular basis. Still, this does not mean that all hope is lost. Here is some basic advice that should help you drop off those unwanted pounds by following easy diets and implementing exercise in your life.

The first piece of advice that you need to consider has to do with exercising. In fact any diet, much less an easy diet, should include exercising. You should always have your physical workout first thing in the morning when your stomach is still empty. There are a lot of different exercises that you can try such as walking on a treadmill, or going around the block a couple of times. Ten minutes of exercise is all you need to burn stored energy, especially fat, but you can also go for longer if you feel comfortable exercising for longer periods.

The next most useful tip that you should consider is to pay attention to when you snack. You should avoid snacking late at night, and stop eating all together at least three hours before you go to bed. This way you will burn off all the calories you consumed before bed, rather than storing those calories as fat when you go to bed. This simple step can have incredible results if you are serious about implementing it.

The third suggestion that you should consider has everything to do with coffee. If you absolutely have to drink coffee, make it black! Fancy coffee drinks with cream and sugar are fun and tasty, but they are also loaded up with calories. Just one of these bad boys will blow any easy diets your on right out the window. A good old simple cup of black coffee has nearly zero calories if any at all, so this is clearly a much wiser choice, and while black coffee is an acquired taste, you will get used to it with practice.

The next tip is to break your normal three meals a day into four or five smaller meals a day. Your metabolism requires constant fuel in order to burn fat. If you feed it several small amounts every day, your metabolism will stay much higher, much faster, and will burn more calories in the end.

Finally, you should cut down on your carbohydrate intake. This is going to have a very large impact on how quickly you lose weight using easy diets. By eliminating unnecessary breads, pastas and other starches, you will see a serious difference next time that you step on the scale. Take this advice and you will see what easy diet weight loss is all about.

There are no “easy diets” per say, but there are easy tips and steps that will help you lose weight. Forget those fad diets and crazy starvation diets and follow the aforementioned tips and hints instead.

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How to Avoid Weight Gain after Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a procedure that leads to a significant body weight loss. About 75 to 90 percent of excess weight (or about 100 lbs.) is eliminated, thanks to this safe and effective surgery. Usually, weight loss occurs within a year and a half after the surgery. The procedure basically involves reducing the size of the stomach so that the patient will not be able to eat as much food as he did before the operation. That way, overeating and taking in calorie-rich foods are prevented.

But unfortunately, regaining weight is possible several years after the weight loss surgery. Most patients keep on losing weight until achieving their ideal weight within one to three years after the procedure. Have you undergone weight loss surgery? It is likely that you lose much weight in one year, only to have the excess weight back. That usually happens to patients who do not follow the recommended food intake and the necessary lifestyle changes following the surgery. Good thing, there are several steps you can do to avoid gaining weight ever again. Read on the following tips to get the most out of your weight loss surgery.

* Stop eating when you are full. Eating more food than your stomach can hold will result in not only weight gain, but also pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness. Also, avoid eating when you are not really hungry.

* Avoid going back to your old, unhealthy habits. Binging or comfort eating are just some of the causes of weight gain and obesity. Sure, old habits die hard. But if you cannot resist the urge to overeat, then your weight loss surgery is as good as useless.

* Find some ways to deal with stress, anxiety, loneliness, and other emotions that lead to binge eating. Seek help from a professional such as a psychotherapist to be able to curb negative emotions that trigger incessant food cravings.

* Make sure to follow the diet plan designed for you. The diet recommended for people who have undergone weight loss surgery includes foods that are low in fat and sugar. Now, if you eat sugar- or fat-rich foods, then expect your weight to increase again.

* Follow an exercise program. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, walking, jogging, and other physical activities to keep your body and mood in great shape.

* See your doctor. If you notice that you are gaining weight at any point after your surgery, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the reasons for your weight gain. Your weight gain may be due to medical causes such as a disease, and the doctor can help you find solutions to stop the problem. On the other hand, some instances of weight gain after surgery are caused by a patients diet or fitness routine. Your doctor can also help you determine those problems and suggest changes or adjustments to your eating habits and regular workouts to stop your weight gain.

Remember, nothing beats a healthy diet and consistent exercise regime to make sure that you maintain an ideal healthy weight years after your gastric bypass surgery. Do not forget to always consult your doctor whenever you encounter health problems. Doing so gives you the peace of mind that you will not have to deal with obesity problems ever again.

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Tips For You On A Diet For Lowering High Cholesterol

Tips For You On A Diet For Lowering High Cholesterol And Losing Weight

If you have high cholesterol it is important to get yourself on a diet for lowering cholesterol and losing weight. Many Americans worry about their cholesterol levels, especially those who are over weight. In most cases the first step in resolving your high cholesterol and shedding those extra pounds; is changing your diet. You will discover some pretty convincing evidence, in this article, which will convince you, to improve your health by losing weight and lowering your cholesterol.

A recent study completed by The School of Medicine at Stanford University showed that with both diet and exercise, you can significantly reduce your cholesterol and get rid of the extra weight. The study was done with over 300 men and women with high cholesterol. In order to control the groups the first group was put on a low fat diet. Then the second was put on the same diet with an exercise program.

After a year the group with both diet and exercise had lower cholesterol. The group that didnt incorporate exercise didnt have a loss as significant as the first group.

Eating a low cholesterol diet has shown to lower cholesterol by 8% to 20%. There are a few low cholesterol diets that have proven to work well. These diets include; the Dash Diet, The South Beach Diet, The Ultra Metabolism Diet, and The Weight Watchers Diet. Every one of these diets has online programs or books to guide you through the diet with menu plans and instructions.

As an addition to your low cholesterol diet you should make sure to eat plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is used to fix natural cracks and fractures in your arteries. If you dont get enough Vitamin C your body will substitute it with cholesterol. If you make sure to get enough of the vitamin as part of your low cholesterol diet, your liver will not be forced to produce excess cholesterol.

In another study done, with sixty heart bypass surgery patients, it was shown that eating grapefruit everyday lowers your cholesterol. The study had the patients divided into three groups. One group was given red grapefruit. One group was given white grapefruit.

However the last group was not given any grapefruit and had no diet restrictions. The study showed that the groups that ate grapefruit regularly as part of a low cholesterol diet showed a significant drop in cholesterol. Whereas the group without restrictions, which didnt eat any grapefruit, didnt show any drop in cholesterol.

Additional studies have shown that women that have eaten five to six smaller meals had lower cholesterol and better weight control; than those that ate fewer larger meals. If you eat many small meals with a low cholesterol diet and fewer calories you will be able to lower your cholesterol by about 5% and drop your weight.

There is no question, having high cholesterol and being over weight, is very dangerous to your health. However, if you suffer from being over weight and high cholesterol there are some simple things you can do to lower both your weight and high cholesterol level.

As the above information indicated it doesnt have to be complicated. Simply get yourself on a diet for lowering high cholesterol, combine it with a good exercise program and you are on your way to better health.

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How Gastric Bypass Works

Gastric bypass surgeries and other weight loss medical procedures being performed in the United States are increasing for the last few years. This may be in response for the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. According to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, there are about 140,000 gastric bypass being performed every year.

Those who have undergone weight loss surgeries, lose about 50 to 60% of their body weight, a year after the surgery. Along with the weight loss, they would also be losing ailments associated with obesity like high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart diseases and even cancer.

The Procedure

The most common gastric bypass performed is called the Roux-en Y gastric bypass. In this procedure, a small pouch is created on the top of the stomach. It is stapled, to seal it off from the rest of the stomach. This small pouch will no longer digest any food. The upper part of the small intestine, the duodenum, is attached to this small pouch.

When eating, the food would bypass the small pouch in the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. The food would go directly to the middle section of the intestine called the jejunum. Since it is the small intestine that does the absorption of minerals, vitamins and calories, the body will absorb limited calories only. A Y formation is formed just below the stomach.

Incisions are made in the abdomen to perform the procedure. Surgeons will be using the laparoscope or a small, tubular instrument with a camera. This will enable the surgeon to see the abdomen and perform the surgery. The laparoscopic gastric bypass actually makes the stay in the hospital and the recovery period shorter and quicker.

There are still open gastric bypass performed, however, there could be wound-related problems with this kind of procedure. The laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure lasts for about four hours. Patients who have undergone the procedure stay in the hospital for about two to six days to be monitored for any complications.

After the Surgery

Having a smaller stomach has effects on how much food the patient can eat. There are special diets that a patient recovering from gastric bypass surgery follows. Every food that the patient would eat will be important for his nutrition. There are times that they are also recommended nutritional supplements to avoid deficiencies like anemia or vitamin deficiency.

There are patients reporting weight loss of as much as 50 to 60 percent a year after the surgery. There are even some who would report an astounding 80% weight loss. However, it is still possible for patients to stretch their stomachs and have that large size again. There is still a possibility of getting back those lost pounds. That is why doctors would recommend dietary restrictions and exercise plant that would keep the pounds away.

There are also tendencies that gastric bypass patients would develop gallstones, stomach ulcers, hernia or nutritional deficiencies. The part of the stomach which was bypassed can get enlarged, it could cause bloating and hiccups. There is also the Dumping syndrome which happens when the food moves quickly to the small intestine. This can happen after eating foods high in sugar or fat.

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