Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Chinese Weight Loss Tea as a Diet Remedy

Chinese weight loss tea uses natural products to help you achieve the slimmer body you desire. There are a variety of different types of Chinese weight loss tea including WuLi, Pu-Erh, and Oolong tea.

After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage on earth. So, can tea actually help you lose weight and achieve your ideal body?

It is easy to incorporate tea into your diet. In fact, one of the best thing about Chinese weight loss tea is that you are adding something rather than subtracting something from your diet.

The Chinese weight loss tea works by acting as a metabolic stimulant. It helps your body to burn more calories and fats by increasing bodily functions. Because it has only four calories a serving, you will not be gaining any weight when you drink tea of any kind. However, when you drink Chinese weight loss tea, you take in phenols which helps to burn fat and decrease blood cholesterol levels.

Chinese tea that helps you lose weight will have up to 70 percent oxidation. This speeds up your metabolism and activates enzymes to let you burn fat.

If you are drinking Chinese tea with the intention of loosing weight, you must drink it at least two times a day. The rest of your diet should be healthy as well. You should include some physical activity in your daily regime as well.

Tea must be grown in a region which receives at least 50 inches of water per year. Tea has a growth phase and a dormant phase. When the new tea shoots emerge as the weather begins to warm, the plant can be harvested. All types of tea comes from the same plant and is harvested in the same way.

But it is the drying process that gives some teas their special weight loss effects. There are some teas that are dried for up to 100 years! (That is long term planning!)

Most of the tea plant evaporates in the drying process. Most of the time, the drying process involves baking the tea leaves.

After the tea is dried, there may be a final process known as curing which gives tea its great flavor.

Chinese weight loss tea is oxidized for two to three days and is known as blue tea or semi-oxidized tea. It tends to taste more like green tea than black tea.

Chinese weight loss tea is best prepared with very warm, but not boiling, water. You can brew this tea several times from the same leaves. The taste actually improves with each brewing. It is common to steep the tea up to five times and the consensus is the third brewing is best.

If you want to get skinny, one of the tools at your disposal is Chinese weight loss tea.

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Part 2 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven

Part 2 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way To Shed Your Fat

In Part 1 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat!, the basics of how visualization works were covered.

Visualizations are done by you painting a picture of what you want in your mind. An example would be a picture of your beautiful, sexy body in a revealing bikini if you were a woman. Another example would be as a man with a hot ripped body of a Charles Atlas, which the ladies would find irresistible. However, you must make sure the image you paint is doable by you.

If you happen to be one of those people who have difficulty in painting the sexy body you want, it’s ok to use a picture back when you were thin and sexy. If that doesn’t work try the tactic of someones body you admired. Perhaps it could be someone like a celebrity.

You can find a picture of almost any celebrity on the Internet or in a magazine. Download it or cut it out of a magazine and remove the face from the picture and put your face on the body. That may sound a little nutty to you, but it works.

Once you have a workable image you must work that image; each and every day. Visualization will work best for you by taking a set time, if possible, 2 or 3 times a day and see your beautiful sexy body in your mind. You will be bringing it out of the subconscious part of your mind into the conscience part of your mind.

It is best to be in a quiet area when you do this. If you are at work perhaps you can slip into the stairwell or even the broom closet, as long as its quiet. You will need to spend several minutes each time doing this. Although it may seem hard at first, when you do it for a period of 30 days, it will become a habit for you.

One thing you may not have known it that you can target specific parts of your body one at a time. For an example you could focus on the “thunder thighs” slimmed down to an enchanting 36 inches. Or perhaps the “balloon butt” down to two well toned cheeks in a bikini bottom. Now is that hot or what!

Here is one last tip to give you a boost with your visualization and weight loss plan. When your going about your every day routine, reaffirm out loud or silently in your mind; “My body is so sexy and thin, I’m really glad that it is” or something similar. Whatever you do make sure it’s positive and right now not something in the future.

Some people also find this difficult to do. However, its really easy to print it out on a 3X5 card and carry it with you, wherever you go. Just whip it out when you feel your getting weak in your resolve. The first thing you know you will feel your weak moments being further and further apart.

You do know that your new sexy body is not going to happen overnight. But by using visualization and weight loss together it may well happen a lot sooner than you had hoped for.

It would be wise for you to read Part 1 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat! to have a full understanding of how visualization can help you lose weight.

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Carb Pills How to Have Carbohydrates On the Adkins or

Carb Pills How to Have Carbohydrates On the Adkins or South Beach Diet

If you are trying to go on a low carbohydrate diet such as the Adkins Weight Loss Plan or the South Beach Diet and find that you have trouble reducing your carbs, you may want to try anti carb pills. These are not actually medicinal products but rather dietary supplements made from all natural ingredients not chemical blends.

The reason carb smart diets such as Adkins and South Beach stay alive despite all of the negative media publicity is that they work. But, too many people find that they have trouble minimizing the amount of carbohydrates they consume for a long period of time. That is where the carb pills come in.

While more recent variations of the low carb diets have allowed more carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, it is still tempting to have a cookie from time to time. The carb pills absorb excess carbohydrates in the diet by blocking the carbohydrates consumed from being absorbed in the body.

One of the carb blocking ingredients in the pills is made from white bean extract. They are 100 percent natural and safe to consume.

It is best to take a carb blocking pill right before eating a carb heavy food or meal. They can also be taken during or after the meal, but this has a reduced effectiveness.

Here is how the carb pills work on the body. Fat accumulates in the body when carbohydrates are broken down by alpha amylase, which is an enzyme produced in the pancreas. When you exert yourself through exercise or daily energy, these carbs are burned off. However, if you take in more carbs than you burn, you will store the excess as fat.

Carb pills prevent the fat by preventing the excess calories from being converted through blocking the digestive enzymes from acting on them. This means that the major portion of the carbs are passed through the system without being absorbed.

So, do carb pills work? The scientific community has not really taken up this question because the major pharmaceutical companies fund most of the research. As the carb pills are not produced by these pharmaceutical firms, researchers have not found it worth their while to independently evaluate the pills.

However, the companies which produce carb pills have produced their own studies. They have shown that in the short term at least, the carb blocking pills do in fact keep up to 45 grams of carbohydrates from being absorbed in the system.

There may be some side effects from using the carb blocking pill. These include gastrointestinal distress, heartburn, excessive gas and diarrhea.

The two most common brands of carb pills are Carbo Lock and Ultra Carb. These pills can be expensive a 30 day supply typically retails for $30. If you buy the products in larger quantities, you can often bring the daily cost down.

If you want to have the benefits of a low carb diet but occasionally indulge in carbohydrate rich foods or meals, you might want to consider investing in carb pills which block the carbohydrates in a pasta dinner or piece of chocolate cake from turning into fat.

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Part 1 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way

Part 1 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way To Shed The Fat

Are you tired of waking up and seeing your overweight body in the mirror? But in your mind you see the trim, beautiful, sexy body you had when you were younger. However, you know the reality is the body you see in the mirror. Don’t lose hope! You are already on the road to losing the pounds. How? You ask. Read on.

You still have that mental picture in your mind of how you used to look. Now you need to make your mind see that same picture in the future instead of in the past. You have been practicing visualization and weight loss and didn’t even know it. Now it’s time for you to shed those unsightly pounds by really putting your mind in control of your weight loss.

Before you can use visualizations to it’s fullest you need to get a good idea of how it works. What you to do is to paint a picture of the way you want your body to look when you get rid of all those ugly pounds. You hold this image in your mind and as you do; it will penetrate into the subconscious level of your brain.

When it has moved into your subconscisness it will program your body to start moving in that direction of “body beautiful”. This synergy from your mind will cause you to be motivated more easily towards your weight loss. Ultimately the end result is you will find it easier to stick to your diet plan and exercise program.

Presently it’s not fully understood how visualizing a goal, such as weight loss works, but more and more professionals agree that it does. What has been determined is that as long as you truly believe it’s what you want, then you can achieve it. However, in turn if you aren’t convinced you can lose weight, you won’t do it or you will have a much harder time of it.

It has been discovered that when loved ones and people that matter to you are negative about your goals they can impact your weight loss. The positive power of your visualizing your healthy body from your subconscious, can negate the negativity, created in your conscience mind by yourself and others.

Ok, now you have a basic understanding about using visualization and weight loss together. Let’s get into the actual ways you need to practice to work it effectively.

You must be sure the body you want is attainable. In other words don’t visualize a 5’4 petite body weighing 102 lbs, when you are 5’9″ and big boned. It ain’t going to happen. But if you take that same 5’9″ big boned body and put it in a bikini weighing in at between 140 to 160 lbs that can happen. Why; because it’s doable!

Part 2 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat! will go into more detail on how you can effectively utilize visualization to lose weight. Be sure and bookmark this page so you can benefit from the other tips.

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