Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

How Does The Atkins Diet Work And Why

There is a large controversy about whether the effects of the Atkins diet are positive or negative. There seem to be effects that lean towards being positive or negative in different experiences, and is some cases a person will have positive and negative effects that both affect them equally. People will have positive effects such as weight gain and being able to eat smaller amounts without cravings but may also have negative effects such as muscular problems or making a person feel very faint or extremely weak.

The reason for both the negative and positive experiences is the same, the way that Atkins diets work. The main point of an Atkins diet is to remove carbohydrates, which is sugar in its simplest form, so that the body will be forced to use another energy source. The nest energy source that your body turns to is your fat, which in turn causes you to loose weight. This can cause you to lose lean muscle, which can not only make you feel weaker but can also make you physically weaker.

Many people feel that their weight is more important then their health, this can be very hard on them and can mean that they without realizing it could hurt their body. Dr. Robert Atkins created this diet for himself so that he would be able to lose weight and this diet was so successful for himself that he let others try and in turn, it was successful for them in many cases. There have not been a lot of research conducted that had to do with the long term effects of the Atkins diet, but some individuals have proven that for them it was a very hard diet and left them with negative effects that outnumbered the positive gain.

There are many advances in diets and research every year, meaning that these side effects could be a worry that is in vain or could also simply be eliminated in the future by small differences in diet. Currently, there are still many positive sides to the Atkins diet such as the recipes that are offered. With the Atkins diet you are completely carbohydrate free for a period of week then you have to gradually find your way back to eating in a balanced matter so that any side effects can hopefully be reversed while you still get to keep the figure that you worked so hard to acquire.

The recipes that are offered are very appealing to many people, and after being carbohydrate free the return trip to a healthy balanced diet can be very enjoyable. Steadily but in steps carbohydrates are added back into your meals, this can help to reverse negative effects if such is possible but is mostly used to make sure that you can then stay constant without further damaging your muscles. Many people have found this diet to be successful for themselves and others who they may have suggested it to.

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Hidden Reasons Why You Cant Lose Weight

Are you finding that you can’t lose weight, no matter how much you diet or exercise? For some people, there are legitimate medical conditions like thyroid problems causing this to happen. Others may simply need to make lifestyle changes to exercise more or eat different foods. Here are a few things to look for if you are having trouble losing weight.

The first thing you should do is consult your doctor for a full physical to rule out any obvious medical issues. Thyroid problems are the most common reason for the inability to lose weight, but there are a number of other less frequent conditions that can also cause the problem. A lack of iodine in the diet may be the source of some thyroid problems. Your physician can perform a urine test to check this if it appears to be a problem for you. Some signs of iodine deficiency include physical and mental sluggishness, skin or hair problems, and increased sensitivity to temperature.

If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health and cannot find any medical problem for why you can’t lose weight, your lifestyle is the next place to look. Many people fall into habits with their consumption and will eat unhealthy foods without realizing it or even intending to do so. Make sure you are eating enough protein and not too many carbohydrates. Excessive sugars and grains are easily converted to fat in the body and should be restricted to a small portion of your overall diet.

Simply writing down the foods you eat and the time you ate them will help you analyze your daily routine and see if there are any obvious problem areas. For example, you may find that you frequently eat an unhealthy fast food lunch at work because you are busy or it is more convenient. This can easily be fixed by spending some time in the morning preparing your own healthy lunch for the day, but may slip by unnoticed if you are eating healthy dinners and exercising after work.

Your body composition may also be the reason you can’t lose weight. Muscle cells burn far more energy while at rest than fat cells. If you do not have much muscle, your body may be able to maintain its current weight even when you do not eat very many calories. This leads to starvation diets, which only make the problem worse as the body compensates for the lack of nourishment. Many people get stuck in this cycle and do not realize that the only way out is to eat more food, not less.

In times of famine, the body is designed to slow its metabolism and conserve the few calories that are available. This means more fat is stored, even though you may be eating as little as half of your previous food intake. The easiest way to boost your resting metabolism is to add some strength training into your exercise routine. Building muscle will make your body burn more calories even while sitting at rest, which may eliminate the reasons you currently can’t lose weight.

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Weighing The Risks Of Weight Loss Drugs

Almost everyone who has ever tried to lose weight has tried weight loss drugs at some point. Some have worked, and some have ended up being proven very dangerous. Some that have been around for years can be purchased over the counter and claim that if you take them every day, theyll suppress your appetite, youll eat less and youll lose weight. Newer over-the-counter weight loss drugs are designed to help you while youre eating less, and can have embarrassing and uncomfortable consequences if you stray from your eating plan while taking them.

These over-the-counter pills are technically weight loss drugs, even though you dont have to get a doctors approval before you purchase them. Just that they can be purchased in any store without a prescription should lead you to doubt how truly effective they are. Read the enclosed information very carefully on any weight loss aids you purchase, and one thing becomes pretty clear. The pill you have to take seems to do very little, because while youre instructed to take the pills (or pills) youre also told that weight loss will happen best if you follow a diet plan at the same time.

So are the weight loss drugs responsible for any weight you lose while taking them, or is the diet plan you follow whats letting you drop the pounds? While some of the pills really can suppress your appetite and make it easier for you to eat less food, its the diet plan you follow while on the pills that is actually responsible for any weight you lose. But people still associate the act of taking the pills with the lost weight, so they believe these things make a huge difference.

Other types of weight loss drugs require a prescription and careful monitoring by your doctor. The pills dont claim to burn the fat off you or rip away the pounds; theyre designed to help you eat less by making you less hungry. If you really cant follow a diet plan because you cant stop yourself from eating more than your plan calls for, then prescription appetite suppressants could help you greatly. But you should understand that theres always a risk of side effects when you take any drug.

Weight loss drugs havent always been a good thing, either, with some flooding the market only to be recalled a few months later because it turned out they were dangerous. People have died taking both over-the-counter and prescription weight loss medications, so you have to decide for yourself whether getting some help feeling less hungry is that important for your weight loss efforts, and whether its worth any potential risks to your health.

Herbal remedies are drugs, too, so carefully examine the claims that any herb or supplement can help you lose weight with no side effects. Just because an herb is natural, doesnt mean its safe or effective. Talk to your doctor about weight loss drugs, and then carefully decide whether or not theyre right for you.

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Walking For Weight Loss Will Save Your Life

One of the best and cheapest ways to get in shape is by walking for weight loss. You dont need a gym membership or fancy equipment. You probably wont even have to spend money on gas, since most of us can step outside our front door and begin. In climates where its warm all year round, walking is convenient during any month. In cold-winter climes, walking might have to be taken indoors for a short while, but there are ways to get your miles in even when the outside is covered in ice. You should keep in mind that walking for weight loss isnt going to show a drastic change on the scale if youre overeating.

If you dont change how you eat at all and you being a walking plan, you will probably start to lose weight, or at least not gain weight. But what you put into your body is the first and foremost indicator of whether or not you will lose weight. The only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you use; and not just in one day, but over a period of time. If anyones telling you that you can drop pounds any other way, its simply not true.

But a great way to burn more calories and use more than you consume is by walking for weight loss. So combined with a healthy eating plan, walking is a great way to slim down. Even if youre not trying to lose weight, you just want to be healthier, walking is great exercise that works your whole body. Its easy, inexpensive and one of the exercises that makes you less likely to become injured than something like running, skiing or lifting weights.

If youre ready to start walking for weight loss, the only real expense required is a good pair of walking shoes. These dont have to cost you hundreds of dollars, but you should get the best pair you can afford. If youve never done much walking or youre very overweight its a good idea to go to a shoe store that specializes in sports shoes and athletics, have your foot measured, and get some recommendations from the experts. Do your research online, too, to find a good pair for a decent price. If you take off walking with a pair that doesnt support your foot, youll probably want to quit after a few days of hurting feet and sore calf muscles.

Do you have health problems or are currently under a doctors treatment for anything, be sure and give them a call before you start walking for weight loss. And use common sense. Dont plan to start by walking 4 miles in 100 degree heat.

Start slowly, expect to be a little sore, and work your way up. Find an indoor place like a mall where you can walk during very hot or cold weather so you can stay comfortable. Then youll be able to enjoy walking for weight loss all year long.

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