Belly Fat Loss
Odds are if you need belly fat loss you also need to lose weight other places as well.
To me, belly fat is the most embarrassing and unsightly fat you can have. What happens when you put your favorite jeans on? Your belly fat gets pushed up and spills over the top of the jeans. This is called muffin top. How cute, right? Wrong!
I hate it and belly fat loss is also the most difficult to achieve, second only to arm fat. You have to lose weight all over to lose weight in your belly and the best way to do that is to take in less calories than you burn in one day.
I want you to do something, not for me, but for yourself. Start this all off by taking a thirty minute walk everyday. If you cannot go for thirty minutes the first week then work up to it. Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself. Walking will improve lung and muscle function. Your heart will love you for it. Carry a water bottle to stay hydrated especially if it is warm outside. You can sweat out a considerable amount of water and nutrients in thirty minutes if you are not careful.
Losing weight takes commitment to yourself but staying motivated can be a challenge sometimes. If motivation to lose weight was easy to come by, no one would be overweight in our country. We would all be our ideal weights and pictures of fitness.
It’s up to you to figure out what things will help you get and stay motivated. Everyone knows the consequences associated with having too much body fat and living a sedentary lifestyle. It’s one of those things though that until it happens to you or someone you love, you just stay complacent and think that it will never happen.
Of course, it can and will if you don’t take control now. There are a few aspects to losing weight, such as eating better foods, less junk, and getting a lot of exercise. Believe it or not, for many people the motivation to lose weight will often start with finding a work out you can live with. That is why I suggest starting with walking for thirty minutes a day. It is easy to stick to. You can always incorporate more into a work out, but it pays to start simple.
Another great way to get and keep your motivation is to find a like minded friend to exercise with. It can be as simple as the two of you taking a class together, joining a gym, or just going for walks, having a buddy can make all the difference.
One thing you don’t want to do is put yourself under a lot of pressure by setting up an unrealistic time frame. Don’t wait until a few weeks before a wedding, or vacation. If you do, you’ll just be setting yourself up for failure. It will be virtually impossible for you to achieve your belly fat loss and once the event comes and goes you’ll probably be done working out. Instead just make a commitment to yourself to get healthy, that is the best motivation to lose weight.
Tags: Body Fat, Calories, Consequences, Eating Habits, Exercise, Fat Loss, Fitness, Heart, Jeans, Losing Weight, Motivation To Lose Weight, Muffin Top, Muscle Function, Nutrients, Odds, Sedentary Lifestyle, Water Bottle, Weights —
4 Tips For Effective Weight Loss
Are you fed up with continuously seeing no measurable or long-lasting results whenever you try to lose weight? Or maybe you are sick and tired of throwing your money away on the latest fad diets, only to be let down again. Stop! That’s right, stop whatever you’re doing, you are going to want to hear this. Don’t even think about trying another diet plan or weight loss program until you read the following article. Why? Because the four tips will put you on the fast to lose weight safely and keep it off.
Each of the tips are based on science. That means they have always been around and are not fads. It’s just that a lot of people selling the latest weight loss programs don’t always like to share them, so it’s not your fault if you haven’t been able to effectively lose weight.
1. The Magic of Muscle – In short, the more lean muscle you have as you are trying to lose weight, the better. The amount of calories you are able to burn off is related, in part, to how much muscle mass you have. On top of that, more muscle allows you to exercise more effectively, and have more endurance. The fact that muscle is more attractive than fat doesn’t hurt either.
One of the best ways to build muscle mass is through strength training. You can still engage in aerobic exercise, and should, but nothing beats lifting weights and resistance training to add muscle to your body. This is important because muscle also requires more calories to stay fed, which is good, and brings us to the next point…
2. Stoke the Furnace – What we are talking about here is metabolism; that is the rate at which your body burns calories. As we have already seen, muscle tissue is excellent for burning calories and boosting your metabolism. However, there is something else you can do to keep your metabolism whirring along.
Eating smaller meals throughout the day, as opposed to three larger meals, will keep your body working at burning calories. It also has the added benefit of keeping your hunger from getting out of control.
3. Fast Feet – We’ll keep this tip short and sweet. A great way to lose weight is to take brisk walks on a regular basis. It’s not only easy enough to do, but it will also help you to lose weight safely and keep it off.
4. Cut Calories – This may be the biggest “secret” that fad diets try to conceal, but it gets right to the heart of the matter. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. So far we have looked at burning calories, but now it’s time to switch to reducing how many you take in. The good news is that you don’t have to religiously count every calorie that goes into your mouth. All you have to do is make better food choices, and make a conscious effort to eat reasonable portions.
Tags: Added Benefit, Aerobic Exercise, Amount Of Calories, Body Burns, Boosting Your Metabolism, Burning Calories, Calories, Diet Plan, Effective Weight Loss, Endurance, Fad Diets, Fads, food choices;, Furnace, Healthy Diet, Hunger, Latest Fad, Lean Muscle, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Muscle Mass, Muscle Tissue, Resistance Training, Strength Training, US Federal Reserve —
3 Tips For Choosing A Weight Loss Program
Statistics make it very clear that the population, as a whole, is getting heavier and heavier. The problem with this is that it comes with a lot of bad consequences on our health. Perhaps that why so many people are trying to lose weight. One of the most common ways for doing this is to find a weight loss program that sounds interesting. If you are looking for a weight loss program, then you are aware of how many different ones are out there. In fact, there are so many that it can get downright confusing, but that should never be an excuse for not losing weight. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you choose the best weight loss program for you.
1. Research. There is no way around it, this is going to take some time. As mentioned, there are a lot of different programs out there, and they often contradict one another. However, one of the main things you are likely interested in is results. After all, it doesn’t matter how good a program is supposed to be if it doesn’t work for you. The first thing you can do is read how each particular program has worked for those who have tried it. Pay extra attention to any claims of the diet not working, and why it didn’t work for that person. It can still work for you, but you will have more realistic expectations once you begin.
Next, look for any endorsements from organizations and professionals. Of course you will give extra importance to people and groups you have already heard of and trust. At the same time, watch out for endorsements from people you have never heard of. Either way, it is up to you to do your due diligence to see if the people are qualified to make an assessment of any weight loss program.
Furthermore, part of that research has to include talking to your health care provider. They will be aware of any potential problems you may run into, and they will also be able to add recommendations of their own.
2. Cost. The truth is that we all have different budgets, and that may prevent us from doing certain diet programs. For example, some plans include having ready-made food delivered to your home. While they may work, they also cost a lot of money. If you have the money to spare, and you would like to do such a plan, no problem. However, if you can’t really afford it, but try it anyway, you will start to feel angry if you don’t see immediate results, and that won’t help you to lose weight.
Not to worry, though. The effectiveness of a weight loss program isn’t measured by how much it costs. So, keep looking and you will find a plan that fits into your budget.
3. Think logically. Sellers of diet programs are experts at getting you worked up emotionally, but don’t fall for that trap. That’s why it’s so important to do the previous steps; they will help you to look at various weight loss programs logically. And, that means you are more likely to choose the one that’s the best for you.
Tags: Budgets, Consequences, Diet, Due Diligence, Endorsements, Excuse, Health Care Provider, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Lot, Many People, Population, Program Statistics, ready-made food, Realistic Expectations, Sounds, Truth, Weight Loss Program —
3 Quick Tips For Weight Loss
If you have ever struggled with losing weight, then you may have come to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to do so. The reality is that it doesn’t have to be all that hard. On the other hand, if you think that taking off those extra pounds is a quick and easy process that doesn’t require any effort on your part, then you are going to be let down. If you’re sincere about weight loss and you’re ready to follow a sensible eating plan, get moving and changing your attitude, you will lose weight more quickly.
Sometimes it seems as though diet and weight loss plans are a regular part of our lives; coming and going more often than we would like to admit. These are often fad diets that we latch on to in the hopes of finally finding the one that “really works”. However, it’s not a good idea to start any diet before you fully understand. The good news is that there are diet programs that have stood the test of time, and have been proven to work. Another thing that you may want to consider is that weight loss is not a one-time physical act. Instead, it’s a lifestyle change that you incorporate into your life.
Let’s be clear, there are many reasons why people don’t stick to weight loss programs, but lack of motivation usually isn’t one of them. What’s needed are some basic ways of increasing the odds of success. Here are some things you can do to put the odds in your favor.
1. Maintain your focus – A lot has been said about willpower and its lack of effectiveness. The problem with willpower is that it sets up the wrong mindset. When you think about it, you only need willpower when you are feeling deprived. Once you start thinking about things you can’t have, or how hard it all is, you are setting yourself up for failure. You need something better, and that’s where focus comes in. It’s the opposite of willpower. Focus on why you want to lose weight, what your ultimate goal is, and how you will feel once you reach your target weight. When you’re focused, you are thinking about the positive aspects of your weight loss plan, and that’s a good thing.
2. Get moving – Some people like to call this exercise, but at the same time, that word has negative connotations for a lot of people. Regardless of what you call it, you need to get moving if you want to increase your chances of success. The key is to participate in activities that you enjoy. This could be going for a walk, bowling, dancing, gardening, or playing frisbee. Just remember that any extra activity equals extra calories burned.
3. Effort – Yes, weight loss takes effort. There is no way around it. Fortunately, the more effort you put in, the more weight you will lose.
Tags: Attitude, Calories, Conclusion, Diet Plans, Diet Programs, Eating Habits, Fad Diets, Failure, Healthy Diet, Lack Of Motivation, Lifestyle Change, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Mindset, Odds, Physical Act, Target Weight, Test Of Time, Thinking About Things, Weight Loss Plans, Weight Loss Programs, Willpower —