Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a

Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a healthier Body

Doctors always recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. It is believed that water can actually heal a lot of diseases. In fact, water therapy has been known to help in the cure and prevention of common colds, dry cough, problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. Water also helps the body get rid of toxins which will result in more energy and lighter skin. Dieticians also say that water help to loss weight.

Dieticians recommend regular intake of water to clients who are on weight loss diets. Water help to loss weight by regulating appetite and increasing body metabolism. Studies show that feeling hunger and feeling thirst go together. Therefore, drinking water can help people lose weight by substituting food with water. This can suppress hunger and prevent overeating.

Many people find it hard to stick to a water therapy during diet because they do not realize how water help to loss weight. Studies show people who started drinking more water than they used to have lost about 4 pounds in a week. This is because the body is hydrated more and does not need to store water in the system.

Most of the extra weight and inches in the body are due to water stored. When a person does not drink enough water, the brain commands the body to absorb the available water and stock up. That is why people who are not fond of drinking water look bloated. The water is stored around their belly, thighs, arm, everywhere! These water fats look hideous but can be rid of by increasing water intake regularly. As you drink more water regularly, the stored water in your body is released. Since your body is hydrated more, your brain tells your body that there is no use for stocking water up. Eventually, all those weight from your water storage goes away and you will feel lighter and healthier.

Several studies also show that water can actually increase metabolism by 30% which means that when a person drinks more water, more calories are burn. One explanation noted in some of the studies on water help to loss weight says that every time you drink water, your body will try to heat thus using energy and burning more calories. Some water weight loss programs even recommend drinking cold water as the body uses more energy to heat this.

The recommended amount of water intake a day is an average of six to eight of 8 ounces of water. If you are on a water help to loss weight program, it is advisable to drink 2 glasses more for every 50 pounds extra from your recommended weight for your height.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of water in the help of weight loss. Very few believe that losing weight can be that easy. However, a lot of medical research has been done and published to prove that water help to loss weight. The will to stick to drinking more water consistently is the key to a healthier and sexier body.

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How Gastric Bypass Works

Gastric bypass surgeries and other weight loss medical procedures being performed in the United States are increasing for the last few years. This may be in response for the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. According to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, there are about 140,000 gastric bypass being performed every year.

Those who have undergone weight loss surgeries, lose about 50 to 60% of their body weight, a year after the surgery. Along with the weight loss, they would also be losing ailments associated with obesity like high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart diseases and even cancer.

The Procedure

The most common gastric bypass performed is called the Roux-en Y gastric bypass. In this procedure, a small pouch is created on the top of the stomach. It is stapled, to seal it off from the rest of the stomach. This small pouch will no longer digest any food. The upper part of the small intestine, the duodenum, is attached to this small pouch.

When eating, the food would bypass the small pouch in the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. The food would go directly to the middle section of the intestine called the jejunum. Since it is the small intestine that does the absorption of minerals, vitamins and calories, the body will absorb limited calories only. A Y formation is formed just below the stomach.

Incisions are made in the abdomen to perform the procedure. Surgeons will be using the laparoscope or a small, tubular instrument with a camera. This will enable the surgeon to see the abdomen and perform the surgery. The laparoscopic gastric bypass actually makes the stay in the hospital and the recovery period shorter and quicker.

There are still open gastric bypass performed, however, there could be wound-related problems with this kind of procedure. The laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure lasts for about four hours. Patients who have undergone the procedure stay in the hospital for about two to six days to be monitored for any complications.

After the Surgery

Having a smaller stomach has effects on how much food the patient can eat. There are special diets that a patient recovering from gastric bypass surgery follows. Every food that the patient would eat will be important for his nutrition. There are times that they are also recommended nutritional supplements to avoid deficiencies like anemia or vitamin deficiency.

There are patients reporting weight loss of as much as 50 to 60 percent a year after the surgery. There are even some who would report an astounding 80% weight loss. However, it is still possible for patients to stretch their stomachs and have that large size again. There is still a possibility of getting back those lost pounds. That is why doctors would recommend dietary restrictions and exercise plant that would keep the pounds away.

There are also tendencies that gastric bypass patients would develop gallstones, stomach ulcers, hernia or nutritional deficiencies. The part of the stomach which was bypassed can get enlarged, it could cause bloating and hiccups. There is also the Dumping syndrome which happens when the food moves quickly to the small intestine. This can happen after eating foods high in sugar or fat.

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Hoodia Gordonii and a Healthy Diet

Hoodia Gordonii and a Healthy Diet

What does Hoodia Gordonii and a healthy diet have to do with one another you ask?

The fact is that your only true advantage in achieving a happier, ill-free, and definitely longer life is your knowledge and conviction in the payback of a healthy diet. Not only will eating healthier make you more active and stronger, it also strengthens you immune system and prevents the possibilities of the occurrence of life-threatening ailments like cancers and heart diseases.

For a healthy individual, a good diet can maintain the proper functioning of his or her body. Maintenance of every healthy single tissue and organ is necessary in order to achieve a healthy style of living.

A balanced diet means that the four food groups – vegetables and fruits, grains, meat, and dairy products – must be consumed according to how much your body needs it….BUT NOT MORE THEN IT NEEDS!

The fact is North America is full of fat people, everyday we hear of people dying of various conditions and diseases… and most of these can be traced back to overeating (eating more then your body needs) and eating the wrong foods.

The problem is food is so incredibly additive.. saying no or passing on the dessert is almost impossible or so we think. For years people of been using a herbal product which is a genus in the plant family Apocynaceae, in the part of the family previously treated as a separate family Asclepiadaceae. It is a strange looking plant (related to cactus but is not one), can reach up to 1 m high and present exuberant flowers, often with flesh color and strong smell. This little (and until recently unknown) plant which is called Hoodia Gordonii is now considered the worlds most incredible diet plant for weight loss.

Hoodia is the ONLY diet pill in history to be featured on Oprah, MSNBC, CBS the Today Show, 60 Minutes, and the BBC. There are Hoodia Gordonii Guide shows you how to keep from getting ripped off, how to begin a safe and productive weight loss plan, and shows you how to find and choose the best product. Or you can go right to the source of the supplement that was featured on these shows at

What does Hoodia Gordonii do?

Hoodia Gordonii will help you to stop over eating. This Hoodia plant with an appetite-suppressing effect greater than that of any other is credited for the endurance and survival of the hardy San people of South Africa whose heritage can be traced back to rock paintings 27,000 years old has taken center stage.

Realizing that Hoodia Gordonii stops hunger and provides a state of alertness (without the jittery feeling) the Western world is consternated by the prospects. With obesity-related health problems (cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, heart disease…) on the rise and health costs soaring the entire world is focusing on Hoodia and the promise it holds.
About the Author

Discover Hoodia Gordonii, an Amazing Herbal Appetite Suppressant that Kills Your Appetite, Ups Your Mood and Gives You Waves Upon Waves of Energy — with NO Side Effects!

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Advice for Healthy Living in 2006

Advice for Healthy Living in 2006
Anna Fleet

With the New Year now upon us, it’s important to give pause and
consider making some positive changes regarding the state of
your health. As they say, there’s no time like the present.
People the world over often make resolutions to do something to
better themselves in the coming year. In 2006, consider doing
something that will benefit your overall health. The following
suggestions may just help to ensure that you’re able to make New
Year’s resolutions for many years to come.

Get a Check-up – An excellent place to start when
considering lifestyle changes is with an honest assessment of
your health. At this stage, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with
your physician. Why not make an appointment for your annual
physical exam? This way, you can begin the year with an accurate
assessment of your physical state. Your doctor will be able to
focus your attention on areas that are of immediate health
concern. This is especially important if you’re a smoker, if
you’re overweight, or if you have any significant health issues
that might prevent you from performing simple daily tasks.

Drink More Water – Make another profound difference to
your health by consuming more water. Many people make the
mistake of assuming that they’ve received enough water from the
various pop, coffee and other beverages they’ve consumed in a
day. This is not entirely accurate. Ideally, one should consume
upwards of eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water helps
the body metabolize stored fats. It can also help your body
cleanse itself of free radicals, which have been linked to
cancer and other such ailments.

Get Moving – Exercise is yet another effective way to
maintain optimal health. That’s not to say that one has to
become entirely committed to working out each and every day, but
it’s in every individual’s best interest to perform some form of
activity 3 times per week. Physical exercise can be performed in
a wide variety of ways to keep it fun and interesting. For
instance, the simple act of walking is a highly effective form
of exercise. It’s one that can be completed without supervision,
without props, and without any previous experience working out.
Joining a gym has a number of direct benefits as well. Not only
will you have access to some excellent equipment, but you will
also benefit greatly from the fitness knowledge that most
personal trainers possess.

Pay Attention to Nutrition – Diet also plays a
significant role is one’s overall health. Everyone should be
familiar with the dietary guidelines established by the leading
health agencies and authorities. The “food pyramid” is by far
the most popular set of published nutritional guidelines. The
food pyramid advises people to include all of the major food
groups – grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat (or protein)
– in their diets. Keep in mind that the food pyramid is merely a
nutritional guideline. The dietary needs of each individual will
vary drastically, and what’s ideal for one person isn’t
necessarily ideal for the next.

By following these few simple suggestions, you can take control
of your health and your life in 2006. Good luck!

About the author:

Anna Fleet is a certified personal trainer. When she is not
working out or helping others achieve optimal health, she is the
face and voice behind – an excellent
online resource for information about Fitness Gear
, Aerobics
, and Workout Routines.

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