The Importance of Healthy Dog Treats
The Importance of Healthy Dog Treats
John Schwartz
It wasnt so many years ago when dog treats consisted more or less solely of milk bones, fatty biscuits, and table scraps. Not many options, and virtually none that were healthy. Well, times have definitely changed! Nowadays, savvy pet owners choose dog treats that include greenies, healthy biscuits, and gourmet bones.
Not only are there more options for now, the quality has improved significantly in recent years as well. And with the Internet boom, finding the best biscuits and bones for your puppy is as easy and tapping a few keystrokes.
Its important to note that many pet owners are now advocates of healthier dog treats for monetary reasons as well. They realize that, while they tend to cost more, healthy treats and food actually save money in the long run. A healthier diet over a lifetime results in less disease and illness in senior dogs, which means a smaller vet bill.
Its never too early to start feeding healthy dog treats. Puppy training often includes using a treat to reward good behavior. In one session alone, you might give your little trainee 6-10 rewards, maybe even more. Make them healthy biscuits, cookies, or bones, and youll be giving your pet a nutritious foundation for a better life.
Experiment with several different kinds of dog treats and youll quickly learn which are your puppys favorites. Unlike humans when we diet, dogs seem to enjoy the healthier biscuits and bones every bit as much as the bad ones. If only we were so lucky!
About the Author
John Schwartz is the owner and webmaster of http://puppies-dogs-supplies.com. He lives in East Texas with his wife, Shannon, who is the director of a dog rescue ‘no kill’ shelter.
Tags: Advocates, Author, Author John, director of a dog rescue, Dogs, East Texas, food;, Foundation For A Better Life, Good Behavior, Healthy Biscuits, illness, Internet Boom, John Schwartz, Keystrokes, less disease, Life Experiment, Milk Bones, Monetary Reasons, Pet Owners, Puppies, Puppy Training, Rewards, Several Different Kinds, Shannon, Vet Bill, webmaster, Wife Shannon —

Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle
Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle
John Gibb
Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle can be a large step in maintaining your body’s physical performance and your mind’s well-being. Proper nutrition is often neglected in this day and age, with most people opting for fast food’s convenience and low price. However, there are plenty of foods you can eat that are simple to prepare and low in cost that can help give your body the materials it needs to be in its best working condition.
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is a must. They provide the body with nutrients it cannot receive elsewhere, and often feature anti-oxidants, a type of compound which helps the body to fight off free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that attack the cell membranes in your body, resulting in serious damage. Anti oxidants can be found in such foods as wild blueberries and tomatoes.
Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle can also be maintained through regular use of supplements. There are many once-a-day pills out there that help you reach your daily required value of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly.
Nutrition for a healthy lifestyle also requires you to eat a certain amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins give the body a means for creating new tissues, and for helping to repair old tissues. Without a high protein intake, your body will begin to break down.
Carbohydrates, on the other hand, play as the energy source for the body. Without enough carbohydrates, you will begin to feel sluggish and lazy. Too much, however, can also be a problem.
Your best bet is to visit a nutritionist, find a diet that is right for you, and take a supplement to give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs. Look for a supplement that contains all the vitamins you need and a level of calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and a lack of it may result in osteoporosis.
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-suplement-guides.com
The site dedicated to nutrition.
Tags: Abundant Mineral, Anti Oxidants, Atkins, Author, Author John, Best Bet, Cell Membranes, Eating Habits, Energy Source, food;, Free Radicals, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, High Protein, Nutritionist, osteoporosis;, Physical Performance, Proper Nutrition, Protein Intake, Proteins, Suplement, Vitamins And Minerals, Wild Blueberries —

Healthy nutrition for children
Healthy nutrition for children
John Gibb
When growing up, it’s important to have healthy nutrition for children. Since their bodies are in a state of constant growth, a lack of vitamins and minerals can result in poor growth processes and problems later in life. It is important for your child to eat a variety of healthy foods, balance the food they eat with regular physical activity, and choose a diet with the right nutrients.
For instance, a child’s growing body requires high levels of calcium and iron, sometimes even more than adults. Iron is crucial to a child’s development since it is used in developing strong muscles and producing blood, while calcium helps bones and teeth grow strong. These substances can be found in various foods, but it can be more helpful to get your children a supplement to help aid these needs.
Children of schooling age require around 1600 to 2400 calories per day, depending on their age and activity level. Once the growth spurt occurs, girls tend to require an additional 200 calories per day and boys need an extra 500 calories. No more than 30% of your child’s diet should come from fats. To maintain healthy nutrition for children, this can help to prevent obesity and other health problems. It is also important for your child to get a daily variety of vegetables. Requiring two to four servings of vegetables per day, children can meet these guidelines by eating such vegetables as salad greens and legumes. These vegetables contain nutrients key to a child’s development.
Children should also have 2-4 servings of fruit per day, and 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. 2 to 3 servings of meat, beans, or nuts per day are also key to help a child develop properly. Following these steps, healthy nutrition for children can be a breeze. Just be sure to get all their daily requirements covered and your child will thank you later.
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com
The site deidciated to nutrition
Tags: Author, Author John, Calcium, Calories, Calories Per Day, Cereal, Daily Variety, Extra 500, Fats, food;, Fruits And Vegetables, Growth Processes, Growth Spurt, Health Problems, Healthy Diet, Healthy Foods, Muscles, Nutrients, Nutritional Supplement, obesity;, Regular Physical Activity, Salad Greens, Supplement Guides, Vegetables, Vitamins And Minerals —

Why have healthy nutrition?
Why have healthy nutrition?
John Gibb
While many people know that there are benefits to having a good nutritional plan, few regard it as being very important. Many people wonder, why have healthy nutrition?
In a world where fast food is quicker, simpler, and sometimes better tasting, its easy to get tempted by what the corporations have to offer us. Gone are the days of eating every meal at home. Regarding this, we need to keep a more watchful eye over our nutrition intake to make sure our body can be in the best working order.
Why have healthy nutrition? The benefits are many. The human body needs various nutrients and minerals to keep it functioning in tip-top shape, and the only way this can be accomplished is by maintaining a healthy diet including vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary to the body for many different reasons; they are crucial for obtaining energy, helping your body grow, and repairing worn out tissues. If your diet lacks certain necessary vitamins, your health may suffer. Therefore, the primary benefits of healthy nutrition are mainly that it keeps your health up.
A sound nutritional schedule is recommended by doctors when a patient is inflicted with any of a number of diseases. Keeping your nutrition up when afflicted with such diseases as cancer or aids can be key to your survival. These are just a few of the benefits of a healthy nutrition. In addition, keeping fit by exercising while maintaining a healthy nutritional plan can result in higher levels of energy, higher self esteem and a generally better feeling of well-being.
As you can see, there are many answers to the question “Why have healthy nutrition”, and all of them point to a better way of life. While the temptations of fast foods and junk can be great, some simple will-power and restraint can help you achieve levels of health you didn’t even know were possible.
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-suplement-guides.com
The site dedicated to nutrition.
Tags: Author, Author John, cancer;, Corporations, Diseases, energy;, Fast Food, food;, Healthy Diet, Higher Self, Human Body, Keeping Fit, Many Different Reasons, Necessary Vitamins, Nutrients, Power And Restraint, Self Esteem, such diseases, Suplement, Temptations, Tip Top, Tissues, Vitamins And Minerals, Watchful Eye, Way Of Life —