Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

I have to be honest, I had never heard of Wu Yi tea, much less a Wu Yi diet. Perhaps you have already heard of it, but if you haven’t then all you need to know to get up to speed is that Wu Yi is a blend of black and green tea. This blend is quite tasty and gives you the positive effects of the green tea with the familiarity of black tea (there are also some people who favorably compare the taste to coffee). When you drink Wu Yi, you don’t have to worry about the added sugar and fat found in other beverages like frappuccino, double mocha or hot chocolate; all of which add extra calories.

Wu Yi tea has actually been quite popular for a number of years, with many people swearing by the way a Wu Yi diet has taken off their extra pounds. Of course, there are also those who say that tea is over-rated and that anybody who tries to sell it as a weight loss elixir must be scamming people. Now, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and I’m not here to convince the naysayers. However, it is unfortunate that all of this conflicting information has only served to confuse the very people who could benefit the most from a Wu Yi diet.

The best way to clear up any confusion is to start with some basic information. Wu Yi tea is loaded with polyphenols which are compounds that aid in losing weight. It works by speeding up metabolism and that means more calories are burned. This is one of the main reasons why Wu Yi is so effective for weight loss. Additionally, the diet doesn’t require you to pop pills or starve yourself.

As with any other diet, there are pros and cons. Here are some you should be aware of:


– It’s easy. Simply eat sensibly and drink a few cups of Wu Yi tea each day.
– You get all of the health benefits of both green and black tea.
– Low cost. There is no need to get a prescription for medication, no need for costly surgical procedures, and you don’t have to buy expensive nutritional supplements.
– Health benefits. Green tea has an astounding array of health benefits, including lowering the risk of cancer, cleansing the liver, and aiding digestion (to name only a few).
– Good alternative for coffee drinkers that want to reduce how much caffeine they take in, but still want a bit of a boost.
– Free of fat, carbohydrates and calories.


– It still contains some caffeine, so those who are overly sensitive to it may not be able to try the Wu Yi diet.
– Even though some evidence suggests it may help reduce blood pressure, anybody with hypertension or heart concerns should talk to their doctor to make sure they can drink Wu Yi tea. In fact, it’s always a good idea for anybody to check with their doctor before starting a new diet, even if it’s as safe and effective as the Wu Yi diet.

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Healthy nutrition for children

Healthy nutrition for children
John Gibb

When growing up, it’s important to have healthy nutrition for children. Since their bodies are in a state of constant growth, a lack of vitamins and minerals can result in poor growth processes and problems later in life. It is important for your child to eat a variety of healthy foods, balance the food they eat with regular physical activity, and choose a diet with the right nutrients.

For instance, a child’s growing body requires high levels of calcium and iron, sometimes even more than adults. Iron is crucial to a child’s development since it is used in developing strong muscles and producing blood, while calcium helps bones and teeth grow strong. These substances can be found in various foods, but it can be more helpful to get your children a supplement to help aid these needs.

Children of schooling age require around 1600 to 2400 calories per day, depending on their age and activity level. Once the growth spurt occurs, girls tend to require an additional 200 calories per day and boys need an extra 500 calories. No more than 30% of your child’s diet should come from fats. To maintain healthy nutrition for children, this can help to prevent obesity and other health problems. It is also important for your child to get a daily variety of vegetables. Requiring two to four servings of vegetables per day, children can meet these guidelines by eating such vegetables as salad greens and legumes. These vegetables contain nutrients key to a child’s development.

Children should also have 2-4 servings of fruit per day, and 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. 2 to 3 servings of meat, beans, or nuts per day are also key to help a child develop properly. Following these steps, healthy nutrition for children can be a breeze. Just be sure to get all their daily requirements covered and your child will thank you later.

About the Author

John Gibb manages

The site deidciated to nutrition

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