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Childhood Obesity & Parents’ Healthy Food Confusion

Childhood Obesity & Parents’ Healthy Food Confusion
Cheryl Haining

Many parents struggle to know which foods are healthy for their children. When they are able to opt for healthy choices, about two-thirds struggle to get their children to eat healthily, a poll of nearly 800 parents found. Developing Patient Partnerships (DPP), which commissioned the survey, said that parents need more support to tackle the growing problem of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled in the past 20 years, official figures show.
Recent studies suggest that parents do not know what good nutrition is. Perhaps advertising of fast foods, and busy life styles has contributed to this. Nutritional meals can be prepared quickly and simply at home.

Of the parents of children aged 15 years and younger questioned by the DPP, 45% said they found it difficult to work out which foods were healthy for their children. When parents did select healthy foods, 65% said they struggled to motivate their children to eat it. Three-quarters of parents blamed advertising and marketing of unhealthy snacks and drinks for making this job so difficult. Another 87% believed that schools should play a big role in teaching children how to be healthy.

When more than a thousand children aged seven to 16 were questioned about their lifestyles, 70% said they would be more likely to eat healthily and get active if their parents were doing it. Only 16% said they ate the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. This suggests that parents are not making healthy food choices themselves. There are strong links between obesity and ill health. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare lists the following increased risks of cancers in obese people:-
Cancer% Increase RiskCancer%increase Risk

Statistics such as these are a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining a healthy weight level. Children must be given every opportunity to have a healthy body. In order to get their family on track to a healthy lifestyle parents need to learn how to feed themselves and their family good nutrition.
A simple way to improve nutrition is to add raw fruit and vegetables to family diets. These are foods that have no preservatives or added color. They provide plenty of vitamins, mineral, antioxidants, fiber, water and trace elements. (All necessary for good nutrition.) They look appetizing and have high water content. They have a firm texture which means we need to chew them well. This aids the digestive system. The body quickly and easily processes them. This means less work for the digestive system.
They are natural, that is, not processed and pre-packaged with extra chemicals. They are pure energy – living foods. Look for different colored vegetables and fruits when you shop. Experiment with ones you have never tasted. Visit a market for more variety and fresher foods. Eat at least one from each group every day.

Red/Purple Group includes tomatoes, watermelon, berries, cherries, and grapes
Orange/Yellow includes carrots, sweet potato, squash, mangoes, cantaloupe, apricots, oranges, mandarins pineapples and many stone fruits
Yellow/green among this group are avocado, spinach, beans, peppers, corn, beans, broccoli, green leafy vegetables,
White/green some in this group asparagus, celery, garlic, leeks, mushrooms, pears
For more information read, “What Color is Your Food” by Dr D Heber.

Experiment with adding these to your daily diet. Of course a balanced diet must also include daily servings of dairy, whole grains and protein. Start with the simple idea of adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to the family’s daily food intake. This simple step will have fantastic and long lasting impact on your health.

About the Author

Cheryl Haining is a skin care, body shape and nutrition coach. She has her own successful business. Her mission statement is to ensure everyone reaches his or her optimum body shape, size and condition. Contact Cheryl at To learn how to create an income stream from home visit

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3 Steps you have to take to clear your

3 Steps you have to take to clear your acne and to get healthy, radiant skin
Seppo Puusa

And the best thing is that it’s practically free and you can get
significant results in just few days.

The key thing to understand is that acne is not a disease or
illness itself, but merely a reflection of the condition your
body is in. It’s a signal that something is wrong with your
body. Thus to cure your acne you have to address its cause.

Detailed explanation of the cause of acne is beyond the scope of
this article. But in a nutshell your body is out of balance.
Improper diet, pollution, chemicals in food, pharmaceutical
drugs, etc have exposed your body to more toxins that it can

Step 1 – detoxify

The first step to correct the situation is to help your body to
get rid of the toxins that are causing your acne in the first

The good thing is that your body does this automatically – once
you step out of the way. As a double-whammy benefit your body
will also clear your acne.

For your body to do its job you have to give it sufficient rest
and eliminate all harmful substances from your diet for a period
of 3 to 7 days. The most effective ways to do this are fasting
or so-called detox-diets.

Step 2 – topical treatment

While detoxing, you can help your body with topical treatments.
Your skin is one of the main organs for eliminating toxins from
your body. Different topical treatments help to keep the pores
in your skin open and toxins to leave your body faster. Topical
treatments can also kill the bacteria on your skin that lead to

Try to avoid chemicals that dry your skin and just block the
pores even further. Instead, try herbal steam baths or skin
brushing. Both are excellent ways to help your skin to expel
toxins. Sauna can also help you.

To kill the bacteria try some herbal lotions from your health
shop. Topical treatments are only complimentary to detoxing. So
don’t go overboard here.

Step 3 – towards healthier lifestyle

The last thing you should do is to gradually change your
lifestyle towards a healthier one. Detoxing and topical
treatments will clear your acne.

The purpose of this last step is to keep acne from coming back.
You should gradually work to eliminate unhealthy substances from
your life. Some examples of things you should avoid are: animal
flesh, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and sugar.

It’s important to remember that it takes time to change your
lifestyle. So go easy on this one and work to eliminate one
substance at a time.

About the author:

Seppo Puusa publishes Natural Acne website. After
10 years of suffering from acne and having all the conventional
treatments fail him, he discover how to cure acne quickly,
effectively and practically free with natural means.

To discover how to have acne-free, healthy and radiant skin
practically for free in just few short days visit Natural-Acne-Solution.

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Taking Advantage Of Cider Vinegar Weight Loss

With all the diet pills, extreme dieting techniques and exercise programs, you might miss an age-old technique: cider vinegar weight loss. Thats right, you dont need to pump your body full of chemicals or go on some crazy crash diet. The answer youre looking for might already be in your kitchen cupboard! It might sound crazy, but cider vinegar has been used as a weight loss treatment for ages.

So how can apple cider vinegar help with your weight loss? The truth is, no one quite knows. Scientific tests havent been able to prove anything for sure about cider vinegar in regards to weight loss. The reason to try cider vinegar is mainly the stories of people whove already used it, and already lost weight thanks to it.

There are a few ideas as to why cider vinegar aids in weight loss. Some people believe that it increases a persons natural metabolism, which makes out body digest and change food into energy faster. Other people have stated that cider vinegar actively burns the calories in your body to help you lose weight. Some reports say that cider vinegar helps cleanse the liver, which is an organ that can have a big effect on weight loss.

One recent experiment showed that eating cider vinegar with or right before a meal can help you feel more full, and thus prevent overeating. The test was a very small one, but the results looked really good. Cider vinegar weight loss still needs to be tested more with people before we can be sure just how much it helps. Theres evidence that ancient Egyptians used cider vinegar for weight loss, so it must be doing something right!

There are a couple of different ways to use cider vinegar in your weight loss program. The easiest way is just to add a little bit of cider vinegar to a glass of water or juice, and drink it with a meal. Another option is to buy tablets or capsules that contain cider vinegar in them. Some of these tablets contain other things, like vitamin B6 and something called lecithin, which may have more effect than cider vinegar alone.

Aside from weight loss benefits, cider vinegar is very healthy for you. It is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, and can help with a number of medical problems and improve your general health. For instance, cider vinegar contains potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. It also has fiber, which can absorb the cholesterol that causes heart problems. Those are just a few things it helps with cider vinegar can also help with digestion, sore throats, arthritis pain and even diabetes.

Despite all the bonuses of using cider vinegar weight loss, it has some risks as well. The biggest thing to watch out for is that cider vinegar is very acidic, which means it can burn and damage your teeth, mouth or throat. Its important to dilute cider vinegar in water or juice before drinking it. Be sure to contact your doctor before trying cider vinegar if you have any serious medical conditions.

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Vegetarianism and the pH miracle diet

The pH miracle diet is a program for restoring balance in the body by eating alkaline foods. The bodys cells are slightly alkaline and by eating alkalizing foods you can support your bodys natural function. In addition to eating alkalizing foods, Dr. Robert Young, the creator of the diet, also recommends avoiding acidifying foods like meat, wheat and dairy. Those that want better health, according to Dr. Young, should become vegetarians.

The standard American diet certainly isnt alkalizing and definitely isnt vegetarian. Animal protein is a mainstay of most peoples diets. However, the necessity for animal protein is a not.

There is a prevailing belief in out society that consuming a lot of protein encourages health and especially physical fitness. Men especially are expected to eat massive quantities of meat in order to have strength and vitality. This myth has prevailed as far back in history as many can remember. In the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists began to believe that consuming meat equaled physical strength, especially in the world of sports. This specific belief, the link between sports and protein, has been one of the driving forces behind meat consumption in the last 100 years.

In actuality, the bodys need for protein is actually a lot less than many people think. There are plenty of sources for vegetarian protein that are alkalizing, and acceptable on the ph Miracle diet.

But why does the program specifically forbid animal protein? Animal protein, like meats, eggs and dairy products all have acidifying effects on the body. These effects become even more prevalent when you consume non-organic meats. Consuming conventionally processed meats can expose you to hormones, drugs and other chemicals that have been given to the animals before they were killed. There are no conclusive studies about the safety of hormones, but there are perceived risks. Animals are routinely given antibiotics as well, which will increase your consumption of antibiotics and will reduce helpful bacteria in your body. The reduction of these helpful bacteria will allow more metabolic acid to accumulate in your system, and create disastrous health effects.

The elements in meat that are good for you (protein, vitamins and minerals) can be obtained from vegetarian sources without all of the dangers. Just one cup of tofu, an alkalizing protein source, has 20 grams of protein. The average man or women needs less than 40 grams per day. Protein needs can easily be met without eating acidifying meat.

Making the switch to vegetarianism is more of mental struggle than a physical one. The body runs much more efficiently without the acidifying presence of animal protein. Eating meat is a habit and the benefits of eating it are a culturally propagated myth. There is no physical need for meat. The most difficult part of eliminating it from your diet will be opening your eyes to the wide variety of new foods that can replace meat.

When you follow the pH miracle diet, youll notice that Dr. Young recommends a balance of 70% alkaline foods and 30% acid foods. This means that there is some leeway for eating foods on the acidic list. Although it may be tempting to eat animal protein as part of this 30%, your body will be in better balance if you choose something that is just slightly acidic, like eggs, oats or pasta, instead of highly acidic meats.

Becoming a vegetarian on the pH miracle diet is certainly your choice. But you owe it to your health to start reducing the amount of animal protein in your diet.

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