Food Calorie Counters
Food calorie counters can be thought of as a vital tool in the battle against obesity. Anybody who has ever tried to lose weight knows just how hard it can be, and anything you can use to help you shed some extra pounds is worth using.
To make things worse, it often seems as though you are being encouraged to keep your weight on forever. Food manufacturers are always looking to generate profits, but the way they do it is by selling junk food. Restaurants are serving larger portions, and often seem to be competing against one another for the title of “Unhealthiest Meal”. It used to be that a regular double cheeseburger was bad enough, but now you can get triple cheeseburgers (with each patty being a quarter-pound) loaded with bacon, chili, fried onion rings (yes, they put them on the burger) and three kinds of cheese for good measure!
No wonder it’s hard to lose weight. But food calorie counters give you a way of knowing what’s really going into your body. Sure, you may not kid yourself that eating a heart attack burger is healthy, but what about knowing the difference between a chicken breast and a grilled chicken sanwich? That could really make a difference over time.
The other great thing about food calories counters is that the actually help you to enjoy a wider variety of foods. Instead of following some strict diet plan, you can simply choose the foods that are better for you. This allows you to eat more, within reason, so you don’t ever have to feel hungry. This doesn’t mean you can eat all the junk food you want, but it does mean that you will be better informed so you can make better food choices.
No matter what the latest fad diets claim, the only way to lose weight is by storing fewer calories than you burn. In fact, every successful diet takes advantage of this fact; though they often try to disguise the facts under some sort of a gimmick. A good calorie counter puts the power back in your hands and gives you an instant assessment of the food you’re eating.
Some people want to know which food calorie counters are best; books or computer software? The answer is that neither one is automatically better than the other. It all comes down to this: you need to have a calorie counter with you whenever you eat. Therefore, it makes sense to have a book that you can carry with you, and a calorie counter for your computer for when you are at home. That way you will have all of your bases covered.
If at all possible, you should check food calorie counters to make sure they list the foods you are most likely to eat. It wouldn’t do much good to get a calorie guide that doesn’t list the right foods. That being said, there are a lot of counters that cover thousands and thousands of foods, so it should be pretty easy to find one that works well for you.
Tags: Calorie Counter, Calories, Cheeseburgers, Chicken Breast, Double Cheeseburger, Eating Habits, Fad Diets, Food Calorie Counters, Food Calories, food choices;, Food Manufacturers, Food Restaurants, Fried Onion Rings, Gimmick, Grilled Chicken, Healthy Diet, Junk food;, Kinds Of Cheese, Latest Fad, Losing Weight, Quarter Pound, Sanwich, Strict Diet Plan, Vital Tool —

Simple Tips For Dieting When You Dine Out
More and more people are eating out than ever before. That wouldn’t be a problem, except for a few things. You have no way of knowing exactly what goes into each dish you’re ordering, and restaurants are noted for using lots of salt and fat to make their food taste better. A more recent problem is restaurants have been steadily increasing their portion sizes, and that means even more calories. While home-cooked fare can be more healthy, nobody is saying you should never eat out. Instead, it’s better to know how to keep from packing on the pounds when dining out.
Did you know restaurants will add butter or oil to some entrees just to make them look better? A pat of butter is often applied to meat when it’s done to give it a shiny finish. Grilled entrees may be brushed with oil before cooking to keep them from sticking, and again after cooking for that shiny look. That means you could be eating extra calories without even knowing about it. And if they use saturated fats (such as butter), then it can have a negative impact on your health as well. It’s also a common practice to add butter to steamed vegetables, largely for the same reasons.
Rubs and marinades often contain sugar, salt or oil in some combination. Those on low carbohydrate diets may be surprised to find out that their marinated chicken breast is hiding a tablespoon of sugar. Salt isn’t good for those with high blood pressure. Oils are the most calorie-dense and can add to your daily intake quickly. Vinegar marinades will usually be your best bet.
If you’re on a diet, then try to avoid cream sauces. These are usually made with heavy cream and loaded with extra calories. Even sauces that contain flour will usually have a lot of added fat, with the typical ratio being one tablespoon of fat to one tablespoon of flour for each cup of liquid. A better choice would be a vegetable based sauce, such as marinara.
Mixed drinks before dinner can be another source of extra calories. The trick is to order drinks that are mixed with plain soda water. Fruit juices add extra calories as they are mostly sugar. Of course you could always skip the pre-dinner cocktail and eliminate those calories completely. Water, coffee and tea are all calorie-free alternatives.
As mentioned earlier, portion sizes in restaurants are getting bigger. In fact they can be three to four times as much as the recommended serving sizes. For example, a serving of meat is only three ounces. But if you order a fifteen ounce steak, then you are having five times as much as you should. You can always see if somebody else at the table would like to share it with you. You may still have more than a serving, but you will be keeping it under control to some extent.
The main thing to remember is that eating out doesn’t have to mean gaining weight. As long as you know a few tips for losing weight when dining out, you can have a good time without feeling guilty about it.
Tags: Atkins, Best Bet, Calories, Chicken Breast, Cream Sauces, Eating Habits, Flour, Food Taste, Fruits And Vegetables, Grilled Entrees, Healthy Diet, Heavy Cream, high blood pressure;, Losing Weight, Low Carbohydrate Diets, Marinades, Mixed Drinks, Negative Impact, Portion Sizes, Rubs, Saturated Fats, Steamed Vegetables, Sugar Salt, Tablespoon, Vinegar —

The Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat
The quickest way to lose belly fat, thats the million dollar question. If you are looking for a solution in a weeks time then you are kidding yourself. Thats your first step, realizing what quick really means.
However, there are ways to lose that belly fat its just not going to happen overnight. The safest and quickest way to lose belly fat is to diet and exercise. Notice I said safest as well as quickest.
Now, you have to make your mind up that you are going to do this and nobody is going to stand in your way, thats called getting your mind right. Once you have done this you will have taken your 2nd step.
Before you jump into something you really need to make sure that any type of program is going to work for you. You want something that will keep your interest and will be fun for you.
However, this may take a couple of tries to find the right programs, you may find a good diet plan, however your exercise program just isnt working or your exercise program works; but the diet just isnt doing it. The right combination is very important.
Now a few examples of a diet that would work lean protein and low carbs. The lean protein examples good be chicken breast, turkey breast, and egg white. A few examples of low carb meals would be grilled chicken and a salad.
The exercise program is just as important as the diet program. A few good examples would be a high cardio workout. This would include jogging, speed walking, or really just anything that will get your heart rate up and your metabolism in overdrive.
There is one more thing which would make things go by quicker and seem a little simpler. You should get people around you that have the same weight loss goal as you. This way you can lean on one another when one is weak or you can just feed off each others positive energy to motivate each other that much more.
Finally you have your diet plan in front of you; you now have chosen the workout regimen that best suit you and you even have people around you that want the same thing you do.
All you have to do is put it all in place and get ready to rock and roll because in no time you will have want you want.
Tags: Best Suit, Cardio Workout, Chicken Breast, Diet And Exercise, Diet Exercise, Diet Plan, Diet Program, Dollar Question, Egg White, Exercise Program, Grilled Chicken, Healthy Diet, Heart Rate, Lean Protein, Losing Weight, Low Carb Meals, others positive energy, Positive Energy, Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat, Right Combination, Turkey Breast, Turkey;, USD;, Weight Loss Goal, Workout Regimen —

Losing Stomach Fat – Winning Your Battle
This is a battle that millions of people around the world go though. The battle is losing stomach fat. With all the temptation that is out there with fast food and it being so easy just to give into it, its really hard to lose it.
There are some people think that there is a conspiracy theory out there that government puts this stuff out to make it tougher for us to not spend our money. Now personally I dont know about that however but thats for another time and place.
Losing stomach fat isnt easy, we know that. However it can be done if you have a few things in place, and it can be done quicker than you can ever imagine. However those things in place have to be firm and you have to stick with it.
Pick out a good diet plan, there a plenty of them out there however choosing the right one is tricky. Remember not everyone is the same, so that means what might work for your best friend, may not work for you.
A couple of the diets that would work would be a low carb diet and lean protein diet. Low carb food would be grilled chicken and a salad. Really anything grilled would work just make sure it has nothing on it. Lean protein would be turkey breast, chicken breast, egg white.
Now you have the diet in place; now its time to pick out a good workout routine. This can be as tricky as finding a good diet. The reason is you have to find a routine that works for you, you do not want to get into something and then three weeks later get bored of it.
This type of thing happens all the time; people get burned out because they lose interest and frankly just arent having any fun. Having fun is really a big key part of your success so make sure you pick something you are going to enjoy doing.
The types of exercises that are out there a dime a dozen, and like I mentioned before, its just picking the right one. For instance, jogging is a great way to lose that bulge, and if jogging is a little rough on your joints and bones then a brisk walk is just as good. Its all about getting your heart rate and metabolic rate going through the roof.
Once last thing that will help you get rid of that stomach is finding people that want the same thing you do. Not only will it be fun to have those people around, you can lean on each other when things are tough and you all can help each other make it through.
There you have it, the plan is out there, all you have to do is go get it.
Tags: Atkins, Brisk Walk, Bulge, Chicken Breast, Conspiracy Theory, Diet Plan, Dime A Dozen, Egg White, Exercises, Fast Food, food;, Grilled Chicken, Having Fun, Healthy Diet, Joints And Bones, Lean Protein Diet, Losing Stomach Fat, Low Carb Diet, Low Carb Food, Time And Place, Turkey Breast, Workout Routine —