What You Gain and Lose from Gastric Bypass Surgery
Obesity is a serious health problem across the globe. That is why a number of methods, techniques, and technologies have been developed to help curb weight problems that usually lead to life-threatening diseases such as heart ailments and diabetes. One of the most popular weight loss strategies is gastric bypass surgery, a procedure that alters the digestive system (particularly the stomach) to restrain a persons food intake.
The results of the surgery are immediatea patient may lose 50 to 60 percent of his weight within two years following the surgery. With healthy lifestyle (including proper diet and regular exercise), one can expect weight loss in the long run after the surgery. Those who are overweight will experience easier mobility and better quality of life after undergoing weight loss surgery.
But theres more to this surgery than just weight loss. Aside from slashing off some figures from the weighing scale, the surgery also helps improve certain conditions that are often linked to obesity. These health problems include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood cholesterol, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Thus, people who have gone through weight loss surgery are less likely to develop cardiovascular problems than those who have not tried the procedure. Also, the surgery can lessen a patients possibility of death due to heart ailment, diabetes, or cancer.
Now for the not-so good news. Weight loss surgery is not for the faint of hearts. As with other kinds of surgeries, weight loss surgery leads to several complications. If you will go through this procedure, you need to know the risks before you head over the clinic or hospital. Being aware of what to expect after the surgery helps a lot in your recovery process. The most common complications of the surgery include infection, bleeding, and swelling. Other complications are ulcer, low blood sugar, kidney stones, gallstones, iron deficiency anemia, and vitamin D and B-12 deficiency. After the operation, a patient may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness especially when eating foods rich in sugar and fat. These are caused by a condition called dumping syndrome in which the contents of the stomach pass through the small intestine very fast.
There are certain postoperative risks that occur in rare cases but are severe and need immediate medical attention. The following are some of the complications and tips on how to deal with them.
1. Leak in the stomach
This is found at one of the staple lines in the stomach. The leak heals over time in most cases, though it can be treated using antibiotics. But severe cases require immediate surgery.
2. Thinning of the opening between the small intestine and stomach
This condition needs either a corrective surgery or a simple outpatient procedure wherein a tube is inserted through the mouth to make the opening wider.
3. Incision hernia or weakness in the incision
This complication happens if the surgery is an open procedure that involves a large incision on the abdomen. Incision hernia needs to be repaired through surgery depending on the severity of the condition.
4. Death
For every 200 to 300 weight loss surgeries, one case results in death. Although the risk of death has been linked to gastric bypass surgery, it still depends on many factors such as age and health and medical conditions.
Tags: Antibiotics, Bypass Surgery, cancer;, Cardiovascular Problems, Curb Weight, deficiency, diabetes;, diarrhea;, Diseases, Dizziness, Dumping Syndrome, food intake;, gallstones, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery Obesity, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Healthy Lifestyle, Heart Ailment, Heart Ailments, High Blood Cholesterol, high blood pressure;, Incision, Incision Hernia, infection, Iron Deficiency, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Kidney Stones, Low Blood Sugar, Nausea, obesity;, persons food intake, Proper Diet, Sleep Apnea, Surgeries, surgery, Type 2 Diabetes, Vitamin D, vomiting, Weighing Scale, Weight Loss Strategies, Weight Loss Surgeries, Weight Loss Surgery —

Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Reproductive System
Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Reproductive System
Charlene J. Nuble
Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential to the development and proper performance of the reproductive system. Nutrition plays a vital role in the development and maturity of the reproductive system through childhood and adolescence and can even affect the endocrine system which regulates the hormones that rule the functions of the reproductive system. Nutrition can affect fertility and fetal development as well. Striving each day to consume the standard recommended daily intake levels of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs is an important part of the good health and proper functioning of the reproductive system.
The nutrients that a child consumes while growing up can greatly affect the developing reproductive system. Zinc for example is essential to the development of the reproductive organs themselves. A deficiency in zinc can result in significantly delayed sexual maturity. Zinc also serves in the regulation of male hormones and has a role in prostate functions and sperm production. Iodine helps to regulate thyroid function which in turn helps to regulate growth and body weight. Body weight has to do with the onset of puberty which will not begin until the appropriate threshold of body weight and fat has been crossed.
The endocrine glands secrete hormones and hormones are essential to the ptoper functioning of the reproductive system. Thus the wellness of the endocrine gland is a precursor to mature reproductive functioning and health. While several nutrients are directly associated with the production of hormones like manganese which serves to maintain the production of sex hormones many other vitamins and nutrients act as cofactors to a variety of complicated chemical reactions that carry out the tasks for the benefit of the reproductive system.
Proper nutrition is essential in fetal development as well. Folic acid for example can serve as a way to prevent serious birth defects by reducing the incidence of neural tube defects such as the type that causes spinal bifida. However, this defect occurs so early in fetal development that at the point at which it occurs when the woman has yet to find out that she is actually pregnant. Therefore it is best for any woman of childbearing age to be especially careful to get enough folic acid each day.
The vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex have a primary role in red blood cell production. The developing fetus gets all nourishment and oxygen via the mother’s blood stream. Therefore, making sure to keep red blood cell production up to par is important to the reproductive system, particularly during pregnancy. The nutrients received by the developing fetus will affect every aspect of his or her being.
Proper nutrition is essential to each part and every stage of the reproductive system from development to maturation to the creation and nurturing of new life. It can be difficult particularly at the rapid pace of life today to get the full amount of each and every vitamin, mineral and other nutrient that serves to support the reproductive system. However, nutritional supplements can offer a safe and reliable way to achieve your dietary needs for you to be able to meet your dietary goals, when used with care and attention to standard dosage amounts. It is important to take note that moderation is key to everything.
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About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to:
Tags: Author, Charlene J. Nuble, Chemical Reactions, Childhood And Adolescence, Cofactors, complicated chemical reactions, deficiency, Endocrine Gland, Endocrine Glands, Endocrine System, Fetal Development, folic acid, Functions Of The Reproductive System, Good Health, Iodine, Male Hormones, neural tube defects, Proper Nutrition, Proper Performance, Recommended Daily Intake, Reproductive Organs, serious birth defects, Sex Hormones, Sexual Maturity, Thyroid Function, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals —

Hair Nutrition- Diet for Healthy Hair
Hair Nutrition- Diet for Healthy Hair
Marquetta Breslin
If you do not yet feel enough motivated to have a balanced diet then temptation of healthy lustrous hair may convince you for it. Nutritional deficiencies can make the hair stringy, dull and dry.
If your hair loss results from nutritional deficiency, you can bring it under control through adequate nutritional supply. Your hair is sensitive to what you eat. A study based on the effect of crash diets has revealed that people undergoing such diet regime may experience temporary hair loss because of poor nutritional supply.
Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining good hair condition. Its deficiency often results in poor hair growth and considerable hair loss. Similarly, people who prefer to have low or no fat diets also run the risk of hair loss, as essential fatty acids are an important constituent of healthy hair. While biotin has often been marketed to help people suffering from pattern-baldness, any direct relationship between the two is yet to be established. If you feel the problem behind your hair loss is nutritional imbalance, you can consult a dietician for the right suggestion.
Tips for Healthy Hair
1. You may think that harping on a particular nutrient may work wonders on your hair, a wholesome diet is better recommended.
2. Intake of green leafy vegetables and hair friendly spices like turmeric and cumin help you get healthy and lustrous hair.
3. Various fruits in your diet suffice different nutritional needs and keep your hair in good condition.
4. Using fresh coconut paste over the hair and scalp helps to nourish it and makes your hair eye-catching. Going for natural remedies protects the hair from the effects of harsh chemicals as well.
Thus, a balanced nutritious diet and the right eating habits are the two factors that make your hair vibrant and healthy.
About the Author
My name is Marquetta Breslin and I’m a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own http://www.braidsbybreslin.com where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.
Tags: Author, Balanced Diet, Crash Diets, deficiency, Diet Regime, Dietician, Essential Fatty Acids, Good Hair, Green Leafy Vegetables, Hair Braider, Hair Condition, Hair Nutrition, Harsh Chemicals, Healthy Hair, Lustrous Hair, Marquetta Breslin, Natural Remedies, Nutrition Diet, Nutritional Deficiencies, nutritional deficiency;, Nutritional Imbalance, Nutritious Diet, Pattern Baldness, Poor Hair Growth, Professional Hair, Wholesome Diet —

Healthy Way For Teens To Lose Weight
There is nothing wrong with eating. The problem occurs when the teenager eats too much food that contains fats and sugars which is reason that many become overweight. Studies show that those who are unable to control it want a quick solution. There are quite a few which are not effective and in reality are potentially dangerous.
One example is the vegetarian diet. In essence, there is nothing wrong with however teens who dont know any better have totally removed chicken and meat products from the dish.
Vegetarians believe it or not still need to eat a little meat such as those derived from poultry products and fish. This is because it has the essential nutrients that are needed while a teen is growing up.
Some people tend to forget all that but there is a downside to it. This is because the teenager will have to eat a wide variety of vegetables to compensate for this.
Some teens have tried drinking herbal tea. These products are very similar to laxative pills because the person will frequently be forced to go to the bathroom and get rid of it. Studies have shown that this is unsafe for a teen who will most likely suffer from dehydration or complications in the colon.
Teens are very susceptible to ads seen on television. There are some on the home television shopping network that promise to lose those extra pounds by going on a diet in just two weeks.
These usually focus on a low calorie diet plan. Although there is nothing wrong should this be done for an adult, again, this is harmful for teens. This is because a sudden loss in the calorie intake will prompt the body to take defensive measures and force one to eat a lot later on to compensate of the deficiency.
In fact, the same effects will happen should the teenager even think of going on a starvation diet.
Another unsafe way to lose weight will be vomit out the food that was eaten. This is worse than starving oneself because the body expels hydrochloric acid that burns the throat and the teeth.
So, is there a healthy way for a teen to lose the excess weight? The answer is yes. The first step is admitting to oneself that it has to end and then sharing this problem with members in the family to get the help and support.
Someone may recommend a diet plan that was made by a trained professionals and tested by doctors. There are so many to choose from and some focus more on carbs while others put more emphasis on consuming more proteins.
A healthy diet should have a good follow through with the right exercise. There are various workout programs like lifting weights, attending group classes or burning those calories on the treadmill.
There are also other sports such as basketball, football or swimming that the teen can engage especially when the body can still withstand the pressures of rigorous activity.
There is no such a thing as a fast way to lose weight. The only thing that exists is a safe and healthy one that can make this happen. There will be challenges ahead but this can only be achieved with the help of a trained professional.
Tags: Calorie Intake, Defensive Measures, deficiency, dehydration;, Downside, Essential Nutrients, food;, Going On A Diet, Herbal Tea, Home Television, home television shopping network, Laxative, Losing Weight, Low Calorie Diet, Low Calorie Diet Plan, meat products;, Poultry Products, Quick Solution, Shopping Network, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Sugars, Television Shopping, Vegetarian Diet, Vegetarians —