Lose 10 Pounds Fast – Rapid Weight Loss Diets
There are many rapid weight loss diets that can help you lose ten pounds fast and contrary to popular belief, some of them might actually be good for you. We all know that having a lot of excess body fat is bad for your health. It can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, just to name a few. Losing weight and getting in better physical shape just makes sense and if you want a little ‘leg up’ to get you started a really good way to do that is with a total body cleanse.
You’ve probably heard about cleansing, this is just when you go on a mostly, or all, liquid diet for up to a week. During that time you can flush out all of the nasty toxins that are keeping your body functioning to it’s full potential. There are many such diets around today and one of the most popular is called the master cleanse (it’s also called the lemonade diet and the maple syrup diet because of it’s ingredients).
This is an example of a great way to lose ten pounds fast that will not only jump start your weight loss efforts it will also help you clear out the toxins in your system. You can lose up to ten pounds in just a week, or at least that’s what many people have been able to do. There are a few things to keep in mind though. For one thing, most of the weight you lose will be water weight and when you return to normal eating habits you will put some of it back on. You shouldn’t put it all back on but a few pounds is common.
Another thing to keep in mind is that after you cleanse you should change your eating habits. What is the point of flushing toxins out of your system if you’re just going to go back to drinking and smoking and filling yourself back up with toxins?
You’re also going to want to prepare for your diet. Going without solid food for a week isn’t as easy as it may sound. It will be challenging and if you don’t prepare yourself for it, you are likely to fail. In order to make it a little easier on yourself, take a few days before your cleanse and start cutting back on your caloric intake. Doing this will make it easier for you to ingest fewer calories while you are cleansing.
After your cleanse is done, don’t think you can just go back out and eat whatever you did before. There are two reasons for that. For one thing, if you go from an all liquid diet and rush back into a solid food diet you’ll make yourself sick. You need to ease back into consuming solid foods after the cleanse.
The second reason is what we discussed above, why go through doing a cleanse just to eat like crap and put all the toxins and fat right back into your body? Using a cleanse is one of the best ways to lose ten pounds fast.
Tags: Body Fat, Cardiovascular Disease, Contrary To Popular Belief, diabetes;, Eating Habits, Excess Body, Fast Diets, flushing toxins, Food Diet, food;, Healthy Diet, high blood pressure;, Lemonade Diet, Liquid Diet, Losing Weight, Maple Syrup Diet, Physical Shape, Rapid Weight Loss, Rapid Weight Loss Diets, Solid Food, Toxins, Water Weight, Weight Diets, Weight Loss Diets, Weight Loss Efforts —

Doctors Quick Weight Loss Diet – Medifast Weight Loss
One doctors quick weight loss diet that I found is called Medifast. Touted as one of the best kept weight loss secrets around today, Medifast can help improve your overall health by assisting you in your weight loss efforts with excellent nutrition and a great support staff.
Medifast was developed by a doctor and is an awesome weight loss program. Because it was developed by a doctor, other doctor’s trust it and therefore have recommended Medifast to their patients more than any other doctors quick weight loss diet since 1980.
If you want to lose weight quickly and not be hungry in the process, this is good because Medifast has been formulated with something called the High Fullness Index. You can lose any where form 2 to 5 pounds a week while on the plan and learn how to cook and live healthier all the while.
The meals you get while on the Medifast plan are high protein, low fat, with lots of fiber, and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. You can rest assured that you are receiving all the nutrition your body needs and still lose all the weight you want and need to. while also adhering to the low glycemic index recommendations the Medifast meals are perfect for people with Type II diabetes.
People without diabetes benefit also because the low glycemic index recommendations are not just for people with diabetes, and if you follow this or any diet that adheres to these recommendations you can stop the insulin dumping that can happen and maybe even curb some of those cravings you have for sweets.
Medifast meals include: shakes, bars, brownies, soft serve ice cream, pudding, soups, beverages, breakfast items like oatmeal, pancakes, and scrambled eggs, and snack foods like pretzels and cheese puffs.
With your choice of 4-week meal packages, 2-week meal packages, diabetic and gluten-free meal packages or enhanced meal packages, and a support system that is second to none when it comes to offering hope to people who thought all was lost, Medifast offers the variety you need and want and treats each customer with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Medifast meals are developed by dedicated individuals who are committed to creating high quality, superior products at fair market pricing. Research teams continue to expand product lines and strive to maintain the exceptional quality of the products developed by Medifast.
Support comes in the forms of several different programs such as, discussion groups, blogs videos, along with free guides and tools to help make sure you succeed. You can also have access to your own personal coach to help teach you how to change your lifestyle and form new habits. One on one counseling is also available.
You can also choose to work with a personal medical practitioner throughout your weight loss journey with Medifast so you can get support from someone you trust who knows you and your history. You owe it to yourself to choose Medifast as your next and maybe last doctors quick weight loss diet plan.
Tags: Bang & Olufsen Form 2 Headphone/Headset, Cravings, diabetes;, Diet Doctors, Essential Vitamins And Minerals, High Fullness, II diabetes, Insulin, Low Fat, Low Glycemic Index, Medifast, Oatmeal Pancakes, personal coach, Pretzels, Quick Weight Loss Diet, Scrambled Eggs, Shakes, Snack Foods, Soups, Support Staff, Type Ii Diabetes, Vitamins And Minerals, Weight Loss Diet, Weight Loss Efforts, Weight Loss Secrets —

Diabetic Weight Loss Diet – Healthy Foods Benefit You
If you are diabetic and overweight, you need a good diabetic weight loss diet to not only control your weight but also deal with leveling off your blood sugar. Keeping your weight and blood sugar under control is imperative to reducing the likelihood you will suffer the very serious complications that are known to be associated with diabetes.
Obviously the key to losing weight is to choose healthy foods to eat. Foods that also help control insulin production and release are a plus, too. Learning to eat a balanced diet for some can be a little tricky. An important part of keeping you blood sugar levels under control is learning to balance protein, fats, and carbohydrates of every meal you eat.
Keeping carbohydrates under control is key because some carbohydrates convert almost immediately into simple sugars and cause the pancreas to dump insulin into your system to counteract the meteoric rise in blood sugar. If this is not brought under control, you will find yourself with more problems than just diabetes.
Who knows, maybe if you lose the weight you will not have to prick your finger all the time and inject all of that insulin into your body everyday. Maybe your diabetes will even disappear if you become fit and healthy.
Nutritionists and doctors have changed their thinking that all diabetics are the same and all can follow the same general diet. They can’t. A good diabetic weight loss diet today is tailored to the specific patient and promotes optimum nutrition for optimum health. Simple carbohydrates are kept to a minimum and protein that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids are encouraged. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in fish with the highest concentration found in salmon.
Diets low in fat and cholesterol and high in green leafy vegetables and high fiber foods like whole grain is very important in controlling diabetes. Fruits should only be eaten in moderation due to their high natural sugar content which can make blood sugar levels spike then fall rapidly due to insulin overload.
Blood sugar levels should be checked regularly before and after meals and before bedtime to get an accurate idea of how the food you eat affects your levels especially when trying to lose weight. Diabetes is no laughing matter and when you are trying to lose weight on top of the diabetes you need to be extra careful. Take things slowly, keep careful, accurate records of each blood sugar check and keep a food journal, too.
Get some ideas for planning your meals and snacks by going to the American Diabetes Association’s website and studying the diabetic food pyramid. You should be able to get some good information about diabetes and diet while on the site and learn to put what you learn into practice.
With Type II diabetes now in epidemic proportions in the United States because of the obesity epidemic following a good diabetic weight loss diet is as vital as the insulin you have been prescribed.
Tags: 3 Fatty Acids, American Diabetes Association, Balanced Diet, Blood Sugar Levels, Control Insulin, diabetes;, diabetic food pyramid, Diabetics, Epidemic Proportions, Food Journal, food;, Green Leafy Vegetables, Healthy Foods, High Fiber Foods, II diabetes, Insulin Production, Losing Weight, Meteoric Rise, Natural Sugar, Nutritionists, Obesity Epidemic, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Optimum Nutrition, Pancreas, Simple Sugars, Sugar Content, United States;, Weight Loss Diet, Whole Grain —

How To Lose Belly Fat – Tips That Work
Well, you may be thinking Here we are again. Where can I find out how to lose belly fat? My friend you are not alone. The CDC reported that in 2007-2008 about 1/3 of US citizens are obese and that number has increased 1.1% since 2007.
It is a fact; obesity is steadily becoming a world wide epidemic. In 2007-2008 over 72 billion citizens, world wide, were obese and again that number is climbing.
Overweight individuals are more prone to serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, depression etc Health problems, that are a direct result of overweight, cost billions and billions of dollars each year. Need I mention the emotional damage and social stigmatization that is a result of overweight? I think not.
So, back to our original question, How to lose belly fat. It doesnt take rocket science to figure out that you have to cut back on your eating. It is essential that the calories taken in are less than the calories burned. If not, then you guessed it, weight gain!
Reducing the amount of calories you consume is essential. All pre-packaged food comes with a nutritional label. Take note of the calories, fat grams, carbohydrates etc in everything you eat. Also pay close attention to serving size.
Another tip on how to lose belly fat or any fat, for that matter; cut out the alcohol! Beer is loaded with calories that have no nutritional value. Not to mention the other detrimental effects alcohol has on your body. Alcohol causes liver damage; it causes inflammation of the pancreas. So, beware!
Sugar is not your friend. Be aware of the carbohydrate content in food or drinks. Look at how much sugar is in soda. Just cutting out soda alone will save you quite a bit of calories. If you take in too much sugar and dont burn it then weight gain ensues.
Weight loss is more than physical work. It involves mental and emotional dedication as well. You must make a commitment to attaining better health. It is also helpful to have a support system. After all you will be in this for the long haul.
Daily exercise is key to losing weight. After all, muscle burns fat and in order to build muscle you must use it! A high cardiovascular workout is a big help in losing weight. Examples of high cardio workouts are using the treadmill, circuit training, stair climbing, etc.
Cardiovascular exercise helps to speed up the metabolism. But is you really want to whittle down your belly, add strength training to your routine. You will be amazed at the results.
I wont lie to you; it is a long hard road. But your hard work will pay off. You will feel better physically and emotionally. And there is nothing more important than your health. So, what are you waiting for? Lose the tummy fat!
Tags: Alcohol Beer, Better Health, Billions And Billions, burn, Carbohydrate Content, Cardiovascular Disease, depression;, Detrimental Effects, diabetes;, Dollars Each Year, Emotional Damage, food;, Health Problems, high blood pressure;, How To Lose Belly Fat, inflammation, Inflammation Of The Pancreas, Liver Damage, Nutritional Value, obesity;, Overweight Individuals, Pancreas, Rocket Science, Serious Health, Serving Size, Stigmatization, Stroke, United States;, Weight Gain, wide epidemic —