Weight Control Through Diet
More and more people are into losing weight because of the physical and emotional hazards too much weight brings. Through the years, dieting has become one of the most popular means of losing weight to almost all overweight people in the world. Although there are seemingly countless testimonies of its effects, many experts agree that there are also side effects when this means of losing weight is not administered properly.
By definition, dieting refers to the practice of eating or drinking in a regulated manner in order to achieve a specific short-term objective of gaining and or losing size or weight. Diet, on the other hand refers to the habit of nutritional consumption and focuses more on a long-term goal.
Studies show that the most common objective of dieting is for a person to lose excess body fat. But, there are also kinds of diet that are prescribed in order to achieve a particular medical objective while some dieting are actually designed and prescribed to increase body fat or add up to muscle weight gain.
Diet is actually categorized into two: the weight-loss diets, which restrict the intake of specific foods or food group in order to reduce body weight and the weight-gain diets, which are usually self-imposed in order to achieve a higher weight class.
Aside from that, special cases also require diets especially when it is related to certain medical conditions. Special diets usually include, exclude, or regulate a set of certain chemicals especially from the foods that contain them.
These special diets are usually given to diabetics to manage the persons blood sugar levels; epileptics who adhere to Ketogenic Diet; celiac disease patients are advised to take gluten-free diet; people who suffer from being lactose-intolerant are advised to veer away from milk products, kidney disease patients are restricted to eat foods that have high-sodium content while people who suffer from mild hypertension are advised to follow a diet low in fat and sodium and rich in fruits and vegetables.
Other specific types of diet to control weight include low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diet or Atkins Diet, natural diets that include Paleolithic Diet and Evolution Diet, vegetarian diet, and very low calorie diet. Experts say that different diets are designed to on weight loss and weight gain depending on the persons need.
They also agree that if the person would want to use dieting in order to control weight, they must be very careful because different types of food affect the bodys total well being.
They should also seek professional help in losing or controlling their weight because fietingespecially extreme food-intake reduction and rapid weight lossmay lead to prolonged hunger, depression, reduced sex drive, fatigue, irritability, fainting, sinus problems, muscle loss, rashes, bloodshot eyes, gallbladder diseases, and loose folds of skin among others.
Tags: Atkins Diet, Blood Sugar Levels, Celiac Disease Patients, chemicals;, Countless Testimonies, depression;, disease, Epileptics, Excess Body, extreme food-intake reduction, fainting, fatigue;, Food Group, food;, Free Diet, gallbladder diseases, Kidney Disease, Long Term Goal, Low Calorie Diet, Low Fat Diets, Mild Hypertension, Milk Products, Muscle Weight, Sodium Content, Special Diets, Specific Foods, Term Objective, Vegetarian Diet, Weight Class, Weight Diet, Weight Gain Diet, Weight Loss Diets —

The Wonder Of Diet In Lowering Cholesterol
Today, more and more people suffer from high cholesterol and obesity due to improper food intake, unbalanced diet, and unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever the reasons behind the certain condition such as having high blood cholesterol level, the first treatment any physician will recommend is a low cholesterol diet.
A Guide to Low Cholesterol and Cholesterol Diets
As defined, cholesterol is a complex alcohol constituent of all animals fats and oils. It is a sterol that is related to other sterols and is contained in many foods such as dairy products and meat fats. Other sources of cholesterol include eggs, poultry, fish, and shellfish.
Studies show that that people with high levels of cholesterol are more likely to develop heart attacks more specifically, atherosclerosis which is a disease involving blockage of certain arteries compared to those with lower levels.
Diet is indeed very significant in treating high blood cholesterol level. If you would want to lower your cholesterol levels, try eating foods that are less high-fat foodespecially those high in saturated fat while replacing part of the saturated fat in your diet with unsaturated fat. You should also eat less high-cholesterol foods.
Aside from veering away in eating high-fat foods, you should also learn how to choose foods that are high in complex carbohydrates like starches and fibers. By lowering your carbohydrate intake, you can also reduce your weight especially if you are overweight.
Although the basics of low cholesterol diet may seem easy to follow, more people who have high cholesterol are having a hard time sticking to a specific low cholesterol diet.
But, if the person is really determined to lower his/her cholesterol levels, a low cholesterol diet can be easy to follow given the wide variety of foods available. In fact, more and more food manufacturers come up with foods that have low cholesterol content so if you are out shopping grocery items, take the time off to look at the labels. Here are additional tips to make a low cholesterol diet successful:
1. Load on lots of fruits and vegetables because these are low in calories, cholesterol, and fat.
2. Lower your intake of saturated fatsor the foods that contain theseto lower the possibility of developing heart diseases.
3. Take note of trans-fatty elements that are usually found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils like margarines and shortenings because they increases blood cholesterol levels the way saturated fat does.
4. Consume foods that use whole grain foods instead of those that contain white flour.
5. Compared regular, full-fat dairy products, opt for low fat or skimmed ones. These are not only good for your cholesterol level but also for your weight as well.
6. Choose lean meats like turkey and chicken meats instead of red meat because it is closely-associated with decreasing cholesterol levels.
7. Use olive and canola oils when cooking instead of using cooking oils because these are lower in monounsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol levels.
Tags: atherosclerosis, Blood Cholesterol Level, Carbohydrate Intake, Cholesterol Content, Cholesterol Diets, Cholesterol Levels, Complex Carbohydrates, dairy products;, disease, Fats And Oils, Fish And Shellfish, food intake;, Food Manufacturers, Heart Attacks, Heart Diseases, High Blood Cholesterol, High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol Foods, Improper Food, improper food intake, Low Cholesterol Diet, Lowering Cholesterol, obesity;, physician, Sterol, Sterols, Unbalanced Diet, Unhealthy Lifestyle —

The Right Diet for the Diabetic
Diabetes is one of the main health problems not only in the country but also in the world. And it is not something that can be ignored both in financially and health wise. When left on its own, diabetes can spell a helluva of complications, from heart disease to liver problems.
It is perhaps the disease that causes the most number of complications in the body. Money wise, it is not cheap to have diabetes. In fact in studies conducted, 1/10 of the spendings of United States in Healthcare goes to Diabetes and its complications.
Because it is expensive and difficult to treat diabetes when it is already in its complications stage, patients are advised to nip the problem in the bud as soon as they can. If they can prevent diabetes from occurring with a few lifestyle changes especially in eating habits, all the better. This need for change spurned the creation of various kinds of diets that are designed to help diabetic patients and would be diabetics cope with the problem.
Although it was primarily conceptualized for people with heart problem, Atkins Diet is also being used as an alternative diet for people with diabetes. In fact, many diabetic patients have actually testified to its effectiveness. Atkins diet is primarily a low carbohydrate diet that aims to cut pounds by forbidding people under the program to eat carbohydrate-rich food.
These include rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. According to Dr. Robert Atkins, who created the diet for patients with heart problem in his clinic, the diet can also benefit diabetic patients because the decrease in caloric intake can reduce fats in the body; thereby reducing the risk for Type 2 diabetes.
The diet, however, is only effective with people who have a Type 2 diabetes or those whose diabetes is brought on by lifestyle of the person and his or her eating habits. It cannot do much for people who are already born with a problem in insulin secretion. These are the people with Type 1 diabetes. They depend solely on regular injections of insulin.
Still, there are critics that say that Atkins diet is not effective and in fact can lead to further complications. According to experts, the metabolism involved in the burning of fats instead of carbohydrates can cause problems and complications. Also, the intake of animal fat which diet does not restrict can increase cholesterol to dangerous levels; resulting in diabetes and even heart disease.
Tags: Atkins Diet, Caloric Intake, carbohydrate-rich food, Diabetes Diet, diabetes;, Diabetic Diabetes, Diabetic Patients, Diabetics, Diet Diabetes, disease, Dr Robert Atkins, Eating Habits, Health Problems, Heart Diet, heart disease;, Heart Problem, Insulin Secretion, Lifestyle Changes, Liver Problems, Low Carbohydrate Diet, Main Health, Rich Food, Robert Atkins, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, United States; —

You Obesity And Weight Loss
The presence of fat in your body helps your body store fat, adds insulation for heat, and adds a layer of shock absorption. Your percentage of body fat, which you should have to stand for healthy, should consist of 25 % – 39 % for a male and for a woman it should substitute 18 % – 23 %. If you are a male and have a body index factor above 30 or a woman with a ingredient 25 then you are considered obese.
Your obesity can be measured with the help of the Basal Metabolic Index, or BMI for short. This is calculated by dividing the weight of your body by your total height. If the BMI averages to be over 30 you are considered to be suffering from obesity.
You need to be aware though before you begin that you are not the only lone suffering from this sometimes fatal disease. This dreaded disease has reached an epidemic level in our nation today. That means that at least 1 out of 3 people are obese in our society. Here are some tips that have been proposed by the Department of Human Services since well as the Department of Agriculture which falls into the workaday dietary guidelines for uncut Americans.
1. Fruits – This can be fruits of organ kind including fresh or canned. Although fresh is better due to the natural sugars that it contains
2. Vegetables – These include dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale among others. Further you should consider adding orange vegetables as well. This includes such things as sweet potato, carrots, and pumpkin among others.
3. Calcium – Drink lots of low fat and fat free milk, but these should be taken in balanced proportion.
4. Cereals and Pasta – You need to go for the whole grain pasta and cereals as these are better for your health as well as weight loss
5. Protein – These encompass such things as lean meat, poultry, and fish among others.
6. Unsaturated fat – Fish, nuts, and vegetables are all good for this combine among others.
7. Salt – You need to limit your total daily intake of vigour. Do not consume more than 2300 grams of salt in a given day. This equals to one teaspoon.
Besides having a balanced diet you need to also be sure to diary plenty of exercise as well. Such things owing to a short brisk walk or running are usually darling useful in helping you lose weight. You can also try some free hand exercises that can be prescribed by your personal trainer if you happen to have one. Also if you drink plenty of water it will help you detoxify your body from any toxins that may combine the body.
Being obese can be a problem for you but if you follow the useful dietary guidelines you will be able to become an ideal weight again.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Basal Metabolic, Basal Metabolic Index, Bmi, Body Index, Broccoli, Carrots, Cereals, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Department Of Agriculture, Department Of Human Services, disease, epidemic level, Free Milk, Green Leafy Vegetables, Index Factor, Kale, Lean Meat, Meat Poultry, Natural Sugars, obesity;, Orange Vegetables, Personal Trainer, Shock Absorption, sometimes fatal disease, Sweet Potato, Whole Grain Pasta —