The Right Diet for the Diabetic
Diabetes is one of the main health problems not only in the country but also in the world. And it is not something that can be ignored both in financially and health wise. When left on its own, diabetes can spell a helluva of complications, from heart disease to liver problems.
It is perhaps the disease that causes the most number of complications in the body. Money wise, it is not cheap to have diabetes. In fact in studies conducted, 1/10 of the spendings of United States in Healthcare goes to Diabetes and its complications.
Because it is expensive and difficult to treat diabetes when it is already in its complications stage, patients are advised to nip the problem in the bud as soon as they can. If they can prevent diabetes from occurring with a few lifestyle changes especially in eating habits, all the better. This need for change spurned the creation of various kinds of diets that are designed to help diabetic patients and would be diabetics cope with the problem.
Although it was primarily conceptualized for people with heart problem, Atkins Diet is also being used as an alternative diet for people with diabetes. In fact, many diabetic patients have actually testified to its effectiveness. Atkins diet is primarily a low carbohydrate diet that aims to cut pounds by forbidding people under the program to eat carbohydrate-rich food.
These include rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. According to Dr. Robert Atkins, who created the diet for patients with heart problem in his clinic, the diet can also benefit diabetic patients because the decrease in caloric intake can reduce fats in the body; thereby reducing the risk for Type 2 diabetes.
The diet, however, is only effective with people who have a Type 2 diabetes or those whose diabetes is brought on by lifestyle of the person and his or her eating habits. It cannot do much for people who are already born with a problem in insulin secretion. These are the people with Type 1 diabetes. They depend solely on regular injections of insulin.
Still, there are critics that say that Atkins diet is not effective and in fact can lead to further complications. According to experts, the metabolism involved in the burning of fats instead of carbohydrates can cause problems and complications. Also, the intake of animal fat which diet does not restrict can increase cholesterol to dangerous levels; resulting in diabetes and even heart disease.
Tags: Atkins Diet, Caloric Intake, carbohydrate-rich food, Diabetes Diet, diabetes;, Diabetic Diabetes, Diabetic Patients, Diabetics, Diet Diabetes, disease, Dr Robert Atkins, Eating Habits, Health Problems, Heart Diet, heart disease;, Heart Problem, Insulin Secretion, Lifestyle Changes, Liver Problems, Low Carbohydrate Diet, Main Health, Rich Food, Robert Atkins, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, United States; —

Medical Tourism: Things to Check When Traveling
When traveling to another country to get medical treatment, it is important that you make the necessary preparations first to stay safe and healthy. Recovery is essential, so stay away from stress by having all your things ready. Planning and making reservations early will help you eliminate other troubles and let you enjoy your vacation fully. Before you go to any new country, learn a few things first and find out what to expect during your visit.
What’s Your Reason?
Determine your primary reason for needing to go abroad to seek medical treatment. First of all, you have to consider your medical reason. Are you going to get plastic surgery? Do you have heart or liver problems? Are you only going for dental work? Do you have life-threatening disease? Do you need to have an organ replaced? Some countries are known to be experts at specific procedures, so eye on these destinations to ensure that you are dealing with competent and well-trained staff and institutions.
Some people also wish to go abroad to seek medical treatment because of the cheaper rates and the opportunity to learn more about unique cultures and religious practices. Compare prices between countries. In Asia you get to pay anywhere between 25% and 75% less than what you expect in the United States or United Kingdom. Also study the different countries and try to go to places you’ve always dreamed of visiting like Thailand, China or the Philippines.
Getting Screened
You need to go through a full physical assessment and have diagnostic tests first before going abroad. Your condition can get worse or you may develop complications from traveling or staying cramped in an airplane for several hours. Some of the known complications include clogged blood vessels, immobility and severe headache. Get two or more doctors to screen you completely and give you the thumbs up to travel to other parts of the globe before booking your ticket. Some patients are not allowed to travel unless they display normal health levels. Some of the things your doctor will check include your blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, mental ability and other physical signs.
Making Reservations
Before choosing any medical institution, make sure that it is accredited with the known agencies, such as JCI and Trent. Other national accreditations will also help, to ensure that you are only dealing with legitimate and experienced medical doctors. Also find out more about the hospital and check if they have the latest technology and equipment when dealing with your case. You can talk to a travel agent to help you book hotel reservations and other trip plans to vacation comfortably before and after the medical procedure.
Finalize all the details such as mode of transportation once you arrive, tour schedules and dining places. It is recommended that you bring at least one other person with you during your medical tour to ensure that you stay safe and healthy. Stay abroad for 3 to 10 days more after the scheduled day of treatment so that you can recuperate fully and avoid complications post-operation. A vehicle should be made ready for you once you get to the airport and at the hospital or hotel before and after the procedure.
Research more about the place you are visiting and bring the necessary items such as an alarm clock, medications, a cellular phone or your laptop, maps and money or credit cards. You might need to learn a few foreign lines to know your way around and communicate well with the locals.
Tags: Airplane, Blood Vessels, Countries In Asia, Cultures, Dental Work, Diagnostic Tests, Doctors, Headache, Immobility, Life Threatening Disease, Liver Problems, Medical Reason, Medical Tourism, Medical Treatment, Necessary Preparations, Parts Of The Globe, Philippines, Physical Assessment, Plastic Surgery, Religious Practices —

Plate Decoration Gone Healthy!
Plate Decoration Gone Healthy!
Lena Sanchez
Plate Decoration Gone Healthy!
By Lena Sanchez
It hasn’t gone healthy it’s always been healthy just
ignored by the modern world!
One of the oldest herbs in the world and is now grown all
over the world is also one of the greatest toxin removal
systems around as well as illness and disease preventor
And you thought it was just to decorate your plate. Not so,
next time the restaurant puts a sprig of parsley on your
dinner plate, eat it! Parsley is a much maligned herb!
Parsley originated in the Eastern Mediterranean region but
is now grown throughout the world. For more than 2,000
years, it has been known as a medicinal herb. The ancient
Greeks valued the seeds and roots of the plant for their
soothing, diuretic effect on those with kidney and bladder
Today parsley is still used primarily as a diuretic.
In addition, it strengthens the digestive system and
helps alleviate stomach and liver problems.
In folk medicine, parsley was recommended for women who
have irregular menstrual periods. As a diuretic it may
also ease the bloating that some women experience
before their periods. In addition, parsley leaves are a
good source of many vitamins and minerals – including
iron, which is important for the proper formation of
red blood cells, potassium and vitamin C.
The Medieval German herbalist St Hildegard of Bingen
prescribed parsley wine to improve blood circulation. It was
believed to help heart conditions. To make his parsley wine,
combine 10 – 12 large sprigs of parsley with 1 quart of red or
white wine and 2 teaspoons of white-wine vinegar. Boil for
10 minutes then add 9 ounces of honey. Strain the mixture
and pour into bottles. I have not tried this, but it is said to
work well, according to many Take 1 Tbsp. Three times
a day, is said to keep the blood circulating.
This herb supplies important vitamins and minerals, for
instance, just cup of fresh parsley provides a third of
your daily vitamin C requirement. It’s high vitamin C and
A content also help fight cancer. Parsley ranks higher than
most vegetable in bistidine an amino acid that inhibits
tumors. In addition, parsley is an excellent source of
potassium, which is important in lowering blood pressure.
Also supplies folic acid, which helps prevent cardiovascular
disease. It also contains calcium, manganese and iron.
Parsley for Osteoporosis; Sometimes high doses of calcium
are taken in supplemental form, however this impairs the
body’s absorption of manganese which help build bone. But
parsley enhances manganese absorption, particularly when
it is eaten with foods containing copper and zinc, such as
shellfish and whole grains.
Is it any wonder that a Mediterranean diet is one of the known
healthy diets? The average Mediterranean inhabitant eats
lots of parsley in a lot of different dishes!
* Parsley contains essential oils; the most important one,
apiole, is a kidney stimulant. Because these essential
oils can stimulate uterine contractions, pregnant women
should avoid eating large quantities of it. BUT, after the
baby is born, parsley can help tone the uterus and promote
* Don’t cook parsley, because heat destroys its valuable
vitamins and minerals. To retain parsley’s flavor, chop
the herb just before using and add it to hot foods at the
last minute.
* Avoid dried parsley, it is far less tasty and healthful
than the fresh herb.
* Try the flat leaf variety, also called Italian parsley, It has
more nutrients and a better flavor than curly parsley.
* Add parsley to compliment a dish, such as potatoes,
smoked salmon, trout, poultry, pasta and vegetables.
* Freeze fresh parsley to save preparation time in the
kitchen. Wash, zip seal plastic bag. You can then remove
the amount you need with each recipe.
* To keep parsley fresh, sprinkle it with water, wrapping
it in paper towels and refrigerating it in a plastic bag.
Or place parsley stems in a glass of water, like a bunch
or flowers, and refrigerate.
This Healthy Parsley spread is great on crackers, for dip or on
wheat bread as a sandwich spread.
2 bunches of parsley
2 shallots or green onions
cup Vanilla Soy Milk or Heavy Unpasteurized Cream
1 cup Tofu cream cheese
2 Tbsp. Lemon juice
Salt to taste
White pepper as desired
2 scallions
2 or 4 large tomatoes
Cayenne pepper to taste.
1) Wash the parsley in cold water and strip the leaves
from the stalks. Coarsely chop leaves. Peel and dice
the shallots.
2) Mix together the Soy Milk or heavy cream, tofu cream
cheese, lemon juice, parsley and diced shallots.
3) Season to taste with salt and pepper.
4) Peel the scallions; cut into thin rings. Dice 2 tomatoes,
season with salt and cayenne pepper to taste; mix with
the scallions.
When using four tomatoes cut the remaining 2 tomatoes
into inch slices cover them with the parsley spread and
top with the scallion mixture or use as cracker spread or
sandwich filling. Will store covered for several days in
*** Lena Sanchez Author of “Handbook Of Herbs
To Health & Other Secrets,” “Antibiotic Alternatives To
Preventing Mega Bacteria,” & “Dangers & Secrets Doctors
Refuse To Tell You.” Online at
http://www.antibiotic-alternatives.com and
Editor of “Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your
Home Business Coach” ezine subscribe at
About the Author
Author of “Handbook Of Herbs
To Health & Other Secrets,” “Antibiotic Alternatives To
Preventing Mega Bacteria,” & “Dangers & Secrets Doctors
Refuse To Tell You.” Online at
http://www.antibiotic-alternatives.com and
Editor of “Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your
Home Business Coach” ezine subscribe at
Tags: Ancient Greeks, Author, Blood Circulation, Dinner Plate, Diuretic Effect, Eastern Mediterranean Region, folic acid, Folk Medicine, Heart Conditions, Herbalist, Home Business Coach, Irregular Menstrual Periods, Lena Sanchez, Liver Problems, Medicinal Herb, Mediterranean, Parsley, Proper Formation, Red Blood Cells, Sprig, Sprigs, St Hildegard, Toxin Removal, Vitamins And Minerals, White Wine Vinegar, Will store —

Nutrition for healthy skin – A simple guide
Nutrition for healthy skin – A simple guide
John Gibb
In this day and age, many people are concerned with not only their health, but their looks as well. In the aesthetics-worshipping twenty first century, healthy skin is a definite desire among a large cross-section of the population. What few people know is that nutrition for healthy skin is the basis for achieving this desire. Healthy skin and good nutrition generally go hand in hand. While it is impossible to prevent the process of aging skin, healthy eating can lead you to a more glowing and healthy complexion.
One recommendation that plenty of doctors recommend would be to get enough water on a daily basis. Also, your health can be promoted by eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fish. Another way to aid your skin and general well-being would be through the use of supplements. There are plenty of supplements out there, and while some do not necessarily do what they promise, there are more than enough that will help your health.
Vitamin A is one key ingredient to healthy skin. Used in many acne treatment oils, supplements of Vitamin A have been shown to help prevent acne and skin cancer. However, you must be careful not to overdose on this supplement as it can result in liver problems. Scientific studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, eggs, vegetable oils, whole grains, tea, and water results in less photo-aging and skin wrinkling then those who consume foods such as red meat, whole milk, butter, sugary products and potatoes.
Antioxidants can also be very helpful with regards to nutrition for healthy skin. Antioxidants can prevent damage done to cells by free radicals, which damage cell membranes. This can help to naturally protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. Basically, your best bet is to have a low-fat, healthy diet, while regularly taking healthy supplements and drinking plenty of water.
For more information on healthy supplements and nutritional information, check out
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-suplement-guides.com
The site dedicated to nutrition.
Tags: Acne Treatment, acne;, Aging Skin, Author, Best Bet, Cell Membranes, Daily Basis, Eating Healthy Foods, Free Radicals, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Good Nutrition, Harmful Effects Of The Sun, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, Healthy Skin, Liver Problems, Red Meat, Skin Cancer, sugary products, Vegetable Oils, Vitamin A, Water Results, Whole Grains, Whole Milk —