Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Is Gastric Surgery For Your Obese Teen?

Obesity is worldwide problem. There are millions worldwide who are suffering from this disease. In the United States, there are about 12.5 million children and adolescents who are overweight. Children are also suffering from the diseases associated with obesity and disease traditionally seen only in older people, like diabetes and heart disease. Because of these health problems, they are looking for weight-loss options and gastric bypass surgery is one of them.

Gastric bypass surgery is not the popular among the young population though. About 1% of those who undergo the procedure are teens according to the survey reported in Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in March 2007. There is a relative increase on the number of teens undergoing the procedure, but still remains unpopular or uncommon.

Sadly, obese children think that they are living a kind of life like those who have cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, according to the survey done by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Teens suffering from obesity would deal with being teased, socially not accepted, and unable to participate in social activities.

Not all obese teens are recommended to undergo gastric bypass surgery. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2004, there are guidelines that should be considered before a teen or an adolescent is recommended for gastric bypass or any weight-loss surgery:

Failed to lose weight by any organized attempt of weight management for the last six or more months, with an assistance of a doctor.

Have reached a physiological and skeletal maturity. Adolescents that have reached an age (or older) of 13 years old for girls and 15 years old for boys have reached this level of maturity.

Has a body mass index (BMI) of more than 40 associated with severe obesity-related problems. Has body mass index of more than 50 even though there are no serious obesity-related problems.

There are medical and physiological examinations and evaluations performed before the surgery, the teen undergoing that should be prepared to handle these evaluations.

In general, those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery are advised to avoid pregnancy at least two years after the surgery. This is to avoid any complications and increasing risk to the fetus because of drastic weight loss. Anybody, not only teens, should be aware and agree on this.

Prepared to follow strict dietary regulations after the surgery. There is a strict diet that patients should follow like low sugar, low fat, low-carbohydrates, and low-calories meal plans.

Have a supportive environment. Because of the dramatic change in their lifestyle, teens should have supportive family environment that will be able to guide them to the different changes. Often times, there are patients of weight loss surgeries who would suffer from different physiological and psychological side-effects, like depression. Families should be prepared in helping their children through these stages.

There are doctors who would say that conducting gastric bypass or other bariatric surgery on teen-agers are safer than conducting the procedure with adults. Teens have not developed any case of obesity-related problems like high blood pressure and heart disease which are common among adults and also increases the risks of surgeries. Teens also heal faster and required less time spent in the hospital.

There are many benefits by undergoing gastric bypass and weight-loss surgeries. Some patients would even report losing 5% of their weight within the first month and about 50 to 60% within a year. Associated obesity related problems are also reduced by having the surgery. However, not everybody is recommended to undergo the procedure.

Even a teen is required to have be able to make sound decisions, before undergoing surgery. Afterall, maturity does not come with age.

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How to Avoid Weight Gain after Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a procedure that leads to a significant body weight loss. About 75 to 90 percent of excess weight (or about 100 lbs.) is eliminated, thanks to this safe and effective surgery. Usually, weight loss occurs within a year and a half after the surgery. The procedure basically involves reducing the size of the stomach so that the patient will not be able to eat as much food as he did before the operation. That way, overeating and taking in calorie-rich foods are prevented.

But unfortunately, regaining weight is possible several years after the weight loss surgery. Most patients keep on losing weight until achieving their ideal weight within one to three years after the procedure. Have you undergone weight loss surgery? It is likely that you lose much weight in one year, only to have the excess weight back. That usually happens to patients who do not follow the recommended food intake and the necessary lifestyle changes following the surgery. Good thing, there are several steps you can do to avoid gaining weight ever again. Read on the following tips to get the most out of your weight loss surgery.

* Stop eating when you are full. Eating more food than your stomach can hold will result in not only weight gain, but also pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness. Also, avoid eating when you are not really hungry.

* Avoid going back to your old, unhealthy habits. Binging or comfort eating are just some of the causes of weight gain and obesity. Sure, old habits die hard. But if you cannot resist the urge to overeat, then your weight loss surgery is as good as useless.

* Find some ways to deal with stress, anxiety, loneliness, and other emotions that lead to binge eating. Seek help from a professional such as a psychotherapist to be able to curb negative emotions that trigger incessant food cravings.

* Make sure to follow the diet plan designed for you. The diet recommended for people who have undergone weight loss surgery includes foods that are low in fat and sugar. Now, if you eat sugar- or fat-rich foods, then expect your weight to increase again.

* Follow an exercise program. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, walking, jogging, and other physical activities to keep your body and mood in great shape.

* See your doctor. If you notice that you are gaining weight at any point after your surgery, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the reasons for your weight gain. Your weight gain may be due to medical causes such as a disease, and the doctor can help you find solutions to stop the problem. On the other hand, some instances of weight gain after surgery are caused by a patients diet or fitness routine. Your doctor can also help you determine those problems and suggest changes or adjustments to your eating habits and regular workouts to stop your weight gain.

Remember, nothing beats a healthy diet and consistent exercise regime to make sure that you maintain an ideal healthy weight years after your gastric bypass surgery. Do not forget to always consult your doctor whenever you encounter health problems. Doing so gives you the peace of mind that you will not have to deal with obesity problems ever again.

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The Truth About Arthritis Diets And Weight Loss

Are you one of the thousands upon thousands of folks, which wake up each and every morning, with every joint in your body radiating pain? Is arthritis kicking your butt, with pain, through out your day? Do you miss being able to pick up your grandkids because of the arthritis pain?

If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, you should read on to learn how arthritis diets and weight loss; can help bring relief to your aching body.

This article is not intended as medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always with a physical illness you should consult with your personal physician right away. Now back to your information.

Arthritis diets have an ultimate aim of assisting your body in the management of this degenerative disease. Your doctor will advise you, early in the diagnosis period of arthritis, about which foods should be avoided and which should be increased in the diet.

You, as an arthritis sufferer, should be prepared to plan your meals regularly, but allow some sort of flexibility when dining out. Keeping in mind that swaying from the diet at times is ok, as long as it doesnt happen too often. This way you will be able to enjoy a normal life without too many restrictions as far as your food intake is concerned.

Some foods that are known to assist with arthritis symptoms include:

Dairy foods for calcium – This includes yogurt and milk and not so much chocolate and ice cream. Yogurt is also good for general digestive health.

Fruits and vegetables – These are recommended for everyone regardless of whether you have arthritis, are overweight or not. But they can also assist you as they provide healthy energy, weight loss and strong bones and muscles.

Starchy foods – It has been noted that some starchy foods like potatoes may assist with arthritis symptoms

In addition to the above diet tips, consider other changes to your lifestyle to assist in coping with arthritis.

This includes losing weight (if you are overweight). Even the loss of a few pounds can help relieve pressure on your joints and other bones. Prior to undertaking a major weight loss, be sure and consult with your doctor.

While youre checking with your health professional, you should ask them about increasing your calcium intake with supplements. Your obvious benefit will be stronger bones and joints. Furthermore, because you will be feeling better, have more energy and strength; you will become more active.

As an arthritis sufferer and possibly overweight you can also get some relief and lose weight while doing light resistance weight training. Tests have shown that resistance weight training is good for the overall health of the body. Dont worry! This doesnt mean it has to be expensive or difficult.

You as an arthritis sufferer, must educate yourself as to whats right for you. You know your body and your own mind. You know what you can do and not do. Therefore, youre the one, which can make the life changing decisions, such as weight loss and a healthy diet, necessary to ease the daily pain in your joints and bones.

Some of the things you have learned in this article will help make your life a little more comfortable. By eating the right foods, not only will you reduce your pain and suffering, you stand a good chance of losing those extra pounds, if you need to. Arthritis diets need not be restrictive. They are simply designed to help people cope with a disease that can so often become much worse if an ideal diet is not undertaken

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Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your

Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your Life

Did you know you could be committing suicide and didn’t even know it? “You’re crazy! I’m not committing suicide.” You say. You are if you’re eating foods loaded with cholesterol. It’s a proven fact that high cholesterol foods can shorten your life span by years. When you continue to eat these high cholesterol foods, you kill yourself a little more each day. For you and your family, its important to get your bad cholesterol levels to a safe and life sustaining level.

Eating foods low in cholesterol, with a well balanced meal plan, is essential to lowering your cholesterol levels. The problem that most people face is that they lead busy lives. This leads to many of us grabbing junk food when hunger strikes. Its important to choose healthy low cholesterol foods over fast food. It will help if you make sure to pack healthy snacks when on the go. Perhaps most of all it is imperative for you to prepare low cholesterol foods at home.

When you eat low cholesterol foods, such as lean red meat, chicken and fish; you will start to see your bad cholesterol levels drop. You can balance your meals out with fresh vegetables and fruits. Often times when you follow a diet, which is low in cholesterol, you may begin to lose weight. Along with the weight loss you may also experience a higher energy level, mental alertness and less stress with the balanced diet.

Not all low cholesterol foods require preparation. If you are not sure how to cook low cholesterol meals, you can easily look up various menus online. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are both good examples of foods that can help lower cholesterol and require little or no preparation. Since many of these types of food require no cooking, it’s quite easy to pack them for snacks throughout your day. In addition instead of grabbing, fries and burger for lunch, you can carry a fresh chicken salad, balanced out with yogurt and fruit.

Another way to help lower your cholesterol is to make sure you drink plenty of water. Not only will the water help keep you hydrated, it will help to flush the excess cholesterol from your body along with other impurities. In addition the water helps to keep all of your bodily functions working at peak efficiency. Which means your body will tend to produce more of the good cholesterol (LDL) instead of the bad (HDL).

When you eat a diet with plenty of low cholesterol foods you also build up your immune system. This makes it easier to fight off disease. In fact eating a diet rich in low cholesterol foods is good for you all around. Plus when you lower your overall cholesterol levels you are less likely to develop heart disease, atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in artery walls) or to have a stroke.

Eating foods like oats and fiber are excellent for a good balanced diet. These foods are great to keep you looking young and feeling great. While you are learning to eat properly make sure that you include your family. Children learn their eating habits from their parents. Lead by example and show your kids how great it is to enjoy healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, rather then cookies and ice cream.

Eating low cholesterol foods as an overall diet is a great way to lower your cholesterol. Thats not the only benefit however. You will also feel more energized and healthy. Due to low cholesterol food being healthy you will look better and feel younger.

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