4 Benefits Of Losing Weight
There are many benefits to losing weight. If you have been considering this idea, or your doctor has mentioned losing weight to you, you know it will be a lot of hard work. However, the benefits of losing weight are definitely worth the effort.
As you consider your decision to lose weight, take a look at the list of benefits below.
1. A Positive Body Image: Many overweight people struggle with their body image on a daily basis. If you are unhappy with your figure, and want to end those negative mirror sessions, losing weight may be a good option for you. Imagine feeling positive each and every time you see a photo of yourself! Thats definite motivation to lose the weight and keep it off.
2. Increased Self Confidence: If you struggle with self confidence issues due to your appearance, weight loss can be a good way to come to terms with your body. As you become strong and healthy, youll become confident in your abilities and strength. This is a great feeling!
3. Increased Health and Strength: As you lose weight, your body will become stronger. Exercise and weight training will help your body grow stronger you may be able to do activities you never had the strength or stamina to before. Youll breathe easier, and be able to run and walk for longer periods of time without discomfort. Youll be able to play actively with your children or grandchildren without having to take breaks to catch your breath. Losing weight can truly be a life altering experience!
4. Decreased Health Problems: Many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and diabetes are all triggered or irritated by obesity. This means that if you experience or have a family history of any of these diseases, losing weight can help you to feel better. Diet and exercise can improve your health be decreasing your risk of heart disease, as well. By altering your fitness habits and your eating habits, you just may be lengthening your life!
The benefits of weight loss definitely outweigh the risks. After all, what do you have to lose? Sleepless nights, lack of energy, shortness of breath, fatigue youll be able to kick all these symptoms to the curb by investing time and energy into your fitness regime. Take the time to develop a healthy diet and exercise program today your body will thank you for years to come.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.
Tags: Body Image, Confidence Issues, Daily Basis, diabetes;, Diseases, Eating Habits, energy;, Family History, fatigue;, Fitness Habits, Grandchildren, Health And Strength, Health Issues, Health Problems, heart disease;, high blood pressure;, High Cholesterol, Losing Weight, obesity;, Personal Physician, Risk Of Heart Disease, Self Confidence, Sleep Apnea, Stamina, Weight Training —

Green Tea Health Benefits Green Tea The Wonder Beverage
Herbal tea has become very popular these days. Green Tea in particular has been known to fight cancer and help in the prevention and cure of many other diseases. There have been hundreds of reviews written about green tea health benefits. Numerous testimonials about its effectiveness own been made public which have contributed to the popularity of this herbal drink.
To learn more about green tea health benefits, we have to know its roots and its content. Green tea has been used by Chinese as a staple drink for hundreds of years. It was also used by people in ancient China and India for medicinal purposes. Green Tea was used to cure simple headaches, help in digestion, aid in curing food poisoning, and many others. Chinese have been aware of the green tea health benefits for hundreds of years. Ungrown studies show that Chinese men who drank green tea over the years have lower rate of cancer than those who did not.
Green tea extracted from the leaves of a father known as Camellia Sinesis is an herb that was pristine cultivated in China. Studies show that this plant contains a high level of catechin polyphenols called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is a very effective anti – oxidant which inhibits cancer cell growth and disintegrates cancer cells. This chemical contributes to green tea health benefits in that it lowers cholesterol continuous and prevents blood clots.
Other teas are known to own medical benefits too but green tea health benefits far exceed the make headway. The basic difference of green tea from other teas is the preparation. Green tea is made from boiling fresh leaves of the plant while the also famous black tea is made from fermented leaves. The fermented leaves used in making black tea do not contain as much EGCG found in fresh leaves. The anti – oxidants found in black teas are far lesser than those found in Green teas. So far, green tea health benefits have been proven by several studies showing hard evidences.
Recent studies also show that green tea health benefits interpolate weight loss. The anti – oxidants in green teas help speed up burning of calories. Because it is a very good anti – oxidant, it also affects weight loss for it detoxifies human system to allow proper absorption of nutrients and flushing out fats.
Another known green tea health good is that it prevents cavities and promotes health in the mouth. Green tea has been found to encompass minerals like fluoride that fight bacteria causing cavities. The polyphenols construct in the tea strengthens teeth and prevents choicest lifeblood. Some people even gargle with green tea for healthier mouth.
Green tea has been found to contain Vitamin C that protects the bodys immune system, Vitamin B components that help burn Carbohydrates, and Vitamin E for healthier and younger looking skin.
Green tea health benefits patients suffering from rheumatism. The green tea has chemicals that decrease blood inflammation which influence in the prevention of arthritis. This wonder beverage has further been reported to lower blood sugar, reduce stress and prevent big blood pressure.
The green tea health benefits are indeed outstanding. To date, there have been no reports of formidable side effects and so green tea continues to be popular and in demand.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Ancient China, Anti Oxidants, arthritis;, Black Tea, Black Teas, Blood Clots, blood inflammation, burn, Camellia Sinesis, Cancer Cell Growth, Cancer Cells, cancer;, chemical;, chemicals;, China, China Studies, Chinese Men, Diseases, Egcg, flushing, food poisoning, Gallate, Green Tea, Green Tea Health Benefits, Green Teas, Herbal Drink, Herbal Tea, India, Medical Benefits, Medicinal Purposes, Polyphenols, Prevention And Cure, rheumatism, simple headaches, Tea Health Benefits, wonder beverage —

Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a
Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a healthier Body
Doctors always recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. It is believed that water can actually mend a assortment of diseases. In fact, water therapy has been known to help in the cure and prevention of common colds, dry cough, problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. Water also helps the body stir up rid of toxins which will result in more energy and lighter skin. Dieticians also say that water help to loss weight.
Dieticians recommend regular intake of water to clients who are on weight loss diets. Water help to loss weight by regulating appetite and increasing body metabolism. Studies show that feeling hunger and sense thirst go together. Therefore, drinking water can help tribe lose weight by substituting food with water. This can suppress hunger and deter overeating.
Many people find it hard to stick to a water therapy during diet because they do not realize how water help to loss weight. Studies show people who started drinking innumerable water than they used to have lost about 4 pounds in a juncture. This is because the body is hydrated more and does not need to store water in the system.
Most of the extra weight and inches in the body are due to water stored. When a configuration does not drink enough water, the brain commands the body to absorb the available water and stock up. That is why people who are not fond of drinking water look bloated. The water is stored around their paunch, thighs, arm, everywhere! These water fats look hideous but can factor rid of by increasing water intake regularly. As you drink more water oftentimes, the stored water in your body is released. Since your body is hydrated more, your brain tells your body that there is no use for stocking water up. Eventually, all those weight from your water storage goes away and you will feel lighter and healthier.
Several studies also show that water can actually increase metabolism by 30 % which means that when a person drinks more water, more calories are burn. One explanation noted in some of the studies on water help to loss weight says that every time you drink water, your body will try to heat thus using bag and burning more calories. Some water weight loss programs even recommend drinking inclement water as the body uses more energy to heat this.
The recommended amount of water intake a day is an average of six to eight of 8 ounces of water. If you are on a water help to loss weight program, it is advisable to drink 2 glasses more for every 50 pounds extra from your recommended weight for your height.
Many people doubt the effectiveness of water in the help of weight loss. Very few believe that losing weight can be that easy. However, a lot of medical research has been done and published to manifest that water help to loss weight. The will to stick to drinking more water consistently is the key to a healthier and sexier body.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Ailments, Body Metabolism, burn, Common Colds, Diseases, Drinking Water, Dry Cough, energy;, food;, Healthier Body, high blood pressure;, Juncture, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, Metabolism Studies, Paunch, Stocking, Thighs, Thirst, Toxins, Water Intake, Water Storage, Water Therapy, Weight Diets, Weight Loss Diets —

Dieting Health Foods
The truth of the spring is that all foods are health foods. The variety of foods that are available has their purpose and uses. The food that grows in one cestuses is a balanced food for that region and is not superior to those that grow in another which is also the food that is express appropriate for that region. Concept is where it should be. No profit of hype and sales pitch could change that, again no matter the try, people will make headway healthy if people eat grease variety and in correct proportions without gorging.
Health foods however is a term used by health proponents in the 1920’s to foods that have special benefits to specific health issues. Health foods for example are those foods that are low in sugar and fat since these are the primary causes of obesity when left unchecked.
What are these?
Unreduced Foods
These are foods farmed as organic in nature. Organic foods for most of human history had been the staple in farming. These are foods farmed without the use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. For livestock, organic orderliness mean that the animals were not injected with antibiotics, are not genetically modified nor growth hormones used in raising them. Directly, there are two basic kinds of farming of organic food. One is the private garden which leave also sell their perfect labeled as organic, the divergent are organic food industries regulated heavily by most governments.
Natural Foods
Natural foods are health foods that are identical in ideal to organic foods although these foods are processed without the use of refined sugar, food coloring, refined flour, and flavorings.
High Fiber Foods
High fiber foods are health foods that have high fiber density. Examples of high fiber foods are berries, cabbages, and fruits and vegetables that have high fiber concentration. The thing that is so important with foods that are high in fiber is that it improves the absorption of nutrients in the body considering it cleanses the digestive system. A clean colon and healthy colon for example prohibits 64 different kinds of diseases that would otherwise afflict the body when the gunk and the refuse connections the system are not flushed out.
Omega 3 rich foods
Unlike foods that are low fat and low sugar, foods rich in Omega 3 are agreeable sources of essential fatty acids whose benefits are too numerous to name. Some of the benefits of foods rich in omega 3 are that it has excellent anti aging qualities, is a select cancer retardant, good for heart problems, skin, hair, metabolism, rheumatism, sound for the memory and acumen health, etc. What is good about these foods is that it is everywhere again is not expensive. Examples of foods are, Avocado, berries, soya beans and soybean oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, olive oil, Brazil nuts, tofu etc.
Vegetables like, broccoli, stamp out, kidney beans, green beans, lettuce, cauliflowers are very rich in Omega 3. Likewise fish especially the cold spray / fatty variety are excellent sources of Omega 3. Some of the fish are the trout, swordfish, milkfish, salmon, mackerel, herring, and Albacore tuna.
Health foods are everywhere. Those mention here are just a few of the examples but mostly the healthiest and among the best. Dieting through health foods is as easy as picking the next choice.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Absorption Of Nutrients, Antibiotics, Balanced Food, Brazil, Causes Of Obesity, Correct Proportions, Dieting Health, Diseases, Fiber Density, Food Coloring, Food Industries, food;, Foods That Are High In Fiber, Fruits And Vegetables, Growth Hormones, Health Foods, High Fiber Foods, obesity;, oil;, olive oil;, Orderliness, Organic Food, organic food industries, Pesticides Herbicides, Refined Flour, Refined Sugar, rheumatism, Sales Pitch, select cancer, soybean oil, Specific Health, Use Of Pesticides —