Vital Symptoms of Lymphoma
The symptoms of lymphoma are very common in many other sicknesses, which is why you really have to be vigilant about your condition and consult a doctor whenever you feel like there is something wrong. It may actually take some time before you realize that you have this kind of sickness because during the first few days or weeks, you may not even feel that something has changed. If in doubt, do not hesitate and set an appointment with your doctor before you conclude anything and start looking for treatments.
These are the usual signs and symptoms of this kind of illness. Make sure that you dont easily panic once you perceive that you have two or more of these, because as stated above, most of these are also common in other kinds of disorders.
1. Losing weight rapidly. This can happen after some months and you will be surprised to lose about 15 pounds in a couple of months without doing anything. You will easily notice such change if you already have a modest weight and you are not limiting your food intake neither you are exercising regularly. This will be harder to determine and conclude that it is already a symptom to a sickness if you are really trying to lose weight.
In many cases, the weight loss occurs after you have lost appetite. This stage transpires when the illness has already grown and start spreading in your body. When you are starting to lose more than 10% of your ideal weight, you should be very concerned as to what is causing such and make sure that before your weight drop even lower, you have already sought the doctors help.
2. The most common and usually the first symptoms that you will encounter if you have this are lumps in the groin area, armpits and neck. These enlarged lymph nodes are painless and you may never notice these if you will not inspect your body thoroughly. These enlarged nodes cause the other signs that are included in this list, but these nodes can also be present if you have other kinds of illnesses.
3. When the nodes start to swell, you will experience fever that may last for some time. For example, for people who got what is called Hodgkin type of this illness, they will suffer from a fever that is referred to as Pel-Ebstein.
4. The cells that are infected with the disease secrete special chemicals that cause itchiness that will affect your whole body.
5. Some people experience excessive sweating at night. They usually get up with their bodies drenched in sweat without any specific reasons. This happens even when they are in a very comfortable situation and they really cant find any reason to sweat a lot.
There are other unusual symptoms that can be felt by people who are suffering from lymphoma, depending on where the sickness occurred. This can actually take place in any organ of the body and as the cancer cells grow bigger, the person who has this will feel weaker because the infected areas use more of the nutrients inside the body.
Tags: Appetite, Appointment, Armpits, cancer;, chemicals;, disease, disorders, Doctors, Doubt, Enlarged Lymph Nodes, Fever, First Few Days, food intake;, Groin Area, Ideal Weight, illness, Illnesses, Itchiness, Losing Weight, Lumps, Lymphoma, Lymphoma Symptoms, sickness, Sicknesses, Signs And Symptoms, Symptoms Of Lymphoma, Transpires, Vital Symptoms, Weight Loss —

Recover Your Healthy Self
Recover Your Healthy Self
Jay Morganson (aSuperHealth.com)
Effective Stress Management:
A Must For Those With Busy Lives
What would you do with increased stamina, decreased anxiety, and solid peace of mind? You would probably get more done in less time–at the very least, each day would be more enjoyable. In the long term, you would certainly experience better physical health and a longer life span.
The only thing standing between you and a higher level of general well-being is the unpreventable occurrence of stress. Daily stress can rob us of our potential, weakening every aspect of our lives. Consider the following:
Stress breaks down the efficiency of the immune system leaving our bodies vulnerable to illness and disease.
Stress causes heart problems and high blood pressure.
Stress contributes to addictive behavior, causing alcoholism, eating disorders, nicotine addiction, and workaholic tendencies.
Stress causes social withdrawal, perpetuating symptoms and leading to destructive isolation.
To avoid stress and related symptoms you must be proactive, nurturing your body and mind through a balanced diet, exercise, and reserved time for relaxation.
A Balanced Diet – We know that a balanced diet can improve your health, but can it really do anything for your stress level? Experts say it can. Research has found that good nutrition has a tremendous impact on our ability to ward off the damage stress can do to our systems. Sure, you’ll still feel tense, but with your body nutritionally armed for battle, you’ll handle things better. There are many things you can do to maximize your body’s fighting power.
One of the most significant things you can do is to reduce the amounts sugar and white flour in your diet. Sugar and white flour cause a host of problems you could do without. By reducing these items in your diet, you will be able to maintain better weight control, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase your energy level. Why? Because items made with these products metabolize too fast in your blood system. The result is unhealthy spikes in your blood sugar, rapid depletion of energy, and damaging stress symptoms.
Exercise – In addition to eating right, exercise can be a tremendous help in fighting stress. As you get moving, your circulation delivers oxygen and nutritional elements throughout your body. The result is muscle relaxation, the release of mood elevating chemicals, and a strengthened immune system. Studies show that those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from stress related illness.
Relaxation. When your body relaxes, it reverses stress symptoms. You experience a sense of control as you eliminate the feelings of helplessness that often accompany stress. Find that one thing that really helps you to kick back and forget about things for a while. Here are some suggestions:
– Catering to our senses, such as sight, smell, and sound can reduce anxiety. So put on some favorite music, keep fresh cut flowers in view, and sink into a warm bubble bath.
– Reduce the clutter in your life. Passing a stack of papers as you leave for work, tripping over boxes, or stuffing a breakfast plate into a sink of dirty dishes, creates underlying tension that acts as a fuse when something gets you fired up.
– Deal head-on with anything that has been bothering you. Ignoring problems won’t make them go away–resolving them will.
– Get a good night’s sleep. Your body needs this time to heal and “reboot” in preparation for the next day’s challenges. Deny this basic need and you drain all of your systems of their strength.
Good nutrition, exercise, and learning to enjoy life will help you ward off dangerous stress symptoms. It’s important that you take steps now to ensure a healthy future. That is why I dedicate several sections of my ebook series, Recover Your Healthy Self, to teaching you how to reduce the levels of stress in your life, instantly improving your quality of life. You’ll learn: How to cope rather than stress, 13 affirmations to move beyond stress and its impacts, how to become a relaxation guru, and much more.
About the Author
Jay Morganson from aSuperHealth.com
Tags: Addictive Behavior, Alcoholism, aSuperHealth.com, Author, Balanced Diet, Diet Exercise, disease, disorders, Eating Disorders, Effective Stress Management, energy level;, energy;, Good Nutrition, Healthy Self, heart disease;, Heart Problems, high blood pressure;, illness, Jay Morganson, Life Span, mood elevating chemicals, nicotine, Nicotine Addiction, Peace Of Mind, Physical Health, Produ, Relaxation, Risk Of Heart Disease, Significant Things, Social Withdrawal, Stress Breaks, Stress Level —

Eat Right For A Healthy Life
Eat Right For A Healthy Life
Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan
Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in an Ayurvedic classic ‘Charak Samhita’ that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of ‘Disease’.
According to ‘Charak Samhita -“An appropriate and suitable diet in a disease is equivalent to hundred drugs and any quantity of drug hardly compares to good results in disease without following proper dietetic regimen”
Ayurvedic has mentioned following principles for living full span of life with perfect health.
Diet should be regulated taking into account the ‘Desha'(territory), ‘Kala’ (Season as well as time of the day) etc. On should be in a habit of taking all six ‘Rasa’ (tastes) in order to prevent nutritional deficiency disorders.
Time of consuming food : A person should take meal only when he feels hungry. Lunch should be taken early between 12 and 1P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. The supper should be lesser and lighter than lunch
Quantity of food : Generally half of the capacity of stomach should be filled with solids, th with liquids and rest kept empty for the free movements of body humors.
Sequence of consuming food :Madhur (sweet) rasa food like fruits are advisable to take in the bigining of meal, food with Amla and Lavana (sour and salty) rasa in the middle and Katu,Tikta,Kashay (bitter ,astringent and pungent) foods should be taken at the end of meal
Method of consuming food :
* Wash the face hands and feet before meal. Dine in an isolated neat and clean place in pleasant environment with the affectionate persons in sitting position.
* Food should be taken after complete digestion of previous one.
* Hard items should be consumed in the beginning followed by soft and liquids subsequently.
* Few sips of water is advised now and then while taking meal.
* Heavy substances are contraindicated after meals and should be avoided
* Consumption of excessive hot food leads to weakness. Cold and dry food leads to delayed digestion. Intake of food prepared by giving extra
heat leads to ‘Glani’. Hence consumption of such food should be avoided
Incompatible Food (Viruddha ahara):
Milk followed by fruits and vice versa.
Soar substance along with milk.
Milk with salt, horse gram, green gram & cow gram
Wheat preparations in gingelly oil(Tila taila)
Hot drinks after alcohol, curd or honey.
Cold and hot substances together
Banana with curd and butter milk
Chicken with curd
Ghee kept in bronze vessel
Radish with jaggery
Fish with jaggery or sugar
Jingelly seeds with kanjika.
Use of incompatible food leads to skin disorders, Gastro intestinal .Disorders , anaemia, leucoderma hyperacidity impotence etc. hence should be avoided.
General Rules about food consumption :
Walk a while after meal to help digestion
No travelling, exercise or sexual intercourse within one hour after meal.
Avoid meals when thirsty and water while hungry.
Avoid meals after exertion
Avoid meals when you are having no appetite.
Don’t suppress the appetite as it leads to body pain, anorexia, lassitude, vertigo and general debility
Don’t suppress the thirst as it leads to general debility, giddiness and heart diseases.
Consumption of the fresh, acceptable, easily available and compatible food with various nutrients is a key to lead a healthy life.
Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan is practicing as ‘Ayurvedic Consultant’ for last 25 years at the city -Sangli , Maharashtra -India.
He has done his graduation in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [B.A.M&S] and post graduate Fellowship of Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine [F.F.A.M.] From Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune University , India, during the years 1970-1976.
He is a chief editor and Ayurvedic Consultant of a ‘Comprehensive website on Ayurveda – http://www.ayurveda-foryou.com
He is an author of many books on Ayurveda and is first to publish them in ebook format. He has written ebooks like – Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes , Home Remedies in Ayurveda , Treat Common Diseases with Ayurveda & Yoga , Ayurvedic Principles Revealed.
He regularly writes articles on various topics in Ayurveda in Ayurvedic health magazines and alternative medicine sites.
Tags: alternative medicine, Amla, Author, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Medicine, Bigining, Charak Samhita, chief editor and Ayurvedic Consultant, Cold and dry food leads, Common Diseases, consultant, diabetes;, disease, disorders, excessive hot food leads, Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine, food consumption;, food;, Habit, Hands And Feet, Health Diet, Heart Diseases, hyperacidity impotence, Improper Diet, incompatible food, India, Katu, Liquids, Maharashtra, Meal Food, nutritional deficiency disorders, oil;, pain;, pence, Perfect Health, Pune University, Pungent Foods, Rasa, rasa food, Regimen, Shashikant Patwardhan, Sips, Solids, Span, Stomach, Tastes, vertigo —