Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

How To Live A Life Of Health And Fitness

With cancer cropping up left and right, people are suddenly becoming more conscious with what they eat and do with their bodies. Fad diets have become a craze and so are gym workouts and alternative exercise for the body. But despite being the in thing to do right now, some people still find it hard to start walking the road to a life of health and fitness. After all, when you have already lived a life of debauchery, it will be harder to convert and walk the other road even if it is not as less traveled by.

To help you, here are some of the ways that you can start with your healthy lifestyle.

1. Dont smoke If you do not have the habit of smoking, good for you. Dont try to start as you will only get addicted with the cigarettes and it will be harder to quit when that happens. It is not true that you can smoke and quite when you want to. Its not. Once you become hooked into it, there is no turning back. If you are already part of those people who burn their lungs out everyday, the best bet is to make a commitment to quit. By doing this, you are already halfway to recovery. Make sure though that you are serious with your plans and you are not just doing it for any other reason than your health.

2. Lessen the junk One of the ways you can help keep your body healthy is to eat foods that are more natural and with less chemical content. Avoid eating junk foods like those huge packs of potato chips or binge on candies. You should also make it a point to lessen your intake of meats and consume more vegetables, fruits and seafood. This does not mean that you will forgo with meat altogether. You should still eat meat. The protein that it contains is important for some of the basic processes of the body.

3. Skip the Soda and even the iced tea As much as you can, drink water. This is the safest and healthiest drink there is. Sodas even the diet ones, are carbonated and contain high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates which can later be translated into fats. You can also try drinking green tea which can help in the digestive system. Iced tea may be tamer than sodas but these drinks also contain a lot of sugar which can pile up in the body. Stick to water and drink lots of it.

4. Stay active Another way to start living a life of health and fitness without having to shell out money and make lots of effort is to schedule an exercise routine every day. You can schedule it every morning when you wake up in the morning or do it at night after work. Whichever schedule you want to, make sure that you keep it to 30 minutes long to an hour. That way, you can exercise those muscles and avoid muscle pains. Exercise will also strengthen your bones and your body, promote better breathing and cellular activity, clear the brain and of course keep those extra calories out of the body. Thus, even if you eat a lot, you are not storing those fats and carbohydrates. You are expending them through your workout routine.

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Find Your Best Way To Loose Weight

How do you find the best way to loose weight for you and your body? While calories are the ultimate test of whether youll lose weighteat fewer, burn morethe same method of cutting calories doesnt work for everyone. Chances are that if you ate the exact same diet as someone else and did the same amount of exercise, youd both lose weight. Though, you wouldnt lose weight at the exact same rate, for various reasons. But unless youre going to have your meals served to you in exact portions each day and be prompted to do your exercises, the plan has to be a natural fit for you to stick with it.

The best way to loose weight for 5000 other people might not be the best for you. Even if its the healthiest plan on the planet, it might not be right for you. Because even the most wonderful diet plan ever created wont work if you dont stick with it. And if its not right for you, no matter what the reason, then you shouldnt try to keep following the plan.

Some diet and even exercise plans are obviously not the best way to loose weight and you know it right in the beginning. If you dont like olives, for instance, a diet that hinges on eating olives isnt right for you, no matter how popular it is with other people or how many pounds theyve lost. A diet that severely restricts meat and poultry might be very healthy and easy to lose weight on, but it does you little good if you dont follow it and sneak in some meat anyway.

Finding the best way to loose weight isnt always easy. Sometimes you have to try several different plans and methods of eating before you hit on one that feels natural. Youll want to aim for a way of eating that you think you can reasonably stick with forever. So fad diets and crash diets are out automatically. You cant eat soup for the rest of your life with nothing else. And you just wont want to fast 2 days a week every week for forever! Choose a plan that you feel you can live with for the long run.

Sometimes the best way to loose weight as far as your diet goes isnt that difficult to find. But finding the best exercise to help speed your weight loss and improve your health is a little harder to find. Running is one of the best cardiovascular exercises around, and many people whove lost a lot of weight and kept it off swear by its fat-burning abilities. But if you hate to run, you have bad knees, or some other reason why its not the perfect exercise for you, then clearly its not the best way to workout.

Listen to your body and watch the scale carefully as you experiment with diets and exercise plans. When youre losing weight steadily and feeling good, youve found your best way to loose weight.

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The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss

The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss
Marilyn Pokorney

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The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem.
There are no official statistics for spending on diet
products, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in the
US alone, much of that on scams and fad diets that promise
the impossible.

Research shows that 95% of people who have lost weight find
that they regain it back when they return to their normal
eating habits.

According to the Center for Disease Control’s Chronic
Disease Center, in 1991 in the United States, only four
states had an obesity prevalence of 15 percent to 19
percent. In 2003, 15 states had an obesity prevalence of
15 to 19 percent, 31 states had an obesity prevalence of 20
to 24 percent, and four states had a prevalence of 25
percent or more.

Major medical problems associated with obesity include
gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, high blood
cholesterol, diabetes, and osteoarthritis.

If that isn’t incentive enough to lose that excess weight
statistics show that overweight people are usually given
lower paying jobs, get lower salaries, receive little in
raises, and are, as a whole, looked down upon by 40 percent
of fellow employees and employers.

In 2002 The American Heart Association reported that more
than 10 percent of US children ages 2 to 5 are overweight.
That is up from 7 percent in 1994. The situation is
probably even worse now, said Dr. Robert H. Eckel,
president-elect of the heart association and professor of
medicine at the University of Colorado.

The obesity problem among children has increased with
school-age children as well. Four million children ages 6
to 11 and 5.3 million in age group 12 to 19 have increased
by 75 percent from 1991.

Food habits adopted in childhood can be hard to change. As
a result hypertension and high cholesterol leading to heart
disease, strokes, and diabetes are going to become the
nations top health problem with people of all ages within 10
to 30 years. These are ailments that usually afflict the
middle age to elderly population. More than a million new
cases of diabetes are already being diagnosed each year,
says the American Diabetic Association.

Nearly 30 percent of American adults are overweight and
another 30 percent are obese, according to University of
Minnesota researchers. Obesity is usually described as a
weight 20 percent greater than the persons desirable weight.

A study by the Obstetrics and Gynecology department at the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle revealed
that 60% of overweight women, and 70% of obese women, are
likely to become pregnant while taking the pill. The
researchers suggest that a higher metabolism is the reason,
causing the medication to be effective for a shorter length
of time. Or, that the drug interacts with the body’s
hormones in a way that the drug becomes trapped in the body
fat instead of circulating in the bloodstream.

Studies with obese pregnant women show they are 50% more
likely to die during pregnancy than those of normal weight.
Complications such as miscarriage, gestational diabetes,
hypertension, pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and stillbirth
are also more common. Preliminary evidence shows that
babies are also adversely affected, and are more likely to
be obese themselves in later life.

Fast foods: Studies show that people who frequent fast food
outlets twice a week or more gained 36 pounds over the
course of 15 years compared to 26 pounds for those that
frequented them once a week or less.

A major factor for the obesity crisis is a sedentary
lifestyle, not enough exercise, and the eating of high
calorie fast foods in place of nutritious natural food

Fast food is designed to promote consumption of the maximum
number of calories in the minimum amount of time. This
upsets the body’s normal metabolism. One solution is to eat
smaller, more nutritious, meals more frequently throughout
the day.

Physical activity reduces the effects of being overweight,
but healthy eating habits have to be followed to prevent
disease associated with poor nutrition according to an
expert of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School
of Public Health.

The new diet guidelines set by the Health and Human Services
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture is basically a
balanced diet and good old fashioned exercise. They stress
more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and limit fats, sugar,
alcohol, and salt.

Many supermarkets are open 24 hours a day making a choice of
healthy food available at all times.

For more tips on how to lose weight safely see The Secret to
Weight Loss at:

Author: Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.

About the Author

Author: Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.

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Stomach Fat Burning-Diets Are Everywhere

Stomach fat burning diets are everywhere. The first thing you need to ask yourself is, are they safe? Some diet plans can do a lot more harm than good. Fad diets such as the grapefruit diet for example, may work only up to a point.

When you have lost the weight and the diet is over, you just go back to the same way you ate before and what happens? The weight comes back and if you are not careful you may just add on a few extra pounds.

If you only have a few pounds to lose then by all means try one of the many fast stomach fat burning diets available so you can get into that dress for the wedding. But, if you have a lot of weight to lose you will need to make some lifestyle changes to reach your goal weight.

Take a minute to write down where you want to end up. What are your goals. Keep track of what you eat in a journal so you can see what you are putting in your body so if it needs to be changed you can change it. Writing in a journal everyday is a very effective tool to use to help you lose the weight you need to lose.

Learn every aspect about food. Become and expert. Figure out how many calories, fats, carbs and sodium are in the food you eat so you will be able to put meals together that are nutritionally balanced and satisfying. Knowing what the right numbers are helps a lot.

You can figure out how many calories you need in a day by calculating your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, or you can simply make up a meal plan that has enough food to equal 1500 calories or so. Keep it all on paper so you can see it daily. Just having a plan is not enough if it is written down you can hold yourself accountable for every single meal.

Learning to eat differently may take some practice and careful planning. When I tell you that you need to eat small meals throughout your day you are going to say you do not have the time to do that because you are at work. well then, I will say that yes you can with some precise planning.

Start packing your lunch and snacks to work with you. Stop wasting money and gaining weight by eating out when you are at work. Save your wallet and your waistline by buying an insulated lunch box and healthy food to put in it.

Now you need to figure what your lunch and snacks will consist of. Well, how about a cup of yogurt and some celery sticks? With a full glass of water that is a great snack for the middle of the morning. For your lunch, why not have a sandwich made of lean turkey breast with some light mayo and lettuce and a cup of grapes? There are a lot of things you can do to make sure you eat small meals throughout your day.

Do your best to drink enough water during the day, too. Stay away from pop and caffeinated beverages like coffee. Caffeine has a drying effect on the body and can contribute to dehydration. Drink lots of water.

If you do start one of the fast stomach fat burning diets and there are a lot of restrictions to the diet you may need to take a supplement to get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

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