Making a Six Pack and Losing Weight
Studies have shown that there are more people who are overweight now than ever before. To counter this threat, health professionals have come up with various ways to lose weight.
Some programs recommend the person eat products that are rich in carbohydrates while cutting down on protein and the other way around. A few examples of these are the south beach diet, protein power and the Aitkins diet.
One program that could make the person have great abs and lose weight is called the Abs diet.
Mr. David Zinczenko is the person who designed the abs diet. Thos who want to try this should commit to the program over a 6-week period. After which the individual will see a dramatic change such as flatter abs and weight loss.
This dietary plan was initially designed for men but some women have also tried it and have reported to show positive results.
Studies have shown that a pound of muscle gained helps the person burn more than 50 calories per day. So, if after extensive work in the gym the individual is able to develop 10 pounds of muscle, this translates to burning 500 calories daily.
People who follow the program consistently are able to lose twelve pounds in the first two weeks with about five to eight in the succeeding weeks.
Everybody normally eats three square meals a day. This diet program involves eating small servings six times a week. The food consists of eggs, whole grain cereals or bread, poultry, lean meat, low fat dairy products and certain fruits.
Aside from only eating those in the list, the person will also have to endure a 20-minute workout three times a week that is designed to help in the fat burning process.
The abs diet is fairly new compared to other programs that have been around for more than 10 years.
The abs diet is available in the bookstore or in the Internet. It is best to read up on it and do some research so the person will be able to understand what will happen should the individual decide to try it out.
It is also advisable to consult with the doctor to make sure the food to be taken in and the exercises to be done weekly are safe.
Losing weight will not be easy. The person should be serious about it and follow all the directions in order to achieve the desired results.
Tags: 20 Minute Workout, Abs Diet, Aitkins Diet, Calories Per Day, David Zinczenko, Develop 10, Diet Program, Diet Protein, Dietary Plan, Dramatic Change, fat dairy products, food;, Fruits And Vegetables, Great Abs, Healthy Diet, Lean Meat, Losing Weight, Protein Diet, Protein Power, Six Pack, South Beach Diet, Square Meals, Thos, Ways To Lose Weight, Whole Grain Cereals —

Can Following A High Protein Low Carb Diet Make You
Can Following A High Protein Low Carb Diet Make You Thin
With obesity reaching record levels, following a high protein low carb diet is often the suggested approach to losing weight. But does it work?
High protein diets were extremely popular but studies have shown that they can cause bad breath, digestive issues and may even cause kidney disorders. No diet that concentrates on one nourishment group to the exclusion of others is healthy.
A healthy eating purpose is sole that combines all the nutrients that your body needs in order to function at its best. There are two different types of nutrients found in food. Macronutrients are found in carbohydrates, protein, fats and water. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. Your body needs both types to age and it is only be ensuring you eat them in the right quantities in order to extent your optimum weight.
Following a high protein low carb diet may not be ideal. Although we need proteins to perform amino acids which used to make cells and tissues, you will put on weight if you eat too much of the wrong sources of protein. Full fat dairy products and fatty red meat are both great sources of protein but consumed excessively will lead to heart disease, cholesterol problems and other health issues.
Further not all carbohydrates are created equal. Your body needs large quantities of carbohydrates to function properly but this does not mean that you can eat as many cakes and biscuits owing to you want. You should be aiming to consume carbs that score low on the glycaemic index. These will help you lose weight and gain energy perfect for those new exercise sessions you are going to be undertaking!
But what does the glycaemic index mean? It is simply a measure of how the nutriment you eat reacts in your body. Foods with a high glycaemic record are converted very quickly into glucose whilst those low GI foods convert much more slowly. What does that mean to you? Well glucose is what our figure uses for energy. But if it doesnt appropriateness all the glucose you consume, the excess is converted to fat and stored on our bodies. It makes sense that we would prefer to eat less of those foods that convert quickly into glucose as we are looking to lose weight not increase our fat levels.
Carbohydrates such as white bread, potatoes are high GI foods so best avoided when trying to lose weight. Weight gain is not the only worry with consuming too many high GI foods. This overdose of glucose has been linked to the increase in diabetes, an illness we all want to pass over if possible.
Following a low GI diet combined with a gentle exercise plan will lead to weight loss and other health benefits. You will embody increasing your intake of fiber which should help prevent cancer. You will look younger as your skin will benefit from the lower consumption of sugar and toxins.
So do yourself a favour, knock the high protein low carb diet on the head and start eating low Dogface foods instead.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Amino Acids, cancer;, Cells And Tissues, Cholesterol Problems, diabetes;, Different Types Of Nutrients, energy;, fat dairy products, food;, Gain Energy, gain energy perfect, Glycaemic Index, Great Sources Of Protein, heart disease;, High Protein Diets, High Protein Low Carb Diet, illness, Kidney Disorders, Low Carb Diet, Low Gi Foods, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Nutriment, obesity;, Optimum Weight, Protein Diet, Sources Of Protein, Types Of Nutrients, Vitamins And Minerals —

Hifzur Rehman
Yes, it is possible for the people of all ages to keep themselves healthy, physically fit and young looking throughout their whole lives. Just take the following three steps and enjoy a healthy, happy and a long life.
1.Eat Balanced Food
Its OK to eat for taste or for fun and eat whatever you like most but only occasionally. Remember, if you develop bad eating habits then you would have to pay its price in the shape of bad health and illness. Hope you are wise enough not to play with your health.
Eat a wide variety of foods containing a good balance of carbohydrates, vitamins, food fiber and minerals, which are essential elements of a healthy diet. Eat simple and natural foods that are easily digestable and promote good health. Fruits, vegetables, green leaves, grains, whole grain breads, fish, poultry, low fat dairy products, honey, nuts etc. are good and nourishing food. Limit you intake of full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, cheese, chocolate, ice cream, milk shakes, cakes, eggs, all kind of fried foods, red meat, sugar and salt.
2.Exercise Regularly
A simple way of living a healthy life is to exercise regularly. Regular exercise keeps your body in good shape, physically as well as mentally. It increases your stamina, builds and tones your muscles and energize your whole body. It also reduces the chances of having heart attacks, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Engage yourself in some kind of regular exercise of your own choice; brisk walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, dancing, cycling, skiing, climbing, aerobics or yoga. These are good exercises. Choose one or more exercises which you like most. Do it regularly. Give top priority to your health. Put it in your agenda. Make it a part of your goal.
3.Get Rid of Negativity
If you are a person with negative approach to everything then nothing will work for you. Even eating the balanced diet and taking part in regular physical activity will not show any sign of recovery in your body if it is charged with negativity. Get rid of negative feelings about yourself and others. Think positive, feel positive, be friendly with positive people, read a lot of self improvement and motivational material and charge your body with positive currents. Depression, stress, tension and anxiety are the products of negative thinking about life and thus increases your chances of having a heart attack and other diseases like colon cancer, high blood pressure, indigestion problems, gastric troubles, body pains, headaches etc. Find the reasons of depression and try to address them through positive thinking and a sensible approach to day to day problems. Learn from your mistakes and try your best not to repeat them. Get rid of negativity and enjoy a healthy life!
Hifzur Rehman is the owner and editor of a wonderful website http://www.selfimprovement.ch which offers a lot of useful and interesting information on various aspects of human life.
Tags: Bad Eating Habits, Balanced Diet, Balanced Food, Chocolate Ice Cream, Colon Cancer, Cream Milk, depression;, diabetes;, Diseases, editor, fat dairy products, food fiber, food;, Fried Foods, Fruits Vegetables, Good Shape, Grain Breads, Green Leaves, headaches;, Health And Illness, Healthy Diet, heart attack;, Heart Attacks, high blood pressure;, illness, indigestion, Negative Approach, Nourishing Food, pains, Regular Physical Activity, Salt 2, Sugar And Salt, Yogurt Cheese —