Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

The Lowdown On Low Carbohydrate Diet Plan

With the sudden boom of dieting in the country, different diet programs have been introduced in the country. Although many experts believe that proper exercise and not only diet can lose those pounds in a healthy way, many people still believe in the power of diet programs and diet plans. One of the most controversial kinds of diet plans is the low-carbohydrate diet program, which focuses on the reduction of carbohydrate consumption in the body.

According to the theory, when carbohydrates are no longer being taken in, the body will be forced to use fats and water as alternative sources of energy; thereby helping to shed off those unwanted pounds.

Fats, unbeknownst to many, can actually be converted to energy. The body just doesnt use it as the first priority because it is more complex in structure and therefore, harder to break down and convert into energy. Among the popular low carbohydrate diets in the country is the Atkins diet.

Despite arguments from its critics, low carbohydrate diet has proven its effectiveness in terms of losing that extra weight. To date, it counts millions of followers not only in the country but also outside America.

Actually, cutting down on carbohydrates in the diet is a practice that people have been doing for years. When people cut down on their rice or bread or do not eat rice at all, they are reducing their carbohydrate intake. Of course, because it is not an official diet plan they are not really restricting themselves completely. When you are under a diet plan, you are not allowed to eat any kind of carbohydrates.

One of the advantages of low carbohydrate diet is the fact that it can actually increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is really good news to people who have a heart problem. This is perhaps the reason why Atkins diet was used for cardio patients. This diet plan can also reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body. Triglycerides can be dangerous when combined with a high level of LDL or bad cholesterol. Both can increase the risk for heart attack and heart disease.

Low carb diet plans are also found to be good in balancing mood swings. They will not be prone to extreme lows such as depression or extreme high. People who are under the program are found to have fairly stable energy levels unlike those with high carbo levels.

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Does Eating High Protein Low Carb Meals Really Make You

Does Eating High Protein Low Carb Meals Really Make You Lose Weight

Yes, eating high protein low carb meals will help you lose weight but it may produce at the expense of your health. Followers of these types of diets often find that they suffer from digestive problems. Some have had kidney disorders whilst a lot have open to chewing mints or gum to prevent the cool breath associated with this diet plan.

So what really works to help you lose weight? The first fact you should do is stop trying to complicate weight loss. In structure to lose those pounds, most people need to exercise more and eat less. If you are serious about weight loss, you need to predispose moving. You need to walk at least 10, 000 steps a day. The average person manages to walk less than 5000.

You need to copper your diet. We have all been misled by the numerous diet experts that have been quoted in the press over the years. The experts have told us that we should eat more protein. They deliver to cut dairy foods out of our diet and to only eat matchless egg a week. Then they change their minds and say that eggs dont cause cholesterol and we should eat more.

What is the average device supposed to do? Apart from following the high protein low carbohydrate trend, why dont you start looking at your diet as a whole? Are you eating your five portions of fruit and vegetables a day? Do you look at the GI index of the foods you eat?

Studies have shown that eating foods that are low on the GI index will increase your energy levels and will also develop your mood. A major worth of eating carbohydrates is that they release serotonin the calming hormone that affects our mood. This might explain why people who avoid carbohydrates are often miserable!

Eating foods low on the GI index will lead to a still and like bereavement of serotonin and energy which will help to keep you on an even keel. The days of feeling jittery due to a sugar overdoes are over.

Sugary foods attack your immune system and may supine feed cancer. Yet another reason to avoid eating cakes, biscuits and other high GI foods. People who follow the high protein diets will stop eating bread and as most of us consume too much white bread, this is a good thing. But it would be better to switch to eating granary or wholegrain breads which are a welcome supply of many essential vitamins and minerals.

A conglomerate of people on diets will eat rice cakes as they are low in fat. But what they dont know is that these rice cakes release glucose identical quickly. Unless you use this extra energy, it will be converted to fat and stored on your body anyway. Just of substance to remember next time you feel a little peckish!

Eating high protein low carb meals may help you to lose weight initially but may come at drastically high a cost to your long term health.

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Atkins and Appetite Suppression

One of the most common, and surprising, effects of following the Atkins diet is appetite suppression. Many followers of the plan report that the between meal hunger pangs they used to experience fade away very quickly. This makes it easier to stay on the diet and continue to lose weight. While other diets have their followers starving between meals, the Atkins diet offers relief from constant hunger. The Atkins diet, with its specific combination of foods and ingredients, has powerful appetite suppressing effects.

The first key component is the amount of protein in the Atkins diet. Protein, more so than carbohydrates, has the power to satiate hunger. If youve ever eaten a carb heavy meal and then felt hungry afterward, you know that carbohydrates dont have much staying power. Protein, when combined with a small amount of healthy fats, can keep you feeling full for long periods of time.

One of the most powerful appetite suppressing foods on the Atkins diet are eggs. Eggs are a great form of quick and easy protein. A recent study showed that eating eggs for breakfast would actually stave off hunger pangs through the rest of the day. The research concerned two groups of women. One group ate eggs for breakfast and the other had a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese. The calorie count for both breakfasts was exactly the same. The subjects kept track of what they ate the rest of the day and answered questions about their levels of hunger and satisfaction throughout the day. The results showed that the women who ate the eggs for breakfast felt more satisfied throughout the entire day. They ate less at each meal than the women who were in the bagel group.

Eggs contain about 6 grams of protein each. This helps to even out blood sugar and produces a feeling of satisfaction. Both of these factors help to curb cravings. Egg yolks also contain lutein and xenazanthin. These nutrients have been shown to have incredible effects on eye health. So its important to eat the whole egg, and not just the white. Eggs contain choline that is important in brain functioning and memory. These nutrients are just an added benefit to the appetite suppressing qualities.

Broccoli and cauliflower, two of the acceptable vegetables on the Atkins program, also have appetite-suppressing effects. These vegetables are very bulky and they help make your stomach feel full. When your stomach feels full, it will actually create a chemical response in your body. Your body will reduce its appetite because it believes that your stomach is full of high calorie foods. This will happen regardless of what is in your stomach. You can achieve the same results with water and psyllium husk fiber. Both broccoli and cauliflower provide bulk in your diet and are essential vegetables on the Atkins plan.

The Atkins diet focuses on eating small protein balanced meals a few times per day. This will help keep your blood sugar stabilized and avoid carbohydrate cravings. With high carbohydrate diets, you are riding the wave of carbohydrate highs. After you eat, you feel great and full. Then a few hours later, you come crashing down and are hungrier than you were previous to eating the carbohydrate. This cycle continues and, over time, you will eat more and gain weight. The protein, fat and vegetable meals of the Atkins plan put your blood sugar back in balance. They provide just enough of each type of food, with a proper amount of carbohydrates (from the vegetables). The vegetables provide quick carbohydrate energy, and the protein gives the meal staying power. This combination helps suppress your appetite.

The Atkins diet is actually a craving control diet that can help suppress your appetite. If youve had a problem with carbohydrate cravings before, this new way of eating will help control those cravings. The more you eat on the plan, the better your cravings will be controlled and the easier it will be to follow the diet.

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