End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP
It’s that time of year we all start thinking about putting on a healthy layer of fat, just like the hibernating bears. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a palpable difference in the air. We’ve generally accepted that it is nature’s way of helping us provide a little extra winter fat, storing up for the winter, just in case. But how long since you last had a food shortage or had to wait out the winter for your next meal?
This year can be different.
Today consider making one small change. When you make a small change, it is easier to handle, you are more likely to incorporate it into your daily life and you are more likely to succeed, than if you try to make a global change to your whole way of being.
Instead of taking something away, start by adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet. Just for today, throw out your rules, if you typically follow a diet that forbids fruit or fresh vegetables because fresh foods are too important to miss. Fresh foods are sweet, satisfying and full of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other things that your body requires for optimum health.
Choose a few you particularly enjoy. This time of year apples are great, citrus fruits, bananas are available year-round. Get some fresh fruits you like and start carrying a food sack everywhere you go. Try little packages of baby carrots, or cut up cauliflower and broccoli. A fellow I know always has a bagful of chopped cauliflower, carrots, and others vegis he munches on. That’s smart.
The idea with healthy snacking is that when hunger strikes (or what you think is hunger), no matter where you are you’ll now have healthy snacks handy. No more having to buy a candy bar because you’re famished. My choices for healthy snacks won’t suit everyone, but that’s fine. Choose other things that would work better for you. I enjoy things such as jerky, whole grain rolls or bagels, yogurts, and fresh fruits as I mentioned earlier. I almost always have an apple nearby.
The idea is that it’s not that you couldn’t wait, but what has forestalling your hunger done for you so far? It tends to set you up for later binging and out-of-control snacking. Eating a few healthy snacks during the day can end that pattern once and for all.
Here’s a plan: Think of one or two fresh foods you could carry in a big or small cooler and then do it. As I’m writing this I’m a little hungry and I’m starting to think about having a snack. I might eat an apple, a banana or some jerky because they are all within my immediate reach. That’s far better than not eating anything now, but instead deciding to “wait it out,” while I start thinking about cookies and cake and pizza and other fast foods I can grab on the way home.
Going all day in a hungry or denied state sets you up for late night binging and out-of-control snacking. You’ll never be able to make up for the earlier deprivation. Why bother. I’ve never met anyone yet who got fat from eating too much fruit, so be brave and give this idea a chance.
About the Author
Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, author of the free
e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight
Loss, and owner of http://www.OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com
Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and
NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss and Tackling any
Obstacles http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/getnews.html
Tags: Author, Baby Carrots, Bioflavonoids, Candy Bar, Chopped Cauliflower, Citrus Fruits, E Book, food sack, Food Shortage, Fresh Foods, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Fruit And Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, Hibernating, Kathryn Martyn, Losing Weight, Massive Snow, Nip In The Air, Optimum Health, Practitioner, Vitamins Minerals, Whole Grain, Winter Fat, Winter Weight Gain —
pH miracle diet critics
When something becomes popular, it invites criticism from other sources. The recently popular pH miracle diet is no different. As the program has gained followers, it has gained just as much criticism from different individuals.
The main criticism of the diet is that it encourages people to become vegetarians and vegans. Critics say that this diet, particularly with its omission of dairy products (a vegetarian protein source), is dangerously low in protein. However, this criticism comes from the common misconception that humans need massive amounts of protein. The recent popularity of low-carb diets (which are really just high-protein diets) has re-cemented this myth in the mind of many people. Health has become equivalent with eating red meat and dairy.
However, there are many sources of natural and healthy proteins that dont have the harmful acidic effects of red meat and dairy products. The truth is, most people get too much protein and not too little. Women require about 45 grams of protein per day, and men need 55 grams. Once single cup of tofu (which is acceptable on the pH miracle diet) contains 20 grams of protein. Beans contain at least 8 grams of protein per half cup. So it is really quite easy to get enough protein on a vegetarian diet.
Another criticism related to this issue is calcium. Many people equate drinking milk with strong bones. However, American women consume an average of two pounds of milk per day and yet 30 million of them develop osteoporosis. If drinking milk helped make bones stronger, then the opposite would be true. A study conducted by Cornell-trained nutritionist Amy Joy Lanou showed that there was no specific link between dairy products and bone health in children and young adults. There are plenty of sources of calcium available in the alkalizing food categories that will provide protection against osteoporosis.
Many critics also claim that the emphasis on vegetables and fresh foods is the real reason behind the success that people receive from the diet. The pH miracle diet suggests eating almost 70 percent vegetables and acceptable fruits. At this level, whether you are eating alkalizing foods or not, anyone will have an improvement in health. Critics disregard the importance of the pH balance of the diet.
However, there have been many people who have experienced great results after eliminating wheat, an acidic food. Wheat is not a food that one normally associates with ill health, however, eliminating wheat has been a godsend to many people who have suffered the symptoms of over-acidified diets. The amount of alkalizing vegetables in the diet will definitely do anybody good, whether or not they take the rest of the diet to heart. By eating from the list of alkaline foods, you will be improving your health no matter how strict you are on the diet.
This leads to another popular criticism of the book. Many people claim that the pH miracle diet program is too strict for daily life. The elimination of common foods like animal protein, milk and wheat seems overwhelming for people. They cannot fathom going through a whole day without eating something from one of these foods groups. The idea of sticking to a diet that is primarily plant based seems too rigid and strict. However, many people who use the pH miracle diet have seen beneficial results without being 100% strict with the rules of the diet.
Like with many other diets, the pH miracle diet outlines steps toward better health. The emphasis here is on steps. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to do a complete 180-degree change in his or her eating habits overnight. Taking a slower approach to changing your diet will create longer and more successful results. If the diet is followed word for word, it is difficult at first because people are so used to eating a certain way. With time and practice though, you can move toward better health and a more pH balanced diet.
Tags: acidic food, Amy Joy, Amy Joy Lanou, Bone Health, Common Misconception, Cornell, dairy products;, Food Categories, food;, Fresh Foods, High Protein Diets, Little Women, Low Carb Diets, Massive Amounts, Nutritionist, osteoporosis;, Ph Miracle Diet, Protein Source, Red Meat, Sources Of Calcium, Two Pounds, Vegans, Vegetarian Diet, Vegetarian Protein, Vegetarians, Young Adults —
pH miracle diet critics
When something becomes popular, it invites criticism from other sources. The recently popular pH miracle diet is no different. As the program has gained followers, it has gained just as much criticism from different individuals.
The main criticism of the diet is that it encourages people to become vegetarians and vegans. Critics say that this diet, particularly hole up its omission of dairy products ( a vegetarian protein source ), is dangerously low in protein. However, this criticism comes from the common misconception that humans need massive amounts of protein. The recent popularity of low – carb diets ( which are really just high – protein diets ) has re – cemented this myth in the mind of many people. Health has become equivalent with eating red meat and dairy.
However, proficient are many sources of natural and healthy proteins that dont have the harmful acidic effects of red meat and dairy products. The truth is, most people get too exceedingly protein and not too little. Women require about 45 grams of protein per day, and men need 55 grams. Once single cup of tofu ( which is acceptable on the pH miracle diet ) contains 20 grams of protein. Beans contain at least 8 grams of protein per half cup. So it is quite quite easy to get enough protein on a vegetarian diet.
Massed criticism related to this issue is calcium. Numerous people equate drinking milk with strong bones. However, American femininity mar an average of two pounds of milk per day and sometime 30 million of them prosper osteoporosis. If drinking milk helped make bones stronger, then the opposite would be true. A study conducted by Cornell – trained nutritionist Amy Good humor Lanou showed that trained was no specific incorporate between dairy products and bone health in children and young adults. There are plenty of sources of calcium available in the alkalizing food categories that will provide shelter condemn osteoporosis.
Many critics also claim that the emphasis on vegetables and fresh foods is the real actuation behind the success that people receive from the diet. The pH miracle diet suggests eating halfway 70 percent vegetables and shipshape fruits. At this level, whether you are eating alkalizing foods or not, anyone will have an improvement in health. Critics disregard the seriousness of the pH balance of the diet.
However, there have been many people who posses experienced oversize results coming eliminating wheat, an acidic food. Wheat is not a food that one normally associates with ill health, however, eliminating wheat has been a godsend to many people who have suffered the symptoms of over – acidified diets. The amount of alkalizing vegetables in the diet will definitely transact anybody good, whether or not they take the rest of the diet to heart. By eating from the list of alkaline foods, you will be improving your health no matter how strict you are on the diet.
This leads to another popular criticism of the book. Many people claim that the pH miracle diet program is too conscientious for daily life. The elimination of common foods like animal protein, milk and wheat seems neat for people. They cannot fathom game through a entire day missed eating something from one of these foods groups. The idea of sticking to a diet that is primarily plant based seems too rigid and fair-minded. However, many people who use the pH miracle diet have seen beneficial results without whereas 100 % strict with the rules of the diet.
Like with multifarious other diets, the pH miracle diet outlines steps beneficial better health. The emphasis here is on steps. It is screwy to expect anyone to do a complete 180 – degree change in his or her eating habits overnight. Taking a slower approach to changing your diet will create longer and more successful impact. If the diet is followed word for word, it is difficult at inaugural because people are so used to eating a certain way. With time and practice though, you can move toward more suitable health and a more pH balanced diet.
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Tags: Atkins, Bone Health, dairy products;, Eating Habits, Femininity, Food Categories, Fresh Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Humor, Healthy Diet, High Protein Diets, Little Women, Low Carb Diets, Massive Amounts, Ph Miracle Diet, Protein Source, Red Meat, Sources Of Calcium, Two Pounds, Vegans, Vegetarian Diet, Vegetarian Protein, Vegetarians, Young Adults —
I Need To Lose Weight
How many times have you looked in the mirror and said to yourself, “I need to lose weight?” Is this a trick question? Seriously, how many minutes are there in a day? That’s probably how many times you have said these words to yourself just yesterday as a matter of fact.
Those little words, “I need to lose weight” can bring on a stress level and intimidation that is hard to get around and hard to understand. We all know for a fact that if we want to lose weight that there is no magic pill that we can take when we go to bed and we will be thin and beautiful when we wake up.
Too bad there isn’t but we all know that to lose the weight we need to lose will take some hard work on our parts and we are not sure we can sustain that level of commitment for the long haul. Maintaining motivation is difficult and most human beings are inherently lazy. I’m not dissin’ anybody, I am the same way, and I will be the first to admit it.
What we do not realize is that with just a few little adjustments we can change our lives and our weight with very little effort. If you follow a few simple suggestions and guidelines then you will be on your way to having a new body to show off to all of your friends and family.
The first thing is to eat sensibly. Go to your kitchen right now and throw out all the junk food. This may be the hardest thing you have done in a long time but it needs to be done. Ok, I will let you save one item for your first weeks reward. Pick one and put it away.
Next, when you go shopping make a list beforehand and stick to it. Start by buying fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables. Or go to a local farmer’s market on Saturday morning to get some really fresh stuff from local growers. You might have to spend a little more but the quality is well worth it.
If you really do not know where to start find a cookbook and choose several recipes that you think may be good and good for you. Make your fresh food list from the recipes. Buy only what you need for the recipes, if you want to be successful then make sure you have all the ingredients you need for the dish you want to make. I find that nothing is more frustrating than starting to make something and then finding out that I don’t have all the ingredients.
Most importantly here, drink plenty of water. Try this, put a cup (or more to taste) of fresh or frozen berries into a gallon jug and fill it with water. Let the berries infuse their juices for a couple of hours and then strain the berries off through a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to catch the pulp and seeds. This will help with the mundaneness of water and add some vitamins and minerals, too. If you feel the need to sweeten it then do so with an artificial sweetener to keep the calorie count down. Following these suggestions will change your statement from, “I need to lose weight” to “I need to go buy some new, smaller clothes”.
Tags: Cookbook, Fresh Food, Fresh Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, Hardest Thing, Human Beings, Intimidation, Junk food;, Long Haul, Long Time, Losing Weight, Magic Pill, Maintaining Motivation, Matter Of Fact, Mirror, Recipes, S Market, Saturday Morning, Simple Suggestions, Stress Level, Trick Question, Vitamins And Minerals —